How use the function "getdata" (imaqtool) to transfer data directly on GPU - image

I am currently using the function "getdata" from the imaqtool library to get my camera data, and make some postprocessing on my GPU.
Hence, I would like to get the data directly transfer from the buffer CPU memory to my GPU memory.
It is my understanding that "getdata" move data from CPU memory (buffer) to CPU memory. Hence, it should be trivial to transfer these data to my GPU directly.
However, I cannot find anything about it.
Any help is appreciated.

In short: MATLAB is not the right tool for your desires. MATLAB provides quite an easy interface, but that means you dont have full control on some things, and the main one is memory allocation and management. This is generally a good thing, as it is non-trivial to handle memory, but in your case, this is what you are asking for.
If you want to make a fast acquisition system where the memory is fully controlled by you, you will need to use low level languages such as C++/CUDA, and play with asynchronous operations and threads.
In MATLAB, the most flexibility you can get is using gpuArray(captured_data) once is on CPU.


Dynamic allocation algorithm for NOR Flash memories

I need to implement a dynamic allocation algorithm for a NOR flash memory.
The idea is to implement a memory management algorithm and an abstraction mechanism that allows you to dynamically allocate rewritable blocks that are smaller than the Erasable Block Size.
I would like to understand if there are already case studies and approaches to known algorithms, from which to take inspiration.
Dynamic allocation is related to how you write your program: you want to allocate memory at runtime depending on the execution context and not once for all when your program boots. It requires pure software mechanisms, basically book a dedicated area of memory and implement allocation / free functions.
It is not really related to the kind of memory you are using.
I guess you could implement malloc / free functions to Flash memory. However Flash is not designed to do many cycles of erase/program.
If you really need that, you should have a look to the concept of Flash Translation Layer. It is some kind of library providing a virtual memory space on the Flash. It aims to reduce Flash wear and to improve write time.
But again, you should really question the real need to do dynamic allocation to Flash.

OpenCL Buffer caching behaviour

I've always been wondering about the caching behaviour of global data in OpenCL.
Lets say I have a pointer to global memory in a kernel.
Now I read the location the pointer points to.
Later in the kernel I might need the same data again, so I read it again through the pointer.
Now the question is, will this data be cached, or will it be reread from global memory every single time because other threads could have modified it?
If it's not cached, then I'd have to make a local copy every time so I don't lose tons of performance by constantly accessing global memory.
I know this might be vendor specific, but what do the specs say about this?
There is some caching but the key to great GPU compute performance it is move "accessed many time" data to private or shared local memory and not re-read it. In a way, you can think of this as "you control the caching". In OpenCL this would be done in your kernel (in parallel!) and then you'd have a memory barrier (to ensure all work items have finished the copy) then your algorithm has access to the data in fast memory. See the matrix multiply example (since each column and row contributes to multiple output values, copying them to shared local memory accelerates the algorithm.
Those who want benefits of local cashing for work-items within a work-group, for example on FPGAs, can read this paper by Andrew Ling at IWOCL2017 It is a good example of having correct usage of local caches and clever communication for dataflow computing. Those who want convenience of cache in parallel peer-to-peer setting and still have hardware do this for them should consider POWER8 or POWER9 chips. These conveniences come at the cost: caching global or virtual memory cluster interconnect may have to have several TBs of bandwidth. Real question is: What is the value of caching for dataflow compute e.g. ML, especially on clusters, vs. reducing communication and increasing data reuse by other means.

Why don't GPU libraries support automated function composition?

Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) library has a feature called Deferred Mode Image Processing (DMIP). It lets you specify a sequence of functions, composes the functions, and applies the composed function to an array via cache-friendly tiled processing. This gives better performance than naively iterating through the whole array for each function.
It seems like this technique would benefit code running on a GPU as well. There are many GPU libraries available, such as NVIDIA Performance Primitives (NPP), but none seem to have a feature like DMIP. Am I missing something? Or is there a reason that GPU libraries would not benefit from automated function composition?
GPU programming has similar concepts to DMIP function composition on CPU.
Although it's not easy to be "automated" on GPU (some 3rd party lib may be able to do it), manually doing it is easier than CPU programming (see Thrust example below).
Two main features of DMIP:
processing by the image fragments so data can fit into cache;
parallel processing to different fragments or execution of different independent branches of a graph.
When applying a sequence of basic operations on a large image,
feature 1 omits RAM read/write between basic operations. All the read/write is done in cache, and feature 2 can utilize multi-core CPU.
The similar concept of DMIP feature 1 for GPGPU is kernel fusion. Instead of applying multiple kernels of the basic operation to image data, one could combine basic operations in one kernel to avoid multiple GPU global memory read/write.
A manually kernel fusion example using Thrust can be found in page 26 of this slides.
It seems the library ArrayFire has made notable efforts on automaic kernel fusion.
The similar concept of DMIP feature 2 for GPGPU is concurrent kernel execution.
This feature enlarge the bandwidth requirement, but most GPGPU programs are already bandwidth bound. So the concurrent kernel execution is not likely to be used very often.
CPU cache vs. GPGPU shared mem/cache
CPU cache omits the RAM read/write in DMIP, while for a fused kernel of GPGPU, registers do the same thing. Since a thread of CPU in DMIP processes on a small image fragment, but a thread of GPGPU often processes only one pixel. A few registers are large enough to buffer the data of a GPU thread.
For image processing, GPGPU shared mem/cache is often used when the result pixel depends on surrounding pixels. Image smoothing/filtering is a typical example requiring GPGPU shared mem/cache.

