I'm coding a batch file that should search two folder paths for multiple file extensions and list them in a text file. Currently I'm trying to use a FOR loop with a list of file extensions (*.doc, *.docx, etc). I believe the file is erroring out because of the "*" character but I don't know how to correct this.
I've tried to straight list them: FOR %%G IN (*.one,*.mht,*.onepkg). I've tried quote marks: FOR %%G IN ("*.one","*.mht","*.onepkg"). I've tried carets: FOR %%G IN (^^*.one,^^*.mht,^^*.onepkg).
Here's my code:
set outputfilepath=d:\output.txt
FOR %%G IN ("*.one","*.mht","*.onepkg") DO (
echo Searching for %%G files
dir "C:\%%G" /s /b >> "%outputfilepath%"
Rem Add 2 blank lines between next search
echo. >> "%outputfilepath%"
echo. >> "%outputfilepath%" )
Nothing gets output to my text file.
Any help is appreciated.
set "outputfilepath=u:\output.txt"
FOR %%G IN (one,mht,onepkg) DO (
echo Searching for %%G files>con
dir ".\*.%%G" /s /b |FINDSTR /i /e /L ".%%G"
Rem Add 2 blank lines between next search
)> "%outputfilepath%"
Please note that I've changed drivenames to suit my system.
simply for meta in extensionlist then add the * in the dir command. Filter the dir output using findstr to ensure that only names matching /e at the end /L the literal ".%%G" are shown.
Also by enclosing the enitre for command in parentheses, you can send all stdout text (which would normally appear on the console) to the file. > naturally means create-file-anew. >> to append if that's your preference.
The >con appended to the Searching... echo overrides the redirection and specifically sends the text from that echo to the console.
I really like the existing suggestions but this is a different approach. I find that this style reads more like code.
This may seem very complicated but...
This technique can be used to loop over parameters for ANYTHING to include ones passed via the command line.
The logic of looping through passed parameters is isolated to its own function (enumerate_search_types).
The logic of what you are going to do with each parameter is isolated to its own function (search_for_search_type).
This might make it easier for some, too complicated for others.
#echo off
:: The parameters we are working with...
set outputfilepath=d:\output.txt
set starting_path=c:\
set search_types="*.one" "*.mht" "*.onepkg"
pushd "%starting_path%"
call :enumerate_search_types %search_types%
goto :EOF
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------
set "current_param=%~1"
if "%current_param%"=="" goto :EOF
call :search_for_search_type "%current_param%"
shift /1
goto :enumerate_search_types
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------
set "current_search_type=%1"
set "had_output=false"
echo Searching for %current_search_type% files
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /s /b %current_search_type% 2^>NUL') do set had_output=true&& echo %%f >> "%outputfilepath%"
:: If the dir command didn't produce anything, don't add the blank lines
if "false"=="%had_output%" goto :EOF
echo. >> "%outputfilepath%"
echo. >> "%outputfilepath%"
goto :EOF
Short answer if you refer to only the file extension.
In order to use different extension in a for loop:
FOR %%G IN (one,mht,onepkg) do [command]
I have a folder with four to five text files in it.
My overall aim is the following: Create one big file which has the content of the separate files, but in the right order.
I can use the time-stamp of each file to start with the oldest file up to the youngest.
My process right now looks like this:
Order the files in this folder by date.
Create a temporary file and write the content from the separate files into this file.
Output the temporary file.
In code I do something like this:
set temp_concat=%temp_dir%\temp_concat.log
echo %temp_concat%
echo aiu_logs > %temp_concat%
for /f "delims=" %%? in ('dir /b /o:d %Folder%*') do (
for /f "delims=" %%K in (%Folder%%%?) do (
echo %%K >>%temp_concat%
The above code seems to work as my temp_concat is very large.
However, this takes much much longer than expected. I have to wait about 40 seconds just to merge three files in my case.
Is there some better way of merging some amount of files, but keep them in the correct order by date?
