post-self-insert-hook throws "Invalid Function" - elisp

(defun foo (aa)
(setq aa '(+ aa 1))
(defun bar ()
(setq b 6)
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook (foo b)))
Instead of incrementing b, elisp throws an error: Invalid function: 7. It does take b as an argument, but only when its equal to 6, it stops working after incrementing. Why? The problem occures with b being equal to any number, it always prints message like Invalid function:b+1.

Right now there are far too many problems with your code to address them one by one.
You need to start with learning how Lisp works.
In Emacs, hit C-h i then click on Emacs Lisp Intro: (eintr), then keep reading.

As sds says, there are a lot of problems with that code.
(defun foo (aa)
(setq aa '(+ aa 1))
This function briefly sets the variable aa (which is its own argument and never seen by anything outside of the function) to the literal quoted form (+ aa 1). It also returns that same value. Here aa is the symbol aa and nothing more.
(defun bar ()
(setq b 6)
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook (foo b)))
(foo b) is not a function, and therefore adding it to a hook will result in an error.
(lambda () (foo b)) is a function which calls (foo b)
elisp throws an error: Invalid function: 7.
Not with the code you've shown, it won't. Clearly you're evaluating a version in which you haven't quoted (+ aa 1) in which case (foo 6) will actually return 7 and hence you're trying to do this:
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 7)


How to use tagged prompts with call/cc in Racket?

Why this code
(let ([cc #f]
[pr (make-continuation-prompt-tag 'pr)])
(λ () (displayln
(+ 2 (call-with-current-continuation
(λ (k) (set! cc k) 1)
(cc 4))
(on Racket v7.5) raise exception?:
; continuation application: no corresponding prompt in the current continuation
; Context:
; /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/repl.rkt:11:26
While same code with default tag works as expected:
(let ([cc #f])
(λ ()
(displayln (+ 2 (call-with-current-continuation
(λ (k) (set! cc k) 1))))))
(cc 4))
And same (as the first snippet) code with composable continuation
(let ([cc #f]
[pr (make-continuation-prompt-tag 'pr)])
(λ () (displayln
(+ 2 (call-with-composable-continuation
(λ (k) (set! cc k) 1)
(cc 4))
works as expected too:
What is wrong with the first snippet? Or what is wrong with my understanding?
From the docs for call-with-current-continuation:
If the continuation argument to proc is ever applied, then it removes the portion of the current continuation up to the nearest prompt tagged by prompt-tag (not including the prompt; if no such prompt exists, the exn:fail:contract:continuation exception is raised), ....
In your first example, when you apply cc, there is no prompt for pr in the context ("on the stack") when the application occurs, so it raises an exception.
The second example works because there is always a prompt for the default tag.
The third example works because call-with-composable-continuation creates a continuation procedure that does not abort the current continuation, so there is no precondition for its application. (That's part of why it's considered a "composable" continuation.)
If it helps, here is approximately how call/cc can be defined in terms of the abort-current-continuation and call-with-compposable-continuation. (Warning: I haven't tested this, so there may be bugs.) In the type annotations below, I use the following conventions: P is the result type associated with a prompt tag and A is the result type of a call/cc or call/comp call, which is also the type of the continuation's argument. ⊥ is the empty type; it effectively means "doesn't return".
;; call-with-continuation-prompt : (-> P) PromptTag[P] -> P
;; Only allows default abort handler!
;; abort-current-continuation : PromptTag[P] (-> P) -> ⊥
;; Assumes the default abort handler!
;; call-with-composable-continuation : ((A -> P) -> A) PromptTag[P] -> A
;; call/cc : ((A -> ⊥) -> A) PromptTag[P] -> A
(define (call/cc proc tag)
(lambda (ck) ;; ck : A -> P
;; k : A -> ⊥
(define (k v)
(abort-current-continuation tag
(lambda () (ck v))))
(proc k))
This definition doesn't account for how call/cc actually interacts with dynamic-wind, it doesn't work with custom prompt handlers, and it doesn't account for multiple return values (which correspond to multiple continuation arguments), but it should give you a rough idea of what call/cc is doing. In particular, the call to abort-current-continuation requires that the current continuation has a prompt tagged with tag.