GPU access to system RAM

I am currently involved in developing a large scientific computing project, and I am exploring the possibility of hardware acceleration with GPUs as an alternative to the MPI/cluster approach. We are in a mainly memory-bound situation, with too much data to put in memory to fit on a GPU. To this end, I have two questions:
1) The books I have read say that it is illegal to access memory on the host with a pointer on the device (for obvious reasons). Instead, one must copy the memory from the host's memory to the device memory, then do the computations, and then copy back. My question is whether there is a work-around for this -- is there any way to read a value in system RAM from the GPU?
2) More generally, what algorithms/solutions exist for optimizing the data transfer between the CPU and the GPU during memory-bound computations such as these?
Thanks for your help in this! I am enthusiastic about making the switch to CUDA, simply because the parallelization is much more intuitive!
1) Yes, you can do this with most GPGPU packages.
The one I'm most familair with -- the AMD Stream SDK lets you allocate a buffer in "system" memory and use that as a texture that is read or written by your kernel. Cuda and OpenCL have the same ability, the key is to set the correct flags on the buffer allocation.
You might not want to do that because the data is being read/written across the PCIe bus, which has a lot of overhead.
The implementation is free to interpret your requests liberally. I mean you can tell it to locate the buffer in system memory, but the software stack is free to do things like relocate it into GPU memory on the fly -- as long as the computed results are the same
2) All of the major GPGPU software enviroments (Cuda, OpenCL, the Stream SDK) support DMA transfers, which is what you probably want.
Even if you could do this, you probably wouldn't want to, since transfers over PCI-whatever will tend to be a bottleneck, whereas bandwidth between the GPU and its own memory is typically very high.
Having said that, if you have relatively little computation to perform per element on a large data set then GPGPU is probably not going to work well for you anyway.
I suggest cuda programming guide.
you will find many answers there.
Check for streams, unified addressing, cudaHostRegister.

Report Direct3D memory usage

I have a Direct3D 9 application and I would like to monitor the memory usage.
Is there a tool to know how much system and video memory is used by Direct3D?
Ideally, it would also report how much is allocated for textures, vertex buffers, index buffers...
You can use the old DirectDraw interface to query the total and available memory.
The numbers you get that way are not reliable though.
The free memory may change at any instant and the available memory often takes the AGP-memory into account (which is strictly not video-memory). You can use the numbers to do a good guess about the default texture-resolutions and detail-level of your application/game, but that's it.
You may wonder why is there no way to get better numbers, after all it can't be to hard to track the resource-usage.
From an application point of view this is correct. You may think that the video memory just contains surfaces, textures, index- and vertex buffers and some shader-programs, but that's not true on the low-level side.
There are lots of other resources as well. All these are created and managed by the Direct3D driver to make the rendering as fast as possible. Among others there are hirarchical z-buffer acceleration structures, pre-compiled command lists (e.g. the data required to render something in the format as understood by the GPU). The driver also may queue rendering-commands for multiple frames in advance to even out the frame-rate and increase parallelity between the GPU and CPU.
The driver also does a lot of work under the hood for you. Heuristics are used to detect draw-calls with static geometry and constant rendering-settings. A driver may decide to optimize the geometry in these cases for better cache-usage. This all happends in parallel and under the control of the driver. All this stuff needs space as well so the free memory may changes at any time.
However, the driver also does caching for your resources, so you don't really need to know the resource-usage at the first place.
If you need more space than available the that's no problem. The driver will move the data between system-ram, AGP-memory and video ram for you. In practice you never have to worry that you run out of video-memory. Sure - once you need more video-memory than available the performance will suffer, but that's life :-)
Two suggestions:
You can call GetAvailableTextureMem in various times to obtain a (rough) estimate of overall memory usage progression.
Assuming you develop on nVidia's, PerfHUD includes a graphical representation of consumed AGP/VID memory (separated).
You probably won't be able to obtain a nice clean matrix of memory consumers (vertex buffers etc.) vs. memory location (AGP, VID, system), as -
(1) the driver has a lot of freedom in transferring resources between memory types, and
(2) the actual variety of memory consumers is far greater than the exposed D3D interfaces.