This batch file uses the suggestion posted by Sqashman to use a FOR loop to create the arguments string for command COPY used to concatenate the file contents into a single file in the order of oldest modified file first and newest modified file last.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "Folder=%~dp0"
if not "%~1" == "" set "Folder=%~1"
set "Folder=%Folder:/=\%"
if not "%Folder:~-1%" == "\" set "Folder=%Folder%\"
set "ResultsFile=%Folder%Results.log"
del "%ResultsFile%" 2>nul
set "Arguments="
for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir /A-D-H /B /O:D "%Folder%*" 2^>nul') do if not "%%~fI" == "%~f0" set "Arguments=!Arguments! + "%%I""
if defined Arguments (
echo aiu_logs>"%ResultsFile%"
copy /B "%ResultsFile%"%Arguments% "%ResultsFile%" >nul
The batch file as is does not work if either the folder path or one of the file names contains one or more exclamation marks ! because of an enabled delayed environment variable expansion.
Further the command line length is limited and so this batch file does not work on too many files must be concatenated depending on length of the file path of each file and the length of the file names.
A better solution would be using following batch file:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "Folder=%~dp0"
if not "%~1" == "" set "Folder=%~1"
set "Folder=%Folder:/=\%"
pushd "%Folder%" 2>nul
if errorlevel 1 goto EndBatch
set "ResultsFile=Results.log"
del "%ResultsFile%" 2>nul
set "Arguments="
for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir /A-D-H /B /O:D * 2^>nul') do if not "%%~fI" == "%~f0" call set "Arguments=%%Arguments%% + "%%I""
if defined Arguments (
echo aiu_logs>"%ResultsFile%"
copy /B "%ResultsFile%"%Arguments% "%ResultsFile%" >nul
A folder path with one or more exclamation marks is no problem anymore. Also the file names can contain ! because of delayed expansion is not used by this batch file which is a bit slower than the first batch file.
The folder with the files to concatenate is made the current directory by this batch file. For that reason more file names can be specified as arguments on COPY command line in comparison to first batch file because of the file names are specified without path. But the number of file contents which can be merged with this batch file is nevertheless limited by the maximum length of a Windows command line respectively the maximum length of an environment variable value.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
copy /?
dir /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
popd /?
pushd /?
set /?
setlocal /?
Read also the Microsoft article about Using command redirection operators for an explanation of > and 2>nul. The redirection operator > must be escaped with caret character ^ on FOR command line to be interpreted as literal character when Windows command interpreter processes this command line before executing command FOR which executes the embedded dir command line with using a separate command process started in background with %ComSpec% /c and the DIR command line between the two ' appended as further arguments.
The second FOR /F does not contain a command. It contains a filename. I have not tested this, but perhaps:
set temp_concat=%temp_dir%\temp_concat.log
echo %temp_concat%
echo aiu_logs > "%temp_concat%"
for /f "delims=" %%? in ('dir /b /o:d "%Folder%"') do (
if not "%%~f?" == "%~f0" (
type %%? >>"%temp_concat%"
This will concatenate all files in the "%Folder%" directory. Paths should be quoted in case there are special characters in them.
I have set of 5000 CSV files in tree directory structure.
Every file was first row denoting its enconding, then typical CSV content follows.
Key1,"Value 1",
Key2,"Value 2"
etc, etc...
How can I quickly collect first row from each file in order to oversee set of their encodings?
I'm trying this with help of this answer but I don't clearly understand all syntax nuances of batch file variables so I am getting stuff like Echo is on.
for /R D:\resources\ %%f in (*.csv) do (
set /p line1=<%%f
echo %line1% >> out.txt
If parts are executed individually (for single file), they work.
I was also trying single-liner
for /R D:\resources\ %f in (*.csv) do set /p line1=<%f & echo %line1% >> out.txt
but this one put value collected from first file into output from each file.
