Magento - no mapping tables -> api endpoints - magento

I'm a newbie of Magento.
I need to export some table data out of magento, so I know I need to use the magento webapi.
I am able to get data from sales_order table through endpoint:
GET /V1/orders
I don't know where are the endpoints for: sales_order_address table, sales_order_payent table.
So please, can you show me where are them?


How to "connect" Laravel project with Craft 3 CMS Website

I've developed an app which fetches data from an API based on Laravel 5.5. The marketing landingpage of the app is based on Craft CMS Version 3. The marketing website and the API and the databases of both systems are running on the same server.
I want to generate landingpages for each row of table X of the Laravel database.{slug}
What is the best approach to realize this?
I don't want to fetch the data directly from Laravel's database
I don't want to synchronize the Craft CMS database with the Laravel (add/remove the rows from the laravel's database as entries to Craft)
It would be awesome to be able to have an entry-type "Landingpage" where we can optionally create a landingpage, referencing to an ID of the laravel table and add additional content for the landingpages.
Would be a JSON-API from Laravel to Craft CMS Plugin a good performant idea?
One option would be to use a Dynamic Route and just fetch the data from (because same server) from the template file? Or is there a smarter way in Craft CMS?
Let's start of by:
"I don't want to fetch the data directly from Laravel's database"
I'm assuming you don't want to write code in CraftCMS to access another project's database. Good. IF you plan on having them do seperate jobs and use Laravel API for fetching data alone, let it handle it's own database.
"I don't want to synchronize the Craft CMS database with the Laravel (add/remove the rows from the laravel's database as entries to Craft)"
So, this is my question:
You want to be able to create landing pages based of Laravel's rows alone or based of Laravel's database row's and CraftCMS's?
It all comes down to how well you want to abstract both frameworks.
I would probably tell laravel to accept requests from authenticated user (a CraftCMS User) or from localhosts (from within the machine alone) and I'd create endpoints to add/remove/edit/get data at my disposal. I'd then fetch rows from Laravel and combine with my own (assume I'm the CMS).
Even in an intranet network, the request to tell laravel to access the database is longer than to access the database from CraftCMS, so you should expect a dependency between the two projects.
For point 3, you'll have to store information on each database about something. On CraftCMS's to store at least the ID's it's going to request to laravel and laravel will have to get an endpoint where it can insert new stuff, if you're planning on having additional content there.
I'm not entirely sure if I got the idea you're trying to show when you say "add additional content for the landing pages" but I'd try to keep it simple and abstract it's uses, Laravel to store this 'information' that the CMS shouldn't handle in the first place (or you can work out some extra tables and import them to the other database).
Impact performance? Depends on the ammount of data you've got

how to insert data to db in magento

I created a new module following with this url:
In my module i created a registration form.
So now i want to insert the data entered into my registration form.
How is it possible?
Take a look at these instructions about models and database access:
This should get you up and running.
You need a custom db table with a custom model and collection of this table. There are lots of way but this is the magento way.
This link will help you

How to create a custom registration module in magento

I am new in magento. I want to create a custom registration module for seller in magento 1.5 or 1.6. There are needed two registration like one is general user, another seller. I don't know how magento's default registration module is built. I also don't know how to set up and how to connect between the form and the table like 'customer_entity_varchar' and other table.I think it follows MVC pattern like Joomla And also how to call the function from controller to model for writing "INSERT" sql query. If any one knows about it , please, guide me with giving links or doc.
Thank you.
You need to learn about creating a Magento Module.
Create a Magento Module Basics in Magento Module Development
Then you going to create an own registration controller for sellers.
Extend the customer entity by an attribute saying the customer status (seller|general) or use the Customer Groups Adding Attributes to Customers Entity (see for additional informations About EAV Attributes)
add custom attributes to sellers like in step 3.
I hope could help you!

Magento: viewing sample data/sample store on the front

I've installed the sample data from the magento site. Then also
installed magento with each mysql table configured to be named
with the magento_ prefix so as to tell the magento system tables
apart from the data tables. But I have the following problem (yes,
I installed the data first, and then magento, so that's not the issue):
The main content area when I http to localhost/magento/index.php
is blank. I don't see any data. I was expecting to see the
Magento sample store with sample category pages etc...
What have I done wrong?
Been having the same problem, it seems that you cannot use a table prefix in your installation if you want the sample data to show up.

Ability to connect Magento to existing database?

I have an existing database that contains 4 tables: categories, sub-categories, products, prices. I am looking to create an ecom site using Magento leveraging the existing tables. I would rather not import the tables since products will be continually modified. I am new to Magento. What is the best way to handle this? Would I want to query my existing tables and hook into Magento bypassing their product tables? Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
I think you're choosing the wrong e-commerce system if want to use your existing database in place of the one in Magento. Magento doesn't work like this. You can't have the Magento interface and not the guts of it. They are inextricably bound (some would say, tightly coupled).
I would hire a Magento programmer and have him or her create a module for you to import your products into the Magento catalog. This module should be able to handle updates to your existing database. This can be done easily as the Magento catalog model uses the entity-attribute-value (EAV) database model pattern. Then you can continue using your database.
