Pagination with multi match query - elasticsearch

I'm trying to figure out how to accomplish pagination with a multi match query using elasticsearch.
The scroll and search_after APIs seem like they won't work. scroll isn't meant for real time user requests as per documentation. search_after requires some unique field per id and requires you to sort on that field as per documentation but when using a multi-match query you're basically sorting by the score.
So, the only thing I've thought of so far is to do the following:
Send back last document id + score and use the score as the sort field. But, this could potentially return duplicate documents if other documents were added in between two queries.

If you want to paginate the first option is to use from and size parameter in your query. The documentation here
Pagination of results can be done by using the from and size
parameters. The from parameter defines the offset from the first
result you want to fetch. The size parameter allows you to configure
the maximum amount of hits to be returned.
Though from and size can be set as request parameters, they can also
be set within the search body. from defaults to 0, and size defaults
to 10.
Note that from + size can not be more than the index.max_result_window
index setting which defaults to 10,000. See the Scroll or Search After
API for more efficient ways to do deep scrolling.
If you don't need to paginate over 10k results it's your best choice. The max_result_window can be modified, but the performance will decrease as the selected page number will increase.
But of course if some documents are added during your user pagination they will be added and your pagination can be slightly inaccurate.


Elasticsearch multiple score fields

Maybe a dummy question: is it possible to have multiple score fields?
I use a custom score based on function_score query. This score is being displayed to the user to show, how much each document matches his/her preferences. So far so good.
But! The user should be able to filter the documents and (of course) sort them not only by the custom relevance (how much each document matches his/her preferences) but also by the common relevance - how much each document matches the filter criteria.
So my first idea was to place the score calculated by function_score query to a custom field but it does not seems to be supported.
Or am I completely wrong and I should use another approach?
I took a different approach - in case user applies some filter the I run the query without function_score percolation and use the score calculated by ES and sort by it. Then I take all IDs from the result page and run percolation query with these IDs to get the custom "matching score". It does not seems to cause noticeable slowdown.
Anyway, I welcome any feedback.

How to retrieve all documents(size greater than 10000) in an elasticsearch index

I am trying to get all documents in an index, I tried the following-
1) getting the total number of records first and then setting /_search?size= parameter -doesn't work as size parameter is restricted to 10000
2)tried paginating by making multiple calls and used the parameters '?size=1000&from=9000'
-worked till 'from' was < 9000 but after it exceeds 9000 i again get this size restriction error-
"Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [100000]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request large data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_window] index level setting"
So how can I retrieve all documents in the index?I read some answers suggesting to use the scroll api and even the documentation states -
"While a search request returns a single “page” of results, the scroll API can be used to retrieve large numbers of results (or even all results) from a single search request, in much the same way as you would use a cursor on a traditional database."
But I couldn't find any sample query to get all records in a single request.
I have a total of 388794 documents in the index.
Also note, this is a one time call so I am not worried about performance concerns.
Figured out the solution-
Scroll api is the proper way to do it- here's how its working-
In the first call to fetch the documents, a size say 1000 can be provided and scroll parameter specifying the time in minutes after which search context times out.
POST /index/type/_search?scroll=1m
"size": 1000,
"query": {....
For all subsequent calls we can use the scroll_id returned in the response of the first call to get the nest chunk of records.
POST /_search/scroll
"scroll" : "1m",

Finding the set "max_result_window" for Elastic Search index?

So when querying ElasticSearch, I know you can constrain the size with the "size" parameter. By default, it's 10,000. I was wondering how to know what's the max (if it has been changed from 10,000)?
I have tried "/index/_settings" in hopes of finding the max_window_size, but couldn't find anything. I'm not necessarily sure if that's because it doesn't have a limit at all, or if I am doing something wrong.
So to rephrase my question: I basically want to know how to find the max size when trying to query "size: xx" to an elastic search server. If the size is 10,000/the default, then I want to know where I can find this number.
Any tips or guidance?
If the value isn't specified on the index itself (in _settings where you were looking), then it is 10000. You can change this setting only on the index itself as far as I know. To automatically apply it to new indices you can use an index template.
It appears to be an oversight by the devs to me, if you use rolling indices by date for example then there is no single index for you to query modifications to the value from (sure you could guess one). I think you just have to make sure to match your query code assumptions to your index template. In my opinion there should be a way to just ask for max results possible without needing to know that value beforehand.
You are correct in that elastic search default max query size is 10000. The way to get more is to use the "scroll" api:
This essentially uses pagination to split your result into user defined segments and allows you to "scroll" to the next one using a "Scroll_id" that's returned from the initial query.

