How to get the matching data from two tables? - laravel

I'm used to compare 2 data, one data has an id and the other data is the one that needs comparing to get the matching datas. see code below.
The code shown above displays all requests information that equals to the compared inventory item.
Now what i want to do now is to compare 2 tables without any id (ex. $inventory->invItem). I don't know how to ask this question but i hope you get what i mean. The figure below shows the way i wanted it to be.

You can run this query. Here, 'inventory' is the name of second table (change it accordingly)
->join('inventory', 'requests.reqItem', '=', 'inventory.invItem')


Make a group by with a where in statement Laravel

I am writing a little script to load an Attendee_logs, based that counts the total of prints for based on the hour.
First I load the id's from the attendees
So I get 389832, 321321 from this (this are the id's from the attendees, based on a group).
Now I want to group them by the hour.
But I cannot find out how I add the whereIn statement
$badgesPrintedByDate = DB::table('Attendee_logs')->select(DB::raw('hour(created_at)'), DB::raw('COUNT(id)'))->whereIn('id', [$allAttendees->pluck('id')->implode(',')])->groupBy(DB::raw('hour(created_at)'));
When I do it like this, I get an empty result.
But when I remove the whereIn I get a result.
So my question, How can I count the rows based on the Hour and where I also give the ID's with it :)?
I think this is gonna work:
$badgesPrintedByDate = DB::table('Attendee_logs')->select(DB::raw('hour(created_at)'), DB::raw('COUNT(id)'))->whereIn('id', $allAttendees->pluck('id')->all())->groupBy(DB::raw('hour(created_at)'));
Instead of saying:
Which returns an array of ids, you can also say:'

Laravel - find offset of record in mysql results

I have a MySQL table of records with several fields.
These records are shown and updated live in the browser. They are displayed in an order choosen by the user, with optional filters also choosen by the user.
Sometimes a change is made to one of the records, and it may affect the order for a given user.
In order to position the message correctly in the list, I need to find where its new offset falls after the change to the record. Basically, I need to get the "id" for the record that now comes before it in the MySQL results, so that I can use Javascript on the client side to reposition the record on the screen.
In raw SQL, I'd do something like this:
SET #rank=0;
(SELECT #rank:=#rank+1 AS rank, AS innerQuery,
FROM ...{rest of custom query here}... as subQuery)
AS outerQuery WHERE outerQuery.innerQuery={ID TO FIND};
Then I can just subtract 1 from the resulting rank, and find the ID of the question that comes before the record in question.
Is this kind of query possible with Laravel's query builder? Or is there a better strategy than what I've come up with here to accomplish the same task?
EDIT: There are a lot of records. So if possible I'd like to avoid loading all the records into memory to find the offset of the record. They are originally loaded on the screen in an "infinite scroll" type method, since it would be too much to load all of them at once.

Qlik sense - Rank() within a specific dimension when you have multiple ones

I am new to Qlik and trying to solve the following issue.
I have a table with two dimensions, one with the entry's unique ID, and one with a category, as in the example below.
Table example
My goal is to create a new column with a ranking of 'Score' - my measure - per category:
Table with desired output
If I use the expression
I get a column of ones, as the command takes the most granular dimension (Unique ID) as the default one. If I use
Rank(TOTAL Score)
It obviously returns a ranking regardless of all the dimensions. By reading the documentation and similar questions asked by other users I reckon that it should be possible to specify which dimension to use for TOTAL, with the following syntax:
Rank(TOTAL <Category> Score)
Yet, the formula returns an error and only null column values. I've tried different syntax, use of brackets but I still cannot grasp what I am doing wrong.
Please note that I cannot create the ranking column when loading the data.
I would immensely appreciate if someone were so kind to help on this!
Try with
=aggr(rank(sum(Score)), Category, UniqueID)

