Is it possible to search a keyword in CTS Job fields and custom attribute both - google-cloud-talent-solution

We are implementing CTS job search. We are looking for an implementation where if user searches for a keyword, let's say "Sales", that would then show all matching results that keyword matched in CTS providing fields like: Title, Description, Category, Location, etc OR all matching results that keyword matched any Custom Attribute attached to the job.
Is it possible in Google CTS job search?
When we have passing keyword "Sales", it's only returning results that are matching to CTS core fields like title, description and so on.

After some digging on CTS documentation i found answer for my question.
There is an attribute we have to set in created Company named as "keywordSearchableJobCustomAttributes" that accepts string as field names.
A list of keys of filterable Job.custom_attributes, whose
corresponding stringValues are used in keyword searches. Jobs with
stringValues under these specified field keys are returned if any of
the values match the search keyword. Custom field values with
parenthesis, brackets and special symbols are not searchable as-is,
and those keyword queries must be surrounded by quotes.
Below are references.


elasticseach similarity mechanism in array field

My usecase is I have a field called subjects in elasticsearch index which is a list. This field will be having multiple values. For example one doc has ['subject one', 'subject two', 'subject three'] in field subjects, another doc has ['one test', 'one example', 'two'] in field name. So when I search for subject one in field name, I should get the first document first since it is most relevant, but I was getting the second doc first, even though I am sorting the result by _score.
Basically what I want is for when the user searches multiple search terms, and if all the search terms are present in one documents field then that document should get listed first. For text fields and all, it works fine, But for array fields, it didn't. my list field has more data.
Is there anyway that we can achieve this using any ES similarity mechanisms like BM25..
Thank you

Avoid part of a string search in elasticsearch

I have a scenario where i want to search for 'bank of india' and documents retrieved have hits for 'reserve bank of india', 'state bank of india', etc. Basically the search string named entity is part of another named entity as well.
What are the ways to avoid it in elasticsearch?
If you use keyword type instead of text as the mapping for your entity field you will no longer have those partial matches. keyword says treat this text like a single unit (named entities are like this), while text says treat each word as a unit and consider the field as a bag of words, So the query looks for the most word matches, regardless of order or if all of the words are there. There are different queries that can get at that requiring order (match_phrase) and requiring all words to be matches (minimum_should_match parameter), but I like to use the term query if you follow the keyword mapping strategy. Does that make sense?

elasticsearch - Tag data with lookup table values

I’m trying to tag my data according to a lookup table.
The lookup table has these fields:
• Key- represent the field name in the data I want to tag.
In the real data the field is a subfield of “Headers” field..
An example for the “Key” field:
“Server. (* is a wildcard)
• Value- represent the wanted value of the mentioned field above.
The value in the lookup table is only a part of a string in the real data value.
An example for the “Value” field:
• Vendor- the value I want to add to the real data if a combination of field- value is found in an document.
An example for combination in the real data:
“Headers.Server : Linux/2.x UPnP/1.0 Avtech/1.0”
A match with that document in the look up table will be:
Key= Server (with wildcard on both sides).
Value= Avtech(with wildcard on both sides)
Vendor= Avtech
So baisically I’ll need to add a field to that document with the value- “ Avtech”.
the subfields in “Headers” are dynamic fields that changes from document to document.
of a match is not found I’ll need to add to the tag field with value- “Unknown”.
I’ve tried to use the enrich processor , use the lookup table as the source data , the match field will be ”Value” and the enrich field will be “Vendor”.
In the enrich processor I didn’t know how to call to the field since it’s dynamic and I wanted to search if the value is anywhere in the “Headers” subfields.
Also, I don’t think that there will be a match between the “Value” in the lookup table and the value of the Headers subfield, since “Value” field in the lookup table is a substring with wildcards on both sides.
I can use some help to accomplish what I’m trying to do.. and how to search with wildcards inside an enrich processor.
or if you have other idea besides the enrich processor- such as parent- child and lookup terms mechanism.
There are two ways to accomplish this:
Using the combination of Logstash & Elasticsearch
Using the only the Elastichsearch Ingest node
Constriant: You need to know the position of the Vendor term occuring in the Header field.
Approach 1
If so then you can use the GROK filter to extract the term. And based on the term found, do a lookup to get the corresponding value.
Approach 2
Create an index consisting of KV pairs. In the ingest node, create a pipeline which consists of Grok processor and then Enrich it. The Grok would work the same way mentioned in the Approach 1. And you seem to have already got the Enrich part working.
If you are able to isolate the sub field within the Header where the Term of interest is present then it would make things easier for you.

Weird results using Search After () elastic search

i am having issues with search after api in elastic search.
please see this link where i posted the full description of the problem
As per the documentation for searchAfter
A field with one unique value per document should be used as the
tiebreaker of the sort specification. Otherwise the sort order for
documents that have the same sort values would be undefined. The
recommended way is to use the field _id which is certain to contain
one unique value for each document.
Since you are only passing gender as sorting criteria, on your next second request it assumes that you are expecting results after Female, which will be results with gender Male.
Try adding _id as sort and searchafter parameter too

Solr: How to search for a full match on a text field? Is there a hidden equal() operator?

it is too simple to describe:
I want only hits when mydynamicfield is exact "video.
Other way round, how to supress hits, where "video" is only part of the field (like "home video").
Is this supported with Solr3.1 out of the box, or do I have to add my own special brackets like "SOLRSTARTSOLR video SOLRENDSOLR" in my index, to retrieve later my term between "START" and "END". Kind of manual regex anchoring.
This is PITA cause it needs special handling in index/gui and breaks highlighting.
Where is the way to go?
One solution to create untokenized(KeywordAnalyzed) field and search within it - all your text will be distinct token in Solr index.
Other solution is to write filter which will read token count from index and compare to query tokens i.e. filter entities where doc_tokens > query_tokens assuming that all query tokens are matched.
