Parallel loops and image processing in matlab - image
I am going to implement a salient object detection method based on a simple linear feedback control system (LFCS). The control system model is represented as in the following equation:
I've come up with the following program codes but the result would not be what should be. Specifically, the output should be something like the following image:
But the code produces this output:
The codes are as follows.
%Calculation of euclidian distance between adjacent superpixels stores in variable of Euc
A = imread('aa.jpg');
[rows, columns, cnumberOfColorChannels] = size(A);
[L,N] = superpixels(A,400);
%% Determination of adjacent superpixels
glcms = graycomatrix(L,'NumLevels',N,'GrayLimits',[1,N],'Offset',[0,1;1,0]); %Create gray-level co-occurrence matrix from image
glcms = sum(glcms,3); % add together the two matrices
glcms = glcms + glcms.'; % add upper and lower triangles together, make it symmetric
glcms(1:N+1:end) = 0; % set the diagonal to zero, we don't want to see "1 is neighbor of 1"
idx = label2idx(L); % Convert label matrix to cell array of linear indices
numRows = size(A,1);
numCols = size(A,2);
%%Mean color in Lab color space for each channel
data = zeros(N,3);
for labelVal = 1:N
redIdx = idx{labelVal};
greenIdx = idx{labelVal}+numRows*numCols;
blueIdx = idx{labelVal}+2*numRows*numCols;
data(labelVal,1) = mean(A(redIdx));
data(labelVal,2) = mean(A(greenIdx));
data(labelVal,3) = mean(A(blueIdx));
%%Calculation of euclidian distance between adjacent superpixels stores in Euc
for a=1:N
for b=1:N
if glcms(a,b)~=0
%%Creation of Connectivity matrix "W" between adjacent superpixels
for c=1:N
for d=1:N
W_den(c,c)=W_num(c,d)+W_den(c,c); %
%Connectivity matrix W between adjacent superpixels
for e=1:N
for f=1:N
%%calculation of geodesic distance between nonadjacent superpixels stores in variable "s_star_temp"
s_star_temp=zeros(N); %temporary variable for geodesic distance measurement
for g=1:N
for h=1:N
if W(g,h)==0 & g~=h;
%%Calculation of connectivity matrix for nonadjacent superpixels stores in "S_star" variable"
for i=1:N
for j=1:N
if s_star_temp(i,j)~=0
%%Calculation of connectivity matrix "S" for measuring connectivity between all superpixels
%% Defining non-isolation level for connectivity matrix "W"
for k=1:N
%%Limiting the range of g_star and calculation of isolation cue matrix "G"
for l=1:N
G(l,l)=alpha1*(g_star(l,l)- min(g_star(:)))/(max(g_star(:))- min(g_star(:)))+(alpha2 - alpha1);
%%Determining the supperpixels that surrounding the image boundary
lr = L([1,end],:);
tb = L(:,[1,end]);
labels = unique([lr(:);tb(:)]);
%% Calculation of background likelihood for each superpixels stores in"BgLike"
for m=1:N
for n=1:N
if ismember(n,labels)==1
BgLike_num(m,m)=S(m,n)+ BgLike_num(m,m);
for o=1:N
for p=1:N
for q=1:N
if W(p,q)~=0
for r=1:N
BgLike(r,1)= BgLike_num(r,r)/BgLike_den(r,r);
%%%%Calculation of Foreground likelihood for each superpixels stores in "FgLike"
for s=1:N
for t=1:N
FgLike(s,1)=(exp(-BgLike(t,1))) * Euc(s,t)+ FgLike(s,1);
The above codes are prerequisite for the following sections (in fact, they produce necessary data and matrices for the next section. The aforementioned codes provided to make the whole process reproducible).
Specifically, I think that this section did not give the desired results. I'm afraid I did not properly simulate the parallelism using for loops. Moreover, the terminating conditions (employed with for and if statements to simulate do-while loop) are never satisfied and the loops continue until the last iteration (instead terminating when a specified condition occurs). A major concern here is that if the terminating conditions are properly implemented.
