What is the use-case for TryEnterCriticalSection? - winapi

I've been using Windows CRITICAL_SECTION since the 1990s and I've been aware of the TryEnterCriticalSection function since it first appeared. I understand that it's supposed to help me avoid a context switch and all that.
But it just occurred to me that I have never used it. Not once.
Nor have I ever felt I needed to use it. In fact, I can't think of a situation in which I would.
Generally when I need to get an exclusive lock on something, I need that lock and I need it now. I can't put it off until later. I certainly can't just say, "oh well, I won't update that data after all". So I need EnterCriticalSection, not TryEnterCriticalSection
So what exactly is the use case for TryEnterCriticalSection?
I've Googled this, of course. I've found plenty of quick descriptions on how to use it but almost no real-world examples of why. I did find this example from Intel that, frankly doesn't help much:
void threadfoo()
while(TryEnterCriticalSection(&cs) == FALSE)
// some useful work
// Critical Section of Code
LeaveCriticalSection (&cs);
// other work
What exactly is a scenario in which I can do "some useful work" while I'm waiting for my lock? I'd love to avoid thread-contention but in my code, by the time I need the critical section, I've already been forced to do all that "useful work" in order to get the values that I'm updating in shared data (for which I need the critical section in the first place).
Does anyone have a real-world example?

As an example you might have multiple threads that each produce a high volume of messages (events of some sort) that all need to go on a shared queue.
Since there's going to be frequent contention on the lock on the shared queue, each thread can have a local queue and then, whenever the TryEnterCriticalSection call succeeds for the current thread, it copies everything it has in its local queue to the shared one and releases the CS again.

In C++11 therestd::lock which employs deadlock-avoidance algorithm.
In C++17 this has been elaborated to std::scoped_lock class.
This algorithm tries to lock on mutexes in one order, and then in another, until succeeds. It takes try_lock to implement this approach.
Having try_lock method in C++ is called Lockable named requirement, whereas mutexes with only lock and unlock are BasicLockable.
So if you build C++ mutex on top of CTRITICAL_SECTION, and you want to implement Lockable, or you'll want to implement lock avoidance directly on CRITICAL_SECTION, you'll need TryEnterCriticalSection
Additionally you can implement timed mutex on TryEnterCriticalSection. You can do few iterations of TryEnterCriticalSection, then call Sleep with increasing delay time, until TryEnterCriticalSection succeeds or deadline has expired. It is not a very good idea though. Really timed mutexes based on user-space WIndows synchronization objects are implemented on SleepConditionVariableSRW, SleepConditionVariableCS or WaitOnAddress.

Because windows CS are recursive TryEnterCriticalSection allows a thread to check whether it already owns a CS without risk of stalling.
Another case would be if you have a thread that occasionally needs to perform some locked work but usually does something else, you could use TryEnterCriticalSection and only perform the locked work if you actually got the lock.


where is fyne's thread safety defined?

I was attracted to Fyne (and hence Go) by a promise of thread safety. But now that I'm getting better at reading Go I'm seeing things that make be believe that the API as a whole is not thread safe and perhaps was never intended to be. So I'm trying to determine what "thread safe" means in Fyne.
I'm looking specifically at
func (l *Label) SetText(text string) {
l.Text = text
l.textProvider.SetText(text) // calls refresh
and noting that l.Text is also a string. Assignments in Go are not thread safe, so it seems obvious to me that if two threads fight over the text of a label and both call label.SetText at the same time, I can expect memory corruption.
"But you wouldn't do that", one might say. No, but I am worried about the case of someone editing the content of an Entry while an app thread decides it needs to replace all the Entry's text - this is entirely possible in my app because it supports simultaneous editing by multiple users over a network, so updates to all sorts of widgets come in asynchronously. (Note I don't care what happens if two people edit the same Entry at the same time; someone's changes will be lost and I don't care who's. But it must not result in memory corruption.) Note that one approach I could take would be to have the background thread create an entirely new Entry widget, which would then replace the one in the current Box. But is that thread safe?
It's not that I don't know how to serialize things with channels. But I was hoping that Fyne would eliminate the need for it (a blog post claims it does); and even using channels I can't convince myself that a user meddling with a widget in various ways while some background thread is altering it, hiding it, etc, isn't going to result in crashes. Maybe all that is serialized under the covers and is perfectly safe, but I don't want to find out the hard way that it isn't, because I'll have no way to fix it.
Fyne is clearly pretty new and seems to have tons of promise, but documentation seems light on details. Is more information available somewhere? Have people tried this successfully?
You have found some race conditions here. There are plans to improve, but the 1.2 release was required to get a new "BaseWidget" first - and that was only released a few weeks ago.
Setting fields directly is primarily for setup purposes and so not expected to be used in the way you illustrate. That said, we do want to support it. The base widget will soon introduce something akin to SetFieldsAndRefresh(func()) which will ensure the safety of the code passed and refresh the widget afterward.
There is indeed a race currently within Refresh(). The use of channels internally were designed to remove this - but there are some corners such as multiple goroutines calling it. This is the area that our new BaseWidget code can help with - as they can internally lock automatically. Using this approach will be thread safe with no changes to the developer in a future release.
The API so far has made it possible for developers to not worry about threading and work from any goroutines - we do need to work internally to make it safer - you are quite right. https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne/issues/506

How can I tell whether it's safe/necessary to cudaFree() or not?

