Laravel 5: find the page number of an entry - laravel

I'm working on a custom forum and when a post is added to a thread I have to notify the subscribed users. In the message I have to place the link for the user to go straight to the post. Something like this:
To be able to do that I need to know the page number of the entry. Does this feature exist on Laravel already? I couldn't find it in their docs and I know about features that exist but are not in their docs, so maybe it's there already and I'm just not aware of it.
I would like to avoid making a select in the database a loop through it to find the page number, if possible.

You most likely look for get() method of Request class. Assuming you want to get this in your controller method, say foo(), you should have:
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function foo(Request $request)
$page = $request->get('page');


How to return to another page after finishing process in Laravel?

This is a little bit hard to understand even the title I put. Sorry about that I just do not know how to clearly explain this, but I will try...
So for example I have a controller and inside that controller I have a function which return the data in the table of my database. then in the last column of every row, I make view,add,edit,delete options as links. When a user clicks on the add for example, they will redirect to an add page. After they submit the form of the add page. they should be redirected to the first page that return the data from the table. but the problem is, the variables of foreach loop in the first page do not got recognized by laravel anymore. because they do not got processed since the route does not goes to the controller and to the function that return the data instead it goes to add function.
So I want to know is there anyway to solve this? If you could provide sample code, I would appreciate a lot thanks
From your explanation, I believe the code to go back to the original page after adding, editing etc is simply return redirect()->back(). This will take the user back to the previous page. As for data continuity, one approach would be considering using sessions. They save data globally and can be accessed from any controller once saved. To do this, simply save the data with session(['session_name' => $data]) and to retrieve the data use session('session_name'). Let me know if this helps!
If you want ti redirect after something like a login or an activation process you can do it with something like this:
return redirect()->to('login')
You can specify the path from your web.php file as you can see in my example in 'myPath'
As #DerickMasai correctly pointed out it is better to use named routes instead of hard coding the path itself.
Naming a route can work like so:
Route::get('/login', [LoginController::class, 'index'])->name('login');

How to use relationship data outside of relationship field in Laravel Nova?

I am trying to figure out how to do something seemingly simple with Laravel Nova, but I can't figure this out.
What I want to do is reference relationship data in a text field. I see in Nova, and understand how to reference a relationship via the HasOne, HasMany ... facades. But what I want to do is get relationship data like this:
Text::make('State', $this->state->name)
This doesn't work, and something I noticed when trying to debug is that each function in a Nova resource seems to run multiple times. Here is the logging I added:
public function fields(Request $request) {
When I do this, there are 3 logging instances, the first 2 containing the state name, and the third not. I think that may have something to do with it not working, but don't know what might be causing this.
Thank you in advance for help!
There's a simple way to get relationship data into a Nova Text field, just use a closure:
Text::make('State', function() {
return $this->state->name;
As for the multiple calls to the fields function, the answer has to do with the question: Do you have another Resource in your Nova folder that is related to the Resource we are discussing? If so, that is why -- it needs to call fields to display it properly. You can examine the following query string parameters to get more insight: viaResource, viaResourceId, and viaRelationship.

Route model binding, Provider, Middleware, constructor or function specific

In most projects, you often have a route where you have multiple params
And you want to make sure that comment 1 is part of posts 1.
You can do these multiple ways.
Abort_if() or Abort_unless()
Like this
abort_if($post->id != $comment->post_id, 403);
abort_unless($post->id == $comment->post_id, 403);
The con is that this needs to be at every controller function that interacts with both comment and post. A lot of repeating code. Not really that DRY
You could make a middleware that does this check, and place it on the desired route.
The con with this one, you'll need to place this at every route you need this, the same thing like the abort option.
Route model binding
This looks like the best option, a global way of querying from the posts model.
The con here, if you bind 'comment' to be always searched in the relation of posts then you will never be able to do
What are your thoughts? Can't really seem to find a best practice nor a definitive answer.

Difference Between index.php?id=1 and index.php/id/1

If I want to create RESTful APIs, which one should I choose?
How do the URLs as index.php/id/1 work? I think it's a file path, not a URL.
If I want to get an image as, it may have conflicts with{param}. How do I solve?
BTW, I use Laravel now.
Thanks so much.
The difference is in route model binding
This allows you to get the model with the id that is passed into the route
So for example a route like this:
Route::get('users/{user}', 'UsersController#getUser');
Will allow you to do this in you method:
use App\User
public function getUser(User $user) {
return $user;
This means that you get the full record for the id that is in the route.
So your Questions:
1: I would use this for sending model id's
2: the variables in the route are passed in that order to the method allowing you to get access to them.
3: You will need to be careful with your routes as you can have conflicts. having said that Laravel does not use a traditional directory structure for storage. I believe that if you have a folder stucture of /public/img and that folder contains an img named 1.png it will get the image but I have not tested this.

Laravel 5 user role check before

I have some trouble figuring out how to do this properly.
I have Users that can create Articles which can be viewed, edited and deleted. I want to restrict the edit and delete actions if the currently logged in user is not the creator of the Article.
I have already done this using Policies and use Gate within a Form Request, but if i understand correctly FormRequest is only for POST requests. And I currently pass the FormRequest as a parameter to the getEdit() action. That seems wrong.
So how can I make sure the user can neither access nor edit the Article?
If you already defined a Policy you can directly access it using the Gate facade within your controller action like this:
public function getEdit($id)
$reference = Reference::findOrFail($id);
if (Gate::denies('owns-reference', $reference))
return view('reference.edit')
->with('reference', $reference);
Just make sure to include the Gate on top of your file like this:
use Gate;