The main problem here is the lack of delayed expansion, which is needed when you write and read a variable within the same block of code; without it, you are reading the variable value present when parsing the block, so before it is executed. Here is the fixed code:
#echo off
copy NUL out.txt
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /R "D:\resources" %%g in ("*.csv") do (
set "line1="
< "%%~g" set /P line1=""
>> "out.txt" echo(!line1!
In addition, I quoted all file/directory paths in order to avoid trouble with white-spaces or special characters in them. I also reversed the redirection syntax, because echo(!line1! >> "out.txt" also outputs the SPACE in front of >>. The ( instead of a SPACE behind echo looks odd but prevents ECHO is {on|off}. being returned when the read line in !line1! is empty.
By the way, you do not need to prepare an empty output file out.txt initially, you can simply redirect the whole for loop into the output files once using >, given that you put a surrounding pair of parentheses:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
> "out.txt" (
for /R "D:\resources" %%g in (*.csv) do (
set "line1="
< "%%~g" set /P line1=""
To do the same directly in command prompt as a single-liner, try this:
cmd /V /C (for /R "D:\resources" %g in ("*.csv") do #(set "line1=" ^& ^< "%~g" set /P line1="" ^& echo(!line1!)) ^> "out.txt"
aschipfl's comment helped. Adding corrected and completed script for benefit of others:
#echo off
copy NUL out.txt
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /R D:\resources\ %%g in (*.csv) do (
set /p line1=<%%g
echo !line1! >> out.txt
I am writing a batch file. part of the program will compare the list of files in a 'source' folder. With the contents of a list in a text file.
I loop through each file in the folder, and search for its filename in the text file using FINDSTR
Everything works until there is a filename in the source folder that doesnt exist in the text file.
the findstr code:
for /f %%o in ('findstr %name% old.txt') do (
echo o=%%o >> result.txt
if %%o==%name% (
echo %name% exists
) ELSE (
echo %name% does not exists
Again, the problem occurs when FINDSTR searches for a filename that is not in the text file.
when it reaches that point it outputs the variable %%o as being '%o' and echos nothing. So it sends nothing to the results.txt.
This doesnt trigger an ERRORLEVEL change but also will not echo anything. I have tried outputing the errorlevels but they are also empty. I just dont understand what FINDSTR is doing in this instance.
the FULL batch file: (its my first one. forgive any mistakes)
::return the raw (/b) list of files
FORFILES /p %~dp0source\ /s /m "*.cr2" /C "cmd /c echo #path" > new.txt
::pull file path for each file and send to subroutine
for /f %%n in ('FORFILES /p %~dp0source\ /s /m "*.cr2" /C "cmd /c echo #path"') do (
call :dequote %%n
::subroutine for removing quotes
::and returning the filename, extension, and path
set fullPath=%~f1
set fileName=%~n1
set fileExt=%~x1
set filePath=%~dp1
set name=%fileName%& set npath=%filePath%& set ext=%fileExt%& set fpath=%fullPath%
echo %fpath%
echo %npath%
echo %name%
echo %ext%
for /f %%o in ('findstr %name% old.txt') do (
echo o=%%o >> result.txt
if %%o==%name% (
echo %name% exists
) ELSE (
echo %name% does not exists
This only happens on the last filename sent to findstr. Any suggestions or direction would be very appreciated. Ive tried and read everything I can get my hands on.
Thank You for your time.
