Xzing recognizes Barcode only in Java version - ruby

I'm trying to bulk scan some jpg files with barcodes on them. I've used the ruby bindings for the c++ port of xzing. When I have this file:
scanned by the Web-Version of Xzing (https://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx) everything turns out fine. When I try to scan this one in ruby (using https://github.com/glassechidna/zxing_cpp.rb) nothing is recognized. I already tried cranking up the contrast, but it did not help. It's not my ruby setup because it works for loads of other nearly identical codes. The only thing I can think of is any difference between the Java version and the C++ port, but this is absolute poking in the dark, I've started using zxing just today.
Could anyone get this code recognized in ruby? Thank you very much.

The gem you're using and/or it's dependencies our out of date. If you want to still use Ruby for your project, you can try using one of the online services in the comments for the decoding. You could either try to use the
mechanize gem or roll your own using other http ruby tools such as httparty or Ruby's Net::HTTP


Linting for Ruby < 2.0.0

I have a project with many Ruby files, loaded by external program with embedded Ruby interpreter (and some other libraries). I'm trying to use RubyMine and Rubocop to help with development, but the problem is that the said embedded interpreter is of version 1.9.2 and can't be upgraded in any way. Is it possible to still use the Rubocop or other linter inside RubyMine and at the same time to make sure the code is compatible with old interpreter?
Yes you can, Check this out and then let RuboCop know the oldest version of Ruby which your project supports with updating .rubocop.yml file:
TargetRubyVersion: 1.9
The short answer is that yes, it is possible to change the linter used in RubyMine, there are complete walk-throughs on JetBrains site explaining how. I don't know off the top of my head any linters that specifically work for pre-2.0 versions of Ruby, not to say they don't exist.
The longer answer is that it really won't make much difference if the interpreter is running through another program, and not using a real Ruby installation, and any linter is not going to reliably work for you. There will be plenty of code that a linter will still think is perfectly acceptable, but fail when running in an embedded VM.
# Linter thinks this perfectly fine, part of 1.9.2 standard library
require 'base64'
# Still thinks this perfectly fine. This all fails miserably though
Base64.encode64('My string')
The most obvious examples would be the entire standard library, gems, rake, and anything that is not part of the "core" library. Basic rule of thumb, if you have to require a script (excluding your project's local scripts), it is not going to work.
Another reason it could never be reliable is that you do not know if the embedded Ruby interpreter has been altered, or removed features from Ruby for their purposes, and a linter would have even less way of knowing that. Years ago I dabbled with the RPG Maker series, and discovered the hard way that their were certain built in features of Ruby that were removed (or at least hidden) from their custom build.
If you are familiar with Ruby, then you can obviously steer clear of the major and most common 2.0+ changes that Ruby implemented to the core library, but the only reliable way to know (even with a linter), is testing, which you will need to do anyway ( or at least you should). RubyMine has good support for automating this with Minitest and RSpec.

Can Ruby + Crate + Windows work?

I've got a project for work I'd like to do in Ruby that will have to run on Windows, but perturbing the filesystem for a Ruby install or RubyScript2Exe unpack isn't an option (this is supposed to be the harness for a testing system). Has anyone successfully used Crate to package up something on Windows? If so, what was your build environment like and can you pass on any other hints?
I've tried and worked in getting Crate work under Windows, but is a more complicated system than I would expect.
If extraction of code for your system is your problem. I recommend take a look to Exerb, and specially: exerb-mingw hosted on GitHub exerb-mingw
It will generate a single executable like Ocra or RubyScript2Exe, but with the difference that the source code will not be extracted and extensions will be dynamically loaded.
This works perfectly with RubyInstaller packages, and is being used with Pik (Ruby version manager for Windows).
Hope this helps.
You can embed a Ruby interpreter and script into a C program, which may be easier than trying to run Crate. Here are some helpful links that describe how to do this, and may provide enough sample code to use as a skeleton for what you are trying to build.

Code completion for Sketchup Ruby API

Does anyone know of a program that has support for code completion for Sketchup Ruby API?
Here are some Ruby IDEs that have code completion:
JetBrains RubyMine: http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/
NetBeans Ruby plugin: http://wiki.netbeans.org/Ruby
Unfortunately, it looks like you might need to do some work to get the Sketchup API symbols loaded into your IDE of choice. If I come across anything, I'll edit this answer.
You might also try posting to their mailing list to see if they have any ideas: http://groups.google.com/group/google-sketchup-developers
I found a code-completion addon for Notepad++. I added the SketchUp Ruby API methods to the Ruby code completion. Though I think it needs updating to support SU8's methods. I don't remember where I found it, but pretty sure it was somewhere on the SketchUcation forum: http://forums.sketchucation.com/
I'll post back if I find it.

Segmentation fault in hpricot

I'm using hpricot to read HTML. I got a segmentation fault error, I googled and some say upgrade to latest version of Ruby. I am using rails 2.3.2 and ruby 1.8.7. How to resolve this error?
I was trying to parse html pages with many unicode characters in them and Hpricot kept crashing. Finally, I used the monkey patch from sanitize and put it in the environment.rb for my rails application. There hasn't been a single crash since I added this patch:
If you're free to choose your HTML parsing library, switch it.
Why, the creator of Hpricot, recently posted that you should better use Nokogiri instead of HPricot, nowadays.
You may also have a look at HTTParty.
On ruby 1.8.5 try using hpricot -v 0.6.161
That worked for me.
From memory, since I last used it about a year ago:
Hpricot stores attributes in a fixed-size buffer, and some frameworks generate outrageously long hashes in document attributes. There's some static field you can set before parsing that lets you set the size of this buffer.
I remember it being fairly prominent in the docs on the webpage, though of course it's gone now.
Well, based on your own question, I'd say "Upgrade to the latest version of Ruby". However, I've also had problems with hpricot segfaulting, which seemed to be related to my usage of threading.
This appears to be an outstanding issue on the bug list. I have experienced it to. My theory is has to do with the HTML structure or bad/corrupt character in the file but I have not found where exactly.
Here are the links to the issues:
I'm having the same segfault issue but sadly can't consult the issues Dave cited above, even via Google cache -- from what I've been googling the parse.rb segfaults have to do with encoded entities or alt character sets (accented characters perhaps)
The sanitize lib encountered the same issue and posted a monkeypatch here:

How to parse word documents with ruby?

Does anyone know of a library that I can use on OS X/Linux to parse Word files and output the content as HTML?
I've had a look at win32ole but as far as I can see it's for Windows only, although I could be wrong.
Any suggestions?
The Word document format (ignoring docx for the moment) is terrible and was constantly changing. IMHO that is why there are so few (read: zero) Ruby libraries out there to parse them.
What I recommend doing is using JRuby and some of the established Java libraries for reading the doc format. Google should help you out there: http://schmidt.devlib.org/java/libraries-word.html.
There is a Java project for reading MIcrosoft file formats, POI (http://poi.apache.org/) and they do have Ruby bindings (http://poi.apache.org/poi-ruby.html) but I'm not sure how up-to-date those are. On their site it says the Ruby bindings are for 1.8.2...