evaluating my own functions from list with eval, R5RS

I am having problems with this
e.g. i have
(define (mypow x) (* x x))
and I need to eval expressions from given list. (I am writing a simulator and I get a sequence of commands in a list as an argument)
I have already read that R5RS standard needs to include in function eval as second arg (scheme-report-environment 5), but still I am having issues with this.
This works (with standard function):
(eval '(sqrt 5) (scheme-report-environment 5))
but this does not:
(eval '(mypow 5) (scheme-report-environment 5))
It says:
../../../../../../usr/share/racket/collects/racket/private/kw.rkt:923:25: mypow: undefined;
cannot reference undefined identifier
Eventhough simply called mypow in prompt returns:
Any advice, please? (btw I need to use R5RS)
(scheme-report-environment 5) returns all the bindings that are defined in the R5RS Scheme standard and not any of the user defined ones. This is by design. You will never be able to do what you want using this as the second parameter to eval.
The report mentions (interaction-environment) which is optional. Thus you have no guarantee the implementation has it, but it will have all the bindings from (scheme-report-environment 5)
For completeness there is (null-environment 5) which only has the bindings for the syntax. eg. (eval '(lambda (v) "constan) (null-environment 5)) works, but (eval '(lambda (v) (+ 5 v)) (null-environment 5)) won't since + is not in the resulting procedures closure.
Other ways to get things done
Usually you could get away without using eval alltogether. eval should be avoided at almost all costs. The last 16 years I've used eval deliberately in production code twice.
By using a thunk instead of data:
(define todo
(lambda () ; a thunk is just a procedure that takes no arguments
(mypow 5))
(todo) ; ==> result from mypow
Now imagine you have a list of operations you'd like done instead:
(define ops
`((inc . ,(lambda (v) (+ v 1))) ; notice I'm unquoting.
(dec . ,(lambda (v) (- v 1))) ; eg. need the result of the
(square . ,(lambda (v) (* v v))))) ; evaluation
(define todo '(inc square dec))
(define with 5)
;; not standard, but often present as either fold or foldl
;; if not fetch from SRFI-1
(fold (lambda (e a)
((cdr (assq e ops)) a))
; ==> 35 ((5+1)^2)-1

Execute the following call/cc expression

I use racket and I got the result 4 for following simple code:
(let/cc done
((let/cc esc
(done (+ 1 (let/cc k
(esc k)))))
and I was going to execute this code step-by-step.
First, I changed the first let/cc into the form of call/cc like below:
(call/cc (λ (done)
((let/cc esc
(done (+ 1 (let/cc k
(esc k)))))
Of course, this produces 4 also.
Second, since I found the mechanism of call/cc in the internet which says call/cc do following 4 steps:
Captures the current continuation.
Constructs a function C that takes one argument, and applies the current continuation with that argument value.
Passes this function as an argument to expr --- i.e., it invokes (expr C).
Returns the result of evaluating (expr C), unless expr calls C, in which case the value that is passed to C is returned.
Thus, I followed above steps for the first call/cc like:
Current continuation is an identity.
C refers (λ (x) x).
Since expr is (λ (done) ((let/cc esc (done (+ 1 (let/cc k (esc k))))) 3)), (expr C) is:
((λ (done)
((let/cc esc
(done (+ 1 (let/cc k
(esc k)))))
(λ (x) x))
To return the result value of above code, I execute above in racket.
But, above code (modified by me) is not executed and produces an error:
> application: not a procedure;
> expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
> given: 4
> arguments...:
> 3
Please what I did wrong. I'm confusing the concept of continuation. Thanks.
When the interpreter sees a call/cc even the interpreters that doesn't do CPS does it with that subtree. Your code would look something like this:
((λ (done)
((λ (esc)
((λ (k) (esc k))
(λ (r) (k+ done 1 r))))
(λ (v) (v 3))))
; k+ implementation (+, but CPS)
(define (k+ k . args)
(k (apply + args)))
Continuations are not just closures (functions). They also perform a jump to their defining location in code. You have to perform the CPS transformation in full to try evaluating the resulting expression in Scheme interpreter. That expression will only contain lambdas and no continuations (in the sense of call/cc (1)).
The expression that you tried mixes them both - it defines done as simple lambda-defined function, but it is still used in the nested context as a continuation.
(1) (another source of confusion is calling the function arguments in the continuation-passing style "continuations". they are not "true" continuations; they are simple functions "to be called" in this or that eventuality, so colloquially they are also referred to as "continuations" although "contingencies" or even "handlers" could be better.)
See also another example of call/cc code translation.
Following that approach, translating your Scheme code into Common Lisp, we get:
;; (let/cc done
;; ((let/cc esc
;; (done (+ 1 (let/cc k
;; (esc k)))))
;; 3))
(prog (retval done arg1 func esc arg2 k arg3 arg4)
(setq done (lambda (x) (setq retval x) (go DONE))) ; 3
(setq arg1 3) ; 5
(setq esc (lambda (x) (setq func x) (go ESC))) ; 8
(setq arg3 1) ; 10
(setq k (lambda (x) (setq arg4 x) (go K))) ; 12
(setq arg4 (funcall esc k)) ; 13
K ; 11 continuation K
(setq arg2 (+ arg3 arg4)) ; 9
(setq func (funcall done arg2)) ; 7
ESC ; 6 continuation ESC
(setq retval (funcall func arg1)) ; 4
DONE ; 2 continuation DONE
(return retval)) ; 1
which indeed returns 4 (the lines of code are numbered in order as they are written, during the translation).