UPDATE: 9-9-15
Here is the working final batch file i created using the help on this page. It creates a hotfolder that will edit any new files added to it until you stop the script from running:
:: return the raw (/b) list of files and full path to source text
FORFILES /p %~dp0source\ /s /m "*.cr2" /C "cmd /c echo #path" > source.txt
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 goto :start
::join new and old data, return only what is shared in common (/g)
findstr /I /L /G:"source.txt" "output.txt" > found.txt
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 copy /y source.txt notFound.txt
::join found file names and source filenames, return those that do not have a match
findstr /I /L /V /G:"found.txt" "source.txt" >> notFound.txt
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 echo error no match
::for each line of notFound.txt, dequote and break apart
for /f %%n in (notFound.txt) do (
echo n=%%n
call :dequote %%n
set fullPath=%~f1
set fileName=%~n1
set fileExt=%~x1
set filePath=%~dp1
set name=%fileName%& set npath=%filePath%& set ext=%fileExt%& set fpath=%fullPath%
echo %fpath%
echo %npath%
echo %name%
echo %ext%
cd %nPath%
if NOT [%1]==[] (
echo converted %name%
convert -negate -density 600 -colorspace gray flatField.cr2 %name%%ext% -compose Divide -composite %name%.tif
move %name%.tif %~dp0output
cd %~dp0
del notFound.txt
copy /y source.txt output.txt
) ELSE (
echo end of batch else
cd %~dp0
Loop variables must be referenced with %% in a batch file because percent sign has a special meaning and must be therefore escaped with another percent sign in a batch file to specify it literally. This is the reason why on running the batch file with echo on in a command prompt window results in getting %%o in the batch file displayed as %o on execution.
Command FOR as used in
for /f %%o in ('findstr %name% old.txt') do
processes the output written to stdout by the called command findstr. But findstr does not write anything to standard output when it searched for one or more strings in a file and could not find any matching string in any line of the file.
So command for can't process anything and therefore none of the commands after do are processed at all in this case.
Assuming the list file contains only file names without path, the following commented batch file can be used to get with 1 execution of command dir and just 1 or 2 executions of console application findstr the two lists containing the file names in folder being found and being not found in the list file. The batch file is written for not producing empty files.
#echo off
set "ListFile=C:\Temp\List.txt"
if not exist "%ListFile%" goto NoListFile
set "SourceFolder=C:\Temp\Test"
if not exist "%SourceFolder%\*" goto NoSourceFolder
set "AllFileNames=%TEMP%\AllFileNames.txt"
set "FoundFileNames=%TEMP%\FoundFileNames.txt"
set "NotFoundFileNames=%TEMP%\NotFoundFileNames.txt"
rem Get alphabetic list of files in source folder without path.
dir /A /B /ON "%SourceFolder%" >"%AllFileNames%"
rem Find all file names in list file with a case-insensitive
rem search matching completely a file name in list file and
rem output the found file names to another list file.
%SystemRoot%\system32\findstr.exe /I /L /X "/G:%AllFileNames%" "%ListFile%" >"%FoundFileNames%"
if errorlevel 1 goto NoFileNameFound
rem Find all file names with a case-insensitive search found
rem before in all file names list and output the lines not
rem containing one of the file names to one more list file.
%SystemRoot%\system32\findstr.exe /I /L /V "/G:%FoundFileNames%" "%AllFileNames%" >"%NotFoundFileNames%"
if errorlevel 1 goto AllFileNamesFound
rem Some file names are found in list file and others not.
del "%AllFileNames%"
goto :EndBatch
move /Y "%AllFileNames%" "%NotFoundFileNames%"
del "%FoundFileNames%"
goto EndBatch
del "%AllFileNames%"
del "%NotFoundFileNames%"
goto EndBatch
echo %~f0:
echo Error: No list file %ListFile%
goto EndBatch
echo %~f0:
echo Error: No folder %SourceFolder%
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
del /?
dir /?
findstr /?
goto /?
if /?
move /?
set /?
This is a method to give you a list of filenames which don't exist in the file.txt
#echo off
cd /d "c:\folder\to\check"
for %%a in (*) do findstr /i "%%~nxa" "file.txt" >nul || echo "%%a" is missing
It uses %%~nxa instead of %%a in case subdirectories are used at some point.
our system is going to be migrated from Linux to Windows machine so I'm preparing a batch file equivalent to our existing script. I already have created the batch file but I need to unwrap first the file before processing its next line of codes.
Example. Here is a one-liner wherein the delimiter is "{".