The pseudo algorithm for the following code is as the image below:
%%parallel operations for background and foreground implemented here
T0 = 0 ;
Tf = 20 ;
Ts = 0.1 ;
Ti = T0:Ts:Tf ;
%%System Initialization
for u=1:N
u_Bg(u,1)=(BgLike(u,1)- min(BgLike(:)))/(max(BgLike(:))- min(BgLike(:)));
u_Fg(u,1)=(FgLike(u,1)- min(FgLike(:)))/(max(FgLike(:))- min(FgLike(:)));
%% P_state and P_input
% State Initialization
for v=1:20 % v starts from 1 because we have no matrices with 0th column number
%The first column of X_Bg and X_Fg is 0 for system initialization
X_Bg(:,v+1)=P_state*X_Bg(:,v) + P_input*u_Bg(:,v);
X_Fg(:,v+1)=P_state*X_Fg(:,v) + P_input*u_Fg(:,v);
if v==2
for w=1:N
for x=1:N
Y_Bg(:,v)= P_Bg*X_Bg(:,v);
Y_Fg(:,v)= P_Fg*X_Fg(:,v);
for y=1:N
for z=1:N
Temp_sig_Bg = Temp_sig_Bg +S(y,z)*abs(Y_Bg(y,v)- Y_Bg(z,v));
Temp_sig_Fg = Temp_sig_Fg +S(y,z)*abs(Y_Fg(y,v)- Y_Fg(z,v));
if Y_Bg(y,v)>= Y_Bg(y,v-1)
if Y_Fg(y,v)>= Y_Fg(y,v-1)
%Calculation of P_Back for background and foreground
for aa=1:N %Normalization of u_Bg and u_Fg
u_Bg(aa,v)=(u_Bg_Star(aa,v)- min(u_Bg_Star(:,v)))/(max(u_Bg_Star(:,v))-min(u_Bg_Star(:,v)));
u_Fg(aa,v)=(u_Fg_Star(aa,v)- min(u_Fg_Star(:,v)))/(max(u_Fg_Star(:,v))-min(u_Fg_Star(:,v)));
if (max(abs(Y_Fg(:,v)-Y_Fg(:,v-1)))<=0.0118) &&(max(abs(Y_Bg(:,v)-Y_Bg(:,v-1)))<=0.0118) %% epsilon= 0.0118
Finally, the saliency map will be generated by using the following codes.
for bb=1:N
for hh=1:N
for cc=1:rows
for dd=1:columns
maxDist = 10; % Maximum chessboard distance from image
% Get the range of x and y indices who's chessboard distance from pixel (0,0) are less than 'maxDist'
xRange = (-(maxDist-1)):(maxDist-1);
yRange = (-(maxDist-1)):(maxDist-1);
% Create a mesgrid to get the pairs of (x,y) of the pixels
[pointsX, pointsY] = meshgrid(xRange, yRange);
pointsX = pointsX(:);
pointsY = pointsY(:);
% Remove pixel (0,0)
pixIndToRemove = (pointsX == 0 & pointsY == 0);
pointsX(pixIndToRemove) = [];
pointsY(pixIndToRemove) = [];
for ee=1:rows
for ff=1:columns
% Get a shifted copy of 'pointsX' and 'pointsY' that is centered
% around (x, y)
pointsX1 = pointsX + ee;
pointsY1 = pointsY + ff;
% Remove the the pixels that are out of the image bounds
inBounds =...
pointsX1 >= 1 & pointsX1 <= rows &...
pointsY1 >= 1 & pointsY1 <= columns;
pointsX1 = pointsX1(inBounds);
pointsY1 = pointsY1(inBounds);
% Do stuff with 'pointsX1' and 'pointsY1'
for gg=1:size(pointsX1)
Temp=exp(-OMG1*(sqrt(double(A(pointsX1(gg),pointsY1(gg),1))-double(A(ee,ff,1)))^2+(double(A(pointsX1(gg),pointsY1(gg),2))-double(A(ee,ff,2)))^2 + (double(A(pointsX1(gg),pointsY1(gg),3))-double(A(ee,ff,3)))^2));
wSF(ee,ff)= wSF_temp;
wSB(ee,ff)= wSB_temp;
imshow(V_Final,[]); %%Saliency map of the image
Part of your terminating criterion is this:
Say Y_a tends to 2. You are really close... In fact, the closest you can get without subsequent values being identical is Y_a(t)-Y_a(t-1) == 4.4409e-16. If the two values were any closer, their difference would be 0, because this is the precision with which floating-point values can be represented. So you have reached this fantastic level of closeness to your goal. Subsequent iterations are changing the target value by the smallest possible amount, 4.4409e-16. But your test is returning false! Why? Because eps == 2.2204e-16!
eps is short-hand for eps(1), the difference between 1 and the next representable larger value. Because how floating-point values are represented, this difference is half the difference between 2 and the next representable larger value (which is given by eps(2).
