Why do not I get the id when mapping from DTO to entity with mapstruct? - spring-boot

I have an API with spring boot and I use mapstruct and I just want to update the Person entity. For this, having PersonDto update Person.
What I have so far:
public interface PersonMapper {
PersonDto toPersonDto(Person person);
Person toPerson(PersonDto personDto);
Person updatePersonFromDto(PersonDto persoonDto, #MappingTarget
Person document);
In service layer:
Find Person:
public PersonDto updatePerson(Long personId) {
PersonDto personDto = personService.findById(personId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new PersonNotFoundException(id));
personDto.set(...) //set others properties
Person person = personMapper.toPerson(personDto);
person = personMapper.updatePersonFromDto(personDto, person);
return personMapper.toPersonDto(person);
My question, is there a strategy or a better way of update an entity from a DTO?
I was able to solve a part, now I do not lose the id, but I still create a new object instead of updating it. The id is in AbstractPersistableEntity.
public class Person extends AbstractPersistableEntity<ID> implements Serializable {
private String name;
private String lastName;
private Integer age;
public class PersonDto {
#JsonProperty(access = JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY)
private Long id;
private String name;
private String lastName;
private Integer age;

Maybe it is not the most optimal or correct solution but it works. I made the following modifications to the mapper:
#BeanMapping(nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE,
nullValueCheckStrategy = NullValueCheckStrategy.ALWAYS)
Person updatePersonFromDto(PersonDto persoonDto, #MappingTarget
Person document);
default Person updatePerson(PersonDto personDto, Person person){
if (personDto != null){
Long id = person.getId();
Person resultPerson = updatePersonFromDto(personDto, person);
return resultPerson;
return null;
Then from the service just call:
person = personMapper.updatePerson(personDto, person);


Spring hibernate ignore json object

I need to remove cart object from json, but only in one controller method and that is:
public List<User> getUsers() {
return userRepository.findAll();
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer id;
#NotBlank(message = "Name cannot be empty")
private String name;
private Cart cart;
public class Cart {
private String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
private List<CartItem> cartItems = new ArrayList<>();
#OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
private User user;
I have done it with simple solution so i loop trough all users, and set their cart to null,and then anotated user entity with #JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)
But i dont think this is propper solution, so im searching for some better solution..
How am i able to do this?
You can create DTO (data transfer object) class like this:
public class UsersDto {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public UsersDto(User user) {
this.id = user.id;
this.name= user.name;
and than create List<UsersDto>
public List<UsersDto> getUsers() {
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll();
return users
.map(o -> new UsersDto(o))
You should use Data Projection.
In your use case, you can use an interface projection:
public interface CartlessUser {
Integer getId();
String getName();
And In your repository:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Integer> {
List<CartlessUser> findAllBy();
The interface projection will help generate the sql query for only selecting the id, name fields. This will save you from fetching the Cart data when you're just going to throw it away anyways.

Spring boot MongoDb complex query

I have been learning myself MongoDB implementation in Spring Boot.
However, I came into a problem with complex queries.
I cannot find any right solution for how to implement complex queries to MongoDB from Spring boot.
I am querying the database with MongoRepository interface implementation.
Let's say that I have three collections:
Person - 1 Person can have many Pets.
Pet - 1 Pet can have 1 PetToy and 1 Person who owns him.
PetToy - 1 PetToy can belong to 1 Pet.
POJO classes are bellow
What do I want to achieve?
I want to make a query, which would be returned me a Person, whose Pet has a Toy (PetToy) with the name "Teddy".
I could not have found a way how to do it. Furthermore, is it the best practice to even use such complex queries, or is it better to write more of little ones in MongoDB?
public class Person {
private String id;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
private int age;
private Pet pet;
public class Pet {
private String id;
private String name;
private int age;
private List<PetToy> toys;
public class PetToy {
private String id;
private String name;
I have tried to use MongoRepositories; however, I was not able to make the complex query.
How can one write such a query to a MongoDB from Spring Boot?
Thank you very much in advance.
If you can use embedded attributes, the class model should be:
public class Person {
private String id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int age;
private List<Pet> pets;
public class Pet {
private String name;
private int age;
private List<PetToy> toys;
public class PetToy {
private String name;
The repository with the method that achieves what you want:
public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String> {
List<Person> getByPetsToysName(String name);
The getByPetsToysName method basically navigate between Person's attributes Person->pets->toys->name. More info here.
An example
public class TestMongo implements CommandLineRunner {
private final PersonRepository repository;
public TestMongo(PersonRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
List<Person> persons = repository.getByPetsToysName("Teddy");
List<Person> persons1 = repository.getByPetsToysName("Lolo");
find using query: { "pets.toys.name" : "Teddy" } fields: Document{{}} for class: class Person in collection: person
If you want more complex queries you can to take a look at the Spring Data MongoDB docs.

