Can't change system font to custom font in Xcode 11 Beta - xcode11

I'm trying to change the font of a UILabel to a custom font but the option is locked and says 'Custom (non installed)', but I do have custom fonts in fact it works fine in Xcode 10

Right now, it's not working in XCode 11 beta but you can follow one workaround. Change text style from Plain to Attributed. It allows you to change the font.

If you don't want to do it by install the font on the mac. It is also possible in the XML of the xib:
Add the following inside <document> tag. Usually bellow </dependencies> tag.
<customFonts key="customFonts">
<array key="Roboto-Medium.ttf">
<array key="Roboto-Regular.ttf">
changing for your custom font.
And inside <label> tag:
<fontDescription key="fontDescription" name="Roboto-Medium" family="Roboto" pointSize="18"/>
You should see something like:
Custom font

Upgrade to Xcode 11 Beta 5. That solved it for me.


How to display Bootstrap icons in Xamarin?

I'm new to Xamarin development, but try to be exact.
Using Visual Studio 2022, with Xamarin version (as displayed in VS About).
Found this great article on how to use Bootstrap icons, but it seems to be out of date. When I followed the steps and provided hex codes for the characters, I didn't get the expected glyiphs.
I found that
new Xamarin needs new methods,
new Bootstrap fonts need new ways.
Here they are.
1.) Get the font from the Bootstrap github repo at
Go to releases (, choose latest, scroll down to Assets, download the bootstrap-icons-x.x.x.xip file.
Unzip it, and find fonts/bootstrap-icons.woff.
Not something you can use in Xamarin right away :-(
2.) Convert the woff file to ttf
I googled for a converter and used
Now you have the ttf you need :-)
3.) Now follow the current Xamarin method of adding a font to your app.
The process is described here:
In short:
add the ttf file to the shared Xamarin project, Embedded Resources / Fonts
change file properties / Build Action to "Embedded resource"
register the font by adding a line to the end of Assemblyinfo.cs:
[assembly: ExportFont("bootstrap-icons.ttf", Alias = "Bootstrap")]
4.) Use it in xaml like
<Label FontFamily="Bootstrap" Text=""/>
to display a magnifying glass.
You may also define a Label style, but I'll skip that for now.
4/b.) To use it in xaml via binding
Oh, if things were easy...
When using a binding to display a glyph, there's one more hoop to jump, thanks to these guys for the solution: Using data binding, how do I bind text which contains emojis to a label and have it display correctly?
So, in xaml:
<!-- set BindingContext to MyViewModel -->
<Label FontFamily="Bootstrap" Text="{Binding StateIconName}" />
in your MyViewModel:
public string StateIconName
get => WebUtility.HtmlDecode("");
5.) To browse available glyphs (icons)
Open the overview page:
6.) To find the unicode character code, also referred to as "Unicode HTML Entity"
Check the name of the icon above in step 5.
Open the Bootstrap-icons.css file from Github:
Search for the name of the glyph to find the character code, something like:
.bi-zoom-in::before { content: "\f62c"; }
Use this code in xaml like

Bundle custom fonts into macOS standalone application using Xcode

I am new to macOS standalone application development and I am working on fixing the issues in it. I am running with an issue where the custom fonts not getting applied to controls present in the application. I am using Xcode 11.3 in macOS Mojave 10.14
There is already a fonts folder added to the project which contains all the font files (.ttf) extension. I have referred the "fonts" folder using the key "Application fonts resource path" in the Info.plist file. Even after applying all these changes the controls are getting referred to system font instead of the embedded font.
Also, the custom fonts which are added to the project is not being shown in the Font dropdown list of Attribute inspector.
Can you please suggest on what needs to be done in order to embed the custom fonts into the project and also show these custom fonts in fonts dropdown list?
Install the font
On your macOS, double click on all the fonts you'd like to use. Following window will appear for each:
Click on the Install Font button.
Attributes inspector
You can now choose your font. Remember, only installed fonts are listed. Fonts bundled with your application are not. Select your custom font.
Bundle fonts
Add a new Copy Files phase
Set subpaths to Fonts
Drop all the font files there
Add a new row Application fonts resource path (ATSApplicationFontsPath)
Set value to Fonts (must match copy files phase subpath)
How to test that fonts are bundled correctly:
Close the storyboard (Xcode)
Launch Font Book
Right click on your custom font and disable it
Launch your application and test that all the custom fonts are bundled properly and work as expected
Launch Font Book
Right click on your custom font and enable it again
Do NOT open the storyboard file if you disable/remove your custom font.
You'll get the following warning if you do ...
... and all your custom font settings are gone. You can open the storyboard file again, but you have to enable/install your custom font.