However, if Y_a tends to 1e-16, subsequent iterations could double or halve the value of Y_a and you'd still meet the stopping criterion!
Thus, what you need is to come up with a reasonable stopping criterion that is a fraction of the target value, something like this:
max(abs(Y_a(:,t)-Y_a(:,t-1))) <= 1e6 * eps(max(abs(Y_a(:,t))))
Unsolicited advice
You should really look into vectorized operations in MATLAB. For example,
for y=1:N
for z=1:N
Temp_sig_a = Temp_sig_a + abs(Y_a(y,t)- Y_a(z,t));
sigma_a(t-1,y)= Temp_sig_a;
can be written as
for y=1:N
sigma_a(t-1,y) = sum(abs(Y_a(y,t) - Y_a(:,t)));
which in turn can be written as
sigma_a(t-1,:) = sum(abs(Y_a(:,t).' - Y_a(:,t)));
Avoiding loops is not only usually more efficient, but it also leads to shorter code that is easier to read.
Also, this:
P_FB_a = diag(sigma_a(t-1,:));
u_a(:,t) = u_a(:,t-1) + P_FB_a * Y_a(:,t);
is the same as
u_a(:,t) = u_a(:,t-1) + sigma_a(t-1,:).' .* Y_a(:,t);
but of course creating a diagonal matrix and doing a matrix multiplication with so many zeros is much more expensive than directly computing an element-wise multiplication.
Grouping data using loops (signal processing in MATLAB)
I am working in MATLAB with a signal data that consist of consecutive dips as shown below. I am trying to write a code which sorts the contents of each dip into a separate group. How should the general structure of such a code look like? The following is my data. I am only interested in the portion of the signal that lies below a certain threshold d (the red line): And here is the desired grouping: Here is an unsuccessful attempt: k=0; % Group number for i = 1 : length(signal) if signal(i) < d k=k+1; while signal(i) < d NewSignal(i, k) = signal(i); i = i + 1; end end end The code above generated 310 groups instead of the desired 12 groups. Any explanation would be greatly appreciated.
Taking Benl generated data you can do the following: %generate data x=1:1000; y=sin(x/20); for ii=1:9 y=y+-10*exp(-(x-ii*100).^2./10); end y=awgn(y,4); %set threshold t=-4; %threshold data Y = char(double(y<t) + '0'); %// convert to string of zeros and ones %search for start and ends This idea is taken from here [s, e] = regexp(Y, '1+', 'start', 'end'); %and now plot and see that each pair of starts and end % represents a group plot(x,y) hold on for k=1:numel(s) line(s(k)*ones(2,1),ylim,'Color','k','LineStyle','--') line(e(k)*ones(2,1),ylim,'Color','k','LineStyle','-') end hold off legend('Data','Starts','Ends') Comments: First of all I choose an arbitrary threshold, it is up to you to find the "best" one in your data. Additionally I didn't group the data explicitly but rather this approach gives you the start and end of each epoch with a dip (you might call it group). So you could say that each index is the grouping index. Finally I did not debug this approach for corner cases, when dips fall on starts and ends...