I've allocated some GPU global memory with cudaMalloc(), say, in the constructor of some class. Now it's time to destruct the instance I've constructed, and I have my instance's data pointer. The thing is, I'm worried maybe some mischievous code elsewhere has called cudaDeviceReset(), after which my cudaFree() will probably fail (I'll get an invalid device pointer error). So, how can can I tell whether my pointer is elligible for cudaFree()ing?
I don't believe you can do much about that.
About the best you can do is try and engineer the lifespan of objects which will call the CUDA APIs in their destructors to do so before context destruction. In practice, that means having them fall of of scope in a well defined fashion before the context is automatically or manually torn down.
For a call like cudaFree(), which is somewhat "fire and forget" anyway, the best thing to do might be to write your own wrapper for the call and explicitly catch and tastefully ignore any obvious error conditions which would arise if the call was made after context destruction-
Given what talonmies says, one might consider doing the converse:
wrap your cudaDeviceReset() calls to also regard a 'generation counter'.
Counter increases will be protected by a lock.
While you lock, you reset and increment the generation counter.
Wrap cudaMalloc() to also keep the generation index (you might need a class/struct for that) - obtained during allocation (which also locks).
Wrap cudaFree() to lock and only really cudaFree() if the reset generation has not changed.
... now, you might say "Is all that locking worth it? At worst, you'll get an error, it's not such a big deal." And, to be honest - I'm not sure it's worth it. You could make this somewhat less painful by using a Reader-Writer lock instead of a simple lock, where the allocate and free are just readers that can all access concurrently.

How to use DoEvents() without being "evil"?

A simple search for DoEvents brings up lots of results that lead, basically, to:
DoEvents is evil. Don't use it. Use threading instead.
The reasons generally cited are:
Re-entrancy issues
Poor performance
Usability issues (e.g. drag/drop over a disabled window)
But some notable Win32 functions such as TrackPopupMenu and DoDragDrop perform their own message processing to keep the UI responsive, just like DoEvents does.
And yet, none of these seem to come across these issues (performance, re-entrancy, etc.).
How do they do it? How do they avoid the problems cited with DoEvents? (Or do they?)
DoEvents() is dangerous. But I bet you do lots of dangerous things every day. Just yesterday I set off a few explosive devices (future readers: note the original post date relative to a certain American holiday). With care, we can sometimes account for the dangers. Of course, that means knowing and understanding what the dangers are:
Re-entry issues. There are actually two dangers here:
Part of the problem here has to do with the call stack. If you call .DoEvents() in a loop that itself handles messages that use DoEvents(), and so on, you're getting a pretty deep call stack. It's easy to over-use DoEvents() and accidentally fill up your call stack, resulting in a StackOverflow exception. If you're only using .DoEvents() in one or two places, you're probably okay. If it's the first tool you reach for whenever you have a long-running process, you can easily find yourself in trouble here. Even one use in the wrong place can make it possible for a user to force a stackoverflow exception (sometimes just by holding down the enter key), and that can be a security issue.
It is sometimes possible to find your same method on the call stack twice. If you didn't build the method with this in mind (hint: you probably didn't) then bad things can happen. If everything passed in to the method is a value type, and there is no dependance on things outside of the method, you might be fine. But otherwise, you need to think carefully about what happens if your entire method were to run again before control is returned to you at the point where .DoEvents() is called. What parameters or resources outside of your method might be modified that you did not expect? Does your method change any objects, where both instances on the stack might be acting on the same object?
Performance Issues. DoEvents() can give the illusion of multi-threading, but it's not real mutlithreading. This has at least three real dangers:
When you call DoEvents(), you are giving control on your existing thread back to the message pump. The message pump might in turn give control to something else, and that something else might take a while. The result is that your original operation could take much longer to finish than if it were in a thread by itself that never yields control, definitely longer than it needs.
Duplication of work. Since it's possible to find yourself running the same method twice, and we already know this method is expensive/long-running (or you wouldn't need DoEvents() in the first place), even if you accounted for all the external dependencies mentioned above so there are no adverse side effects, you may still end up duplicating a lot of work.
The other issue is the extreme version of the first: a potential to deadlock. If something else in your program depends on your process finishing, and will block until it does, and that thing is called by the message pump from DoEvents(), your app will get stuck and become unresponsive. This may sound far-fetched, but in practice it's surprisingly easy to do accidentally, and the crashes are very hard to find and debug later. This is at the root of some of the hung app situations you may have experienced on your own computer.
Usability Issues. These are side-effects that result from not properly accounting for the other dangers. There's nothing new here, as long as you looked in other places appropriately.
If you can be sure you accounted for all these things, then go ahead. But really, if DoEvents() is the first place you look to solve UI responsiveness/updating issues, you're probably not accounting for all of those issues correctly. If it's not the first place you look, there are enough other options that I would question how you made it to considering DoEvents() at all. Today, DoEvents() exists mainly for compatibility with older code that came into being before other credible options where available, and as a crutch for newer programmers who haven't yet gained enough experience for exposure to the other options.
The reality is that most of the time, at least in the .Net world, a BackgroundWorker component is nearly as easy, at least once you've done it once or twice, and it will do the job in a safe way. More recently, the async/await pattern or the use of a Task can be much more effective and safe, without needing to delve into full-blown multi-threaded code on your own.
Back in 16-bit Windows days, when every task shared a single thread, the only way to keep a program responsive within a tight loop was DoEvents. It is this non-modal usage that is discouraged in favor of threads. Here's a typical example:
' Process image
For y = 1 To height
For x = 1 to width
ProcessPixel x, y
End For
DoEvents ' <-- DON'T DO THIS -- just put the whole loop in another thread
End For
For modal things (like tracking a popup), it is likely to still be OK.
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that DoDragDrop and TrackPopupMenu are rather special cases, in that they take over the UI, so don't have the reentrancy problem (which I think is the main reason people describe DoEvents as "Evil").
Personally I don't think it's helpful to dismiss a feature as "Evil" - rather explain the pitfalls so that people can decide for themselves. In the case of DoEvents there are rare cases where it's still reasonable to use it, for example while a modal progress dialog is displayed, where the user can't interact with the rest of the UI so there is no re-entrancy issue.
Of course, if by "Evil" you mean "something you shouldn't use without fully understanding the pitfalls", then I agree that DoEvents is evil.

