While I was studying Search Trees, I found a problem
Show that the nodes of any AVL tree T can be colored "red" and "black" so
that T becomes a red-black tree.
And now I wonder whether converting any AVL tree to red black tree is possible.
Yes, it is possible.
General idea is to turn red some of nodes that are roots of subtrees of odd height.
More specifically, we turn red only those whose parents are root of subtrees of even height. You can prove that using recursion.
Hi I know little about red-black tree before and maybe it's a stupid question.
Here's a 4-node tree:
Is it a legal red-balck tree?
In my opinion, it actually violates rules of red-black tree:
Every red node has both of its children colored black.
Every path from the root to a tree leaf contains the same number (the "black-height") of black nodes.
If not what should a 4-node red-black look like?
You are correct that this tree violates the rules of red-black trees because the path 3-2-1-Null goes through 3 black nodes, while 3-4-Null only goes through 2.
Recall that there is no constraint that black nodes have to have their children painted red, only the reverse. Even a tree with all black nodes is technically a red-black tree, as long as it is balanced and therefore satisfies that "Every path from the root to a tree leaf contains the same number (the 'black-height') of black nodes."
As a result, you could make this tree a valid red-black tree by painting nodes 2 and 4 black and painting node 1 red. Notice node 1 (the only red node) would still have 2 black children and all paths from the root to leaves would hit 3 black nodes. Therefore satisfying the rules of a red-black tree.
When is a red-black tree left leaning ?
Does it just mean that on the letf side from the root are more nodes then on the right side?
I cant really grasp the definition what left leaning really means somewehre I also read that its related to the 2-3-4 Tress.
Thanks for your help
It means that a black node is limited to having a maximum of one red child and if it has that red child it will appear as the left child. Left-leaning red-black trees model a 2-3 tree instead of a 2-3-4 tree the way the classic red-black tree does.
I know what Binary search tree is and I know how they work. But what does it take for it to become a skewed tree? What I mean is, do all nodes have to go on one side? or is there any other combination?
Having a tree in this shape (see below) is the only way to make it a skewed tree? If not, what are other possible skewed trees?
Skewed tree example:
Also, I searched but couldn't find a good solid definition of a skewed tree. Does anyone have a good definition?
Figured out a skewed Tree is the worst case of a tree.
The number of permutations of 1, 2, ... n = n!
The number of BST Shapes: (1/n+1)(2n!/n!n!)
The number of skewed trees of 1, 2, ....n = 2^(n-1)
Here is an example I was shown:
A good definition for a skew tree is a binary tree such that all the nodes except one have one and only one child. (The remaining node has no children.) Another good definition is a binary tree of n nodes such that its depth is n-1.
A binary tree, which is dominated solely by left child nodes or right child nodes, is called a skewed binary tree, more specifically left skewed binary tree, or right skewed binary tree.
There are lots of questions around about red-black trees but none of them answer how they work. Why is it called red-black? How does this keep the tree balanced (thus increasing performance over an unbalanced normal binary search tree)? I'm just looking for an overview of how and why it works.
For searches and traversals, it's the same as any binary tree.
For inserts and deletes, more sophisticated algorithms are applied which aim to ensure that the tree cannot be too unbalanced. These guarantee that all single-item operations will always run in at worst O(log n) time, whereas in a simple binary tree the binary tree can become so unbalanced that it's effectively a linked list, giving O(n) worst case performance for each single-item operation.
The basic idea of the red-black tree is to imitate a B-tree with up to 3 keys and 4 children per node. B-trees (or variations such as B+ trees) are mainly used for database indexes and for data stored on hard disk.
Each binary tree node has a "colour" - red or black. Each black node is, in the B-tree analogy, the subtree root for the subtree that fits within that B-tree node. If this node has red children, they are also considered part of the same B-tree node. So it is possible (though not done in practice) to convert a red-black tree to a B-tree and back, with (most) structure preserved. The only possible anomoly is that when a B-tree node has two keys and three children, you have a choice of which key to goes in the black node in the equivalent red-black tree.
For example, with red-black trees, every line from root to leaf has the same number of black nodes. This rule is derived from the B-tree rule that all leaf nodes are at the same depth.
Although this is the basic idea from which red-black trees are derived, the algorithms used in practice for inserts and deletes are modified to enforce all the B-tree rules (there might be a minor exception - I forget) during updates, but are tailored for the binary tree form. This means that doing a red-black tree insert or delete may give a different structure for the result than that you'd expect comparing with doing the B-tree insert or delete.
For more detail, follow the Wikipedia link that MigDus already supplied.
A red-black tree is an ordered binary tree where each vertex is coloured red or black. The intuition is that a red vertex should be seen as being at the same height as its parent (i.e., an edge to a red vertex is thought of as "horizontal" rather than "descending").
[I don't believe the Wikipedia entry makes this point clear.]
The usual rules for red-black trees require that a red vertex never point to another red vertex. This means that the possible vertex arrangements for any subtree rooted with a black vertex (bbb, bbr, rbb, rbr -- for [left child][root][right child]) correspond to 234 trees.
Searching a red-black tree is just the same as searching an ordinary binary tree. Insertion and deletion are similar, except that a "fix-up" rotation may be required at some point to preserve the red-black invariant.
is there any clear algorithm that make a red black tree from a binary search tree?
please help me thanks
One way to do it is traverse the nodes in the binary tree, and add each one to a new red-black tree.