How to store a function in a variable in Lisp and use it

I want to store a function like print in a variable so that I can just type something short like p, e.g:
In Scheme:
(define print display)
(print "Hello world\n")
;; alternate way
(define print 'display)
((eval print) "Hello world\n")
The same approach does not seem to work in Common Lisp:
(defvar p 'print)
;;(print (type-of p))
(p "Hello world") ;; Attempt 1
((eval p) "Hello world") ;; >> Attempt 2
((eval (environment) p) "Hello world") ;; Attempt 3
I'm getting this error with Attempt 1 above:
*** - EVAL: undefined function P
And this with Attempt 2 and 3 in Clisp:
*** - EVAL: (EVAL (ENVIRONMENT) P) is not a function name; try using a
symbol instead
*** - EVAL: (EVAL P) is not a function name; try using a symbol instead
And with gcl:
Error: (EVAL P) is invalid as a function.
Error: (EVAL (ENVIRONMENT) P) is invalid as a function.
What does try using a symbol mean? p is definitely a symbol; false positive?
What's up with eval? Doesn't the evaluation of p yield the procedure print?
I thought Lisp procedures were first class objects. Why is Attempt 1 not working like in Scheme?
(Moved from a comment below)
I was wondering why (setf (symbol-function 'p) #'print) won't work this way
(setf (symbol-function 'p) 'print). I get the following(not so helpful) error:
*** - SYSTEM::%PUTD: PRINT is not a function ;; CLisp
Error: PRINT is not of type LIST. ;; Gcl
I know that the sharp sign(#) is supposed to disambiguate between a function and a variable
with the same name but in this case, there's only one print, the function.
Also, why won't it work with defvar instead of setf like so:
(defvar (symbol-function 'p) #'print)
yet defvar and setf both assign values to a variable.
The associated error is:
*** - DEFVAR: non-symbol (SYMBOL-FUNCTION 'P) cannot be a variable ;; Clisp
Error: (SYMBOL-FUNCTION (QUOTE P)) is not of type SYMBOL. ;; Gcl
Common Lisp is a "Lisp-2". Among other things, the first position in a function call is evaluated in the "function namespace". In your case, the symbol p names a variable, not a function.
This works better:
(defvar p 'print)
(funcall p "Hello world")
Or possibly, but you probably don't want to do this:
(setf (symbol-function 'p) #'print)
(p "Hello world")
Common Lisp has a separate namespace for functions, which makes operation like this more verbose than with Scheme. If you would like similar to top level (define p display) in CL you should make a macro:
(defmacro defun-alias (name original-name)
`(setf (symbol-function ',name) #',original-name))
Which works as this:
(defun-alias pc princ)
(pc "Hello") ; prints hello
Unlike Scheme define this will only overwrite a global binding. Thus:
(flet ((test (x) (+ x x)))
(defun-alias test +)
(test 10))
will set global definition of #'test to #'+ and return 20. eg. it works like defun.
To complement the other good answers with direct answers to your questions:
What does try using a symbol mean? p is definitely a symbol; false positive?
Read the error messages literally: (EVAL (ENVIRONMENT) P) and (EVAL P) (unevaluated) are not symbols, but lists. In Common Lisp, the car of a form is not evaluated.
What's up with eval? Doesn't the evaluation of p yield the procedure print?
eval is never called by your code (see previous answer). Even if it were, the result would be the symbol-value of the symbol print, not the symbol-function/fdefinition.
I thought Lisp procedures were first class objects. Why is Attempt 1 not working like in Scheme?
This has nothing to do with functions (I think the Common Lisp standard does not use the term "procedures" as the Scheme standards do.) being first class objects. This works in Common Lisp:
(let ((p #'print))
(funcall p "hello world"))
Answers to the extra questions:
I was wondering why (setf (symbol-function 'p) #'print) won't work this way
(setf (symbol-function 'p) 'print).
It's not really true that "the sharp sign(#) is supposed to disambiguate between a function and a variable with the same name", as you write later. 'print expands to (quote print), so it evaluates to the symbol print instead of its value as a variable. #'print expands to (function print), so it evaluates to the value of the function cell of the symbol print instead. Whether print currently has a value as a variable is completely irrelevant to what #'print evaluates to.
Setting (symbol-function 'p) to the symbol print obviously won't make p call the function print because the symbol print is not the same as the function bound to the symbol print.
Also, why won't it work with defvar instead of setf like so:
(defvar (symbol-function 'p) #'print)
yet defvar and setf both assign values to a variable.
setf assigns values to places. The term (symbol-function 'p) denotes the place that is the function cell of the symbol p.
defvar defines new global variables. Its first argument needs to be a symbol that names the variable and can not be any kind of place.

