Simulate the interaction with a CLI - bash

I have a CLI that can launch processes, especially interactive shells and waits for them, they can be closed using the same CLI. I need to create some end to end tests for it using bash but I cannot see how to simulate the execution in the terminal; the output should be sent to the process in the "foreground".
Suppose that executing my-cli start launches a python script that start a subprocess (running an interactive shell) and waits to it.
in the testing script, exec(my-cli start) will replace the current process with the process running python script and not the interactive shell, so I cannot interact with the interactive shell after.
I thought about using pipes, but I think something that can simulate using a terminal will be better, any ideas ?
Suppose the code of my CLI ( is:
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/bash', '-i'], shell=False)
Using expect I don't know if it's possible to communicate with the interactive shell (/bin/bash -i)
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn python3
#expect eof
send -- "echo $$\r"

As mentioned in a comment by Benjamin. I and many others have used expect in this scenario. As long as you can tell the text that will be presented in the terminal then you can use the following web pages as a guide to creating an expect script.
Update based on the example provided. For this, I have a file
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/bash', '-i'], shell=False)
An expect file (expect-example.exp):
spawn python3
expect "*bash*"
send "date\r"
send "exit\r"
When I run this expect expect-example.exp I get the following:
$ expect expect-example.exp
spawn python3
bash-3.2$ date
Mon 3 Jun 2019 14:03:37 BST
bash-3.2$ exit
It is worth mentioning, given that I am running a single command date and I want to see the output from it I must include the interact command at the end of the script. Otherwise, my expect script will exit as soon as it has sent the date command and won't wait for the response.


Automatically terminate all nodes after calling roslaunch

I am trying to run several roslaunch files, one after the other, from a bash script. However, when the nodes complete execution, they hang with the message:
[grem_node-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/user/.ros/log/956b5e54-75f5-11e9-94f8-a08cfdc04927/grem_node-1*.log
Then I need to Ctrl-C to get killing on exit for all of the nodes launched from the launch file. Is there some way of causing nodes to automatically kill themselves on exit? Because at the moment I need to Ctrl-C every time a node terminates.
My bash script looks like this, by the way:
python /home/user/git/segmentation_plots/scripts/ /home/user/Data2/Coco 0 /home/user/git/Async_CNN/config.txt
source ~/
roslaunch grem_ros grem.launch config:=/home/user/git/Async_CNN/config.txt
source /home/user/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch rpg_async_cnn_generator conf_coco.launch
The script sources another catkin workspace.
Many thanks!
Thanks all for your advice. What I ended up doing was this; I launched my ROS Nodes from separate python scripts, which I then called from the bash script. In python you are able to terminate child processes with shutdown. So to provide an example for anyone else with this issue:
bash script:
for i in {0..100}
echo "========================================================\n"
echo "This is the $i th run\n"
echo "========================================================\n"
source /home/timo/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
and then inside
import roslaunch
import rospy
process_generate_running = True
class ProcessListener(roslaunch.pmon.ProcessListener):
global process_generate_running
def process_died(self, name, exit_code):
global process_generate_running
process_generate_running = False
rospy.logwarn("%s died with code %s", name, exit_code)
def init_launch(launchfile, process_listener):
uuid = roslaunch.rlutil.get_or_generate_uuid(None, False)
launch = roslaunch.parent.ROSLaunchParent(
return launch
launch_file = "/home/user/catkin_ws/src/async_cnn_generator/launch/conf_coco.launch"
launch = init_launch(launch_file, ProcessListener())
while process_generate_running:
Using this method you could source any number of different catkin workspaces and launch any number of launchfiles.
Try to do this
(1) For each launch you put in a separate shell script. So you have N script
In each script, call the launch file in xterm. xterm -e "roslaunch yourfacnylauncher"
(2) Prepare a master script which calling all N child script in the sequence you want it to be and delay you want it to have.
Once it is done, xterm should kill itself.
Edit. You can manually kill one if you know its gonna hang. Eg below
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
start ROScore using systemd or rc.local using lxtermal or other terminals to avoid accident kill. Then run the part which you think gonna hang or create a problem. Echo->action if necessary
xterm -geometry 80x36+0+0 -e "echo 'uav' | sudo -S dnsmasq -C /dev/null -kd -F, -i enp59s0 --bind-dynamic" & sleep 15
Stupid OUSTER LIDAR cant auto config like Veloydne and will hang here. other code cant run
killall xterm & sleep 1
Lets just kill it and continuous run other launches
xterm -e "roslaunch '/home/uav/catkin_ws/src/ouster_driver_1.12.0/ouster_ros/os1.launch' os1_hostname:=os1-991907000715.local os1_udp_dest:="

