Shopware rich-snippets add to products problem - microdata

I using Shopware 5.5.10 on my shop. I try to set "priceValidUntil" for each product for google search console because warning on it.
shopware told in version 5.5.8 update
Added rich-snippets for priceValidUntil , url, image and
I have folloowing part in details/index.tpl
{block name='frontend_detail_index_buy_container_inner'}
<div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="{if $sArticle.sBlockPrices}{else}{/if}" class="buybox--inner">
{* Product name *}
{block name='frontend_detail_index_name'}
<h1 class="product--title" itemprop="name" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px; margin: 0rem 0rem 1.25rem 0rem;">
How I can add the 'priceValidUntil' rich-snippets to my products?

Shopware does not have a function that allows you to configure time-controlled prices. Accordingly there is only one template block where plugins that offer this functionality can add their rich snippets. Since the snippet is only recommended in cases where the price will be discontinued after a certain time.
This is the block:
You can add your own data like this:
{extends file="parent:frontend/detail/content/buy_container.tpl"}
{block name="frontend_detail_index_data_price_valid_until"}
<meta itemprop="priceValidUntil" content="your-time" />
Those are simple template adjustments that are described in the template tutorial of shopware. It is not recommended on normal prices, since they won't end at a certain time.
On the product detail page shopware will use the first image of the product automatically. There are not adjustments needed - if you want to change this behavior you can use the syntax like before and change the block you want to overwrite.
The same thing with ean. Shopware will use the Ean field as gtin and check the length of the input. You can use simple template adjustments to overwrite this logic.
And the same with rating too.


How To Emit Only Gallery IMGs from Batflat CMS

If you make a Gallery in Batflat CMS, the template tag it creates will generate its only Bootstrap HTML for a gallery. What if I just want to emit IMG tags for the gallery items, instead?
Create a Gallerymod custom module. That way, your customization may likely survive a Batflat Update.
Copy inc/modules/galleries as inc/modules/gallerymod.
Remove the lang folder and Admin.php in your gallerymod folder.
Change the Name and Description inside the gallerymod/Info.php, as well as the comments. I used static strings instead of code. Also in this file, inside the install function and uninstall function, remove code inside those so that it does nothing on install or uninstall.
In your gallerymod/Site.php, look for the $assign[$gallery['slug']] assignment, and on the following line, add:
$assign[$gallery['slug'] . '-alt1'] = $this->draw('gallery-alt1.html', ['gallery' => $tempAssign]);
Also, where you have the namespace line set as namespace Inc\Modules\Galleries;, change it to namespace Inc\Modules\Gallerymod;.
In your gallerymod/view folder, create a gallery-alt1.html file and add these contents:
{loop: $gallery.items}
<img class="photo-{if: $value.title}{$value.title}{/if}" alt="" class="img-responsive" src="{?=url($value.src.lg)?}">
Now activate this inactive module in Batflat's admin system. You'll notice that it has no admin panel -- because it doesn't need one. You already have the Galleries one. Do not deactivate the Galleries module because the Gallerymod module relies on the Galleries module.
Now, from your custom theme template, you can call this by varying how you called the old slug. So, if your old way of calling the gallery was something like {$gallery.home-photos}, then you would merely tack on the "-alt1" on the end and call it like {$gallery.home-photos-alt1}. I like to wrap these in a DIV wrapper with an ID on it so that I can address it with CSS, jQuery, or Javascript.
In the Batflat Admin system, go back and edit your image titles in the gallery. Treat those titles like a slug (lowercase alphanumeric phrase with dashes) because these are used as class names on the IMG tags in gallery-alt1.html, and you may want to address these individually in CSS, jQuery, or Javascript, later on.
Refresh your browser and you may see the source code display something similar to:
<div id="hidden-images" class="hidden">
<img class="photo-man2" alt="" class="img-responsive" src="">
<img class="photo-woman1" alt="" class="img-responsive" src="">
<img class="photo-man1" alt="" class="img-responsive" src="">
</div><!-- hidden-images -->
Just remember that if you update your version of Batflat, that you may need to reapply this customization again -- it depends on what was done in the update to the existing Galleries module.
If you have different tastes as to how you want to format your images, just edit your gallery-alt1.html file. Plus, you can make multiples of these for different situations, such as gallery-alt2.html, gallery-alt3.html, etc. You can even make it emit JSON instead of html so that you can insert it into a Javascript block in your theme.
Another tip for debugging, in case your site won't load or the admin system breaks, is to edit inc/core/defines.php and change the DEV_MODE to false. That way, PHP will show you every error and that might help you in debugging what might be wrong.

