Webflux streaming Nginx exception - spring

I have Spring Cloud SSE #webflux streaming service, and my front connect with it via Nginx. Some times I have this:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH
the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Timeout)
Event source with retry again reconnect and it works.
Front code looks like this
this.source = new EventSource("/comment/stream", { });
this.source.addEventListener("message", function (event)
backend side
#GetMapping(path = "/comment/stream", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<Comment> feed() {
return this.commentRepository.findAll();
Configuring netty with timeout does not help.

it was from real timout 60s from spring cloud gateway in front of this streaming service.


Jmeter Websocket socket.io request not received in Nestjs

I have a Nestjs server i am able to send connection request using the below code
const io = require('socket.io-client');
const socket = io("http://localhost:3000", {
transports: ["websocket"],
pingTimeout: 10000,
pingInterval: 25000,
const someDelay = 10;
socket.on('connect', function () {
The request is received successfully. The issue is when sending the same request using JMETER it never reaches the server
after opening the connection i am sending a request with token and it never reaches server
It doesn't give any error but never reaches server
Following is the error on request-response-sampler
Because you're only opening a connection, you're not sending any "request", consider adding either a single-write sampler or request-response sampler and you should see the request "reaching" the server.
See Basic request-response sample.jmx example test plan and JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide for more information.

Vertx client gets clientabort exception

I am geting clientabort sockettimeout read exception at server side while invoking a rest service through https client inside vertx application. If i invoke a http setvice, it works fine though.
I get 200 ok in vertx and do not get any data back. And also i get connection was closed error in vertx.
Any idea why it happens. Help appreciated.
final HttpClient httpClient1 = vertx.createHttpClient(
new HttpClientOptions()
‌​HttpClientRequest req = httpClient1.request(HttpMethod.POST, "/api/test/");
.‌​set("Cache-Control", "no-transform, max-age=0");
Buffer body=Buffer.buffer("Hello World");
That's not the way to send a request.
Hope working example may help you.
final Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler((c) -> {
c.bodyHandler(b -> {
final HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient(
new HttpClientOptions()
client.request(HttpMethod.POST, "/", (r) -> {
System.out.println("Got response");
}).putHeader("Content-Length", Integer.toString("Hello".length()))
Two important notes: you must end .request() with .end() and you must set Content-Length correctly.

How to prioritize the reponse over request in ASP.NET Web Api

I have a code that looks something like this:
class SomeController {
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
public Task<dynamic> SomeAction() {
Task.Run<dynamic>(() => {
var response = client.GetAsync(new Uri(someUrl));
return response.ReadAsAsync<dynamic>().Result;
Now, I call this api with many requests (around 300) and the 'someUrl' returns the response after about 200ms.
After adding some console logs I can see a behavior:
All the 200 requests arrive and request the someUrl resource
The first 2-3 requests to someUrl are handled and returned properly
Other responses are waiting for all the 300 requests to arrive and only then they are returned back...
I have heard that there is no prioritization of responses over incoming requests in situations like these but it seems weird to me. It seems like the requests coming to my server and the responses that are coming from the someUrl are on the same queue and until all the requests are sent no response can be handled.
Anyone else encountered this situation? Anyone knows how to handle it properly?

SignalR and failed websocket connection, but still works

I am currently getting this error below in Chrome console, but it still connects successfully with SignalR. Any reason why I am getting this error?
JS Hub Connection
scheduleHub = $.connection.scheduleHub;
scheduleHub.client.viewing = function (name, message) {
app.showWarning(message, name, function () {
if ($.connection.hub && $.connection.hub.state === $.signalR.connectionState.disconnected) {
$.connection.hub.qs = { "eventid": options.eventId };
.done(function () {
//scheduleHub.server.viewing('wow', 'test');
.fail(function() { alert('Could not Connect!'); });
Chrome Console
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:2222/signalr/connect?transport=webSockets&clientProtocol=1.4&eventid=23919&connectionToken=CV3wchrj88t6FdjgA%2BREdzEDIw0rhW6r2aUrb%2BI8qInsb3Y9BqQSOscPxfAZ2g0Dxl704usqdBBn%2BNSFKpjVNOtwASndOweD1kGWPCkWEbtJBMu%2B&connectionData=%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22schedulehub%22%7D%5D&tid=5' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 500
Web Sockets initially starts by negotiating the websockets connection over HTTP. During this HTTP handshake, the web server probably raised an exception, anyway, it returns HTTP Status Code 500. Without a successful HTTP response, Chrome is unable to continue negotiating the web sockets connection.
Since SignalR works over multiple transports, and not just websockets, once websockets connection failed, it will have automatically have switched to try some other transport, like forever frame or polling, which is why your connection still works.

AJAX 504 when calling ASP.NET Web API

My AJAX call is returning a 504 error when calling an ASP.NET Web API action.
More info:
Here's my API action:
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string fileName, int feedID)
// create file...
return new HttpResponseMessage { Content = new StringContent("Complete."), StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK };
catch (Exception ex)
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
Content = new StringContent("An error has occurred.")
Here's my AJAX call:
url: url,
type: 'GET',
success: function () {
window.open("Previews/" + fileName);
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
alert("Error downloading feed preview: " + error);
I get a 504 error (viewed in fiddler/ chrome console) when the file takes too long to create. The "error" parameter in the error callback doesn't return anything.
I only get the 504 error when it's hosted - on my dev it works fine.
How do I prevent this 504 error?
Note, I already tried changing the executionTimeout property in my web.config, as well as the ajax timeout. Neither worked.
HTTP error 504 is a gateway timeout:
The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI [...] in attempting to complete the request.
I suspect that means there is a proxy or gateway somewhere between you and the production server, but not your dev server, which is why it fails on the one but not the other.
Your choice is either to make your server code fast enough that it doesn't trigger the timeout, or get whoever is running the proxy server to relax their timeout restrictions (assuming it's something that you or your company controls).
