Finding the xpath of a class name with \n and spaces - xpath

This may be an easy question, I'm new to this.
I'm trying to get the data within this div
<div class="search-results-listings
" vocab="" typeof="SearchResultsPage">
response.xpath("//div[#class='search-results-listings\n ']")
are returning empty arrays

You can use XPath's contains:
response.xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'search-results-listings')]")


xpath without specificy the tag? [duplicate]

Given this XML, what XPath returns all elements whose prop attribute contains Foo (the first three nodes):
<a prop="Foo1"/>
<a prop="Foo2"/>
<a prop="3Foo"/>
<a prop="Bar"/>
Works if I use this XML to get results back.
<a prop="Foo1">a</a>
<a prop="Foo2">b</a>
<a prop="3Foo">c</a>
<a prop="Bar">a</a>
Another thing to note is that while the XPath above will return the correct answer for that particular xml, if you want to guarantee you only get the "a" elements in element "bla", you should as others have mentioned also use
This will search you all "a" elements in your entire xml document, regardless of being nested in a "blah" element
I added this for the sake of thoroughness and in the spirit of stackoverflow. :)
This XPath will give you all nodes that have attributes containing 'Foo' regardless of node name or attribute name:
//attribute::*[contains(., 'Foo')]/..
Of course, if you're more interested in the contents of the attribute themselves, and not necessarily their parent node, just drop the /..
//attribute::*[contains(., 'Foo')]
/bla/a[position() <= 3]
The Axis - search through every node underneath and the node itself. It is often better to say this than //. I have encountered some implementations where // means anywhere (decendant or self of the root node). The other use the default axis.
* or /bla/a
The Tag - a wildcard match, and /bla/a is an absolute path.
[contains(#prop,'Foo')] or [position() <= 3]
The condition within [ ]. #prop is shorthand for attribute::prop, as attribute is another search axis. Alternatively you can select the first 3 by using the position() function.
Have you tried something like:
//a[contains(#prop, "Foo")]
I've never used the contains function before but suspect that it should work as advertised...
John C is the closest, but XPath is case sensitive, so the correct XPath would be:
/bla/a[contains(#prop, 'Foo')]
If you also need to match the content of the link itself, use text():
//a[contains(#href,"/some_link")][text()="Click here"]
/bla/a[contains(#prop, "foo")]
try this:
that should work for any "a" tags in the document
For the code above...

Xpath get element above

suppose I have this structure:
<div class="a" attribute="foo">
<div class="b">
<span>Text Example</span>
In xpath, I would like to retrieve the value of the attribute "attribute" given I have the text inside: Text Example
If I use this xpath:
.//*[#class='a']//*[text()='Text Example']
It returns the element span, but I need the div.a, because I need to get the value of the attribute through Selenium WebDriver
Hey there are lot of ways by which you can figure it out.
So lets say Text Example is given, you can identify it using this text:-
//span[text()='Text Example']/../.. --> If you know its 2 level up
//span[text()='Text Example']/ancestor::div[#class='a'] --> If you don't know how many level up this `div` is
Above 2 xpaths can be used if you only want to identify the element using Text Example, if you don't want to iterate through this text. There are simple ways to identify it directly:-
From your question itself you have mentioned the answer for it
but I need the div.a,
try this
use cssSelector for best result.
or else try the following xpath
//div[contains(#class, 'a')]
If you want attribute of div.a with it's descendant span which contains text something, try as below :-
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class = 'a' and descendant::span[text() = 'Text Example']]")).getAttribute("attribute");
Hope it helps..:)

how to get the data using XPATH from div with display:none?

I want to extract data from a div element with the attribute 'display:none'.
<div class='test' style='display:none;'>
<div id='test2'>data</div>
Here is what I tried:
//div[#class = "test"]//div[contains(#style, \'display:none\')';
Please help.
Try several changes:
1) Just put normal quotes around "display:none", like you did for your class attribute and close with ]
2) Then your div with class test and your style attribute is one and the same, so you need to call contains also for the same div:
'//div[#class = "test" and contains(#style, "display:none")]'
or the quotes the other way around, important is, that you are using differnt quotes around the expression than inside the expression
"//div[#class = 'test' and contains(#style, 'display:none')]"
if this still does not work, pls post an error message

Replacing <a> tags that have two pairs of double quotes

I have asked a similar question before but this one is slightly different
I have content with this sort of links in:
Professor Steve Jackson
And this is how i read it:
content = doc.xpath("/wcm:root/wcm:element[#name='Body']").inner_text
The links has two pairs of double quotes after the href=.
I am trying to strip out the tag and retrieve only the text like so:
Professor Steve Jackson
To do this I'm using the same method which works for this sort of link which has only a single pair of double quotes:
This returns World:
content = Nokogiri::XML.fragment(content_with_link)
.each{|a| a.replace("<>#{a.content}</>")}
When I try To do the same for the link that has two pairs of double quotes it complains:
content = Nokogiri::XML.fragment(content_with_link)
.each{|a| a.replace("<>#{a.content}</>")}
`on_error': unexpected 'ssLINK' after '[:prefix_match, "\"\""]' (Nokogiri::CSS::SyntaxError)
Anyone know how I can overcome this issue?
I can suggest you two ways to do it, but it depends on whether : every <a> tag has href's with two "" enclosing them or its just the one with ssLINK
output = []
input_text = 'Professor Steve Jackson'
1) If a tags has href with "" only with ssLink then just do
Nokogiri::HTML(input_text).css('a[href=""]').each do |nokogiri_obj|
output << nokogiri_obj.text
# => output = ["Professor Steve Jackson"]
2) If all the a tags has href with ""then you can try this
nokogiri_a_tag_obj = Nokogiri::HTML(input_text).css('a[href=""]')
nokogiri_a_tag_obj.each do |nokogiri_obj|
output << nokogiri_obj.text if nokogiri_obj.has_attribute?('sslink')
# => output = ["Professor Steve Jackson"]
With this second approach if
input_text = 'Professor Steve Jackson Some other TextSecond link'
then also the output will be ["Professor Steve Jackson"]
Your content is not XML, so any attempt to solve the problem using XML tools such as XSLT and XPath is doomed to failure. Use a regex approach, e.g. awk or Perl. However, it's not immediately obvious to me how to match
<a href="" sometext"">
without also matching
<a href="" sometext="">
so we need to know a bit more about this syntax that you are trying to parse.

can you spot the error in this xpath

I'm a little new to xpath and I was wondering if you anyone can help me understand what's wrong with the following xpath query. The server is telling me I have an "invalid predicate"
Here's the xpath:
I want this to find the #id of the div which contains within it a span element with the #class of "paragraphnumber" and the text which equals the number contained in the variable $next_pn. The div would look something like this:
<div id="pl8ddjkdj"><span class="paragraphnumber">3</span>lor ipsum etc etc</div>
Basically, I'm starting with the number I want to be able to find the unique id of this div.
Thanks for your help.
You have just missed a single quote (') after the name of the class paragraphnumber.
should be
// v
