JMeter Response time exclude response times from Failed transactions if successful transaction takes on average 20 secs but failed ones will fail in 2 secs.
Since JMeter is including failed response times along with passed ones, then average response times is low as compared to actual successful samples response time.
Is there any config where I can exclude response times of failure samples so that I get average response time for successful samples only?
If you are using 'Summary Report' listener and wanted to exclude response time of failed transactions, then please check the 'Success' checkbox. Go through the below screenshot for more details.
You can filter Success using property jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter
Ensure you set property jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter to keep only the transactions you want in the report if you don't want everything.
Or from GUI:Help > Export transactions for report
Use regex as (.*)(-success)(.*)
Objective : To Use Grafana log panel to display Apache JMeter Logs for an execution, using InfluxDB Backend Listener.
I am using InfluxDBBackendListenerClient for my JMeter tests and grafana to display the the test metrics data into the dashboard.
I want to use the Grafana Logs Panel, to fetch Apache-Jmeter Execution Data,
I had accomplished this couple of years back and the log panel use to look like the below image:
Unfortunately, I don't have that dashboard and want to integrate the logs to my current dashboard.My Current logs dashboard looks like this below:
Influx Query: I have used the below mentioned influx query, I know something is wrong with the query.
I would really appreciate is anyone can help me resolve this query and aid me to get a dashboard in similar format as the first image,
JMeter's Backend listener doesn't send Apache JMeter logs, here is the list of the metrics which are supported as of JMeter 5.5
15.1.1 Thread/Virtual Users metrics
Thread metrics are the following:
Min active threads
Max active threads
Mean active threads
Started threads
Finished threads
15.1.2 Response times metrics
Response related metrics are the following:
Number of successful responses for sampler name
Server hits per seconds, this metric cumulates Sample Result and Sub results (if using Transaction Controller, "Generate parent sampler" should be unchecked)
Min response time for successful responses of sampler name
Max response time for successful responses of sampler name
Average response time for successful responses of sampler name.
Percentile computed for successful responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value.
Number of failed responses for sampler name
Min response time for failed responses of sampler name
Max response time for failed responses of sampler name
Average response time for failed responses of sampler name.
Percentile computed for failed responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value.
Number of responses for sampler name (sum of ok.count and ko.count)
Sent Bytes
Received Bytes
Min response time for responses of sampler name (min of ok.count and ko.count)
Max response time for responses of sampler name (max of ok.count and ko.count)
Average response time for responses of sampler name (avg of ok.count and ko.count)
Percentile computed for responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value. (calculated on the totals for OK and failed samples)
In order to be able to see JMeter log in Grafana you need to add it somehow to InfluxDB, I can think of the following options:
Periodically read it using JSR223 Test Elements and sending to InfluxDB HTTP endpoint using "normal" JMeter HTTP Request sampler
Come up with your own implementation of the Backend Listener which will be sending log file entries along with other metrics
In loadrunner report it excludes failed transactions for calculating average response time but in JMeter it includes failed transactions as well for calculating average response time. I am bit confused here. What is the best way to calculate average response time? Should it include failed transactions or not? Detailed explanations will be highly appreciated.
It depends on where exactly your "transaction" failed.
If it reached the server, made a "hit" (or several hits), kicked off request processing and failed with non-successful status code - I believe it should be included as your load testing tool has triggered the request and it's the application under test which failed to respond properly or on time.
If the "transaction" didn't start due to missing test data or incorrect configuration of the load testing tool - it shouldn't be included. However it means that your test is not correct and needs to be fixed.
So for well-behaved tests I would include everything into the report and maybe prepared 3 views:
Everything (with passed and failed transactions)
Successes only
Failures only
In JMeter you can use Filter Results Tool to remove failed transactions from the final report, the tool can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
A failed transaction can be faster than one which passes. Example, a 4xx or 5xx status message may arrive almost instantaneously back to the client. Get enough of these errors and your average response time will drop considerably. In fact, if I was an unscrupulous tester, castigated for the level of failure on my tests, I might include a lot of "fast responses" in my data set to deliberately skew the response time so my stakeholders don't yell at me anymore.
Not that this every happens.
I just did a quick test to run jmeter using Ant. I see an html report that shows success rate based on HTTP status codes:
Ant Jmeter Report
Is it possible to do anything so that say, requests that take more than 1 second are considered as failures too?
So in short I want the report to show failure when the HTTP code is not 2XX and also when response time greater than say 1 sec
In order to check HTTP Status code being 2xx add a Response Assertion to the Sampler(s) which you want to have checked (JMeter Assertions respect JMeter Scoping Rules) and configure it like:
In order to conditionally fail requests which take longer than 1 second add Duration Assertion (the same Scoping Rules apply) and configure it like:
Check out How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps article to learn more how you can conditionally mark JMeter samplers as passed/failed using Assertions.
Add to your test Duration Assertion
with value of 1000
Duration in Milliseconds
The maximum number of milliseconds each response is allowed before being marked as failed.
I have 416 webservice API's to test . I am loading those url's from a CSV file . my test need to find an API which takes more than 2 sec to respond . I couldn't find a way to measure response time for an API .
I am using
Thread Users - 416
Ramp up Period - 1
Loop Count - 1
I have tried "View Results in Table" listener which shows the sample time . But the sample time does not show individual response time .
Please let me know if you find any solution ?
You shouldn't use listeners as View Results in Table in Load test because it consumes a lot of resources
this visualizer uses a lot of memory.
Use Duration Assertion instead, defined it with 2000 milliseconds in your case
Duration Assertion tests that each response was received within a given amount of time. Any response that takes longer than the given number of milliseconds (specified by the user) is marked as a failed response.
Add listener Summary report which has columns as average, minimum and maximum response time taken by a hit.You can also save this report by clicking on Save Table data button.
Also, add View Results Tree listener in which Sampler Result tab has all the details corresponding to that hit.
On the "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler (or even better HTTP Request Defaults) there is Timeouts section where you can define maximum value for establishing the connection and/or getting the response.
If JMeter fails to get the response within the time frame (in milliseconds) the relevant sampler will be marked as failed.
In order to see individual response times - add the variable from the CSV file as HTTP Request label (or prefix or postfix) - this way you will see the associated URLs in the listeners and in the HTML Reporting Dashboard :
I have a test plan for Rest API with one thread group with 2 samplers within.
While running load test for
no of threads(users):80
Ramp up period: 1
I get "Response code: 504 Response message: GATEWAY_TIMEOUT" in jmeter.
I observed that when Max value in Aggregate graph reaches 60000ms all response gets timed out.
What need to be done to prevent time out issue.
Load test works fine when I use 50 users or less.
I think you are getting timeouts because at load of 80+ users, response time shoots up but your application or rest API's have less time out duration set. Because of heavy response times you are exceeding time out duration and getting those errors.
To resolve this issue simplest solution would be to increase time out values if possible.
Otherwise you need to improve response time of those Rest API's to a better value so that you won't get timeouts.
While doing this, monitor system utilization to be sure that changes are not hampering anywhere else.
From what you are saying it seems your application limit is ~60 users load with given configuration.
please check you ELB settings , or application server settings(glassfish/apache) , ELB has by default 59 seconds of time out , after that ELB would time expire your request .
But you can see the response for those requests in the DB which might have taken longer time to respond