Is there any problem with naming my laravel project as crm - laravel

I try to create a laravel project named crm and got this error.
Project directory crm/ is not empty
I am using windows system. I have tried to name it in capital letters but got the same error

Yes its because the path which you are trying to create the laravel application
already has the same folder that is not empty
So If You need to create a laravel app by overwriting it
laravel new crm --force
So --force will Forces install even if the directory already exists


Is there a way to fix missing files of laravel 5.6

Some guy made a site with laravel 5.6 and we at a different place need to change just some tags and the CSS, I have a git of the site but "vendor, .env" and many files that are also missing in the git, how can I open the site in my computer to adjust the style sheets I have no database backup and also installed laravel 5.6 and try to paste de missing files but there are still many errors.
Altough the original programmers excluded some files in the git repo using the ignoregit file I created a new laravel 5.6 project and copied the missing files to my original app folder, imported the missing packages using composer and finally used artisan to migrate the database using "php artisan migrate"

About Hyperledger Fabric composer: error when execute cmd composer card list

I followed the hyperledger composer tutorial to create a admin card and it is already imported, but when I execute "composer card list" to check the cards it returned this error.
Error: Can't find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see
My OS is mac OS 12, and all the relevant environments are latest.
How should I handle this problem?
this is a bug with the underlying NodeJS readdir function, its list everything in the folder even the hidden your case just go to the ./compser/cards folder in your home directory and delete the hidden files in that folder
This happened to us and We found out that by mistake we have created a file in ".composer/card" folder. Once we deleted that file, the issue got resolved.

Can't install Laravel

I can not install Laravel. I am using xampp. here's what I get when I try and install it
If you want to create a Laravel application under the name Blog:
rm blog -r
laravel new blog
If you want to create a Laravel application under different name:
laravel new applicationname
(I assume you're very new to Laravel, so welcome! You can delete this question if you want to so it won't hurt your reputation, I'm already give it one thumbs up so it won't hurt that much :) )
The message says that the Laravel project is already created. If you want to create a new Laravel project you have to delete it first, or create it with a different name.
Laravel is designed to be installed into a fresh project directory. However, if for some reason you want to install Laravel into an existing non-empty directory, do the following.
In this example, we install Laravel into foo and then copy it into an existing project named bar
1) Create the new Laravel project:
$ laravel new foo
You should now see your two projects:
$ ls
foo/ bar/
2) Copy Laravel project files into bar/ and rerun Composer installation.
rsync -av --ignore-existing --exclude=vendor foo/ bar
cd bar/
composer install
Beware that this will not overwrite any files in case of name conflicts. If you have an existing composer.json, you will need to manually composer require all the Laravel dependencies. Similarly, if you have an existing .gitignore file, then you should manually merge the two.

Issue Creating Laravel app

I'm new to using command line tools. I'm trying to setup laravel 5 on a mac.
Every time I try to install a new app, I'm getting the following error:
"Could not open input file: composer.phar"
I thought I had installed composer in the global bin. Any suggestions?
Problem is you didnt move your .phar file to your path
check this link Laravel document
or Laravel official video
its will help you

Laravel 4 class not found after doployment to production

Class 'App\Package\PackageServiceProvider' not found
After moving my laravel directories to my server. The app is under psr-0.
The same files are found and working locally without any errors.
I tried to update composer with and without dump but nothing changes.
Why does that happen?
By default, the vendor directory is not checked into your git repository. So, just run composer install on your server and it should take care of the rest.