How to use Font Awesome in Xamarin.iOS?

I am trying to use Font Awesome Icons in my Xamarin.iOS project.
In my Xamarin.Android project it was pretty simple:
I downloaded the Font Awesome WebKit from here
I copied the .ttf-Files of the fonts I want to use in my Assets folder
I create a new Typeface for my TextView with the font and use the unicode of the icon
var myIcon = new TextView(Context);
var regularFont = Typeface.CreateFromAsset(Context.Assets, "fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf");
myIcon.SetTypeface(regularFont, TypefaceStyle.Normal);
myIcon.Text = "\uf007";
I can change TextColor, BackgroundColor, etc. like a normal text.
My problem is, I can't figure out, how to use Font Awesome in my Xamarin.iOS project. Most tutorials and How-Tos are directed to Xamarin.Forms. I tried to merge many of these approaches, but it failed.
The only approach I found is to draw the .svg-Files with SkiaSharp, but that is no option for my use case.
Add .ttf files in your Xamarin iOS project (I have added it in resources)
Now inside info.plist Add a new key “Fonts provided by application”
Expand the array, and in string value add your fontname (eg: fa-solid-900.ttf) which you have added in your project
Setup Done:
Now Just wherever you want to add fontawesome icon just select font awesome as font family in storyboard but make sure to add text programmatically
SushiHangovers comment leads me to the solution for my problem.
FontAwesome Pro and xamarin.ios only one font can be active
It was not possible to use 3 Font Awesome fonts at the same time in the Designer, but it works when they are used during runtime via code.

Inconsolata font on Android Studio

I want to use Inconsolata font on a intelliJ editor (Android Studio) on Windows but it looks messy.
I managed to load inconsolata by adding some antialiasing options on studio.exe.vmoptions. I just added these options
and now the font loads but it looks too much crappy to use. Actually any font on this ide looks crappy. Here's a screenshot of the same font on SublimeText right and on Android Studio left
Anyone knows if you can use this font on intelliJ based editors or if there are some issues associated with this font?
We can simply use google fonts It's very easy to implements. only you have to follow these steps.
step 1) Open layout.xml of your project and the select font family of text view in attributes (for reference screen shot is attached)
step 2) The in font family select More fonts.. option if your font is not there. then you will see a new window will open, there you can type your required font & select the desired font from that list i.e) Regular, Bold, Italic etc.. as shown in below image.
step 3) Then you will observe a font folder will be auto generated in /res folder having your selected fonts xml file
Then you can directly use this font family in xml as

How to copy color style preferences of Xcode 3.2.4 to Xcode 4.2?

I had a great editor color theme for Xcode 3.2.4 which helped me coding at night. It took me a week to get that theme right.
I installed Xcode 4 in a new directory and kept Xcode 3.2.4 on my hard drive. Is there a way to import the Xcode 3.2.4 color theme in Xcode 4.2, such that I won't have to re-configure everything?
It looks like Xcode color themes now use a new format. The defaults are provided by /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DVTKit.framework. When you create your own, the selected default is duplicated and a YourThemeName.dvtcolortheme is created in your ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes folder.
The theme files are in XML format with colors stored as RGBA values in a string:
<string>0.512 0.423 0.157 1</string>
I don't think there's a way to convert them directly. If it's truly that hard to recreate in the UI, you might consider creating and manually editing a custom theme.
