Limit Graphql results that belongs to owner in Strapi - graphql

I am using a simple Strapi policy like below to limit the REST result that belongs to the owner only, which documented in the following link.
module.exports = async (ctx, next) => {
const { id, role } = ctx.state.user;
if(role !== 'administrator'){
ctx.query.owner = id;
await next();
Now I want to do the same for Graphql results, but it doesn't seems to work with the same code because "ctx.query" is undefined. I have tried looking at the all the request API but none of them seems to be work for Graphql query. The URL ended like 'http://localhost:1337/graphql', and 'ctx.request.query' is an empty [].

Here what I did to solve that problem:
Override the GraphQl Schema in api/activity/config/schema.graphql
module.exports = {
definition: ``,
query: `
notifications(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [Activity]
type: {},
resolver: {
Query: {
notifications: {
description: 'Return the auth user notifications',
policies: ['plugins.users-permissions.permissions'],
resolver: 'Activity.findNotifications'
Create a new function resolver in api/activity/controllers/Activity.js
module.exports = {
findNotifications(ctx) {
ctx.query = { ...ctx.query, owner: }
if (ctx.query._q) {
In the controller you got the query and add the owner id filter.
Hope it helps.

Why are you looking at REST docs while searching for graphQL problem? There is no url query parsing at all.
Owner role (permissions) can be checked using policies - it's described here.
The following sections contain examples of misc permission/customization - resolvers have a context parameter. User data should (did't checked) be available at context.state.user.


Confused why returnPartialData works without a field policy in Apollo Client 3

In my application I am searching for products, then clicking into a product to see more detail about it.
I perform a GraphQL query on each page. The SEARCH query returns type [Product], and the PRODUCT query returns type Product.
// Search page
const SEARCH = gql`
query Search($query: String!) {
searchResults: search(query: $query) {
// ProductDetail page
const PRODUCT = gql`
query Product($id: Int!) {
product(id: $id) {
options {
I have enabled returnPartialData on the PRODUCT query, as some of the fields for that product already exist in the cache from the SEARCH query, and I would like to access them before the server request returns.
I thought I would also have to apply a field policy to reference the pre-existing Product, as I don't know how PRODUCT even knows what its return type is.
However, when I do the following:
const { loading, data: { product } = {} } = useQuery(
{ variables: { id: productId, isShallow }, returnPartialData: true }
the following is logged to console (the first is from returnPartialData, the second from server):
Somehow the PRODUCT query has associated itself with the existing Product, without me explicitly writing a cache redirect.
I'm confused how this has occurred? It seems like Apollo must have a reference to the GraphQL schema, and has seen the return type of PRODUCT is Product, then automatically used the id arg to reference the existing product.
Using "#apollo/client": "^3.4.1"
Wow, turns out I had made a field policy ages ago and forgotten about it... xD
typePolicies: {
Query: {
fields: {
product: {
read (_, { args, toReference }) {
return toReference({
__typename: 'Product',

Strapi GraphQL search by multiple attributes

I've got a very simple Nuxt app with Strapi GraphQL backend that I'm trying to use and learn more about GraphQL in the process.
One of my last features is to implement a search feature where a user enters a search query, and Strapi/GraphQL performs that search based on attributes such as image name and tag names that are associated with that image. I've been reading the Strapi documentation and there's a segment about performing a search.
So in my schema.graphql, I've added this line:
type Query {
...other generated queries
searchImages(searchQuery: String): [Image
Then in the /api/image/config/schema.graphql.js file, I've added this:
module.exports = {
query: `
searchImages(searchQuery: String): [Image]
resolver: {
Query: {
searchImages: {
resolverOf: 'Image.find',
async resolver(_, { searchQuery }) {
if (searchQuery) {
const params = {
name_contains: searchQuery,
// tags_contains: searchQuery,
// location_contains: searchQuery,
const searchResults = await;
console.log('searchResults: ', searchResults);
return searchResults;
At this point I'm just trying to return results in the GraphQL playground, however when I run something simple in the Playground like:
query($searchQuery: String!) {
searchImages(searchQuery:$searchQuery) {
I get the error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined".
Any ideas what might be going on here?
For now, I'm using deep filtering instead of the search like so:
query($searchQuery: String) {
where: {
tags: { title_contains: $searchQuery }
name_contains: $searchQuery
) {
src {
This is not ideal because it's not an OR/WHERE operator, meaning it's not searching by tag title or image name. It seems to only hit the first where. Ideally I would like to use Strapi's search service.
I actually ran into this problem not to recently and took a different solution.
the where condition can be combined with using either _and or _or. as seen below.
articles(where: {
_or: [
{ content_contains: $dataContains },
{ description_contains: $dataContains }
(where: {
_and: [
{slug_contains: $categoriesContains}
Additionally, these operators can be combined given that where in this instance is an object.
For your solution I would presume you want an or condition in your where filter predicate like below
images(where: {
_or: [
{ title_contains: $searchQuery },
{ name_contains: $searchQuery }
Lastly, you can perform a query that filters by a predicate by creating an event schema and adding the #search directive as seen here

