Determine if a handle points to an element of the screen (and not a printer etc) - user-interface

I'm looking for a way to identify if a handle references something on the/a screen (a screen, a window, a control, the entire virtual desktop, etc).
I'm trying to standardise the resolution of the interface so that I can consistently save it and do non-regression testing on it. So I've hooked a couple of system calls like GetDeviceCaps so that I can intercept the resolution and change it to a consistent 96DPI.
So far I've found GetObjectType that doesn't necessarily tell me if the object is part of the screen (comparing to OBJ_DC and OBJ_MemDC). Combining that with WindowFromDC I can get a slightly more indicative result, but it's still not perfect.
I thought maybe I could use EnumDisplayMonitors with null for the first two parameters, but it never seems to function.
Does anyone have a fool proof way of telling if a handle references a screen object or not?
Thank you in advance!

Turns out I could've used GetDeviceCaps with the parameter index set to TECHNOLOGY. An object related to rendering to a screen will be identified as DT_RASDISPLAY


How to read content of WM_PAINT message?

My goal is to screen-scrape a portion of a program which constantly updates with new text. I have tried OCR with Tesseract but I believe it would be much more efficient to somehow intercept the text if possible. I have attempted using the GetWindowText() function, but it only returns the window title. Using Window Detective I have determined that whenever the window updates in the way I wish to capture, a WM_PAINT message is reliably sent to the window.
I have looked a bit into Windows API Hooks, but it seems that most of these techniques involving DLL injection are intended at sending new messages, not accessing the content of already sent messages.
How should I approach this problem?
When you say 'screen-scrape', is that what you really mean? Reading your post, it sounds like you actually want to get at the text in the child window or control in question - as text, and not just as a bitmap. To do that, you will need to:
Determine which child window or control actually contains the text you want to get at. It sounds like you may have already done that but if not, the tool of choice is generally Spy++. (Please note: the version of Spy that you use must match the 'bitness' of your application.)
Then, firstly, try to figure out whether the text in that window can be retrieved somehow. If it's a standard Windows control (specifically EDIT or RICHEDIT) then there are documented ways to do that, see MSDN.
If that doesn't pan out, you might have some success hooking calls to ExtTextOut(), although that's not a pleasant proposition and I think you might struggle to achieve it. That said, I believe the accepted way (in some sense of the word 'accepted') is here.
With reference to point 3, even if you achieve it, how would you know whether any particular call to ExtTextOut() was drawing to the window you're interested in? Answer, most likely, HWND WindowFromDC().
I hope that helps a little. Please don't come back at me with a bunch of detailed questions about how this might apply to your particular use-case. I'm not really interested in that, these are just intended as a few signposts.

Detecting SetCursorPos()?

You can probably figure out why I am asking this question. Even if not, it's very simple.
My question is whether it is possible to detect the use of SetCursorPos() on one's own application, without scanning other running applications for any calls to this API.
For example, if I have my cursor in a window and I call SetCursorPos(), can this window in anyway know that the cursor placement is not directly from the mouse (raw input)?
I am not oblivious to the fact that you can 'know' whether a mouse input is raw simply by checking how the position alters; for example, if the position changes from 100(X) & 100(Y) to 500(X) and 500(Y), without moving through each individual location between these two, then with certainty, something has altered the mouse position.
If anyone of you know of a way to produce 'raw mouse input', without any application being able to tell the difference between the output from a function, and that from a mouse--if there is such a difference--then that'd suffice, too.
Of course, whenever I move my mouse, the operating system I am using detects this and then appropriately moves the cursor accordingly. In practice, I should be able to alter this low level functionality as to my will?
There is no way for a window to directly determine how the mouse was moved. External applications could be using SetCursorPos(), but they could also be using lower level functions like mouse_event() or SendInput() instead. By the time the notification reach the target window, the OS has already normalized the data and any source information is lost If you really needed to detect use of SetCursorPos() or other functions, you would have to directly hook into those functions in every running process. Alternatively, you might try registering for "Raw Input" via RegisterRawInputDevices() and see if you get a corresponding notification from the mouse hardware directy, assumine those simulating functions do not trigger Raw notifications as well.

