Convert TImage to black and white - firemonkey

Is there a way to convert a color TImage to black and white, with no Effect component involved?
My TImage contains one TCheckbox as a child. If I add a MonochromeEffect to the TImage, the child TCheckbox becomes unresponsive.


GLES remove logo from texture with a black and white mask

I would like to delete a portion of a texture defined by a black and white mask and replace it with the color of the adjacent pixels
this is an example to make you understand better
this is my try
first I draw the mask with the white area with the part of the image to be preserved and black with the portion to be obscured with
glDisable (GL_BLEND);
then I draw over the image with
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
glBlendFunc (GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO);
in this way I can delete the part defined by the mask but I don't know how to fill it inside with the colors of the adjacent pixels
I found this shadertoy that does exactly what i'm looking for
but I have to apply this to a video, and this shader seems to modify a static image multiple times by calling itself while the frames are running
I should have the effect generated for each frame in the simplest and lighter manner to run the shader on a rpi4

How to change white background to transparent in golang?

How to change a Golang image.Image's white background to transparent?
I want to put the white background into a translucent color, do you have any suggestions?
This is not possible in general but there are heuristic approaches to attempt this.
Why is it not possible?
If the original image had some transparent pixels and was rendered on a plain white background (or any known background) then in the resulting image there is lost information. For example, is a pink pixel created from a red pixel with some transparency or a truly pink pixel without transparency?
Even a pure white pixel may have been fully white originally, or fully transparent, or somewhere in between.
Heuristic approaches
If you know something about the original image or can infer something by looking at it you may be able to deduce what colour and transparency of the original pixels was. A simple first step is that if the outside pixels are white then you might want to flood fill this area with fully transparent pixels. Also white areas inside coloured areas may be holes that can also be transparent.
Next you can infer the colours of border pixels around objects of a single colour (assuming transparency was used for anti-aliasing). For example for a red circle with pink pixels on the circumference it's likely they were originally red with some transparency leading them to be rendered in different shades of pink. For more complex, multi-coloured shapes you can get a reasonable result by manually editing the image using judgement, knowledge/guesswork of the original image and knowledge of how anti-aliasing was performed.
I wrote a Paint.Net plugin (C#) to automate this sort of thing many years ago and sometimes it gave reasonable results, but often you need to do it by hand.
package "image" has Decode function
func Decode(r io.Reader) (Image, string, error)
image.Image is interface
type Image interface {
// ColorModel returns the Image's color model.
ColorModel() color.Model
// Bounds returns the domain for which At can return non-zero color.
// The bounds do not necessarily contain the point (0, 0).
Bounds() Rectangle
// At returns the color of the pixel at (x, y).
// At(Bounds().Min.X, Bounds().Min.Y) returns the upper-left pixel of the grid.
// At(Bounds().Max.X-1, Bounds().Max.Y-1) returns the lower-right one.
At(x, y int) color.Color
after you decode you file into image.Image, you can get Height and Width from Bounds(),and color from At(x,y).
So, here is what to do next:
make another image with alpha channel,
Iterate throw whole image one pix by another,
check color, copy color to new image after you do whatever you want.

Detecting anti-aliased or undersampled text image

I have an image that is essentially a text document (black and white) but due to anti-aliasing/undersampling applied during scanning, the image contains a lot of color, light tone pixels and is thus saved as a full-color image i.e: takes a lot of space.
My goal is to be able to detect Black and White image candidates in order to convert them from full color to B&W which dramatically reduces their size.
Is there a way to detect such anti-aliased/undersampled images? Doing color pixel analysis doesn't help because the colored pixels end up being close in amount to the black pixels... Essentially I want to be able to detect that the colored pixels come from anti-aliasing/undersampling a black & white image and not from a picture type image.
Here is an example image:
As you can see there are many more colors than just black. However this image is a good candidate for Black & White / Greyscale conversion instead of full color. How can I detect such images? Please note that in this example the colors tend to be on the grey side but there are many cases where they are cyan or brown etc.
I think it is a valid question. I don't have 50 reputation to post a comment so I will post this as an answer.
Basically, in a black and white anti-aliased image the various grey colors are opacity differences of the black color. If we observe those pixels they will be like these listed below. So, if the operation is a color manipulation then apply the same opacity picked up from those grey pixels to the new color.
In my opinion, the pixels other than grey, in this example image, cyan and brown as it appears can be safely ignored because they seemed like not part of the original text. If there were a few more example images of non grey pixels would have been good. But if we cannot ignore them just need to get the pixel opacity and apply the same color manipulation. In other words we treat them as black pixels.

Setting the background to transparent using GIMP

Using GIMP 2, I have an image of a grey chair on a white background, as below:
I now want to set the background to transparent. Therefore, I decided to use GIMP's "Color To Alpha" tool. So, I told it to set all pixels which are white (255, 255, 255) to transparent, as below:
This did set all white pixels to transparent. However, it also set the grey pixels on the chair to be partially transparent, as below:
So when I export this image and place it in front of a background, there is no white box around the chair -- but the background partially shows through the chair.
What am I doing wrong?
First, this question is offtopic here, and should be on .
Second, it is trivial enough just to answer: the color to alpha plug-in is not there to turn a single color, as seem on the image, to transparency: it is a sophisticated plug-in that will remove one color of your image in a way that, if you lace the new image over a background of the same color the color you removed, you get the original image back.
Thus, in your case, it removed the "whiteness" of your chair, transforming all pixels to different opaque shades of black - so that when placed over white, you get the original image.
To simply remove the white, you have to cick on the Select By Color tool (by default th 5th icon on the toolbox), click on the white background to have it selected, and then just edit->cut. (It won't work if your image layer does not have transparency to start with - if that is the case, prior to edit->cut do Layer->Transparency->Add Alpha Channel).
If you get aliased borders, then, after edit>cut, but prior to dismissing your selection, you can do Select->Border... by 1 or 2px, and then use the color to alpha filter with White on this selection.
For more information on Color to Alpha, I have this other answer its use and comparison with edit-cut here:
Just use a selection to restrict the action of Color to alpha where it matters: backgroundand edge pixels:
Select background with fuzzy select
Select>Grow by one pixel so that the selection ofverlaps the edge pixels
Color>Color to alpha

velocity.js // animating svg fill from transparent to color

It obviously does not work :
Without specyfying the start color, it translates from white to the color specified.
If the start/end colors are specified with hex, same thing
If colors are specified with rgba values, with alpha at 0 for the start color, and alpha at 1 for the end color, there is no transition, it immediately get the end color
If anyone has clues or alternatives on this one (the point is to animate the svg fill color from transparent to color, don't care about velocity), that'd be great
Animate fill with hex values and fill-opacity from 0 to 1 paralelly.