laravel blade template - how to remove a part from extended page

Note: Like i said in the comment, i am working relatively large project. I can't change existing codes. Just try to add some code blocks for one page.
I have a template blade. It has meta yield. But also included one meta.blade.php, that contains all meta tags. But i don't want to include metapage for some of my pages. There is the template for visualization:
my view.blade.php
<meta description...>
My question is: Is there a way to make something like this:
I know there isn't exist something like that. But i need that. I hope somebody can give me a solution.
There is a certain solution which I do:
First one is to create multiple template and extend them as your requirements.
Second one is to disable sub parts.
Third one to create parent template having little things, then create child template which is extending parent and do extra things here. use it as your need.
If You are working on existing project and you have a lot of pages then First & third one is a better solution for it because you could make changes only in front end without affecting class code.
You could make the meta a component rather than an include, then your template would look the same and your view would be e.g.
#slot('description', 'my amazing description')
// other code here as usual
Your component is then responsible for checking what exists and what doesn't, e.g. like this:
<meta name="description" content="{{ $description }}">
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
// etc, the title is just an example
Take the Tag Name Which You Want To ignore And Apply the CSS
ex: If I need to Remove the Footer From the Extended Page make
footer {
display: none;

posting images in a form

I am using free marker in a netsuite environment. I have a custom items field that displays an image and I need this image to appear on a quote document we send to our customers when they ask about a machine. All of our machines are one-offs so I need the system to pull in that information each time, rather than post one image and use html to insert into the template. I have been able to do this with custom text fields but have not been able to make it work with an image... I am still searching the help files but any assistance will be appreciated. Just point me in the right direct...;-)
probably needs to be:
Also it looks like you are trying to print a record for an item. Is that correct? If you are trying to print a transaction you probably want:
<img src="${record.item[0].item.custitemfec_custfield_image}" style="float: left; margin: 7px" />
<#list record.item as line>
<img src="${line.item.custitemfec_custfield_image}" style="float: left; margin: 7px" />

Using include in different situations

I have a boilerplate that has various includes, one being:
I would like to use the same boilerplate for the CMS of my site, but use a different nav.
What would be the best way of getting the boilerplate to include a different nav when the user is using the CMS:
This is more of an architectural question, and the answer is that you can probably do this many, many ways. However, the answers can be Laravel specific, so here goes:
One method would be to change the include statement to be:
And then either in your controller, or using view composer, you should set that variable appropriately.
Alternatively, you can do it using sections:
// layout.blade.php
// some-frontend-view.blade.php
Content here
// some-cms-view.blade.php
CMS content here
That way it assumes frontend nav, and then you override it in the CMS for the CMS nav. Alternatively, instead of defaulting to 'nav' in the layout, you could use #yield, and specify it in the some-frontend-view.blade.php file as in the some-cms-view.blade.php file.

Image in jQuery Mobile Header

I am trying to add an image in the header of my jQuery Mobile based web page.
I want the image to be aligned to the right edge and using CSS for this purpose. But the results are not satisfactory.
(Problem*)There is a big gap between the image and the edge and it is also not aligned with the header text.
Here is the header code:
<header data-role='header'><h1>My App<img src="my_logo.png" alt="Low resolution logo"class="align-right"/></h1></header>
and here is the CSS code for class align-right:
margin-right: 5px;
No need to add custom styling or such. Jquery-Mobile already has built-in solutions for this. Just add the class 'ui-btn-left' or 'ui-btn-right' to your image (as if it were a button) and you're all set.
<header data-role="header">
<h1>My App</h1>
<img src="my_logo.png" class="ui-btn-right" />
I know the question has been asked way before, but I figured this might help those who are still looking for solutions. Besides, the question wasn't set as answered.
Based on your code example, you need a space between the alt attribute and the class attribute.
You have:
alt="Low resolution logo"class="align-right"
Should be:
alt="Low resolution logo" class="align-right"
Also, it is probably better to not have the <img /> tag inside of your <h1> element.
Check out the docs for more information on custom headers:
Something like this should work:
body{ margin: 0; }
.align-right{ float:right; margin-right: 0px;}
<div data-role='header'><h1>My App<img src="my_logo.png" alt="Low resolution logo"class="align-right"/></h1></div>
In my case, I was using a link as a button in my Header, and I wanted the same results where the image would show in the top right corner. I also wanted additional attributes added to the image such as no text, no corners, no disc, etc. Using ui-btn-right alone broke those other attributes. The fix was to include both ui-btn and ui-btn-right to the class, as shown below:
