Power query: create a customized column with maths and cell reference - powerquery

Using Excel powerquery:
I have the colum "index" (it's an index colum):
I want to add a new colum, a customized index. The value of its rows should the same as "index" colum + value of cell A1 from sheet 2 in same book.
Tried with
#"custom index" = Table.AddColumn(#"amount", "customindexo", each [index]+sheet2!A1)
Tried also
#"custom index" = Table.AddColumn(#"amount", "customindexo", each [index]+ Excel.Workbook(File.Contents(GetValue("sheet2!A1"))))
No sucess. These are my first steps in powerquery. After hours researching I'm not able to do this..

In order to pass a cell value into the query editor as shown in this post, you need your cell value to be named (shows up in the Name Manager under the Formulas tab).
Once the cell is named, then you can reference it:
#"custom index" = Table.AddColumn(#"amount", "customindexo",
each [index] + Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name=cellName]}[Content]{0}[Column1])


Get newest date in Sheet

i have a sheet with two tabs. In the first tab, i can select a site and i have a list of types. I have a second tab with many datas from each type (date, year, month week, and site attached to a type).
I would like in the first tab write a formula to automatically get the newest date of the type depending to the selected site.
I'm not good with formulas but i tried to write one, this one =IF((AND(C1=DATA!F:F),(B3=DATA!E:E)),LARGE(DATA!A:A),"") but i don't have result.
Anyone can help me with my problem please ? This is the link of my Sheet.
INDEX(array, [row])
Index gets the nth value in an array, when you pass in the value 1, it will get the top most value.
I created a sorted array by using the FILTER function. and the SORT function. I sorted it descending and only returned the dates in the FILTER function.

Bring Value with Sumifs in Pow.Query language to specified row, and column(location)

Next step? I have brought with sumifs and a lot sumif from other workbook, information to the exact row, column in excel workbook. Now I want to do the same with query language. I can bring two values if condition is met, but then it is unclear how I will bring the total sum to the one row in excel workbook. Can anyone show me the path? I guess I will need Data Model...
= Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "Sumif", each if [Column2] =2 or [Column2]=1 then [Column3]+[Column4] else 0)
Source = Folder.Files...
#"Imported Excel" = Excel.Workbook(#"C:\...
SegPL_Chart = #"Imported Excel"{[Name="SegPL_Chart"]}[Data],
#"Removed Top Rows" = Table.Skip(SegPL_Chart,12),
#"Removed Alternate Rows" = Table.AlternateRows(#"Removed Top Rows",1,1,90),
#"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Removed Alternate Rows"),
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Promoted Headers", each ([Col1]="1" or [Col1]="2")),
#"Table Group = Table.Group(#"Filtered Rows", {}, List.TransformMany(Table.ColumnNames(#"Filtered Rows",(x)=>{each if x = "Names" then "Totals" else List.Sum(Table.Column(_,x))},(x,y)=>{x,y})),
#"append" = Table.Combine({#"Filtered Rows",#"Table Group"})
It gives an error "in" Token comma needed..? What else I need to do bring total rows?
You can use several steps to create several helper columns with intermediate results of conditional sums. Then you can create a new column, sum up all the intermediate results and the delete the helper columns with the intermediate results.
Keep in mind that unlike Excel, the calculations in Power Query always return constants and you can then delete calculated columns you no longer need. So,
Create helper column 1 with complicated IF and Sum scenario
Create helper column 2 with complicated IF and Sum scenario
Create total column to add column 1 + column 2
Delete helper columns and keep only the total column
That gives me exact result what I was looking for, but it is with DAX formula in PowerPivot:
=SUMX(FILTER('TableName',[ColName] = 1),'TableName'[ColName2])
So would be glad to convert it to Power-Query formula

