Figuring out coordinate format contained in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY attribute - oracle

I am working with some data which specifies an installation path, in another data source I have the location of events based on their lat/long location.
The installation location contained in the oracle attribute SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY does not match any X/Y geographic coordinate system I am familiar with (Lat/Long or UTM). Is there a way to figure out what the data type is that is stored in the SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY?
Here is an example of the data for a path with 3 (x,y) points:
The above should be roughly within the proximity to 33.9845° N, 117.5159° W, and I went through various conversions but could not find anything that led me anywhere close to the above.
I read through the documentation on SDO_GEOMETRY from the oracle page and did not find any help in figuring out what the data type is.
Alternatively, if there is a way I can type in the lat/long somewhere to see all of the different coordinate types which are equivalent, I might also be able to figure out which format this is.

Looks like there is a typo inside MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2002,1026911,NULL,
1026911 is supposed to be a SRS - Spatial Reference System.
If we remove the first 1 we have 102691, and that is a very well known SRS code.
ESRI:102691 for NAD 1983 for StatePlane Minnesota North FIPS 2201 Feet
The corresponding WKT gives you all the necessary information to perform any coordinate conversion:


Selection script for maya

I'm noob in script but good in animation, I need some help to create a script selection.
I found an exemple :
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Get selected objects
curSel =
# Or, you can also specify a type in the listRelatives command
nurbsNodes = maya.cmds.listRelatives(curSel, allDescendents=True, noIntermediate=True, fullPath=True, type="nurbsCurve", path=True)
But It doesn't select all the character's controlers...
I would like If I select a character controler curve or locator and I run the script, the result is all controls who can be keyed should be selected. Without the referenced character name.
Thanks a lot for the one who can help
Currently the listRelatives command is being used to list all child nodes under the currently selected transforms, whose type is a NURBS Curve, e.g. type="nurbsCurve". Typically all nodes in Maya inherit from some other node type (It's worth checking the nodes in Maya help -> technical documents ->nodes). Luckily locator nodes and curves both inherit from 'geometryShape', so you should be able to replace "nurbsCurve" with "geometryShape", and that will probably get you most of the way there. You may need to ignore certain returned nodes though - i.e. polygonal meshes you are using for rendering.

Units of an elasticsearch query to get distance from arbitrary point to Geopoint

I have a django project which uses elasticsearch 6.5.3 to index products in a store with locations as GeoPoints. I am trying to query this index and also calculate distance between an arbitrary point, say user's location to each oh these results.
I am using elasticsearch_dsl and my code looks something like this:
search_query = search_query.script_fields(distance={
'inline':"doc['location'].arcDistance(, params.lon)",
'params': {
for result in search_query.execute():
Which gives me values that looks like:
But I'm not sure about its units.
By using and online distance calculator in,
which gives me the distance as ~123km,
It looks like value is in meters.
1. Where can I find some definitive answers about its units?
Please point me to the relevant documentation for these methods.
I am also interested to know if there is a way to specify the units expected for the results in the method call.
2. Is there a better way to do this in python?
The units are those returned by the arcDistance method providing the value in your script.
The arc distance (in meters) of this geo point field from the provided lat/lon
The painless docs leave a lot to be desired (there appears to be no docs on this method in 6.5). The quote above was obtained from here:
Additionally, they mention arcDistance caluclates meters here:
I'm not sure about the exact python API, but elasticsearch have Geo Distance Query:
In: there's an example of python usage of ES API:
'geo_distance', distance='1000m', location={"lat": "40", "lon": "-74"}
The 'geo_distance' query is the easiest way to get a distance between two geo points indexed to elasticsearch. I thinking that you don't need to use scripting in order to achieve that.
Regarding the distance unit, as you suspected the default is meters. from:
Wherever distances need to be specified, such as the distance parameter in the Geo Distance Query), the default unit if none is specified is the meter.

How to set a JPEG's lat and lon coords with exiftool?

