I have a Xamarin cross-platform app with a several "PushAsync" flows with button navigation which work perfectly with iOS and UWP, but when on Android, after the initial push, the new buttons on the next page, even though the "XAML" includes enabled "true" arguments, are disabled. What is needed to enable them that is compatible to the two other OS's?
I have changed the sequences of pages to test if the pages will respond.
I expect the pages to proceed to the next page in the flow like they do in iOS and UWP.
The page was not truly blocked, but delayed in presenting itself by other treads which were looping and consuming CPU cycles. Are you using multiple threads? Can you give them a lower priority and raise the priority of the delayed thread? Or just take them off line? Do so, and see if that enables the page to load.
I've found that whilst there are a lot of tutorials on Xamarin Android, there does not seem to be a great deal on how to dispose of resources. More particularly, when they are disposed of.
For example, in the OnCreate handler of an activity, I am making several Rx subscriptions, each of which returns an IDisposable. I have tried to dispose of those in various other handlers (e.g. OnDestroy), but those handlers never get invoked. But the subscriptions seem to pile up because OnCreate runs every time the activity is navigated to.
In addition to those subscriptions, there's all the UI controls (TextViews, Buttons etc.) which I am assigning to class-level variables (fields). And those also implement IDisposable.
For all I know, I've got memory leaks all over the place.
Is there a guidance on this anywhere?
#SushiHangover is correct (thanks Sushi). OnPause and OnResume were the events I was after. I also had a bit of a challenge in that when I clicked my custom "Back to Start" button, I needed to go right back to the start screen (skipping the intermediate screen along the way).
The way to do that is use the ClearTop ActivityFlag (Android.Content.ActivityFlags.ClearTop) when starting the Home screen activity. Raw Android code version of this can be seen here https://stackoverflow.com/a/5794572/540156
When you do that, you can clean things up on the activities which get popped off the back-stack as they get popped (in the OnDestroy handler, from recollection).
I have my page1.cs that loads 400 labels in a stacklayout which takes several seconds and am in need of a way to indicate that it is busy loading. I will most likely have other pages in my app that need the same ability.Please suggest a code for it keeping in mind I am a newbie.
You could use ACR User Dialogs. This allows you to display a loading dialog from anywhere in the application. There are plenty of examples on the GitHub repository for it as well. This blocks user input if you want, and has other types of dialogs as well, although I have only used the Loading Dialogs. The basic usage is just like this
If you want to do it for a task there is slightly different usage, but is provided in his samples. I currently am using this on Android and iOS and can assure you that they have a clean look.
Forms has a built in ActivityIndicator you can use
I use ScrollMagic to trigger animations on each section of a web page. This works great for desktop and for some browsers on mobile.
However there are some mobile browsers (older versions of Safari and Chrome (on ipad)) that don't play these animations until the scrolling event is finished. I know there are ways around that. However instead, I would like to simply turn off these animations when not supported.
Is there a way to detect that with Modernizr? Or would I have to target specific browsers and its versions?
You wouldn't detect parallax animation. That isn't a browser feature, that is something that you can use browser features to accomplish.
In this case you would you be looking to detect if you are reflow the page during a scroll, or if it waits until after the scroll event fires. There is currently no detect for this, and creating one would get pretty greasy.
I believe what you are seeing is the result of the scroll event not firing as you scroll on certain browsers. I cannot think of a way to simulate this with javascript (triggering a scroll event will obviously only trigger one scroll event, so there isn't anything to gain there). As a result, I am not confident that you would ever be able to accurately detect this.
I completely agree with Patrick's answer, but would like to add that it is indeed possible to have immediate scroll events on the mobile versions of chrome and safari, you are talking about.
The issue you're describing is related to all iOS devices before version 8.
Before then the mobile browser engine did not trigger "true" scroll events while scrolling, but only once scrolling had come to a full halt (so after the inertia stopped). Even the execution of javascript was suspended, so you couldn't just run a loop to check the scroll position.
Long story short: There are ways around it using containers for scrolling and requestAnimationFrame.
The easiest way I found to get scroll events for pre iOS8 devices is iScroll.
I would recommend to check out this: http://janpaepke.github.io/ScrollMagic/examples/advanced/mobile_basic.html
and this:
So getting back to your original question: How to detect when you would even need those workarounds.
You'd need to check if the you're on iOS version 7 or lower, which, to my knowledge, can't be done with modernizr, as it is a feature detection library.
So check out this thread to learn more: Detect iOS version less than 5 with JavaScript
I have a strange problem with a Windows Phone (7.1/Mango) app.
My understanding is if NavigationService.GoBack() is called on the initial page of an app, then the app should exit. This happens when the user presses the phone's back button, but it does not happen if there's a UI button with the same functionality (because NavigationServive.CanGoBack returns false).
Is this intentional or am I missing something? I haven't messed around with redirecting the initial navigation or anything like that, so I can't account for this difference in functionality.
I know the answer is simply "don't have a UI back button", which is very true, but does anyone know why this happens?
Thanks in advance!
I believe this is because the navigation service is "scoped" to your application. This allows you to deduce a bit more about how the user is using your app.
For instance if CanGoBack is false then this is the first page the user is visiting. This is useful if you're using deep links into your app (from reminders or toast messages) because you may need to act differently on the deep link as opposed to a normal navigation to the page.
I have spent a bit of time rummaging through Stack Overflow to find out how to deterministically close an application based on an action. Most if not all answers say you can't or shouldn't do it. If this is so I would like to phrase my question differently and see how people are handling two issues I am having trouble with.
Just to let you guys know I am using Caliburn.Micro for this project.
Ok so the flow of my app can be broken down into two parts, the initial flow and the standard flow, these are as follows
Splash -> Welcome -> CreateAccount -> MainHub (all other functionality branches from here)
Splash -> MainHub (all other functionality branches from here)
Based on this flow, the feedback from my better (beta) testers is that they expect to exit the app on pressing the back button on the hub, which they see as the entry point. Currently as per navigation they go all the way back to the splash.
I see other apps have this functionality, but without forcing the application to close (Which I read is a no no) how are they achieving this desired functionality.
NOTE: I do not want to put in an exit button as I believe it goes against the natural flow of a WP7 application.
First of all, you cannot add a exit button. The only way to exit a application is to crash it, which will not be approved for marketplace certification.
As for your problem, you simply have to remove views from the navigation stack upon completion of a known navigation.
For this, use NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry.
You can access the NavigationService from anywhere, using this snippet:
(App.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).RemoveBackEntry()
Regarding EULA / Login screens (and Splash) - don't make them into pages. If you instead make them Popup or Dialog controls you can show or hide them at any time (on first navigation; when the user hits a "protected" part of the app; after a time-out; etc.) and they don't consume a slot in the backstack.
Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ptorr/archive/2010/08/01/exiting-a-windows-phone-application.aspx