In MATLAB you cannot change the loop index of a for loop. A for loop: for i = array loops over each column of array in turn. In your code, 1 : length(signal) is an array, each of its elements is visited in turn. Inside this loop there is a while loop that increments i. However, when this while loop ends and the next iteration of the for loop runs, i is reset to the next item in the array. This code therefore needs two while loops: i = 1; % Index k = 0; % Group number while i <= numel(signal) if signal(i) < d k = k + 1; while signal(i) < d NewSignal(i,k) = signal(i); i = i + 1; end end i = i + 1; end
Easy, the function you're looking for is bwlabel, which when combined with logical indexing makes this simple. To start I made some fake data which resembled your data x=1:1000; y=sin(x/20); for ii=1:9 y=y+-10*exp(-(x-ii*100).^2./10); end y=awgn(y,4); plot(x,y) Then set your threshold and use 'bwlabel' d=-4;% set the threshold groupid=bwlabel(y<d); bwlabel labels connected groups in a black and white image, what we've effectively done here is make a black and white (logical 0 & 1) 1D image in the logical vector y<d. bwlabel returns the number of the region at the index of the region. We're not interested in the 0 region, so to get the x values or y values of the nth region, simply use x(groupid==n), for example with my test data x_4=x(groupid==4) y_4=y(groupid==4) x_4 = 398 399 400 401 402 y_4 = -5.5601 -7.8280 -9.1965 -7.9083 -5.8751
Creating fractal image in a plot MATLAB but the plot is empty
I am writing a function to create a fractal image in a plot. When I run my code, a plot pops up but it is empty. I think the issues lies somewhere in my if/elseif statements, but I am having a hard time finding it. My code is: function [] = fractal(x, y, N) close all start = [x, y]; X = zeros(N+1,1); Y = zeros(N+1,1); X = start; hold on for i = 1:N prob = rand; if prob >= 0.01 X(i+1,:) = 0; Y(i+1,:) = 0.16*y(1); elseif prob == 0.02:0.86 X(i+1,:) = (0.85*x(i))-(0.04*y(i)); Y(i+1,:) = (-0.04*x(i))+(0.85*y(i))+1.6; elseif prob == 0.87:0.94 X(i+1,:) = (0.2*x(i))-(0.26*y(i)); Y(i+1,:) = (0.23*x(i))+(0.22*y(i))+1.6; elseif prob == 0.95:1.0 X(i+1,:) = (-0.15*x(i))+(0.28*y(i)); Y(i+1,:) = (0.26*x(i))+(0.24*y(i))+0.44; plot(X(i,:),Y(i,:),'.','Markersize',1) axis equal end end end When I run my code with >> fractal(1,1,1000) ... a plot comes up but it is empty.
Yup... it's your if statements, but there are more issues with your code though but we will tackle those later. Let's first address your if statements. If you want to compare in a range of values for examples, you need use the AND (&&) statement. In addition, you should place your plot code outside of any if/elseif/else statement. You currently have it inside your last elseif statement so plot will only run if the last condition is satisfied. To be explicit, if you wish to compare if a value is in between a certain range, do something like: if (prob >= a && prob < b) and for elseif: elseif (prob >= a && prob < b) a and b are the lower and upper limits of what you want to compare. This includes a but excludes b in the comparison. I also have a several comments and recommendations with your current code in order to get this to work: You run your function with a single x and y value, but you are trying to access this x and y in your for loop as if these were arrays. I'm assuming this is recursive in nature so you need to actually use X and Y in your if/else conditions instead of x and y. Since you are using single values, it is superfluous to use : to access the second dimension. Just leave that out. You create X and Y but then overwrite X to be the starting location as a 2D array... I think you meant to replace X and Y's first element with the starting location instead. Your first if statement I think is incorrect. You'd want to access Y(i) not Y(1) no?... given the behaviour of your code thus far. Your first condition will definitely mess things up for you. This is saying that as long as the value is greater than or equal to 0.01, execute that statement. Otherwise, try and execute the other conditions which may in fact never work because you are looking for values that are greater than 0.01 where the first condition already handles that for you. I assume you meant to check if it was less than 0.01 instead. Doing value comparecondition array in MATLAB means that this statement is true provided that any one of the values in array matches the condition provided by value. This will have unintended side effects with your current code. Make sure that your ranges covered for each if statement are continuous (i.e. no gaps or disconnects between ranges). Right now, you are checking for values in 0.01 intervals. rand generates random values between 0 and 1 exclusive. What if you had a value of 0.15? None of your if conditions handle this so you need to use what I talked about above. You are most likely getting a blank plot because your MarkerSize attribute is very small.... you set it to 1 pixel. Unless you have super human vision, you can't really visualize this. Make the MarkerSize larger. Use drawnow; after you plot to immediately update the results to screen. Therefore, with refactoring your code, you should make it look something like this: function [] = fractal(x, y, N) close all start = [x, y]; X = zeros(N+1,1); Y = zeros(N+1,1); %// Change - Initialize first elements of X and Y to be the starting positions X(1) = start(1); Y(1) = start(2); hold on for i = 1:N prob = rand; if prob <= 0.01 %// Change X(i+1) = 0; Y(i+1) = 0.16*Y(i); %// Change elseif (prob > 0.01 && prob <= 0.86) %// Change X(i+1) = (0.85*X(i))-(0.04*Y(i)); %// Change Y(i+1) = (-0.04*X(i))+(0.85*Y(i))+1.6; %// Change elseif (prob > 0.86 && prob <= 0.94) %// Change X(i+1) = (0.2*X(i))-(0.26*Y(i)); %// Change Y(i+1) = (0.23*X(i))+(0.22*Y(i))+1.6; %// Change elseif (prob > 0.94 && prob <= 1.0) %// Change X(i+1) = (-0.15*X(i))+(0.28*Y(i)); %// Change Y(i+1) = (0.26*X(i))+(0.24*Y(i))+0.44; %// Change end %// Change - move outside of if/else blocks %// Also make marker size larger plot(X(i),Y(i),'.','Markersize',18); %// Change axis equal %// Add just for kicks drawnow; end end I now get this figure when I do fractal(1,1,1000): .... cool fractal btw!
