Windows custom Credential Provider - windows

Working on a custom credential provider which authenticates the user based on the response from a server. If the server or a third party responds with a yes, the CP should allows the user to login without any further authentication but I couldn't find a way to avoid the user authentication. Can we avoid the authentication and allow the user to login based on the response from another server ?
I am trying it on Windows 10. Developing using VC++.
Thanks, Shan.


Keycloak 2fa via SMS using external REST Api

I have been trying to implement 2fa using OTP. Till now i am successful doing it via browser flow using keycloak interface to login. Keycloak provides an API to give the access token after passing username, password & client-secret,
i.e. http://localhost:8080/realms/SpringBootKeycloak/protocol/openid-connect/token
Is there any any external api available to trigger my custom flow of sending OTP and verifying it, if not how can i implement this?
Keycloak doesn't provide any API to verify the OTP.
Keycloak provides an API to give the access token after passing username,
password & client-secret
Most likely you're talking here about Resource owner password credentials grant (Direct Access Grant).
The latest OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice spec actually recommends against using the Password grant entirely, and it is being removed in the OAuth 2.1 update. (source).
Unless you have more specific requirements rather than just login and OTP, I'd recommend you to use a regular authorization code flow instead as a default way of authorization. Using this flow you'd be redirected to Keycloak login page and configure OTP to be displayed there without using Keycloak APIs.

AAD Authentication Without Interactive Login

I have a need to authenticate against Azure Active Directory from a .net Web API. I read Vittorio Bertucci's article: Using ADAL .NET to Authenticate Users via Username/Password, and was wondering if there's any way of getting around the limitation of not being able to do this from a website/confidential client. He describes this as an AAD setting. Is it one that can be turned off?
Any assistance with this would be much appreciated!
This is not common scenario to use the Resource Owner Password Credentials in a web app. The recommend way is that using the Client Credential flow as Shawn Tabrizi suggested.
If you do want to use the Resource Owner Password Credentials flow, you can construct the request yourself as below:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The Client Credential Flow (App Only Flow) should enable your confidential client to be able to authenticate to a downstream resource without a logged in user. This type of authentication is pure Service to Service Authentication, and will require only a secret for the client app to be presented either in the form of an App Key (symmetric key) or a Certificate Credential (asymmetric key).
However, all forms of access to an AAD Resource will require some form of initial interactive login. In the case of App Only Flows, you will need an Admin to perform an interactive login experience with the Client application, which will then allow subsequent user-less flows.
Check out these sample and let me know if it addresses your question!
I hope this helps!

Authentication and authorization using WebApi

I'm developing an application using core Web API and Angular2
I want to implement authentication and authorization for my application
I want to know if it is a good choice to use identity server if have just one client(in angular 2 ) and I want that the login screen be attached to my client and not the identity server ?
As far as i understand, you want to use Token Based Authentication with following flow :
Client sends user cridentials(username, password) to server
Server generates a token and sends it to client
Client uses the token each secure web api calls
So, my suggest for your case:
If you use AspNet Identity, OpenIddict with password grant is an option.
If you use custom user store, use IdentityServer4 with password grant.
If you want to write your own token endpoint, take a look at Token Based Authentication in ASP.NET Core
note: password grant enable you to implement own login screen.

.NET WebAPI and http basic authentication

I created a WEBAPI solution and I am creating the HTML pages to access all the functions of that web service. I am using http basic authentication.
I got these options
Save the username and password in a Javascript vars and send them every time I call any of the WEBAPI functions.
Send the username and password the first time, create a token on the server and send it back to the client, then save it as a cookie and use it every time I call any of the WEBAPI functions.
Dont use HTTP basic authentication.
What is the best way to handle this?
You don't want to send the username / password on every call for security reasons.Token based authentication would be the way to go and you can use the built in identity authentication for that.
The best tutorial I have found for that is
There's nothing wrong with using basic authentication as long as it is done over a secure channel. If you send the username and password on every call, your api will need to access the database on every call just to authenticate the user. If you send a token when the user is authenticated, then you remove the need to access the database on subsequent calls.
Using a token also allows you to take advantage of an identity provider such as Thinktecture's IdentityServer to provide single sign on. If you have more than a few systems, it will allow users to log in one time and then access any of the applications and it can greatly simplify security.

Accessing Credentials on TAM Backend Server

I have a setup with Tivoli Access Manager (TAM) as reverse proxy for some application servers on the backend side. TAM is responsible for authenticating users. Is it possible to access the credentials a user passed in during TAM authentication in the backend applications?
I need this because the backend applications connect to a Host-System and there the credentials are needed to log in.
there are a couple of options you might have for this :
Since you mention TAM, I guess you are still using 6.X, so you can use a custom CDAS (Cross-domain Authentication Service) library. You would need to implement the library yourself in C and handle the authentication part and return the clear text password as an extended entitlement in the credential. This will allow you to add this extended entitlement as an injected HTTP header for the junctions that require the password. You can get more information here :
You can implement your own External Authentication Interface. EAIs are external web applications where WebSEAL can delegate the authentication part. In that EAI, as in CDAS, you would have to handle the authentication part yourself - probably against TAM user registry - and then return the clear text password as an extended attribute in the credential to be used as a custom HTTP header for the junction that requires it. See
Leverage Tivoli Federated Identity Manager and a custom STS chain to do the authentication and return the clear text password as part of the credential.
For all 3 of the above options, you would need to modify the existing backend application to read the injected HTTP header and use the clear text password to perform the actions to the Host.
I have done all 3 for various integrations and I think your best choice is writing an EAI, as CDAS got deprecated with ISAM 7 and the 3rd option requires an additional software component.
