Why do I need to update system variables every time I restart? - bash

I've followed these instructions to the letter to move my global npm directory elsewhere, as I was getting permissions issues.
That kinda-worked, but now I can't use npm anywhere unless I input source ~/.profile every time I restart, which is a huge pain.
Is that deliberate? Is there any way around it?

Everything in .bash_profile will be sourced on login.
echo . ~/.profile >> ~/.bash_profile

The way around it is to read and understand the section of the Bash manual that deals with start-up files, and then take appropriate action.
In the latest edition of the Bash manual, this seems to be in section 6.2. The version that ships with macOS is probably older, but there has not been much change in this area lately.
My guess would be that you have a ~/.bash_profile file which takes precedence over ~/.profile, but that is just a guess.

Edit: This post has an answer with a nice graphical flow. It might make sense to source in /etc/profile
This link talks about the different startup files of bash. You can source ~/.profile in one of the start up files automatically rather than type it manually as you are now.
Depending on if you want it to source at login or new terminal window put it in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc
This link has a good breakdown of the different files as well.


source /.bash_profile command not working

I am trying to refresh my aliases on my Mac (OS Catalina 10.15.6) after defining new aliases in my .bash_profile file with the command:
source ~/.bash_profile
But terminal keeps giving this error message:-bash: s: command not found
This is confusing because for the longest time this command worked. I even had it included in my .bash_profile file as an alias, where it worked fine.
I'm aware the problem could have to do it with an error in my PATH but I've never made any edits to my PATH so have no idea what the issue could be?
Thanks in advance.
My first instinct would be to check both ~/.bashrc, and /etc/bashrc if it exists. That is where I customarily define aliases, and it looks to me as though a bad alias may be your problem.
I'm not saying it was the one you made, although it might be. Just go through your rc and profile files and look for any aliases which might in any way clash with source.
I suspect the source command is working just fine and the problem is a bad line in the ~/.bash_profile itself that looks like it's trying to run a command named s. I would look in there for the problem.
It might help to run it with xtrace on via bash -x ~/.bash_profile – running it in a separate process like that won't have any of the presumably-desired side effects of sourceing it in your current shell, but you can see what it's trying to do so that you can fix it.
(You can also just set -x before the source and get both xtrace and running in the current shell; just be sure to set +x afterwards or your shell session will be full of debug output.)

I have to run source ~/.bash_profile every time in order to see react-native

I added a bunch of aliases to my .profile file. None of them work either.
My .bash_profile has one line: export PATH="$HOME/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH"
I went as far as creating a .bashrc file and putting source ~/.bash_profile in it.
Nothing I have tried is working, other than if I put source ~/.bash_profile into my shell every time I open a new one.
I have tried every stack overflow answer I could find and nothing is working.
Anyone out there can help me?
I am on mac, using fish, but same results in bash.
Fish is not, in general, bash compatible. That means it won't read bash's configuration files and if source works on them that's lucky (e.g. export var=val will work, var=val will not).
You need to either start fish from bash (and have all necessary variables exported), rewrite the necessary configuration for use with fish and add it to config.fish, or use something like https://github.com/edc/bass to read bash's changed environment from fish.

Load .bash_profile for every terminal

I set up some aliases in my .bash_profile on my Max OS X.
It works but when I'm opening a new tab I always have to load my .bash_profile file with this command:
source ~/.bash_profile
How can I make it work for every terminal I'm opening, even if I'm restarting my Mac or Linux computer?
If you use zsh , you can add source ~/.bash_profile
at the end of .zshrc file at the following path: /Users/YOUR USER NAME/.zshrc , then restart your Terminal/iTerm2 app.
Note that this file is hidden. You can press CMD + SHIFT + . in Finder to
see it, Or just open it in default text editor with the following command from terminal:
open ~/.zshrc
You don't need to do this by hand, run the following command:
echo "source ~/.bash_profile" >> ~/.zshrc
* Dont forget to restart your terminal.
The files executed at the start may be several, usually ~/.bashrc for interactive, non-login shells. The kind I assume you are using.
If so, create an ~/.bashrc file and source ~/.bash_profile in it:
if [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]; then
. ~/.bash_profile
This web site has a lot of information about this.
Study this image, as it is a condensed guide
If you do need to find out exactly which file is being executed, take a look at this web page. It has a lot of specific tests to find out what file is setting what.
Specific for Mac-OS (which is an exception and loads ~/.bash_profile) do as is recomended in the site linked in this answer AFTER you confirm that your bash is doing as explained there.
I know this is a pretty old post, but this problem comes and goes quite oftenly and a lot of laborous solutions are offered. The fact is: being aware of a simple info would solve this pretty fast and easy:
LINUX/Unix OS will load the profile files on startup following the rules below (some distros may have other files names, mainly for user local profiles, but the main rule follows this):
Login Shell
First and foremost: /etc/profile is loaded (global settings);
Next: ˜/.bash_profile (local user settings- other files may be found, like ˜/.profile, depending on the distro. Check documentation).
So, if you are in a Login Shell environment, put all your crazy stuff inside ˜/.bash_profile (or the file provided by your distro) and everything will be fine.
Non-login Shell
First and foremost: /etc/bashrc (some distros will load bash.bashrc);
The next file to be seeked and loaded is ˜/.bashrc
And that's why so many people (just like me) got frustrated having to source their ˜/.bash_profile every single time a Terminal was loaded. We were simply inserting info in the "wrong" file- regarding the kind of shell loaded (see above: login, non-login).
More details on variants of the files mentioned above and some info on login vs non-login shell can be found here.
Hope it helps \o/

