How to Dock a bottom panel in NativeScript - nativescript

The Problem
I have a page that is a slider, simply displays an image, and you slide left or right to get to the next/previous.
What I am trying to do, is at the bottom of the screen overlay a panel where I can enter some text describing the image.
Here is my XML:
<Page xmlns="" xmlns:ns="nativescript-carousel">
<ActionBar title="Customer On Boarding" icon="" class="action-bar">
<StackLayout class="">
<ns:Carousel height="100%" width="100%" pageChanged="myChangeEvent" pageTapped="mySelectedEvent" indicatorColor="#fff000" finite="true" bounce="false" showIndicator="true" verticalAlignment="top" android:indicatorAnimation="swap" color="white">
<ns:CarouselItem class="slides slides-1" id="slide1" backgroundColor="#b3cde0" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label backgroundRepeat="no-repeat" text="Step 1" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<!-- Dock Bottom -->
<ns:CarouselItem class="slides slides-2" id="slide2" backgroundColor="#6497b1" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 2" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<ns:CarouselItem class="slides slides-3" id="slide3" backgroundColor="#005b96" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 3" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<ns:CarouselItem class="slides slides-4" id="slide4" backgroundColor="#03396c" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 4" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center" />
and here is a screenshot:
At the bottom I would like a 100% width, roughly 100px high, bordered 'panel' I can add some text.
Does anyone have any ideas? I tried Dock Failed miserably. Ugh.
Thank You for looking.

You can use the GridLayout like the example below
<GridLayout columns="*" rows=auto, * " backgroundColor="lightgray ">
<StackLayout class=" row=" 0">
<ns:Carousel height="100%" width="100%" pageChanged="myChangeEvent" pageTapped="mySelectedEvent" indicatorColor="#fff000" finite="true" bounce="false" showIndicator="true" verticalAlignment="top" android:indicatorAnimation="swap" color="white">
<ns:CarouselItem class="slides slides-1" id="slide1" backgroundColor="#b3cde0" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label backgroundRepeat="no-repeat" text="Step 1" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<!-- Dock Bottom -->
<ns:CarouselItem class="slides slides-2" id="slide2" backgroundColor="#6497b1" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 2" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<ns:CarouselItem class="slides slides-3" id="slide3" backgroundColor="#005b96" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 3" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<ns:CarouselItem class="slides slides-4" id="slide4" backgroundColor="#03396c" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 4" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center" />
<StackLayout row="1">
// add text panel here


how to remove the auto padding in nativescript android actionbar?

I tried to add two colors with full width in nativescript android. But it always takes extra padding. Below is my code-
<ActionBar class="p-l-0 m-l-0" backgroundColor="#007FA3">
<GridLayout rows="auto,auto" columns="*">
<StackLayout class="p-2" row="0" style="background-color: #F29F03;" horizontalAlignment="left">
<Label class="action-label p-2" width="200%" text=" Please wait" fontSize="12" color="white" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></Label>
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="1">
<label textAlignment="center" text=" " class="fas" row="1" color="white"></label>
<Label text="PageTitle" fontSize="22" color="white" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></Label>
How to remove the extra margin before orange label?
If you're using a later version of Theme then you may need to increase the css specificity, such as:
.ns-root ActionBar.actionbar {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
And in your xml file,
<ActionBar class="actionbar" backgroundColor="#007FA3">

Nativescript Ios Vertical align

Faced an unpleasant problem
help me please
When trying to align to the bottom of the page, the IOS unit does not completely go down
iosOverflowSafeArea did not help
<GridLayout columns="*,*" rows="*" row="1" col="0" class="project-type-content" width="100%" [iosOverflowSafeArea]="true">
<StackLayout width="100%" row="0" [col]="i" *ngFor="let item of projectTypes; let i=index" class="debug" verticalalignment="bottom" [iosOverflowSafeArea]="true">
<StackLayout width="75%" (tap)="onProjectTypeChoose(item.urlPrefix)" class="debug" [iosOverflowSafeArea]="true">
<GridLayout columns="*" rows="auto, auto" height="auto">
<StackLayout class="btn-type-choose" col="0" row="0">
<ns-rounded-button fontColor="#fff" borderColor="#fff" color="#fff" [text]="item.title" [bg]=""
<StackLayout width="100%" col="0" row="1" class="project-type-item">
<Label [text]="item.subTitle" width="100%" class="project-type-item-title monserrat regular"></Label>
<!--<Image [src]="item.image" stretch="aspectFill" class="project-type-item-image"></Image>-->
<HtmlView [html]="item.description" width="100%"></HtmlView>
<Image src="~/assets/images/firstScreenShadow.png" width="100%" horizontalAlignment="center"></Image>
<Label text="What`s New:" class="whats-new-title monserrat semi-bold"></Label>
<Label *ngIf="item.updateText && item.updateText[0]" [text]="item.updateText[0]" class="project-type-item-wats monserrat regular"></Label>
<Label *ngIf="item.updateText && item.updateText[1]" [text]="item.updateText[1]" class="project-type-item-wats monserrat regular"></Label>
<StackLayout width="100%" class="tap-to-choose" height="20">
<Button text="Tap to choose" class="tap-to-choose-btn" width="60%"></Button>

centering a label in a FlexboxLayout of nativescript-vue

In a flexbox layout i want to have an image on the left and a center label title on the right :
<FlexboxLayout backgroundColor="#bada55" justifyContent="space-between" height="300" class="head">
<Image :src="posts.image_url" stretch="aspectFit" class="head_img"/>
<Label :text="posts.product_name" alignSelf="center" alignContent="center" class="title" textWrap="true"/>
in my case the label text is going to the right but is not center, any idea on how to do that ?
You can add textAlignment="center" to the label.
<FlexboxLayout backgroundColor="#bada55" justifyContent="space-between" height="300" class="head">
<Image :src="posts.image_url" stretch="aspectFit" class="head_img"/>
<Label :text="posts.product_name" alignSelf="center" alignContent="center" textAlignment="center" class="title" textWrap="true"/>