NLMS Algorithm is not converging, multiple implementation resulting equally
The Normalized Least Mean Square algorithm is used in digital filtering, it basically tries to imitate an "unknown" filter so their difference (which is considered the error) tends to zero. The "factor" of convergence is that the error will start very high and with the continuous run of the algorithm it will be smaller. The only difference between NLMS and LMS (which is its successor) is that NLMS normalizes the entry of the filter, so it won't be ease to high input power. There are equations for both of the algorithms in the wiki page: that is similar to my implementation of it. I'm currently using an adaptative plant so I can filter a white noise input into a lowpass filter and try to adapt my algorithm coefficients to immitate the lowpass, its implemented in matlab: clear all;close all;clc; fid = fopen('ruidoBranco.pcm', 'rb'); s = fread(fid, 'int16'); fclose(fid); itera = length(s); L = 50; passo = 0.00000000001; H = passaBaixa(L,1000,2); W = zeros(L,1); y = zeros(itera,1); sav_erro = zeros(itera,1); for i=(L+1):itera, D=0; Y=0; for j=1:(L), Y = Y + W(j,1)*s(i-j,1); D = D + H(j,1)*s(i-j,1); end erro = D-Y; k=passo*erro; for j=1:(L), W(j,1) = W(j,1)+(k*s(i-j,1)/(s(i-j,1)^2+0.000001)); end sav_erro(i,1) = (erro); end subplot(2,1,1); plot(sav_erro); subplot(2,1,2); plot(W); hold on; plot(H,'r'); fid = fopen('saidaFIR.pcm', 'wb'); fwrite(fid,sav_erro,'int16'); fclose(fid); The "passaBaixa" function is the lowpass filter that I was saying before: function H = passaBaixa(M,FC,op) iteracoes = M; FS=8000; FC=FC/FS; M=iteracoes; H = zeros(iteracoes,1); for i=1:iteracoes, if(i-M/2==0) H(i,1)=2*pi*FC; else H(i,1)=sin(2*pi*FC*(i-M/2))/(i-M/2); end if(op==1) H(i,1)=H(i,1); else if (op==2) H(i,1) = H(i,1)*(0.42-0.5*cos(2*pi*i/M)+0.08*cos(4*pi*i/M)); else H(i,1)=H(i,1)*(0.54-0.46*cos(2*pi*i/M)); end end end soma = sum(H); for i=1:iteracoes, H(i,1)=H(i,1)/soma; end end The file ruidoBranco.pcm is simply an white noise generated with 80.000 samples. The obtained result is the following: In which the top plot is the error and the bottom plot is the impulse response of the low pass filter (red) and the "adapted" algorithm filter (blue). Its not converging, it should look something like this: As you can see the top plot converge into almost 0 error and the bottom plot has no more blue because its behind the red one (since it almost perfectly ajusted its coeficients to the filter) I would like to know if there are any visible mistakes made by my implementation and perhaps this might be a future reference for people with similar mistakes.
