Getting Subscription and PayAsYouGo prices for Alibaba products using API/SDK - alibaba-cloud

My Goal is to get price (using API/SDK) for different services (like RDS,ECS, Networking etc.) provided by alibaba cloud. Official documentation just contains one example per services and also not provided details about required parameters like product codes and module codes. Please provide any references that you know about getting the prices.
Note: I don't want the official sample example links.

You can obtain the parameter details using OPEN API explorer
For example, ECS has a method named DescribePrice. Similarly I would suggest to explore OPEN API explorer for the service which you are looking for.


Google Invoice API, documentation?

There is an API listed in Google APIs (oAuth2) that can be enabled with the service name As per the description, it supposedly allows you to fetch Billing invoices for products like Google Adwords, Enterprise etc.
However, there does not seem to be any documentation available online. The PHP client (the one I'm using) also doesn't have an implementation for this.
Does anyone have any more information about this? Is this still in development?

Slack: how does one go about providing the 'box/dropbox/google' like integration?

Slack offers Box/DropBox/Google integrations, specifically the ability to add (pick via a dialog) a file to Slack from one of these offerings.
I have tried my best look up the different sort of integration possibilities but cannot find any documentation that I can leverage to build my own (to another product).
How does one go about providing a similar integration for his product?
The reason you do not find anything on how to create integrate products similar to Google Drive and Dropbox in the official API documentation is that those are custom solutions created in collaboration between Slack and vendors like Google. If you want something similar for your product I would advise you to contact the Slack business team for details.
However, there is one feature in the API that allows you to create some of the functionality:
Slack app unfurling: Automatically add custom attachments whenever a user posts a message which contains a URL to your product. Those can include preview images and text of your product.

How to implement Amazon MWS api in MVC Web API?

I am new to Amazon marketplace web service (MWS). I have read documentation of web service but I am unable to understand which api suit for update quantity and price of single or multiple product at one time.
Here is link that I am reading so far and don't know where to start.(
Can you guys suggest me where to start?
Check out the feed types. You're going to want to submit a pricing or inventory feed to update your inventory. Once you have a feed created, you submit that using the SubmitFeed operation.
For an overview on how feeds works, check out this What you should know about the Amazon MWS Feeds API section.
Specifically for ASP.NET, there is an SDK built that will help you greatly. If you want to know how to implement that as a web api, that's another topic, but you can wrap code from the SDK inside a web api endpoint. But start with understanding MWS.

Google Place API, advanced place details: amenities, crowd, accessibility

I'm successfully using Google Places API to get details like name, address, phone, lat/lng, opening hours, etc. No problem with that.
However, the data I can't get a hold of is the deeper data.
For example, if you open up a McDonald's, and click on its short description, it will show things like Amenities, Crowd, Atmosphere, Accessibility.
Question is - is it possible to access this information via Places API?
According to the documentation. That information is not returned by the API. You can link directly to that place on Google Maps to show your users that information though.
Remember that APIs like this usually don't return all of the information available to the native service so that the native service (in this case Google Places) retains a competitive advantage.

Use Google Places API to autocomplete input in subscribe form

For a commercial website, I would like users to fill out a field with their shop name, and if the shop is found by google, fill out the subscription form (for example: phone number, address, logo, etc).
My question: is it possible to use this Api with that? I find that the terms of use are not clear.
PS : Sorry about my english :/
In short a few of the important terms of use are:
You must not charge access to use your implementation of the Places Autocomplete API and it must be freely accessible to the public. Unless its part of a Mobile Application or you have a Google Enterprise agreement or obtained Google's written permission.
You must show a "Powered by Google" logo with any data accessed using the Places Autocomplete API if you do no show this data with a Google Map
If the Places Autocomplete API responses contains Listing provider information it must be displayed to the user.
If your implementation adheres to the terms of use, than it is possible for you to use the Places Autocomplete API for the purpose described.