NativeScript display images in dynamic grid

I'm trying to find a way to display 6 images in two columns and 3 rows.
With for columns and images should be 50%. Here is my code and it does not "overflow" second and third row.
<Repeater items="{{ sviKatalozi }}">
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal" width="500" height="1000" />
<Image width="180" margin="10" src="{{ 'http://imageurl' + katalog_image }}" />
I have found perfect solution <FlexboxLayout> to arrange things in way I want, but could not find a way to use observables and data binding. It does not work if put items="{{ sviKatalozi }}" inside.
<FlexboxLayout flexWrap="wrap" height="50%" width="100%" backgroundColor="lightgray">
<Label text="Label 1" width="50%" height="50" backgroundColor="red"/>
<Label text="Label 2" width="50%" height="50" backgroundColor="green"/>
<Label text="Label 3" width="50%" height="50" backgroundColor="blue"/>
<Label text="Label 4" width="100" height="50" backgroundColor="yellow"/>
Is there any way to make this work? Thanks
use ngFor like this
<GridLayout *ngFor="let item of placesArray" width="50%" class="placeBox">
instead of Repeater

nativescript data has to be displayed grid view with 4*4

For displaying the grid view (4*4) in nativescript with Angular, I have integrated the npm "nativescript-grid-view" as per the example in npm site. But, It fails for me. I got the error whenever I enter that page in the application.
Error :
System.err: Error: Expecting a valid View instance.
System.err: File: "file:///data/data/com.domain.project/files/app/tns_modules/tns-core-modules/ui/core/view-base/view-base.js, line: 337, column: 12
Code .ts file
<GridLayout class="page">
<GridView [items]="order" colWidth="30%" rowHeight="100">
<ng-template let-item="item" let-odd="odd">
<StackLayout margin="10" [nsRouterLink]="['/item',]" borderColor="blue" borderWidth="2" borderRadius="5" verticalAlignment="stretch" class="list-group-item" [class.odd]="odd">
<Label verticalAlignment="center" [text]="item.productName" class="list-group-item-text" textWrap="true"></Label>
import { GridViewModule } from 'nativescript-grid-view/angular';
imports: [
loader: {
provide: TranslateLoader,
useFactory: (createTranslateLoader),
deps: [Http]
"tns-android": {
"version": "3.0.1"
"tns-ios": {
"version": "3.4.1"
"typescript": "~2.2.0",....
Somebody has asked the question is below forum, but no one has replied.
Or you could use nativescript-ui-listview and its ListViewGridLayout with spanCount property. The official documentation for this functionality is here. Basically, you could do the following:
<RadListView [items]="dataItems">
<ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-item="item">
<!-- item template here -->
<ListViewGridLayout tkListViewLayout spanCount="4" scrollDirection="Vertical" ios:itemHeight="200" ></ListViewGridLayout>
NativeScript 4X4 GridLayout
I have written some code in the nativescript playground link.
<GridLayout rows="*,*,*,*" columns="*,*,*,*">
<Label text="1" row="0" col="0" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="2" row="0" col="1" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="3" row="0" col="2" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="4" row="0" col="3" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="5" row="1" col="0" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="6" row="1" col="1" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="7" row="1" col="2" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="8" row="1" col="3" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="9" row="2" col="0" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="10" row="2" col="1" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="11" row="2" col="2" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="12" row="2" col="3" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="13" row="3" col="0" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="14" row="3" col="1" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="15" row="3" col="2" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
<Label text="16" row="3" col="3" borderColor="black" borderWidth="1"></Label>
Preview of the 4x4 GridLayout will be like this
Below code does work without using nativeoscript-grid-view. I think that nativescript version is the problem.
<ScrollView class="plansScroll" #plansScroll orientation="vertical" horizontalAlignment="center" width="100%">
<WrapLayout orientation="horizontal" [id]="myIndex" (tap)="onPlanSectionTap($event)" class="plansScrollGrid m-5" #plansScrollGrid>
<StackLayout *ngFor='let item of order; let myIndex = index' width="25%">
<!-- <Image [src]="item.imagePath" width="80"></Image> -->
<Image width="80" [src]="'~/assets/img/bratShop-overlay.jpg'"></Image>
<Label [text]='item.productName' textWrap="true" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" #plansScrollGridType></Label>
<Label [text]='item.orderNumber' textWrap="true" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" #plansScrollGridType></Label>
<Label [text]='item.orderStatus' textWrap="true" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" #plansScrollGridType></Label>
<Label [text]='item.orderDate' textWrap="true" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" #plansScrollGridType></Label>