The fix was that I wasn't using the correct multiplication for the algorithm, it needs to be a dot product instead of simple the power of 2 so the fix is in the for loop: dotprod = dot(s(i-j,1),s(i-j,1)); for j=1:(L), W(j,1) = W(j,1)+(k*s(i-j,1)/dotprod); end
Divide image blocks into two chunks
I'm working on an image and I divided into non overlapping blocks, what I want to do next is to apply some changes on every two adjacent chunks of the same blocks. For example, I have a block B1 and I divided it into B11 and B12. The objective here is to apply SVD on B11 and B12 and compare their singular values: S11(2,2) and S12(2,2) and so on for every other blocks. But I don't know how to work on every two sub-blocks adjacent I only can apply SVD for blocks Bi. It seems like I need a loop for to process every two sub-blocks right or can the function mat2tiles do this? This is an example explaining what I'm saying.
I finally found the way how to get my objective, and I'm sharing in case somebody needed too: %First this a function that help me to divide my image into non overlapping block function B=Block(IM,p,q) p=p %% number of rows q=q %% number of cols [m,n] = size(IM); IJ = zeros(p,q); z = 1; for m1 = 1:m/p for n1 = 1:n/q if m1*p <= m; if n1*q <= n; for i = (m1-1)*p+1:m1*p for j = (n1-1)*q+1:n1*q IJ(i-(m1-1)*p,j-(n1-1)*q) = IM(i,j); if (i-(m1-1)*p)==p&&(j-(n1-1)*q)==q; OUT = IJ; B{1,z} = OUT; z = z+1; end end end end end end end Now I will divide each blocks into sub-blocks and apply SVD Block_Num = (m*n)/(p*q) % To get how many blocks we have fun= #svd % the function we use is SVD for i=1:Block_Num sv=blkproc(B{i},[4 4],fun) % in my case I wanted to apply SVD of every sub-block of 4*4 end And this get the job done. hope it will be useful for you too
Compute double sum in matlab efficiently?
I am looking for an optimal way to program this summation ratio. As input I have two vectors v_mn and x_mn with (M*N)x1 elements each. The ratio is of the form: The vector x_mn is 0-1 vector so when x_mn=1, the ration is r given above and when x_mn=0 the ratio is 0. The vector v_mn is a vector which contain real numbers. I did the denominator like this but it takes a lot of times. function r_ij = denominator(v_mn, M, N, i, j) %here x_ij=1, to get r_ij. S = []; for m = 1:M for n = 1:N if (m ~= i) if (n ~= j) S = [S v_mn(i, n)]; else S = [S 0]; end else S = [S 0]; end end end r_ij = 1+S; end Can you give a good way to do it in matlab. You can ignore the ratio and give me the denominator which is more complicated. EDIT: I am sorry I did not write it very good. The i and j are some numbers between 1..M and 1..N respectively. As you can see, the ratio r is many values (M*N values). So I calculated only the value i and j. More precisely, I supposed x_ij=1. Also, I convert the vectors v_mn into a matrix that's why I use double index.
If you reshape your data, your summation is just a repeated matrix/vector multiplication. Here's an implementation for a single m and n, along with a simple speed/equality test: clc %# some arbitrary test parameters M = 250; N = 1000; v = rand(M,N); %# (you call it v_mn) x = rand(M,N); %# (you call it x_mn) m0 = randi(M,1); %# m of interest n0 = randi(N,1); %# n of interest %# "Naive" version tic S1 = 0; for mm = 1:M %# (you call this m') if mm == m0, continue; end for nn = 1:N %# (you call this n') if nn == n0, continue; end S1 = S1 + v(m0,nn) * x(mm,nn); end end r1 = v(m0,n0)*x(m0,n0) / (1+S1); toc %# MATLAB version: use matrix multiplication! tic ninds = [1:m0-1 m0+1:M]; minds = [1:n0-1 n0+1:N]; S2 = sum( x(minds, ninds) * v(m0, ninds).' ); r2 = v(m0,n0)*x(m0,n0) / (1+S2); toc %# Test if values are equal abs(r1-r2) < 1e-12 Outputs on my machine: Elapsed time is 0.327004 seconds. %# loop-version Elapsed time is 0.002455 seconds. %# version with matrix multiplication ans = 1 %# and yes, both are equal So the speedup is ~133× Now that's for a single value of m and n. To do this for all values of m and n, you can use an (optimized) double loop around it: r = zeros(M,N); for m0 = 1:M xx = x([1:m0-1 m0+1:M], :); vv = v(m0,:).'; for n0 = 1:N ninds = [1:n0-1 n0+1:N]; denom = 1 + sum( xx(:,ninds) * vv(ninds) ); r(m0,n0) = v(m0,n0)*x(m0,n0)/denom; end end which completes in ~15 seconds on my PC for M = 250, N= 1000 (R2010a). EDIT: actually, with a little more thought, I was able to reduce it all down to this: denom = zeros(M,N); for mm = 1:M xx = x([1:mm-1 mm+1:M],:); denom(mm,:) = sum( xx*v(mm,:).' ) - sum( bsxfun(#times, xx, v(mm,:)) ); end denom = denom + 1; r_mn = x.*v./denom; which completes in less than 1 second for N = 250 and M = 1000 :)