Beginner: Curried functions in Scheme

I'm using the SICP lectures and text to learn about Scheme on my own. I am looking at an exercise that says "An application of an expression E is an expression of the form (E E1,...En). This includes the case n=0, corresponding to an expression (E). A Curried application of E is either an application of E or an application of a Curried application of E."
(Edit: I corrected the above quote ... I'd originally misquoted the definition.)
The task is to define a Curried application of the procedure which evaluates to 3 for
(define foo1
(lambda (x)
(* x x)))
I really don't understand the idea here, and reading the Wikipedia entry on Curriying didn't really help.
Can anyone help with a more lucid explanation of what's being asked for here?
Actually even giving me the answer to this problem would be helpful, since there are five more to solve after this one. ... I just am not getting the basic idea.
Addition: Even after Brian Campbell's lengthy explanation, I'm still somewhat lost.
Is (foo1 (sqrt 3))) considered an application of foo, and therefore a curried application of foo?
Seems too simple, but maybe...
Typing (((foo1 2 )) 2) into DrScheme gives the following error (which I kind of expected)
procedure application: expected procedure, given: 4 (no arguments)
After re-reading What is Currying? I understand I can also re-define foo1 to be:
(define (foo1 a)
(lambda (b)
(* a b)))
So then I can type
((foo1 3 ) 4)
But this doesn't really get me any closer to producing 3 as an output, and it seems like this isn't really currying the original foo1, it's just re-defining it.
Damn, 20 years of C programming hasn't prepared me for this. :-) :-)
Hm, this problem is fairly confusingly phrased, compared to the usually much more clear style of the books. Actually, it looks like you might be misquoting the problem set, if you're getting the problem set from here; that could be contributing to your confusion.
I'll break the definition down for you, with some examples that might help you figure out what's going on.
An application of an expression E is an expression of the form (E E1 ... En).
Here's an example of an application:
(foo 1 2) ; This is an application of foo
(bar 1) ; This is an application of bar
This includes the case n=0, corresponding to an expression (E).
(baz) ; This is an application of baz
A Curried application of E is either an application of E or an application of a Curried application of E?...........
This is the one that you misquoted; above is the definition from the problem set that I found online.
There are two halves to this definition. Starting with the first:
A Curried application of E is either an application of E
(foo 1 2) ; (1) A Curried application of foo, since it is an application of foo
(bar 1) ; (2) A Curried application of bar, since it is an application of bar
(baz) ; (3) A Curried application of baz, since it is an application of baz
or an application of a Curried application of E
((foo 1 2) 3) ; (4) A Curried application of foo, since it is an application of (1)
((bar 1)) ; (5) A Curried application of bar, since it is an application of (2)
((baz) 1 2) ; (6) A Curried application of baz, since it is an application of (3)
(((foo 1 2) 3)) ; A Curried application of foo, since it is an application of (4)
(((bar 1)) 2) ; A Curried application of bar, since it is an application of (5)
; etc...
Does that give you the help you need to get started?
