Chrome shortcut for hover : mostly for Grammarly - macos

To use Grammarly in Chrome, I use keyboard to move to the misspell, then I have to use the trackpad to enable the Hover, so Grammarly can make the suggestion.
How can we use the keyboard (without mouse and trackpad) to do it (force hover)?
I would like to avoid trackpad as possible as I can.
My finger hurts after use trackpad.
Any approach that may work?
- maybe hidden shortcut from Grammerly, chrome extension, or Mac's shortcut or hidden settings.
Thanks :)


max os x split view resize window with keyboard?

Is there a keyboard shortcut in El Capitan to resize the windows in Split View ? I know I can use the mouse for this, but I would be happy If I although can use the keyboard for this.
doesn't seem like this is an option according to the apple support site : and everything I've tried :p If this is an important feature, there is a payware with keyboard shortcuts,

How to simulate pressing the Android menu button in ARC

I'm using ARC Welder to test an APK in Chrome (on Windows). It works mostly fine but the app uses an old-style Android menu, opened by either pressing the hardware button on old devices, or touching the "3 vertical dots" soft button on newer ones.
However the ARC window doesn't use a menu button nor does there seem to be a keyboard shortcut to open the menu (not that I could find anyway).
Any ideas?
(Note: I know Google has more or less depricated there old style Android menus. But this is in an old APK).
ARC does not provide a way of simulating an Android menu button. We have thought about providing a button in the window frame, like we do for the back button, but we have not moved forward with it. Feel free to star the bug for it
Ctrl+Windows+Esc (Win key is to prevent Windows opening the Start menu):
Right Alt should work as well but most keyboards lack that key.

Programmatically disabling mouse acceleration in Windows

When I use my laptop's trackpad I want acceleration on, but when I have a mouse plugged in I normally want it off. I couldn't find a fast way to make the change, so I'd like to make a simple application that lets you switch it on or off at the press of a button. Does anyone know of a way to disable or enable mouse acceleration in Windows either via some sort of COM or system function (any language), or a command line program?
For clarification, here is the setting I'd like to change:

VS2010 almost always zooms text on scroll

You know the neat text zoom feature in VS2010 where you hold down Ctrl and then use your scroll wheel? Well, this seems to happen by default (and without ever pressing Ctrl) to nearly every file I open.
Usually I open a file and have to scroll to some lower point, but instead it starts zooming the text! I have found that by tapping the Ctrl key VS then realizes that it should scroll instead of zoom, but it's still very annoying.
Any ideas?
CTR+Shift worked for me.
(Works for Microsoft Office as well)
I believe they consider this to be a feature, and I haven't found a way to turn it off. I think it only happens if you are holding the control key while trying to use the mouse wheel, but I've found it gets locked in that mode sometimes. Personally I think this feature is anoying as &^%% and I wish they would take it out.
Check your Accessibility settings, you might have "locked" it down my accident
Under Windows 7 they are here:
Control Panel\Ease of Access\Ease of Access Center

vim + iterm: how to use mouse for everything EXCEPT selection?

Ok, have a very specific setup question. I'm using Mac OS X, iTerm, and vim. I really like using my mouse for clicking tabs in normal mode, scrolling in normal mode etc. (e.g. I already have the mouse working within iTerm/vim).
However, I dislike using visual mode for selecting. I just want to use OS X selection not vim's visual select. The next logical step? Disable visual selection in the mouse options:
set mouse=nicr
The problem with this is that when I try to select (using the mouse) vim intercepts the mouse click and doesn't allow me to select at all!
Anyone know how deal with this issue? It feels like its solvable if one knew the proper character/control codes (which I obviously do not).
Goal: use the mouse in vim for everything except "select". Let iTerm/OS do the selection.
I don't have a Mac, but under Linux holding Shift while highlighting allows you to use the mouse to copy with the mouse settings you mentioned.
See the "Note:" in :h mouse