Note: Delimiter can be any or variable character except element delimiter ("~" in this case).
ISA~00~ ~00~ ~ZZ~SAMSUNGSND ~14~181087842 ~130214~2300~U~00401~000000003~0~T~>{GS~FA~181087842TEST~SYNNTEST~20130214~2300~810~X~004010{ST~997~131250001{AK1~SC~1809{AK9~A~1~1~1{SE~4~131250001{GE~1~810{IEA~1~000000001
I need it to be unwrapped like this (equivalent to tr "{" "\n" < FileName.txt ):
ISA~00~ ~00~ ~ZZ~SAMSUNGSND ~14~181087842 ~130214~2300~U~00401~000000003~0~T~>
Once unwrapped, I need to search fixed values of third field if equal to "1145837" under GS segment (2nd line) and replace it with "1119283" (which is equivalent to sed '/^GS/ s/1145837/1119283/').
Below is my batch file. I need the code to be inserted somewhere inside :WriteToLogFile subroutine
#echo on
::This ensures the parameters are resolved prior to the internal variable
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Get current date and time as local time.
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\Find.exe "."') do set dt=%%a
rem Reformat the date and time strong to wanted format.
set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%"
set "MM=%dt:~4,2%"
set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "HH=%dt:~8,2%"
set "Min=%dt:~10,2%"
set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"
set "TimeStamp=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec%"
rem Define name of the list file containing current date and time in name.
set "ListFile=FLIST_%TimeStamp%.lst"
rem Change directory (and drive).
cd /D "C:\VP"
rem Create the list file which is good here as the list of files changes
rem while running this batch file and therefore it is better to work with
rem a list file instead of running a FOR directly for each file in the
rem directory. The list file is not included in this list as it either does
rem not exist at all or it has wrong file extension as only *.txt files are
rem listed by command DIR. The log file EDI.log has also wrong file extension.
dir *.txt /A:-D /B /O:D >"C:\VP\TEST\%ListFile%"
rem It might be useful to delete the log file from a previous run.
if exist EDI.log del EDI.log
rem Process each file in the list file.
cd /D "C:\VP\TEST"
for /F "delims=" %%F in ( %ListFile% ) do call :ProcessFile "%%F"
cd /D "C:\VP"
::rem Delete the list file as not needed anymore. It could be also kept.
::del %ListFile%
rem Exit batch file.
goto :EOF
rem The parameter passed from first FOR is the file name in double quotes.
set "FileName=%~1"
rem Ignore the files CNtable.txt and Dupfile.txt in same directory.
rem Command goto :EOF just exits here from subroutine ProcessFile.
if "%FileName%"=="CNtable.txt" goto :EOF
if "%FileName%"=="Dupfile.txt" goto :EOF
if "%FileName%"=="VanPointAS2in.bat" goto :EOF
if "%FileName%"=="VP.bat" goto :EOF
rem Get 7th, 9th and 14th element from first line of current file.
cd /D "C:\VP"
for /f "usebackq tokens=7,9,14 delims=~*^" %%a in ( "%FileName%" ) do (
set "ISAsender=%%a"
set "ISAreceiver=%%b"
set "ISActrlnum=%%c"
goto WriteToLogFile
rem Remove all spaces as ISAsender and ISAreceiver have
rem usually spaces appended at end according to example
rem text. Then write file name and the 3 values to log file.
set "ISAsender=%ISAsender: =%"
set "ISAreceiver=%ISAreceiver: =%"
set "ISActrlnum=%ISActrlnum: =%"
echo %FileName%,%ISAsender%,%ISAreceiver%,%ISActrlnum%>>"C:\VP\TEST\EDI.log"
set "FLAG=N"
if "%ISAsender%"=="APPLESND" (
if "%ISAreceiver%"=="MANGO" (
set "FLAG=Y"
set "VW=AP"
call :DupCheck
echo %errorlevel%>>"C:\VP\TEST\EDI.log"
if errorlevel 1 move /Y "%FileName%" "APPLE"
echo Moved %FileName% to directory APPLE.
