How to retrieve GCP Stackdriver human readable logs? - google-cloud-stackdriver

GCP stackdriver logging api provides the log messages in json format. But in the console, under "Home", under the "Activity" tab, it provides the logs in human readable format has retrieved data from BigQuery table bq_table_name
Is there a way to get these Human readable logs instead of the complete JSON log messages?

Unfortunately there's no way to get the templated message for audit logs provided by apart from the UI itself.


Force UTF8 for Hubspot > Zapier > Webhook > CRM

I have a problem with my automation via Zapier.
In Hubspot I am creating deals and triggering those via Zapier.
Once my Zap is triggered the Data goes to my Webhook in JSON format.
The problem:
The data is non UTF-8
For some reason the Zapier formatter is working only for text and not for my solution.
Can anybody help here ?
tank you
Your current flow is a bit unclear for me.
So are you creating a deal in HubSpot, and that's triggering a Zap with the info?
Or is the Zap creating the deal?
And it sounds like you have a webhook in Zapier that's receiving data. Did you select, "Raw", or just regular?
P.S. Screenshots will definitely help.

Can the relevant log entries be included in Alert emails from Google Cloud Monitoring?

I have a Google Cloud Monitoring custom Metric that measures "errors of interest" in Google Cloud logs for my project, but the Alert emails it generates (threshold > 0) have only generic information, and nothing that's actually specific to the log entry(ies) that are measured by the metric.
Ideally I'd like to have these alert emails include the actual log entries captured by the metric (i.e. the specific log messages that triggered the alert), so I can see the log info right there in the alert email without having to dig through the logs. The "View Incident" and "View Logs" buttons only get me part-way there (still no details about the specific log entries in question).
Is it possible to have these emails include the details of the log entries that triggered the alert?
Example alert email:

What's the best way to get all messages for all users?

After doing some reading through the docs it seems like if you wanted to read all messages for all users in a Microsoft Exchange Online tenancy you need to do something like:
Get all users
For each user, get all mailFolders
For each mailFolder, get all messages
Is this the best way to get all messages, or is there some way to return all messages regardless of the mailFolder they are in?
You can omit the second point and get all the messages in a user's mailbox by calling the endpoint:
GET /users/{id|userPrincipalName}/messages
List messages

Activate logs from Workflows to Stackdriver

How you correctly send logs to Stackdriver from Google Workflows?
Based on the documentation I've created this:
- logStep1:
call: sys.log
text: "Step 2 launched accordingly"
severity: INFO
The workflow launches and finishes as expected, but, when I go into stackdriver to look for my log entry it doesn't show, only "audited logs" the rest of them is no where to be found.
Google docs states certain steps to look for those logs, but even the the: resource.type="" is marked as incorrect in the stackdriver filter.
I expected to see my text payload under a blue icon (INFO) entry, but alas, is not there.
Did I missed something in my log step?
Resources used:
After re-reading the documentation it states that it requires Log Writer permissions, I thought that permissions will be inherited from the caller, but it is not the case, once has to create an specific service account with all the required permissions, including Log Writer or Log Admin to be able to send information to the Stackdriver event flow.
So, to solve this issue check:
You have a hand made service account not the one that is automatically spawn.
That SA has all the necessary API and permissions to access your endpoints and the Log writing ability.
When a flow is created the created SA must be used (instead of the generated one)
Try it.
I've tested this several times and it works.

Clickatell - API access to billing log?

I need to be able to access a log of all SMS that were sent. Is there a way to do this via their HTTP API? I haven't had much luck finding anything that reference this in their docs.
There is a feature called 'callbacks' that can send an HTTP request to your server for every message you send. It will give you status updates about the message and the message charge. This allows you to build up whatever form of custom reporting that you may want.
You send your message with the callback parameter... And you specify your URL to receive callbacks on your API connection on the website.
Unfortunately, you can't access reporting features like that via API. You need to log in to your central dashboard to get that information.
You can, however, query the message status if you have the message ID, but I don't think that's quite what you're looking for.
(Disclosure: I work for Clickatell)
