How to send email via table data as email laravel - laravel

I'm trying to send an email via Laravel that has table data attached to it and I'm having some trouble. Here is a snippet of the code I'm running:
public function pdfview(Request $request)
$items = DB::table("motor_vehicles")->get();
view()->share('vehicles', $items);
if ($request->has('download')) {
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdfview');
return $pdf->download('pdfview.pdf');
return view('pdfview');
public function sendEmail()
Mail::send(['text' => 'mail'], $info, function ($message) {
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdfview');
$message->to('', 'Itai Chiriseri')->subject('Sent Table Data');
$message->from('', 'Itai Chiriseri');
$message->attachData($pdf->output(), 'pdfview.pdf');


send an email in Laravel on a create function

send an email in Laravel on a create function but not able to do
this is my store function
public function store()
$input = $request->all();
$user = \AUTH::guard()->user();
$input['created_by'] = $user->id;
$bulkLabSample = $this->bulkLabSampleRepository->create($input);
Flash::success(__('messages.saved', ['model' => __('models/bulkLabSamples.singular')]));
return redirect(route('bulkLabSamples.index'));
// use this
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
// send mail via mail
Mail::send('your-view-blade', ['extraInfo' => $extraInfo], function ($message) {
$message->subject('your subject here');
By extraInfo you can pass values to the mail template as you want.
// for your code
public function store()
$input = $request->all();
$user = \AUTH::guard()->user();
$input['created_by'] = $user->id;
$bulkLabSample = $this->bulkLabSampleRepository->create($input);
Mail::send('your-view-blade', ['extraInfo' => $extraInfo], function ($message) {
$message->subject('your subject here');
Flash::success(__('messages.saved', ['model' => __('models/bulkLabSamples.singular')]));
return redirect(route('bulkLabSamples.index'));

How to remove or unfriend through API

This is database structure
This is API
Route::post('/friend', 'FriendController#index');
Route::post('/removerequest/{id}', 'FriendController#removerequest');
This is controller code which into friend request method and remove method, but error in remove friend method..
public function index(Request $request) {
$sender = Friend::where('sender_id', $request->sender_id)->where('receiver_id',$request->receiver_id)->first();
Friend::create(['sender_id'=>$request->sender_id,'receiver_id'=>$request->receiver_id, 'approved'=>'pending']);
$response = ['message'=>'Friend Request has been sent','status'=>200];
return response()->json($response);
$response = ['message'=>'Request has been sent already','status'=>200];
return response()->json($response);
public function removerequest($id){
$friends = Friend::all()
Error is
BadMethodCallException: Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::approved does not exist. in file /home/ynvih0l26evc/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Traits/Macroable.php on line 104
enter code here
Update your Route to
Route::delete('/removerequest/{id}', 'FriendController#removerequest');
->approve('approved', 'accept')
->where('approved', 'accept')
Update your controller method to
public function removerequest($id){
$friends = Friend::Find($id)->delete(); //see update here
//->where('approved', 'accept')
public function removerequest($id){
Friend::where( ['id' => $id, 'approved' => 'accept'])->delete();

How to compare otp number without reload page which send in sms?

I want to compare otp numbers, which i type in textbox and sms otp sent to the number through api calling controller in laravel.
i use laravel5.6 and php 7.2.3
public function otpverify(Request $req)
if ($otpenter==$otp)
return redirect()->action('JaincountController#create')
return view('jaincount_user/verification');
public function makeRequest(Request $req)
$client = new Client();
// $data=
$data = array('adhar'=>$req->txtadharnumber,'drp'=>$req->drpcode,'mobilenumber'=>$req->txtnumber);
$response = $client->request('POST','',[
$response = $response->getBody();
return json_decode($response,true);
i want to compare textbox otp number and sms otp number sent through api calling and redirect with another controller in laravel5.6
The thing is you must store your otp in database or in session variable.
You can store otp in database like
public function makeRequest(Request $req)
$client = new Client();
// $data=
$data = array('adhar'=>$req->txtadharnumber,'drp'=>$req->drpcode,'mobilenumber'=>$req->txtnumber);
$response = $client->request('POST','',[
$response = $response->getBody();
return json_decode($response,true);
you can retrieve it using eloquent in Laravel using
public function otpverify(Request $req)
$otp = User::where('phone_number', $phone_number)->first()->otp;
if ($otpenter==$otp)
return redirect()->action('JaincountController#create')
return view('jaincount_user/verification');
after entering the correct otp clear that in database.
Or you can use can use session in two ways
1.php default session
2.Laravel Session
let us see php default session
public function makeRequest(Request $req)
$client = new Client();
// $data=
$data = array('adhar'=>$req->txtadharnumber,'drp'=>$req->drpcode,'mobilenumber'=>$req->txtnumber);
$_SESSION['otp'] = $otp
$response = $client->request('POST','',[
$response = $response->getBody();
return json_decode($response,true);
you can retrieve it by
public function otpverify(Request $req)
$otp = $_SESSION['otp']
if ($otpenter==$otp)
return redirect()->action('JaincountController#create')
return view('jaincount_user/verification');
let us use laravel session
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
public function makeRequest(Request $req)
$client = new Client();
// $data=
$data = array('adhar'=>$req->txtadharnumber,'drp'=>$req->drpcode,'mobilenumber'=>$req->txtnumber);
$response = $client->request('POST','',[
$response = $response->getBody();
return json_decode($response,true);
you can retrieve it by
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
public function otpverify(Request $req)
$otp = Session::get('otp') //best way to use is flash. see the full documentation
if ($otpenter==$otp)
return redirect()->action('JaincountController#create')
return view('jaincount_user/verification');

how to update file in laravel

I update two data one text data and two file data but it's not working this. How to update file?
My code is:
public function update(Request $request){
$news=new News();
return redirect()->back()->with('sms','insert successful');
public function imageExistStatus1($request){
if ($fimage1) {
$thisName1= $fimage1->getClientOriginalName();
return $url1;
First, change your code to the following
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$news = News::findOrFail($id);
$news->newstitle = $request->newstitle;
$fimage1 = $request->file('imageone');
if ($fimage1) {
$news->imageone = $this->imageExistStatus1($request, $id);
return redirect()->back()->with('sms', 'insert successful');
public function imageExistStatus1($request)
$fimage1 = $request->file('imageone');
$thisName1 = $fimage1->getClientOriginalName();
$uplodePath1 = 'public/up/';
$fimage1->move($uplodePath1, $thisName1);
$url1 = $uplodePath1 . $thisName1;
return $url1;
I hope your problem is resolved
Thanks to "Oluwatobi Samuel Omisakin".
please use the route:
Route::patch('/news/{id}/update', 'NewsController#update')

Codeigniter - Trying to count articles view

Im working with codeigniter and have a controller and 3 model functions to read, insert and update a column of table.
i want to get count of view from db and update it per each view!
but after the update an extra row added to table! with zero value for content_id.
please check once!
this is my controller:
public function daily_report($id="")
This is the model functions:
public function counter($id)
$data = $this->db
if ($data->num_rows() > 0) {
return $data;
return false;
public function set_counter($views,$id)
$data = array(
'content_id' => $id ,
'view' => $views,
$this->db->insert('tbl_views', $data);
public function update_counter($views,$id)
$data = array(
'view' => $views,
$this->db->where('content_id', $id);
$this->db->update('tbl_views', $data);