if "%ISAsender%"=="APPLESND" (
if "%ISAreceiver%"=="MANGOES" (
set "FLAG=Y"
set "VW=AP"
call :DupCheck
echo %errorlevel%>>"C:\VP\TEST\EDI.log"
if errorlevel 1 move /Y "%FileName%" "APPLE"
echo Moved %FileName% to directory APPLE.
if "%ISAsender%"=="SAMSUNGSND" (
if "%ISAreceiver%"=="MANGO" (
set "FLAG=Y"
set "VW=SS"
call :DupCheck
echo %errorlevel%>>"C:\VP\TEST\EDI.log"
if errorlevel 1 move /Y "%FileName%" "SAMSUNG"
echo Moved %FileName% to directory SAMSUNG.
rem Move to directory BYPASS if all else not satisfied.
if "%FLAG%"=="N" (
move /Y "%FileName%" "BYPASS"
echo Moved %FileName% to directory BYPASS
rem Exit the subroutine WriteToLogFile.
goto :EOF
rem Check for ISA control number in file %VW%_table.txt.
%SystemRoot%\System32\Findstr.exe /X /M /C:%ISActrlnum% "C:\VP\TEST\%VW%_table.txt" >nul
if errorlevel 1 goto NewControl
rem This ISA control number is already present in file %VW%_table.txt.
echo Duplicate control %ISActrlnum% found in file %FileName%.
echo %ISActrlnum%,%FileName%>>"C:\VP\TEST\Dupfile.txt"
move /Y "%FileName%" "DUPLICATES"
echo Moved %FileName% to directory DUPLICATES.
rem Exit the subroutine DupCheck.
goto :EOF
echo %ISActrlnum%>>"C:\VP\TEST\%VW%_table.txt"
Any help is appreciated.
Manipulating text files with native batch commands is rather tricky, and quite slow. Most tasks can be done, but it requires quite a few advanced batch techniques to make the solution robust.
You will probably be most happy with GnuWin32 - a free collection of unix utilities for Windows. You could then manipulate file content with familiar tools.
Another good alternative (my favorite - no surprise since I wrote it) is to use REPL.BAT - a hybrid JScript/batch utility that performs a regex search/replace operation on stdin and writes the result to stdout. It is pure script that will run natively on any Windows machine from XP forward. Full documentation is embedded within the script.
I recommend replacing your line delimiter with \r\n rather than \n, as that is the Windows standard for newlines.
Assuming REPL.BAT is in your current directory, or somewhere within your PATH, then the following will make your needed changes:
set "file=fileName.txt"
type "fileName.txt" | repl "{" "\r\n" lx >"%file%.new"
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
<"%file%" call repl "^(GS~.*)1145837" "$11119283" >"%file%.new"
set "rtn=%errorlevel%"
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
if %rtn% equ 0 goto GS_replace
I'm concerned that your string of numeric digits could be embedded within a larger number, leading to an unwanted substitution. You might want to refine your search term to prevent this.
The following would only replace an entire field:
<"%file%" call repl "^(GS~(?:.*~)*)1145837(~|$)" "$11119283$2" >"%file%.new"
set "rtn=%errorlevel%"
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
if %rtn% equ 0 goto GS_replace
The following would only replace an entire number that may be embedded within a larger alpha-numeric string:
<"%file%" call repl "^(GS~(?:.*\D)*)1145837(\D|$)" "$11119283$2" >"%file%.new"
set "rtn=%errorlevel%"
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
if %rtn% equ 0 goto GS_replace
In your comment below, you say you want to restrict the number change to the 3rd field of GS lines. (This is quite different than what you stated in your original question.) This is much simpler - no loop is required:
type "%file%" | repl "^(GS~(.*?~){2})1145837(~|$)" "$11119283$2" >"%file%.new"
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
i am writing a batch script monotonic file renamer. basically, it makes the titles of all the files 1 2 3 4 .... and so on. i have since expanded it to be able to handle files of different types (txt, doc, flv, etc) but not everything is working out.