Not getting the correct totals using Cognos Report Studio. Need to get totals that show up in column

if (([MonthToDateQuery].[G/L Account] = 4200 and [Query1].[G_L_Group] = 'NEW')) THEN ([Credit Amount]-[Debit Amount]) ELSE (0)
Data Item1
I need Data Item1 to return newparts_calc values only.
So for example in 1st row Data Item1 should be 8,540.8, but is 34,163.2
Whats wrong? how do i fix?
I apologize for not making sense on the original question.
I have many of the calc's that im trying to gather and put on a crosstab. I want to see sales by month (row) and part category (column)
[Query2] is the one shown in picture above.
It joins [MonthToDateQuery] AND [Query1]
The join is on 'Invoice' and carnality is 1..1 = 1..1
[MonthToDateQuery] is based on the package im working in. General ledger. It supplies the g/l entries for each sales g/l account
[Query1] is a SQL query i brought in to be able to break out categories even further from g/l group.
For example g/l account 4300 is rebuilt. However i needed to break out even further to see Rebuilt-Production and Rebuilt-New. I can do that with the g/l group.
I saw in my g/l account ledger entries that it referenced the invoice number. So thats how i tied in my SQL.
So as you can see from the table below (which is the view tabular data from query) i need a total. I have tried plugging newparts_calc into my crosstab and setting aggregation to total but the numbers still dont seem right. I dont think i have something set as it should be.
All the calc's im doing are based on single or multiple G/L Accounts and single or multiple G/L Groups.
Any Advice?
As you can see the problem seems to be duplicate invoice numbers.
How can i fix?
Couple things come to mind:
-Set the processing order to 2
-Since your calc is always a multiple and you are joining two queries, you may need to check your cardinality. Sometimes it helps to add derived queries to ensure you are working with the correct grain.
I'm obviously missing something, but if you want
I need Data Item1 to return newparts_calc values only.
just use newparts_calc, without total? That would give you proper value for row 1 -)
If you need a running-total for days (sum of values for previous days) — you should use a running_total function.
At a guess, one of your two queries is returning multiple rows for each invoice, which will cause this double counting. Look at the output of the two queries and see if that's happening. If so, then you just need to work out how to collapse that down to one row per invoice.
Per your new question - The underlying data has got to be causing the issue. Its clearly not 1:1 (note that even though this is what your stated cardinality is, Cognos does not enforce 1:1). Invoice number is not unique, GL Group is at a lower level.

Filtering Quotes by InventTable

I'm trying to build a report in AX 2009 (SP1, currently rollup 6) with a primary data source of the SalesQuotationLine table. Due to how our inventory is structured, I need to apply a filter that shows only certain categories of items (in this case, non-service items as defined in the InventTable). However, it seems that there is a problem in the link between the SalesQuotationLine and InventTable such that only two specific items will ever display.
We have tested this against the Sales Quotation Details screen as well, with the same results. Executing a query such as this:
...will only show quotes that have one of the specific items mentioned earlier. If we change the Item Type to something else (for example to Item), the result is an empty set. We are also getting this issue on one of our secondary test servers, which for all intents is a fresh install.
There doesn't seem to be any issues with the data mapping from the one table to the other, and we are not experiencing this issue with any other table set. Is this a real issue, or am I just missing something?
After analyzing the results from a SQL Profile run during the execution of the query, it seems the issue was a system bug. When selecting a table to join to the SalesQuotationLines, you have two options: 'Items' and 'Items (Item Number)'. Regardless of which table you select the query executes with, it joins the InventTable with the relation "SalesQuotationLines.ProjTransCode = InventTable.ItemId".
After comparing the table to other layers in the system, I found the following block of code removed from the createLine method (in the SYP layer):
if (this.ProjTransType == QuotationProjTransType::Item)
this.ProjTransCode = this.ItemId;
Since the ProjTransCode is no longer being populated, the join does not work except on certain quote lines that do have the ProjTransCode populated.
In addition, there is no directly defined relation to the InventTable - the link is only maintained via an Extended Data Type that is used on the SalesQuotationLine.ItemId field. Adding this relation in manually solved the problem.