Setting up vim autocomplete for the Go programming language

I was generally interested to know how people had their go autocomplete set up for vim and was looking for advice on it.
Related to my original question, I think I know I can just go to:
copy the files that they provide there and just start using the vim autocomplete. However, I wanted to know what people thought and how the go community has the vim autocomplete set up.
Also, I have followed the intructions as were posted there and I still cannot make the autocompletion work for my go in vim. So I am looking for other alternatives or ideas on how to make it work. Not sure what the problem is. Currently when I try to autocomplete it simply writes the word PANIC instead of showing me the options for autocompletion.
I was trying to set up my vim such that it could auto complete the Go programming language, however, I was following the instructions in the following page:
and I was not sure what they meant and I was a little scared of maybe changing my vim set up in a way that might be damaging by doing it wrongly.
The first thing that confused me is it says:
Install official Go vim scripts from $GOROOT/misc/vim. If you did that already, proceed to the step 2.
However, I was not sure what that even meant. I did go to that directory in my terminal and read the readme.txt file and I it said how to activate the syntax highlighting which I already had anyway. Is that everything I have to do for that step?
On step 2 it says:
They actually provide the code that update.sh is but I was not sure what the beginning of the cp command meant i.e. its:
mkdir -p "$HOME/.vim/autoload"
mkdir -p "$HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go"
cp "${0%/*}/autoload/gocomplete.vim" "$HOME/.vim/autoload"
cp "${0%/*}/ftplugin/go/gocomplete.vim" "$HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go"
But what does the ${0%/*} part do? and even if I know what the update.sh is, where do I even run this, since this vim/update.sh is done at a relative path?
I know update.sh wants me to copy some files to $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go and $HOME/.vim/autoload, but I even did a find from ~ and couldn't find such files, so I am unsure on what to copy. I know where it should go, but not where the file even is. Does someone know where those files are or an easier or more detailed explanation on how to make vim auto-complete for go?
Thanks for the help in advance! :)
Some of the problems that I have discovered that I have, not sure if its expected, but in the $GOROOt/misc/vim/ftplugin/go I do not have the gocomplete.vim file at all. I have other stuff that seems irrelevent like an fmt.vim import.vim and a test.sh file.
But the odd thing is that at $GOROOt/misc/autoload I do not have the gocomplete.vim file but I instead have a complete.vim file. Not sure if that the same or why the name of the file would have changed. Anyway has their go autocomplete set up and mind sharing what they have and if they know what the differences might be with what I have encountered? Thanks!
ADDITION to Question
I am also generally interested in how other people have their auto-complete set up for their go in vim. Feel free to share that too!
Have you executed the update.sh command already? I'm pretty confident that it will work.
All of your Vim configuration is stored in ~/.vim/, ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc (with Vim 7.4, you can put the last two also inside the first directory). To backup your Vim configuration, just store those somewhere (or put all of your dotfiles under version control, as many now do).
The ${0%/*} manipulates the script's file name ($0) like dirname does: It cuts off the script file name itself (everything at the end * until the last /). With this, you can invoke the script from anywhere, e.g. $GOROOT/misc/vim/update.sh or cd misc; vim/update.sh or cd misc/vim; ./update.sh.
The script also ensures that the autoload and ftplugin subdirs exist, and creates them if they don't yet. Just give it a try!

Too many bash initialization files?

I just installed GMT4 (Generic Mapping Tools) from MacPorts and have run into some serious issues with terminal...
When using the ls command in terminal I get the following:
-bash: ls: command not found
To fix this I've tried many things that I read many different places online. I've changed the following files to include /usr and /bin:
Doing so gave me back the sudo command which I had previously lost.
However, I still am not able to use ls in a new terminal window without manually exporting the path("new session"). This has been causing problems when I'm running shell scripts that use system functions. So I'm starting to wonder what exactly those three files do and if maybe having three files doing the same thing is causing them to interfere with one another. If anyone can tell me where I need to add these PATHS that would be great; I dunno, maybe I can delete one of these files or something ELSE is conflicting. Right now I just run " export PATH=$PATH:/usr" in each new terminal window and it works for that session.
I'm running Mac OS X 10.6 on a early 2011 MacBook Pro with 4GB of RAM.
Background for those who are interested:
My end goal is to use Relax to model viscoelastic relaxation in a mid-oceanic ridge system to come up with some sort of constitutive law or power-relation between slip magnitude and the location of greatest tensional stress in the lithosphere due to normal faulting.
The Bash manual actually explains these files fairly thoroughly. However, the manual does not describe how these mechanisms are usually used in practice. What follows is a brief, abridged version of what is common best practice.
.profile is read at login by both sh and bash.
.bashrc is read by non-login Bash shells. By convention, .bash_profile sources .bashrc in turn.
.bash_profile is read at login by Bash. If this file exists, .profile is not read. By convention, .bash_profile should source .profile if it exists.