Painting data from device context

I've just got a fresh device context (DC):
Most normal people now want to paint on this. I don't. I want to display the context in my own program. Or duplicate, I wouldn't even mind the window I stole the context from beeing empty.
In my case, I want it in a TPanel in Delphi, but anything else helping me understanding goes.
Afterwards, I'll probably find the DC invalid by the time I get to display it.
My main problem is: Showing the content of another window in my own. But that isn't important. First of all, I want to know how these DC are of any use. Can I do something like the following?
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, MyNewDC);
The answer can be in Java, C, or Pascal. Is it just not possible or just a stupid idea?
While it's possible to use a device context that you retrieve via GetDC() as the SOURCE for BitBlt(), etc., you will likely not get the results that you're looking for. When you call GetDC() for a specific window, Windows essentially returns a device context for the screen, but with a clipping region set to exclude any portions of the screen where the window is not visible. For example, if there happens to be another window overlapping the source window, the portion of the source window that is covered is clipped from the device context. Therefore, you can only "retrieve" the bits that are actually visible.
You may have better luck sending a WM_PRINT or WM_PRINTCLIENT message to the window. However, not all windows respond to these messages, so this isn't a universal solution.

How to write an OS X application that can effect changes (custom cursor, draw an image) even when it is not active?

I previously asked a question about changing the cursor system-wide on OSX. I used NSCursor to change the cursor, but the effects are only as long as the application is active. When another application becomes active, the custom cursor is lost.
Here is a related, more general question. How can you write an application to have system-wife effects? For example drawing an image on-screen even when your application is not active, and something else is?
I understand I probably need to go at a lower level than the Cocoa APIs. I just cannot figure out where to start looking? Any specific Carbon APIs that I need to be looking at? Or even lower?
Any pointers would be appreciated! If you specifically know how to change the cursor system-wide or how to draw an image and move it around (no matter what application is active), that would solve my current problem as well! Can I write an application that can achieve this when its installed on the system?
You can achieve the effect you want, but not the way you're thinking about doing it.
You say,
I am writing a presentation aid application that shows the equivalent of the "laser pointer" on screen, programmatically. My first idea was to use the mouse cursor itself as the pointer, and change its appearance as a red circle.
Then fake that. Create an application, perhaps of type LSUIElement, perhaps not, depending on the behavior you want. Create a borderless window (type NSBorderlessWindowMask) and fill it with a clear color. Set its window level high enough so that it floats over everything (using -[NSWindow setLevel:], though I can't think of what the best level would be off-hand), and draw into it.
It's true that you cannot set the cursor when you are not the foremost app. It's true that you cannot just scribble on the screen. But you can get the same effects if you're clever.
This behaviour is not provided by any APIs on Mac OS X. You would have to modify the resource files in the OS, and that's a very dangerous operation that could brick the target computer. You have to know what you're doing.
Are you trying to implement a theming app or something like that? What's your goal? If you tell us what you are trying to do, we may be able to suggest alternate approaches.

What's the difference between the TrackPopupMenuEx and TrackPopupMenu windows APIs?

I read about these APIs in this webpage:
I tested TrackPopupMenuEx and TrackPopupMenu APIs and they do the same thing: displaying a menu at the cursor's position. The source codes are the same, you just have to add or erase the "Ex" at the end of the names of these APIs.
Why two APIs for the same action?
Note: TrackPopupMenu crashes my app in runtime when used on an image control, while TrackPopupMenuEx works ok. TrackPopUpMenu seems to have no sense.
They are pretty similar functions but the big difference is that TrackPopupMenuEx allows you to specify a rectangle that the popup menu won't appear over (to have one that doesn't obscure what you need to see). Thats about it as far as i can see.
According to the documentation, there are some subtle differences:
TrackPopupMenu has a nReserved parameter
TrackPopupMenuEx takes a LPTPMPARAMS for the last parameter, but TrackPopupMenu takes a CONST RECT* (which is ignored)
So, they have a different number and type of parameters with different meanings - which would explain why your app is crashing when you change the call.