my main concern is i have broken the delayed expansion calls i was making before. now using !var1! is never expanded, or never recognized as a variable.
here is a verbosely commented version of my script
::a monotonic file renamer
#echo off
SET tempfile=temp.txt
SET exttemp=exttemp.txt
if [%1] == [] goto usage
::make sure your dont overwrite something useful
if EXIST %tempfile% (
ECHO Temp file already exists, are you sure you want to delete?
del /P %tempfile%
if EXIST %exttemp% (
ECHO EXT Temp file already exists, are you sure you want to delete?
del /P %exttemp%
SET /a counter=0
SET type=
SET /a ender=%1
::write filenames to tempfile
DIR /B /ON > %tempfile%
::read lines one by one
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (%tempfile%) do (
REM make sure we do not rename any of the working files
if NOT "%%a"=="renamer.bat" (
if NOT "%%a"=="temp.txt" (
if NOT "%%a"=="exttostr.bat" (
SET /a counter+=1
REM get file extension
exttostr %%a > %exttemp%
SET /P type= < %exttemp%
REM housekeeping
del /F %exttemp%
REM rename
ren %%a !counter!.!type!
ECHO Renamed "%%a" to "!counter!.!type!"
REM exit when we have run enough
if "!counter!"=="!ender!" goto exit
goto exit
echo Usage: renamer NUMFILES
::final housekeeping
DEL temp.txt
the idea is i drop my two files, renamer.bat(this file) and exttostr.bat(helper to get the file extension) into the folder and run it, it will rename files sorted alphabetically from 1 to how ever many files i specify.
when i run the code, it never uses the variables marked for delayed expansion appropriately, always leaving them as "!varname!", so it renames the first file "!counter!.!type!" and throws errors for the rest because there is already a file in the directory with that name.
this brings me to a secondary issue. sorting the dir list alphabetically results in a poor handling of numbered files. for example the list:
"1 7 15 75 120"
is sorted:
"1 120 15 7 75"
i have not been able to find a way around this yet, only that it is indeed the intended result of the dir sort. the only workaround i have is padding numbers with enough zeroes in the front.
thanks in advance for any insight!
everything is sorted but the second problem. i think i have not spoken well. i have this issue when i take IN the directory file names, not when writing out. so they already need to be padded. i has hoping there was some other way to read the directory and have it be sorted appropriately.
the most promising thing i have found is here: http://www.dostips.com/DtCodeBatchFiles.php#Batch.SortTextWithNumbers
if "%~1"=="/?" (
echo.Sorts text by handling first number in line as number not text
echo.%~n0 [n]
echo. n Specifies the character number, n, to
echo. begin each comparison. 3 indicates that
echo. each comparison should begin at the 3rd
echo. character in each line. Lines with fewer
echo. than n characters collate before other lines.
echo. By default comparisons start at the first
echo. character in each line.
echo. 'abc10def3' is bigger than 'abc9def4' because
echo. first number in first string is 10
echo. first number in second string is 9
echo. whereas normal text compare returns
echo. 'abc10def3' smaller than 'abc9def4'
echo. To sort a directory pipe the output of the dir
echo. command into %~n0 like this:
echo. dir /b^|%~n0
echo.Source: http://www.dostips.com
if "%~1" NEQ "~" (
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=," %%a in ('"%~f0 ~ %*|sort"') do echo.%%b
set /a n=%~2+0
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('"find /n /v """') do (
set f=,%%B
set f0=!f:~0,%n%!
set f0=!f0:~1!
rem call call set f=,%%%%f:*%%f0%%=%%%%
set f=,!f:~%n%!
for /f "delims=1234567890" %%b in ("!f!") do (
set f1=%%b
set f1=!f1:~1!
call set f=0%%f:*%%b=%%
for /f "delims=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWWXYZ~`##$*_-+=:;',.?/\ " %%b in ("!f!") do (
set f2=00000000000000000000%%b
set f2=!f2:~-20!
call set f=%%f:*%%b=%%
rem echo.-!f0!*!f1!*!f2!*!f!*%%a>&2
this code can sort the filenames with one number in them (i.e. video100.mov is fine, video100video10.mov would break it)
the issue i have is i think adding a call to this helper fn will break it again, so i will be trying to include this in my modified renamer.bat now. any help is appreciated.