Running a script in PowerBroker

I'm trying to script my commands that are run inside the pbrun shell. I've tried executing through a normal script, but that doesn't work because, to my understanding, pbrun is executed in its won subshell, making it hard, if not impossible, to pass commands to.
The only solution I'm thinking might work is that if I have a input/output text processor that listens to the terminal and responds accordingly.
I was able to send commands to the standard input of pbrun:
echo 'echo $HOSTNAME' | pbrun bash

Tcl and Cygwin and a Background Process which should hangup

I have a bash script which is maintained by an external source and ideally should not be modified. This script writes to stdout and stderr.
In fact, this itself is doing an exec tclsh immediately:
# \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$#"}
so in fact, it is just a wrapper around a Tcl script. I just mention this in case you think that this matters.
I need a Tcl script setup.tcl which is supposed to do some preparatory work, then invoke (in the background), then do some cleanup work (and display the PID of the background process), and terminate. is supposed to continue running until explicitly killed.
setup.tcl is usually invoked manually, either from a Cygwin bash shell or from a Windows cmd shell. In the latter case, it is ensured that Cygwin's bash.exe is in the PATH.
The environment is Windows 7 and Cygwin. The Tcl is either Cygwin's (8.5) or ActiveState 8.4.
The first version (omitting error handling) went like this:
# setup.tcl:
# .... preparatory work goes here
set childpid [exec bash.exe &]
# .... clean up work goes here
puts $childpid
exit 0
While this works when started as ActiveState Tcl from a Windows CMD shell, it does not work in a pure Cygwin setup. The reason is that as soon as setup.tcl ends, a signal is sent to the child process and this is killed too.
Using nohup would not help here, because I want to see the output of as soon as it occurs.
My next idea would be to created an intermediate bash script,, which uses disown -h to detach the child process and keep it from being killed:
# &
disown -h $child
and invoke from setup.tcl. But aside from the fact that I don't see an easy way to pass the child PID up to setup.tcl, the main problem is that it doesn't work either: While indeed keeps the child alive when called from the Cygwin command line directly, we have the same behaviour again ( being killed when setup.tcl exits), when I call it via setup.tcl.
Anybody knowing a solution for this?
You'll want to set a trap handler in your server script so you can handle/ignore certain signals.
For example, to ignore HUP signals, you can do something like the following:
handle_signal() {
echo "Ignoring HUP signal"
trap handle_signal SIGHUP
# Rest of code goes here
In the example case, if the script receives a HUP signal it will print a message and continue as normal. It will still die to Ctrl-C as that's the INT signal which is unhandled.

Avoid interactive mode in shell script

There is an interactive shell console, I can get into it, run specific set of commands inside the console and exit from it.
Now I want to write a bash script that connects to an interactive shell console and runs my commands silently, exits at the end without any interaction. This means I want to have everything automated in a non-interactive way. Any ideas how can I achieve this?
I am trying something like, say, blabla shell is the interactive console here, it always bring me to the interactive mode :(
/usr/bin/blabla shell << EOF
do A,
do B,
do C
I have a long/specific version of this question can be found here ->
Configure flume in shell/bash script - avoid interactive flume shell console
Closing stdin should do the trick:
exec <&-
The expect command if your friend. It can emulate interactive communication with other commands even in very sophisticated way.
From man expect:
Expect is a program that "talks" to other interactive programs according to a script.
You can try putting the commands you would input in the interactive prompt into a file, then run the command like:
command < file
Maybe the Secure SHell, ssh does what you need. It requires that the "remote" machine is configured as an SSH server. I use it regularly to run commands on other hosts, such as
ssh user#host command

Script: SSH command execute and leave shell open, pipe output to file

I would like to execute a ssh command and pipe the output to a file.
In general I would do:
ssh user#ip "command" >> /myfile
the problem is that ssh close the connection once the command is executed, however - my command sends the output to the ssh channel via another programm in the background, therefore I am not receiving the output.
How can I treat ssh to leave my shell open?
My understanding is that command starts some background process that perhaps will write some output to the terminal later. If command terminates before that the ssh session will be terminated and there will be no terminal for the background program to write to.
One simple and naive solution is to just sleep long enough
ssh user#ip "command; sleep 30m" >> /myfile
A better solution than sleep would be to wait for the background process(es) to finish in some more intelligent way, but that is impossible to say without further details.
Something more powerful than bash would be Python with Paramiko and PyExpect.