neo4j RelationshipEntity not created

I'm having issues getting a neo4j RelationshipEntity persisted with Spring Boot. I'm using spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j (2.1.0.RELEASE), and the neo4j docker image tagged 3.4.9.
I have a simple NodeEntity, which contains a collection for the RelationshipEntity:
public class Book {
private Long id;
private String name;
public Book() {}
public Book(String name) {
this.name = name;
#Relationship(type = "PURCHASED_WITH", direction = "OUTGOING")
private Set<BookPurchase> purchases = new HashSet<>();
// getters and setters follow
I have another NodeEntity, which also contains a collection for the relationship entity:
public class CreditCard {
private Long id;
private String number;
#DateString(value = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date expiryDate;
public CreditCard() {}
public CreditCard(String number, Date expiryDate) {
this.number = number;
this.expiryDate = expiryDate;
#Relationship(type = "PURCHASED_WITH", direction = "INCOMING")
private Set<BookPurchase> purchases = new HashSet<BookPurchase>();
// getters and setters follow
I have the RelationshipEntity, which adds references to both NodeEntity classes in the constructor:
#RelationshipEntity(type = "PURCHASED_WITH")
public class BookPurchase {
private long id;
Date purchaseDate;
private Book book;
private CreditCard card;
public BookPurchase(){}
public BookPurchase(CreditCard card, Book book, Date purchaseDate) {
this.card = card;
this.book = book;
this.purchaseDate = purchaseDate;
// getters and setters follow
And finally I have the Spring controller tying everything together:
public class ExamplesController {
CreditCardRepository creditCardRepository;
public String createPurchases() {
CreditCard card = new CreditCard("11111", new GregorianCalendar(2018, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 12).getTime());
Book book1 = new Book("of mice and men");
BookPurchase purchase1 = new BookPurchase(card,book1,new GregorianCalendar(2018, Calendar.MARCH, 15).getTime());
return "Successfully created entities";
Whenever I try to curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/purchases, I just see the following in the neo4j browser - the RelationshipEntity is not persisted, only the nodes.
Can anyone assist?
Thanks to Gerrit Meier for answering this one. My RelationshipEntity was using the primitive long instead of the object/wrapper Long. Complete details here: https://community.neo4j.com/t/neo4j-relationshipentity-not-persisted/3039

How to code Spring JPA onetomany relation

I am new to Spring programming and trying the below example with one to many relationship between BID and BIDITEM classes. I am not sure whether the BIDITEM data is saved, as when I tried to retrieve the BID, I am getting only BID data and not BIDITEM data. Do we need to have a repository even for BIDITEM class. I can see that complete BID JSON string, along with BIDITEM is received in create method.
Could you please go through it, and let me know what is wrong with it.
#Table(name = "bid")
public class Bid {
private String title;
private long startDate;
private long endDate;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "myBid", cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
private List<BidItem> bidItems = new ArrayList<BidItem>();
//Constructor, getter and setter methods go here
public class BidItem
private String item;
private String desc;
private double minAmt;
#JoinColumn(name = "title")
private Bid myBid;
//Constructor, getter and setter methods go here
public interface BidRepository extends CrudRepository<Bid, String> {
//Tried even JpaRepository
public class BidService {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
private BidRepository bidRepo;
public Bid create(String bidJson) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException
Bid bid = mapper.readValue(bidJson, Bid.class);
// bidJson string has below string
// {"bidItems":[{"item":"item1","desc":"item1","minAmt":"999"}],
// "title":"bid1","startDate":"D1","endDate":"D5"}
Bid savedBid = bidRepo.save(bid);
return savedBid;
public Bid findByID(String title)
Bid bid = bidRepo.findOne(title);
return bid;

Spring Data Rest #EmbeddedId cannot be constructed from Post Request

I have a JPA entity Person and an entity Team. Both are joined by an entity PersonToTeam. This joining entity holds a many-to-one relation to Person and one to Team. It has a multi-column key consisting of the ids of the Person and the Team, which is represented by an #EmbeddedId. To convert the embedded id back and forth to the request id I have a converter. All this follows the suggestion on Spring Data REST #Idclass not recognized
The code looks like this:
public class PersonToTeam {
private PersonToTeamId id = new PersonToTeamId();
#JoinColumn(name = "person_id", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Person person;
#JoinColumn(name = "team_id", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Team team;
private RoleInTeam role;
public enum RoleInTeam {
public class PersonToTeamId implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8450195271351341722L;
#Column(name = "person_id")
private String personId;
#Column(name = "team_id")
private String teamId;
public class PersonToTeamIdConverter implements BackendIdConverter {
public boolean supports(Class<?> delimiter) {
return delimiter.equals(PersonToTeam.class);
public Serializable fromRequestId(String id, Class<?> entityType) {
if (id != null) {
PersonToTeamId ptid = new PersonToTeamId();
String[] idParts = id.split("-");
return ptid;
return BackendIdConverter.DefaultIdConverter.INSTANCE.fromRequestId(id, entityType);
public String toRequestId(Serializable id, Class<?> entityType) {
if (id instanceof PersonToTeamId) {
PersonToTeamId ptid = (PersonToTeamId) id;
return String.format("%s-%s", ptid.getPersonId(), ptid.getTeamId());
return BackendIdConverter.DefaultIdConverter.INSTANCE.toRequestId(id, entityType);
The problem with this converter is, that the fromRequestId method gets a null as id parameter, when a post request tries to create a new personToTeam association. But there is no other information about the payload of the post. So how should an id with foreign keys to the person and the team be created then? And as a more general question: What is the right approach for dealing many-to-many associations in spring data rest?
After running into the same issue I found a solution. Your code should be fine, except I return new PersonToTeamId() instead of the DefaultIdConverter if id is null in fromRequestId().
Assuming you are using JSON in your post request you have to wrap personId and teamId in an id object:
"id": {
"personId": "foo",
"teamId": "bar"
And in cases where a part of the #EmbeddedId is not a simple data type but a foreign key:
"id": {
"stringId": "foo",
"foreignKeyId": "http://localhost:8080/path/to/other/resource/1"