Coding Style: lock/unlock internal or external?

Another possibly inane style question:
How should concurrency be locked? Should the executor or caller be responsible for locking the thread?
e.g. in no particular language...
Caller::callAnotherThread() {
Executor::method() {
Caller::callAnotherThread() {
Executor::method() {
I know little about threading and locking, so I want to make sure the code is robust. The second method allows thread unsafe calls... you could technically call _executor.method() without performing any kind of lock.
The callee, not the caller should do the locking. The callee is the only one who knows what needs to be synchronized and the only one who can ensure that it is. If you leave locking up to the callers, you do three bad things:
You increase the burden on users of your function/class, increasing design viscosity.
You make it possible for callers to update shared state without taking the lock.
You introduce the possibility of deadlocks if different functions take multiple locks in different order.
If you use locks internally, you have to note it on manual documentation. Or your code will bottleneck of parallel execution, and users will be hard to know the truth.
We are learning that external locking offers advantages if you need to do several interrelated granular operations at once, or work with a reference to an internal structure - you can hold a lock as long as you need your set of work to be safe from other threads.
An example: A container that manages a list of items might want to provide an api to get a mutable reference to one item. Without external locking, as soon as the function call finishes, another thread could potentially lock and mutate data. A plausible solution is to return a copy of the one item, but this is inefficient.
That being said, for some cases, internal locking can have a cleaner api, provided you can be sure that you won't want to preserve a lock longer than one function call.

Cocoa Lock that does not use cpu power

I need a lock in cocoa that does not use one cpu when I try to lock it and it is locked somewhere else. Something that is implemented in the kernel scheduler.
It sounds like you're trying to find a lock that's not a spin lock. EVERY lock must use some CPU, or else it couldn't function. :-)
NSLock is the most obvious in Cocoa. It has a simple -lock, -unlock interface and uses pthread mutexes in its implementation. There are a number of more sophisticated locks in Cocoa for more specific needs: NSRecursiveLock, NSCondition, NSDistributedLock, etc.
There is also the #synchronized directive which is even simpler to use but has some additional overhead to it.
GCD also has a counted semaphore object if you're looking for something like that.
My recommendation is that, instead of locks, you look at using NSOperations and an NSOperationQueue where you -setMaxConcurrentOperationCount: to 1 to access the shared resource. By using a single-wide operation queue, you can guarantee that only one thing at a time will make use of a resource, while still allowing for multiple threads to do so.
This avoids the need for locks, and since everything is done in user space, can provide much better performance. I've replaced almost all of my locking around shared resources with this technique, and have been very pleased with the results.
Do you mean "lock" as in a mutex between threads, or a mutex between processes, or a mutex between disparate resources on a network, or...?
If it's between threads, you use NSLock. If it's between processes, then you can use POSIX named semaphores.
If you really want kernel locks and know what you are doing, you can use
Be sure to always use the "barrier" variants. These are faster and much more dangerous than posix locks. If you can target 10.6 with new code, then GCD is a great way to go. There is a great podcast on using the kernel synchronization primitives at: http://www.mac-developer-network.com/shows/podcasts/lnc/lnc032/