For a start you need to pre-alocate your S matrix. It changes size every loop so put S = zeros(m*n, 1) at the start of your function. This will also allow you to do away with your else conditional statements, ie they will reduce to this: if (m ~= i) if (n ~= j) S(m*M + n) = v_mn(i, n); Otherwise since you have to visit every element im afraid it may not be able to get much faster. If you desperately need more speed you can look into doing some mex coding which is code in c/c++ but run in matlab.
Rather than first jumping into vectorization of the double loop, you may want modify the above to make sure that it does what you want. In this code, there is no summing of the data, instead a vector S is being resized at each iteration. As well, the signature could include the matrices V and X so that the multiplication occurs as in the formula (rather than just relying on the value of X to be zero or one, let us pass that matrix in). The function could look more like the following (I've replaced the i,j inputs with m,n to be more like the equation): function result = denominator(V,X,m,n) % use the size of V to determine M and N [M,N] = size(V); % initialize the summed value to one (to account for one at the end) result = 1; % outer loop for i=1:M % ignore the case where m==i if i~=m for j=1:N % ignore the case where n==j if j~=n result = result + V(m,j)*X(i,j); end end end end Note how the first if is outside of the inner for loop since it does not depend on j. Try the above and see what happens!
You can vectorize from within Matlab to speed up your calculations. Every time you use an operation like ".^" or ".*" or any matrix operation for that matter, Matlab will do them in parallel, which is much, much faster than iterating over each item. In this case, look at what you are doing in terms of matrices. First, in your loop you are only dealing with the mth row of $V_{nm}$, which we can use as a vector for itself. If you look at your formula carefully, you can figure out that you almost get there if you just write this row vector as a column vector and multiply the matrix $X_{nm}$ to it from the left, using standard matrix multiplication. The resulting vector contains the sums over all n. To get the final result, just sum up this vector. function result = denominator_vectorized(V,X,m,n) % get the part of V with the first index m Vm = V(m,:)'; % remove the parts of X you don't want to iterate over. Note that, since I % am inside the function, I am only editing the value of X within the scope % of this function. X(m,:) = 0; X(:,n) = 0; %do the matrix multiplication and the summation at once result = 1-sum(X*Vm); To show you how this optimizes your operation, I will compare it to the code proposed by another commenter: function result = denominator(V,X,m,n) % use the size of V to determine M and N [M,N] = size(V); % initialize the summed value to one (to account for one at the end) result = 1; % outer loop for i=1:M % ignore the case where m==i if i~=m for j=1:N % ignore the case where n==j if j~=n result = result + V(m,j)*X(i,j); end end end end The test: V=rand(10000,10000); X=rand(10000,10000); disp('looped version') tic denominator(V,X,1,1) toc disp('matrix operation') tic denominator_vectorized(V,X,1,1) toc The result: looped version ans = 2.5197e+07 Elapsed time is 4.648021 seconds. matrix operation ans = 2.5197e+07 Elapsed time is 0.563072 seconds. That is almost ten times the speed of the loop iteration. So, always look out for possible matrix operations in your code. If you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox installed and a CUDA-enabled graphics card installed, Matlab will even perform these operations on your graphics card without any further effort on your part! EDIT: That last bit is not entirely true. You still need to take a few steps to do operations on CUDA hardware, but they aren't a lot. See Matlab documentation.