Google Sheets - How to Combine Filter Function with Filter View

I've been working on a spreadsheet with over 100 rows, and found a hacky way to incorporate a "hide" checkbox that will hide any row where column C matches a specific value (building type), specified beside the box. To do this, I first created a function like this: =FILTER(Data!A1, OR(Data!$C1<>$O$2, $P$2)) and dragged that across every row and column in a seperate sheet. This reads as, "Display current cell if the corresponding column C in that row in Data does not match the building type, or if the the checkbox is checked. This way, the whole row is hidden when the building type matches, and the box is unchecked. A1 adjusted to each row individually, $C1 referenced the building's type, $O$2 referenced the targeted type to potentially hide, and $P$2 was the checkbox.
Problem #1: This created a lot of formulas in hundreds of cells, and when the building type was not found, it displayed #N/A across the entire row. A Filter View was able to hide these values, but it was inconvenient to have to reset the values every time I wanted to hide or unhide another building type.
My Attempt to Fix: I used a filter function once again to recreate the entire sheet from one cell, hiding the appropriate rows, using this: =FILTER(Data!A2:J191, ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C2:C191<>$O$2)+(Data!D2:D191*$P$2)) This is the hacky part. I multiplied the checkbox's "true" by an array arbitrary positive numerical values in the D column to "OR" it with each building type value to achieve the same goal as before, but for EVERY cell.
Problem #2 arose: When I get my beautiful sheet, I can not sort it via a filter view, or it will throw an error and display nothing. I'm resorting to sorting the original tab, but intend to have it be ignored entirely. So how do I combine these two, Filter View, and Filter Function, to create a nice spreadsheet where I can SORT AND HIDE rows?
Bonus Problem #3: To add more buttons, my formula is this: =FILTER(Data!A1:J191, ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$2)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$2)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$3)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$3)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$4)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$4)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$5)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$5)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$6)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$6)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$7)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$7)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$8)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$8)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$9)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$9))) This is ugly, and very slow to load. Is there a way to create a function range to handle the same checks on multiple rows, and crunch it into a single formula?
Here is another monstrosity (this one has less repetition) for you:
& "WHERE Col3 is not null "
& IF(COUNTIF(P2:P9, False) = 0, "", "AND NOT Col3 MATCHES '^" & JOIN("$|^", IFNA(FILTER(O2:O9, P2:P9 = False))) & "$' ")
& IF(COUNTIF(A2:K2, ">0") = 0, "", "ORDER BY Col" & JOIN(", Col", IFNA(FILTER(COLUMN(A2:K2) & IF(COLUMN(A2:K2) = 1, "", " DESC"), A2:K2)))),
Your checkboxes should remain. The second row can have just True/False values, no need for column number (a simple change will be needed COUNTIF(A2:K2, ">0") -> COUNTIF(A2:K2, True)). Also consequent sort works now (but only in the actual order of columns: if checked 1, 3, 4 then it will be sorted first by 1, then by 2, then by 4). You could place another config table on the right about sorting, where you would select all the columns you wish to sort by, their mutual order, and desc/asc for them.
Edit: added IFNA so FILTER won't return an error, changed multiple ANDS to MATCHES and simple regexes.

Errors when grouping by list in Power Query

I have a set of unique items (Index) to each of which are associated various elements of another set of items (in this case, dates).
In real life, if a date is associated with an index, an item associated with that index appeared in a file generated on that date. For combination of dates that actually occurs, I want to know which accounts were present.
Source = Table.FromRecords({
[Idx = 0, Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}],
[Idx = 1, Dates = {#date(2016,2,1), #date(2016,2,2), #date(2016,2,3)}],
[Idx = 2, Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}]},
type table [Idx = number, Dates = {date}]),
// Group by
Grouped = Table.Group(Source, {"Dates"}, {{"Idx", each List.Combine({[Idx]}), type {number}}}),
// Clicking on the item in the top left corner generates this code:
Navigation = Grouped{[Dates={...}]}[Dates],
// Which returns this error: "Expression.Error: Value was not specified"
// My own code to reference the same value returns {0,2} as expected.
CorrectValue = Grouped{0}[Idx],
// If I re-make the table as below the above error does not occur.
ReMakeTable = Table.FromColumns(Table.ToColumns(Grouped), Table.ColumnNames(Grouped))
in ReMakeTable
It seems that I can use the results of this in my later work even without the Re-make (I just can't preview cells correctly), but I'd like to know if what's going on that causes the error and the odd code at the Navigation step, and why it disappears after the ReMakeTable step.
This happens because when you double click an item, the auto-generated code uses value filter instead of row index that you are using to get the single row from the table. And since you have a list as a value, it should be used instead of {...}. Probably UI isn't capable to work with lists in such a situation, and it inserts {...}, and this is indeed an incorrect value.
Thus, this line of code should look like:
Navigate = Grouped{[Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}]}[Idx],
Then it will use value filter.
This is a bug in the UI. The index the UI calculates is incorrect: it should be 0 instead of [Dates={...}]. ... is a placeholder value, and it generates the "Value was not specified" exception if it is not replaced.

Spotfire Expression Value for Max(Row Count)

I'm trying to make a Calculated Value Control expression on the below columns:
Row Count | Date | Value
What I want to get is the Value for the 'newest' date, which will also be the highest row count. How can I write an expression to get this, it seems like it ought to be simple. I'm having trouble writing it in only expression language, without SQL.
Using the expression below you can limit the records in your table to those with the highest (aka most recent) date which should have your Value of interest.
[Date] = Max([Date])
You can do the same with row count since you mentioned the record of interest being the highest row count:
[Row Count] = Max([Row Count])
If you're looking to create a calculated column you can use a case statement to spit out the value:
case when [Date] = Max([Date]) then [Value] end
Lastly, should you want to display this value in a Text Area to show off your value you can utilize the calculated column above:
1) Create a new Text Area
2) Type some text about what it is: "Value for newest Date: " (optional)
3) Click "Insert Dynamic Item" -> "Calculated Value"
4) Under "Data" ensure the appropriate data table is selected. Note: You can uncheck the "Use Current Filtering..." box here if you do not want your value to update as you filter.
5) Under Values, utilize our calculated column with "Max" wrapped around it to avoid Summing duplicate values:
Here is a screenshot of my work with random filler dates and values: http://i.imgur.com/hFapS8c.png
The larger text is to show the calculated value dynamic items. I used Max([Date]) for the date value.