Unable to use Fragments on GraphQL-yoga with Primsa

I am using graphql-yoga with Prisma and Prisma-Bindings
I'm trying to add a fragment to my resolver so that a specific field (id in this situation) is always fetched when the user asks for a custom field, costsToDate.
This is so i can make some additional queries needed to build the result for that field, and i need the ID of the object for that.
Unfortunatley i can't seem to get it to work, and the documentations seems a little lacking on the specifics with graphql-yoga and Prisma.
Here is the definition of the type:
type Job {
id: ID!
projectNumber: String!
client: Client!
name: String!
description: String
quoteNumber: String
workshopDaysQuoted: String!
quoted: String!
targetSpend: String!
costs: [JobCost!]!
estimatedCompletion: DateTime
completed: Boolean!
costTotal: String
workshopDaysUsed: String
costsToDate: String
And here is the resolver for the query:
const jobs = {
fragment: `fragment description on Jobs { id }`,
resolve: jobsResolver
async function jobsResolver(root, args, context, info) {
await validatePermission(args,context,info,['admin','user','appAuth'])
const {showCompleted} = args
const completedFilter = (typeof showCompleted === 'boolean') ? { completed: showCompleted } : {}
const jobIDS = await{ where: completedFilter }, `{ id }`)
let jobs = await{
where: completedFilter
}, info)
return await getAllJobCostsToDateList(jobs)
I am applying the the fragmentReplacements as per below.
const fragmentReplacements = extractFragmentReplacements(resolvers)
const port = process.env.PORT || 3010
const graphQLServer = new GraphQLServer({
typeDefs: './src/schema.graphql',
resolverValidationOptions: {
requireResolversForResolveType: false
context: req => ({
db: new Prisma({
typeDefs: `src/generated/prisma.graphql`,
secret: PRISMA_KEY,
debug: false
If i console.log the fragmentReplacements object i get the following, so it does seem to be picking up the fragments.
[ { field: 'job', fragment: 'fragment costsToDate on Job { id }' },
{ field: 'jobs',
fragment: 'fragment costsToDate on Jobs { id }' } ]
So my expectation here is that if i make a query against jobs or job that asks for the costsToDate field that it will also fetch the id for the job/each job.
However if i make the following query.
But i see no id fetched, and nothing in the root parameter on the resolver function.
Apologies as i am probably barking up completely the wrong tree here, seems like a somewhat simple requirement, but i can't quite work it out. Sure i'm missing something fundamental.
A fragment is used to always retrieve given fields on a given type.
It follows the following format:
fragment NameOfYourFragment on YourType { ... }
You currently can't apply a given fragment conditionally as it is always applied.
Moreover, you specified a fragment on Jobs, but the type name used by Prisma is Job (even if you have the job and jobs resolvers)
You probably only need the following resolver:
const job = {
fragment: `fragment JobId on Job { id }`,
resolve: jobsResolver

Enumerating all fields from a GraphQL query

Given a GraphQL schema and resolvers for Apollo Server, and a GraphQL query, is there a way to create a collection of all requested fields (in an Object or a Map) in the resolver function?
For a simple query, it's easy to recreate this collection from the info argument of the resolver.
Given a schema:
type User {
id: Int!
username: String!
roles: [Role!]!
type Role {
id: Int!
name: String!
description: String
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
getUser(id: Int!): User!
and a resolver:
Query: {
getUser: (root, args, context, info) => {
return db.Users.findOne({ id: })
with a simple recursive infoParser function like this:
function infoParser (info) {
const fields = {}
info.fieldNodes.forEach(node => {
parseSelectionSet(node.selectionSet.selections, fields)
return fields
function parseSelectionSet (selections, fields) {
selections.forEach(selection => {
const name =
fields[name] = selection.selectionSet
? parseSelectionSet(selection.selectionSet.selections, {})
: true
return fields
The following query results in this log:
getUser(id: 1) {
roles {
=> { id: true, username: true, roles: { name: true } }
Things get pretty ugly pretty soon, for example when you use fragments in the query:
fragment UserInfo on User {
roles {
getUser(id: 1) {
roles {
GraphQL engine correctly ignores duplicates, (deeply) merges etc. queried fields on execution, but it is not reflected in the info argument. When you add unions and inline fragments it just gets hairier.
Is there a way to construct a collection of all fields requested in a query, taking in account advanced querying capabilities of GraphQL?
Info about the info argument can be found on the Apollo docs site and in the graphql-js Github repo.
I know it has been a while but in case anyone ends up here, there is an npm package called graphql-list-fields by Jake Pusareti that does this. It handles fragments and skip and include directives.
you can also check the code here.

How to update apollo cache after mutation (query with filter)

I am pretty new to GraphQL. I am using in a Vue.js project with apollo.
I am using right now the in-memory cache.
I had previously a simple 'allPosts' query.
And after creating a new one, I used the update() hook and readQuery() + writeQuery()
However I want that logged in users can only see their posts. So I modified the query with a filter.
query userStreams ($ownerId: ID!) {
allStreams(filter: {
owner: {
id: $ownerId
}) {
owner {
My thought was, that I only need to pass in the userid variable. However this is not working. I am always getting
Error: Can't find field allStreams({"filter":{"owner":{}}}) on object (ROOT_QUERY) undefined.
mutation: CREATE_STREAM,
variables: {
update: (store, { data: { createStream } }) => {
const data = store.readQuery({
variables: {
id: ownerId
variables: {
id: ownerId
When you use readQuery or writeQuery, you should use the same variable name. So replace
variables: { id: ownerId }
variables: { ownerId }
Also, the reason you are getting an exception is that readQuery throws an exception if the data is not in the store. That happens before the first time you use writeQuery (or get the data with some other query).
You could write some default values to the store before calling this mutation.
You could also use readFragment that returns null instead of throwing an exception. But that would require more changes to your code.