Using exiftool, if I have a file named foobar.jpeg and the shell variables lat="37.7708" and lon="-122.451".
What command do I use to set the EXIF metadata for that jpeg file such that its "geotag" / GPS metadata is set with those coordinates.
exiftool "-GPSLatitude=$lat" "-GPSLatitudeRef=$lat" "-GPSLongitude=$lon" "-GPSLongitudeRef=$lon" foobar.jpeg
Because the GPS coordinates tags are unsigned, you need to make sure and assign the values to the relevant GPSLatitudeRef/GPSLongitudeRef tags as well, especially if the location is in the Western and/or Southern hemisphere. Even though these values would normally be set with N/S and E/W, exiftool well accept the raw values and figure out the proper Ref direction from that.

Conversion lambert to WGS84 (Geocoding + Oracle Locator)

I'm currently tying to geocode addresses in Austria. From a given postal code and street etc. I want to automatically find latitude and longitude in WGS84 format. My first approach was to use a webservice like OpenStreetMaps Nominatim. Actually this gives decent results.
Still it is mandatory to use a disk with addresses (PAC) and their respective geolocation as a ground truth. Only if I'm not able to match the address within this data I can use the web service approach as a backup solution.
So much for context, now the problem:
On this disk the gelocation is given as X_LAMBERT and Y_LAMBERT and I can't quite figure out how to convert into latitude+longitude.
The diks's data is loaded into an Oracle 11g database with Locator and I'm doing the following:
Step 1:
Step 2: Projection from WGS84 to LatLng:
SDO_CS.TRANSFORM( GEOMETRY, 4326) in my Java client I obtain latitude, longitude from the geometry via oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry.
I suspect 31287 to be SRID of the lambert format, I tried 8307 and 3416, but latter give even worse results.Step 2 works fine with other geometry objects, where I know the correct SRID for sure... so I guess the error is somewhere in Step 1.
Do I have to set something in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA ? Wrong usage of SDO_GEOMETRY constructor ? Am I still mixing up datum and projection? Maybe you can enlighten me there aswell...
The result of my action and example for input are:
Input: X_LAMBERT 602823, Y_LAMBERT 464397
Resulting Output: WGS84 (48.0469757028535, 16.0542604612583)
Expected Output: WGS84 (48.546363, 16.085735)
Its like almost correct, but still some 100 kilometers off ;-)

R: Which heatmap/image to get row-sorted plot without any dendrogram?

Which package is best for a heatmap/image with sorting on rows only, but don't show any dendrogram or other visual clutter (just a 2D colored grid with automatic named labels on both axes). I don't need fancy clustering beyond basic numeric sorting. The data is a 39x10 table of numerics in the range (0,0.21) which I want to visualize.
I searched SO (see this) and the R sites, and tried a few out. Check out R Graphical Manual to see an excellent searchable list of screenshots and corresponding packages.
The range of packages is confusing - which one is the preferred heatmap (like ggplot2 is for most other plotting)? Here is what I found out so far:
base::image - bad, no name labels on axes, no sorting/clustering
base::heatmap - options are far less intelligible than the following:
pheatmap::pheatmap - fantastic but can't seem to turn off the
dendrograms? (any hacks?)
ggplot2 people use geom_tile, as Andrie points out
gplots::heatmap.2 , ref - seems
to be favored by biotech people, but way overkill for my purposes. (no
relation to ggplot* or Prof Wickham)
plotrix::color2D.matplot also exists
base::heatmap is annoying, even with args heatmap(..., Colv=NA, keep.dendro=FALSE) it still plots the unwanted dendrogram on rows.
For now I'm going with pheatmap(..., cluster_cols=FALSE, cluster_rows=FALSE) and manually presorting my table, like this guy: Order of rows in heatmap?
Addendum: to display the value inside each cell, see: display a matrix, including the values, as a heatmap . I didn't need that but it's nice-to-have.
With pheatmap you can use options treeheight_row and treeheight_col and set these to 0.
just another option you have not mentioned...package bipartite as it is as simple as you say
