Laravel 5.8 - one route two different controller action - laravel

In laravel 5.8, I have have 2 type of url.
/news/{category} - > send to news controller index action, if have category bind
/news/{news} - > send to news controller details action, if have news bind
Another case abort with 404.
How can i solve this problem?

In Laravel and almost all frameworks and routing systems I'm aware of, the Route and Controller/Action relationship is 1:1. Each route can only have one controller or action to handle it.
If I understand your question correctly, you have a single route pattern of /news/{parameter}, and you want one of three things to happen:
{parameter} contains a valid Category slug. Retrieve the category and display the appropriate view.
{parameter} contains a valid Article (details) slug. Retrieve the article and display the appropriate view.
{parameter} does not contain a valid category or article slug, and thus is not found. Return a 404 error.
You'll still need only a single controller action, but you can separate the logic to make it easy to understand:
Route::get('/news/{param}', 'NewsController#index');
app/Http/Controllers/NewsController (with pseudo code):
class NewsController extends Controller
public function index(string $param)
if ($category = Category::whereSlug($param)->first()) {
// Return your category view.
if ($article = Article::whereSlug($param)->first()) {
// Return your article view.
I would personally recommend against sharing a common URL structure for two different entity types like this. It opens the possibility for name conflicts (a Category and Article have the same slug) and can make the user experience confusing. (It might hurt search engine optimizations or results, also, but that's just speculation - I don't have anything to confirm or deny that.)


Laravel Hide Div ID From View

On the page, there will be several posts by a user. Each post has an id # to identify it which is used when editing or deleting the post. With blade, I can make it so that hidden ID div only shows up when the authenticated user is on their own profile (since only they are allowed to edit or delete the posts).
However, I also have a liking feature that also uses that hidden ID div. I don't want someone to view the page source, change the ID, then click the like button. Is there a way to include the ID in the view, but not allow it to be changed?
I could try do to some validation on each like such as match the user, body, time posted, and ID and if that doesn't match then throw an error. Curious if there's a better way.
<div class="post-like">
The $postId is that hidden ID div
public function getLike($postId)
$post = Post::find($postId);
if (!$post) {
return redirect()->back();
if (Auth::user()->hasLikedPost($post)) {
return redirect()->back();
$like = $post->likes()->create([]);
return redirect()->back();
It's not wise expose users' ID like this, but if you really need it, Laravel provides a way to handle users' action authorization. It can be done using either policies or model scopes.
Alternatively, you can ignore those authorizations and use UUID instead ID.
There is a nice package that handles it for you. Basically you'll just need to add a new field to the users' table.
In my applications I use both of them.
If I understand your question correctly, here's one idea: you can hide the actual post ID by concatenating your ID with some server-side only "key" and hashing.
For example:
In your app.php you add something like "post_mask_key" => "super_secret_123456"
...and in your code, something like:
$maskedPostId = sha1(\Config::get("app.post_mask_key") . $postId);
Then, share $maskedPostId with your view, which will be embedded into the HTML. The user can try to change it but when it is submitted, you can re-generate the hash easily (since you know both the key and ID server side) and compare the two.
Note: this approach is cryptographically weak but should be sufficient for masking a non-critical item like a post ID.

Convention for a controller that generates a view from several models

In Sails.js, a route is set up against a controller method which can render a view. For the most part, this is straightforward, i.e. you could set up a GET /users route that points to UserController.find (which is usually set up automatically anyway).
However, say the home page of a blog renders the 10 most recent posts in the main section and a column with a list of authors and categories. The controller method has to fetch posts, authors, and categories before rendering the view and sending it back to the client. Clearly, a method like this doesn't really belong in PostController, AuthorController, or CategoryController.
What's the best thing to do in this situation? Create a controller for rendering views that rely on data from multiple models? Is there a good name for such a controller?
What I would do (this is purely opinion-based) is creating a PageController and create an action for each page you'd want.
For your home page example you can create a home action, get whatever you need and then render it with res.ok() (if everything is fine).
Another option would be to use Sails as a pure API and use HTTP requests (Ajax) or sockets to get your data in JSON. If you want to do so, I'd advise you to use a front end framework such as Angular, Ember, React...
By the way you could also create actions rendering HTML in your existing controllers and create a route to hit them through Ajax requests and just print them in your page. I'd prefer the 2nd solution because it takes full advantage of the Blueprint API (you don't need new controller or action whatsoever).
As Yann pointed out, this answer has to be a little opinionated. It seems that you are using the views system and not building a single page application. For the home page, I would go for an IndexController.js file with a home(req, res) action.
// api/controllers/IndexController.js
module.exports = {
home: function (req, res) {
// Retrieve all the information you need
// Take care about managing the asynchronous calls before rendering the view
return res.view('homepage');
Declare the route
// config/routes.js
module.exports.routes = {
'get /': 'IndexController.home'
Create the view in views/homepage.ejs.