edit: Yes, (foo1 (sqrt 3)) is a Curried application of foo1; it is that simple. This is not a very good question, since in many implementations you'll actually get 2.9999999999999996 or something like that; it's not possible to have a value that will return exactly 3, unless your Scheme has some sort of representation of exact algebraic numbers.
Your second example is indeed an error. foo1 returns an integer, which is not valid to apply. It is only some of the later examples for which the recursive case, of an application of an application of the function, are valid. Take a look at foo3, for example.
edit 2: I just checked in SICP, and it looks like the concepts here aren't explained until section 1.3, while this assignment only mentions section 1.1. I would recommend trying to read through section 1.3 if you haven't yet.
See What is 'Currying'?
Currying takes a function and provides
a new function accepting a single
argument, and returning the specified
function with its first argument set
to that argument.
Most of the answers you've gotten are examples of 'partial evaluation'. To do true currying in Scheme you need syntactic help. Like such:
(define-syntax curry
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (a) body ...)
(lambda (a) body ...))
((_ (a b ...) body ...)
(lambda (a) (curry (b ...) body ...)))))
Which you then use as:
> (define adding-n3 (curry (a b c) (+ a b c)))
> (define adding-n2-to-100 (adding-n3 100))
> ((adding-n2-to-100) 1) 10)
> (adding-n3 1)
> ((adding-n3 1) 10)
I don't think James' curry function is correct - there's a syntax error when I try it in my scheme interpreter.
Here's an implementation of "curry" that I use all the time:
> (define curry (lambda (f . c) (lambda x (apply f (append c x)))))
> ((curry list 5 4) 3 2)
(5 4 3 2)
Notice, it also works for currying more than one argument to a function.
There's also a macro someone has written that let's you write functions that implicitly curry for you when you call them with insufficient arguments:
I think you are confusing yourself too much. Currying a function takes a function of type F(a1,a2,...aN) and turns it into F(a1) which returns a function that takes a2, (which returns a function that takes a3 ... etc.)
So if you have:
(define F (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
(F 1 2) ;; ==> 3
you can curry it to make something that acts like the following:
(define F (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (+ a b))))
((F 1) 2) ;; ==> 3
in the case of your specific question, it seems very confusing.
(foo1 (sqrt 3))
seems to be suitable. I would recommend leaving it for now and reading more of the book.
you can actually make a function that does a simple curry for you:
(define (curry f x) (lambda (y) (apply f (cons x y))))
(curry = 0) ;; a function that returns true if input is zero
Depending on your Scheme implementation, there might be some utilities to be able to recover from errors/exceptions, for example, in Chicken Scheme, there is condition-case.
(condition-case (func)
((exn) (print "error")))
We can define a function which take a function of an arbitrary number of elements and return the curryed form :
(define curry
(lambda (func . args)
(condition-case (apply func args)
(lambda plus
(apply curry func (append args plus)))))]))))
This is a bit ugly, because if you use too many argument one time, you'll never get the final result, but this turn any function into the curryed form.