analyzed field vs doc_values: true field

We have an elasticsearch that contains over half a billion documents that each have a url field that stores a URL.
The url field mapping currently has the settings:
index: not_analyzed
doc_values: true
We want our users to be able to search URLs, or portions of URLs without having to use wildcards.
For example, taking the URL with path: /part1/user#site/part2/part3.ext
They should be able to bring back a matching document by searching:
The way I see it, we have two options:
Implement an analysed version of this field (which can no longer have doc_values: true) and do match querying instead of wildcards. This would also require using a custom analyser to leverage the pattern tokeniser to make the extracted terms correct (the standard tokeniser would split user#site into user and site).
Go through our database and for each document create a new field that is a list of URL parts. This field could have doc_values: true still so would be stored off-heap, and we could do term querying on exact field values instead of wildcards.
My question is this:
Which is better for performance: having a list of variable lengths that has doc_values on, or having an analysed field? (ie: option 1 or option 2) OR is there an option 3 that would be even better yet?!
Thanks for your help!
Your question is about a field where you need doc_values but can not index with keyword-analyzer.
You did not mention why you need doc_values. But you did mention that you currently not search in this field.
So I guess that the name of the search-field do not have to be the same: you can copy the field value in an other field which is only for search ( "store": false ). For this new field you can use the pattern-analyzer or pattern-tokenizer for your use case.
It seems that no-one has actually performance tested the two options, so I did.
I took a sample of 10 million documents and created two new indices:
An index with an analysed field that was setup as suggested in the other answer.
An index with a string field that would store all permutations of URL segmentation.
I ran an enrichment process over the second index to populate the fields. The field values on the first index were created when I re-indexed the sample data from my main index.
Then I created a set of gatling tests to run against the indices and compared the gatling results and netdata ( landscape for each.
The results were as follows:
Regarding the netadata landscape: The analysed field showed a spike - although only a small one - on all elastic nodes. The not_analysed list field tests didn't even register.
It is worth mentioning that enriching the list field with URL segmentation permutations bloated the index by about 80% in our case. So there's a trade off - you never need to do wildcard searches for exact sub-segment matching on URLs, but you'll need a lot more disk to do it.
Don't do this. Go for doc_values. Doing anything with analyzed strings that have a massive number of possible terms will mean massive field data that will, eventually, never fit in the amount of memory you can allocate it.

Elasticsearch: group into buckets, reduce to one document per bucket, group these documents

I'm looking for a way how to compute the bounce rate of webpages with elastic search.
We collect data in the following simplified structure
{"id":"1", "timestamp"="2017-01-25:15:23", "sessionid"="s1", "page"="index"}
{"id":"2", "timestamp"="2017-01-25:15:24", "sessionid"="s1", "page"="checkout"}
{"id":"3", "timestamp"="2017-01-25:15:25", "sessionid"="s1", "page"="confirm"}
{"id":"4", "timestamp"="2017-01-25:15:26", "sessionid"="s2", "page"="index"}
{"id":"5", "timestamp"="2017-01-25:15:27", "sessionid"="s2", "page"="checkout"}
{"id":"6", "timestamp"="2017-01-25:15:26", "sessionid"="s3", "page"="product_a"}
{"id":"7", "timestamp"="2017-01-25:15:28", "sessionid"="s3", "page"="checkout"}
For this sample the result of the analysis should be:
2/3 of the users get lost at the checkout page.
1/3 of the users get lost at the confirm page
More formally, I'm looking for a generic approach how to implement the following algorithm in an elastic query:
group documents by a field
sort each group (bucket) by a second field and reduce to the topmost document
group all these remaining documents by a third field
sort groups by number of documents
My first attempt was to solve this with a terms aggregation followed by a top_hits aggregation and finally use a
terms_pipeline aggregation to group the pages.
(simplified aggregation structure)
field: sessionid
sort:timestamp desc
size: 1
bucket_path: terms>top_hits
field: page
... but unfortunately there is no such thing like a terms_pipeline aggregation. My bad.
Any ideas for an alternative approach?
Maybe I misunderstood something but if you are willing to know where your users are bouncing, since all pages are in a sequence, you could simply have a terms aggregation on the page field (to know which pages were visited) and a cardinalityone on the sessionid field (to know how many different unique sessions you have). In this case, cardinality(sessionid) would yield 3.
Then again, since all pages are in a sequence, I think you don't really need to know what happened within a given session.
In your example, from the terms(page) aggregation, you'd know that 3 users landed on the checkout page but only one went to the confirm one. Using the cardinality of the sessions, this implicitly means that 2 users (3 total sessions - 1 confirm page hit) bounced on the checkout page.
