URL redirect in spring mvc - spring

Hi guys I want that I have a post method in spring controller
But user hits url request directly from a browser then user gets nothing.
So how can I redirect this to login page in spring mvc.

As per your description
But user hits url request directly from a browser then user gets
When user hitting a URLfrom browser, it should be a GET request but you said you have POST request there. That's why nothing happens(should give
GET not supported
in browser though).
POST method requests server to process submitted form data.
To achieve that, you have to declare a GET method for that URL in your controller side and return your resource(view) to the user and then user will get that after hitting that URL. After that you can perform POST request from user side(i.e. form data submission).
In one line: Your POST request will be GET in controller side if you want to just what you want.
Please let me know if I can assist more.

probably you should look for security instead of look for "redirects", you can cool at this question for reference :
link to similar question

It is NOT possible to make POST request from the browser.
You can find some other approaches fire-http-post-requests-with-firefox-or-chrome


redirection after 'delete' in express

From the client side, I am making an Ajax request of type "delete" using jquery.On the server side, I am doing res.redirect(URL).But instead of redirecting, browser is again making a delete request with URL returned from server side for redirecting.
However, it is not happening for a post request.Everything is OK with post request.
Short version
Ajax is trying to follow the request to it's bitter end to get a successful response (2xx). If you want to delete a resource and send the user to a new web page, you will need to handle that after receiving a success response from your Ajax call.
Full explanation
While redirects are sometimes used after processing a request (such as a successful / failed login) it's not really what they're intended for. Generally you would only redirect the user to get them to the resource their looking for. For example, you might move an endpoint such as POST /blog-post to the new location of POST /blog-article. What you're saying to the requester here is that something used to be where it is, but now they need to make a request elsewhere to find what they're after. This is incredibly important when trying to prevent link rot.
The idea of accepting and processing a request, and then moving the user off to another page is more of a coincidence really. It just happens to work due to how a browser handles URL requests.
I expect your POST request is actually using a form, in this case the browser is following the redirect because it received something like a 301 and is attempting to see a request chain through. However when using Ajax a redirect is being handled by the Ajax call itself, not the entire browser. Ajax in this case is acting as if you'd expect if the endpoint had been moved. So for example, if you moved the endpoint on the server side, your application would still function as it would follow the redirect instruction.
What you really need to do is return a successful response to your Ajax call such as a 204 (No content) and then in your frontend move the user on to a new page.
This isn't as convenient I'll admit, but when you understand why the redirects actually exist it makes more sense. They're not a way of telling a user to move onto something else, they're a way of trying to prevent link rot and enable applications to continue working against an API which may have changed slightly.

Considering authentication when using Ajax with Spring MVC

I am trying to use ajax in my spring mvc application. When I try a url (post/get) which is secured and needs authentication, the response is the html of login page as it is redirected behind the scenes.
What is the best approach to overcome this issue?
First, I would avoid displaying Ajax links to URLs needing authentication if the user is not authenticated, if possible.
If not always possible, your login page could be returned with a specific HTTP response code, (or any other way to distinguish it from a normal response) and your JavaScript callback could replace the entire body of the current page with the HTML received if this response code is received. Most AJAX libraries come with a way to define a handler to all the AJAX requests. Such a global handler could be used here.
The login page could also be adapted to only return a status code in case of an AJAX request, and the JavaScript code would then redirect to the login page (without using AJAX) if this status code is received.
I may not have explained the issue well. So I did not get the right response. However the response from JB Nizet contained some other points. So thank you.
I could solve the issue after coming back to this issue after some time, so
I posted about this on my blog.
I hope it is useful.

Different behavior in GET vs. POST Ajax request

We have an MVC app that uses controllers for AJAX endpoints, and FormsAuth for authentication.
I've run into an interesting scenario where a GET request will behave differently than a POST request (both for an unauthorized user).
In this particular case, our custom ControllerFactory runs the following code trying to access this controller:
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
(I realize that redirecting inside an AJAX request makes no sense, but bear with me).
When I do a GET request (AJAX) to this controller, the client receives a 401 - Unauthorized exception, which I can trap on the client side and redirect the user to the login page.
When I do a POST request (AJAX) to this controller, I'm getting a 302, and my request got redirected to my login page.
Why do the GET and POST requests act differently?
So I took Darin's advice and did some refactoring, and I no longer run into this problem. :) I discovered the root of my problem, which was that we had a attribute for MVC error handling that did not have the IExceptionFilter attribute, so some stuff was happening in non-determinate orders. Thanks for the helpful kick in the butt. ;)

AJAX security: POST or GET?

As the title may possibly suggest, I'm wondering what's more secure for AJAX requests: POST or GET. I can't work out which is better because they're both hidden from the user due to the URI being sent via. AJAX, not in the URL bar.
Neither add any security against either man-in-the-middle attacks or the end user. Both can be intercepted and tampered with using Wireshark, Firebug, or other tools.
If you want security against interception, you can use HTTPS. That does not prevent the user from sending requests manually, though.
It's almost trivially easy to inspect the contents of both post and get values. Your best bet, if you do not want the user to be able to get at that data directly, is to encrypt it, and / or send it over ssl.
There are no security differences between POST and GET used in AJAX. They are not hidden from the user - a simple tool like Fiddler would allow the user to see those requests. the payload in both is in plain text (ie, as your script created it). The only difference is that POST payload is in the body of the request and GET payload is in the query params of the URL.
They are not hidden from the user at all; install FireBug on FireFox and they are able to see the URI. Your choice of using GET and POST depends on the data sent; and if you going by REST standards, depending on the operation.
Treat an AJAX call as you would with information coming from the client through a form and through the address bar : Verify and sanctify.
They can view the page source and see where your target URL is and what parameters are being passed either way.

Sending login information via AJAX

Im using jQuery validate plugin and every form has multiple validation levels.
level is by validate plugin
level is:
data is submitted to site
I get a reply
if everything is ok -> JS redirects to url
if there is an error, it shows warnings
Now I wonder, is it safe to send login info via ajax? I know that with addons like firebug, I am also able to get all POST parameters with normal submit. But can somebody else interfere with ajax login request and steal precious data?
is it safe to send login info via ajax
You do use HTTPS, do you? If you do it's as safe as form submit.
Are you issuing requests over HTTPS?
If you mean someone else on the network, then see the earlier comments about HTTPs.
If you mean "can someone inject something into a page and steal the data", the answer is yes. As you've observed, the user can install plugins which could do this; it's also possible that your page could be inadvertently be the target of injection via cross-site scripting or some other flaw.