Probably the batch for extracting the extension reset the local environment.
But, you don't need it. You may extract the extension with the ~x option. Something similar to this ....
set /a counter = 0
for %%a in (%1\*.*) do (
if exist %%~fa (
set /a counter += 1
echo ren %%~fa !counter!%%~xa
goto :eof
to include leading zeroes in the counter, so that the directory sorts correctly, replace the previous rename command with three lines
set zcounter=0000!counter!
set zcounter=!zcounter:~-4!
echo ren %%~fa !counter!%%~xa
So putting all pieces together, add the monotonicrename function you just created in the batch file that can be as simpler as...
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
call :monotonicrename %1
goto :eof
set /a counter = 0
for %%a in (%1\*.*) do (
if exist %%~fa (
set /a counter += 1
set zcounter=0000!counter!
set zcounter=!zcounter:~-4!
echo ren %%~fa !zcounter!%%~xa
goto :eof
I didn't experience any issues with delayed expansion, everything worked fine for me (except, of course, for the fact that I didn't have the exttostr.bat helper script.)
Anyway, there are several things that could be improved about your script:
You don't need to store the result of DIR into a file to read it afterwards. You can read the output directly in the FOR loop.
You don't need the helper batch script. The extension can be extracted from %%a by using the ~x modifier with the loop variable: %%~xa. You can read more about modifiers by issuing HELP FOR from the command prompt.
The renamer batch file's own name can be referenced in the script as %0. You can apply the ~n modifier where you only need to use the name without the extension. The combined modifier of ~nx will give you the name with the extension.
So, here's how your script might look like with the above issues addressed:
::a monotonic file renamer
#echo off
IF [%1] == [] GOTO usage
SET /A counter=0
SET type=
SET /A ender=%1
::read lines one by one
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%a IN (`DIR /B /ON`) DO (
REM make sure we do not rename any of the working files
IF NOT "%%~a"=="%~nx0" (
SET /A counter+=1
RENAME "%%~a" "!counter!%%~xa"
ECHO Renamed "%%~a" to "!counter!%%~xa"
REM exit when we have run enough
IF "!counter!"=="!ender!" GOTO :EOF
As for your secondary issue, it can be easily resolved like this:
Use something like 100000 as counter's initial value. (Use however many 0s you like, but possibly no more than nine.) Add the same value to ender as well.
When renaming files, instead of !counter! use the expression that removes the first character (the 1): !counter:~1! (in fact, this is not about removal, but about extracting a substring starting from the offset of 1, learn more about it with the HELP SET command).
Here's the modified version of the above script:
::a monotonic file renamer
#echo off
IF [%1] == [] GOTO usage
SET /A counter=1000
SET type=
SET /A ender=%1
SET /A ender+=counter
::read lines one by one
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%a IN (`DIR /B /ON`) DO (
REM make sure we do not rename any of the working files
IF NOT "%%~a"=="%~nx0" (
SET /A counter+=1
RENAME "%%~a" "!counter:~1!%%~xa"
ECHO Renamed "%%~a" to "!counter:~1!%%~xa"
REM exit when we have run enough
IF "!counter!"=="!ender!" GOTO :EOF
ECHO Usage: renamer NUMFILES
You can also see that I made some other enhancements, like making sure the file name is enclosed in double quotes, and using GOTO :EOF instead of GOTO exit (:EOF is a special pre-defined label that points at the end of the batch script so you don't need to define your own).