Joomla DT Register - Which file need to change to customize the registration form of an event - joomla

I have a Joomla site with DT Register 3.3.2 and I would need to customize a little the layout of the event registration form for frontend site.
Which file do I have to edit?
Kind regards,


virtuemart hook for custom thankyou page

Hey i need to develop a custom plugin for custom thankyou page in VirtueMart
How should i achieve that , because thank you page is generated according to the payment selected.
What is the correct hook for changing the last thank you page in VirtueMart.
I tried plgVmConfirmedOrder but is that the correct hook? how to achieve this thing using virtuemart hook system?
You don't need to create a plugin for custom thankyou page. You just go and modify or override the template file order_done.php at the location given below-

Modify the registration in Community Builder + joomla

I am working with the community builder package(CB) and joomla 3.3.1.
I want to modify the CB registration for adding a new input.
I want to add "phone" and put this number into the table for joomla users.
Any idea?
In advance, thank you
You should check Community Builder Profile Pro plugin. It allows to place your custom HTML or even PHP code on CB registration page. You can add your custom input to the form and then process it on form submit by adding a trigger call using CB API. More info on CB Triggers

Add website custom validation in aicontactsafe extension in joomla

I have one contact form in joomla site and for that i used aicontactsafe. in that required field validation is given but i need to add website validation in aicontactform.
can you give how it will posible in aicontact form
thanks in advance.

How to override registration form in joomla 3.3 such as adding custom fields for example without hacking the joomla core files?

I am having a problem with overriding the registration form in joomla 3.3, I need to add some extra fields such as mobile number, please if any one have an idea about this, please reply the question .
In the Joomla backend, go to the Plugin Manager and open a plugin called User - Profile. This contains some additional fields that will appear on the default Joomla registration form. The fields it provides are:
Address 1
Address 2
Postal / ZIP Code
Web site
Favourite Book
About Me
Terms of Service
Select TOS Article
Date of Birth
Select which fields you wish to use and enable the plugin.
Hope this helps

Cart functionality in Magento from scratch

I'm fairly new to Magento and am setting up a new theme from scratch. I'm not using any of the standard Magento JS files until now and I've included jQuery and a js file for custom scripts.
Now I'm looking into recreating the Add To Cart functionality but standard wise this seems to call some js function which I do not have declared now (lacking the Magento JS files). I'd like to set it up on my own with an ordinary form submit.
Can anyone give me an example of how to execute the Add To Cart command for the product I'm currently viewing? Without the necessity of standard Magento JS files?
What Magento do for add to cart is it calls productAddToCartForm.submit function of javascript to validate all required field and if true then it submit product form.
So you can call your javascript method for form submit and add to cart.
Add to cart button comes from this file, so you can change onclick event here.