Attempting to use _remap to create page controller

I'm trying to create a default page controller for a site with urls like So, if there isn't an 'about' controller, then go looking for a page with that url string in the database.
I've set the 404_override to my 'page' controller and am using the _remap() function to determine where to go next, either load the homepage (the page controller's index() method) or load a page.
However, as it stands right now if I use a different controller (product, in this case) with a method in the path (, which doesn't exist) I am being served the index() method of the page controller.
I thought the problem comes from the way I'm checking if the requested page is the homepage in my _remap() so I added an echo to the beginning of my remap to see if it mattered. The _remap() doesn't appear to be called. Instead, in attempting to handle the 404_override CI just shows the index method.
Any ideas how I can accomplish this more effectively?
public function _remap($method)
echo 'Method '.$method;
if($this->uri->segment(1) == null)
// $this->index();
} else {
I seem to have found a workable solution in this blog post:
Using a regular expression in the route definition allows for other controllers (product, order, etc.) to be ignored while still sending everything else to the page controller.
$route['^(?!product|order|misc_controller)\S*'] = "page/$1";
Haven't tested it out just yet, but as far as I can tell it should work swimmingly.

MVC3 Routing - Routes that builds on each other

I have an AREA setup in my project. I need to make the routes for the area progressive, meaning that the route will build on each other.
I'm looking at this as something like a link list. Each node in the list will have a reference to a parent. As move from left to right in the list it builds, and from right to left it removes.
In the area, I have companies and that have contacts, and child companies.
For example, I have companies that would have the following:
For the contact section I need to create the following routes:
How do I make sure that /Company/{id} is always in the Contact and Child Company sections of the route?
I hope that I have made my question clear.
Subjective Generalities (take with a pinch of salt):
First off, you are using Company (singular) for companies, but then you are using contacts (plural) for the contacts. There is nothing wrong with this, from a structural point of view, but your users will thank you if you are consistent with your pluralizations. I would use the plural in both cases, but that is just my preference... it looks more like English.
You also use lower case for contacts, but upper case for Company. Doesn't look professional.
The next thing that is confusing is that you are using two {id} parameters, one for companies, one for contacts. I presume these are the ids for Company and Contacts respectively. But I am confused, but being human, I am able to deduce context unlike a computer. So you would be better of specifying the parameters in your routes. Ie:
Answering your Question with an Example:
I get the feel you don't understand routes properly. If you did, your question would be more specific.
Your route parameters can come from a number of sources, depending on how the route is requested.
You could hard code it into a link. Or, more usefully, your route registration would be designed to catch requests that map to your Action signatures.
For example, I have an eLearning app with tutors, pupils, courses and steps (ie, the steps are like sections of a course, the pupil advances through the course step by step)
The route registration looks something like:
Route or Area Registration:
new { controller = "Course", action = "Display", TutorName = UrlParameter.Optional },
new[] { "ES.eLearningFE.Areas.Courses.Controllers" }
This route will catch a request from the following ActionLink:
ActionLink in View:
#Html.ActionLink(#StepTitle, MVC.Courses.Course.Actions.Display(Model.CourseId, step.StepOrder, Model.Pupil.UserName, tutorName))
Now, I just need to show you the Display action's signature:
public virtual ActionResult Display(int CourseId, int StepOrder, string PupilName, string TutorName)
There are a few things to note here:
That I am able to call this specific route by giving the user a link to click on.
I construct this link using the Html.ActionLink helper
I have used David Ebbo's t4mvc nuget package so that I can specify the action I am calling and its parameters. By which I mean specifying the ActionResult parameter of the Html.ActionLink helper using:
MVC.Courses.Course.Actions.Display(Model.CourseId, step.StepOrder, Model.Pupil.UserName, tutorName)
If you think about it, what routes do is translate the url of a request into an action, so the parameters of my route are either the controller name, the action name or else they are the names of parameters in the action signature.
You can see now why naming two distinct route parameters with the same
name is such a bad idea (largely because it won't work).
So, look at your action signatures, and design your routes and your action links so that the everything marries up together.
MVC doesn't work by magic!! (Although the way it uses name conventions might lead you to believe it)

How can I prevent duplicate content when re-routing pages in CodeIgniter?

Say I have a controller, "Articles" but I want it to appear as a sub-folder (e.g. "blog/articles"), I can add a route like this:
$route['blog/articles'] = 'articles';
$route['blog/articles/(:any)'] = 'articles/$1';
This works fine, the only problem now is that and both use the Articles controller and thus resolve to the same content. Is there a way to prevent this?
To add a little more clarity in case people aren't understanding:
In this example, I don't have a 'blog' controller, but I want 'articles' etc to appear to be in that subfolder (it's an organization thing).
I could have a blog controller with an 'articles' function, but I'm likely to have a bunch of 'subcontrollers' and want to separate the functionality (otherwise I could end up with 30+ functions for separate entities in the blog controller).
I want to return a 404 since that is not the correct URL, is.
Shove this in your controller:
function __construct()
$this->uri->uri_segment(1) == 'blog' OR show_404();
You can use subfolders in Codeigniter controllers, so in CI, the following directory structure works:
application/controllers/blog/articles.php and is then accessed at*.
If, for some reason, you're set on routing instead of accessing the controllers in folders (you want to have a blog controller, for example, and don't want to route to it), you can do as suggested above and add the test for 'blog' to the constructor.
If you're in PHP5, you can use the constructor function like this:
function __construct()
$this->uri->uri_segment(1) == 'blog' OR redirect('/blog/articles');
or, in PHP4, like this:
function Articles()
$this->uri->uri_segment(1) == 'blog' OR redirect('/blog/articles');
I would suggest using redirect('blog/articles') instead of show_404(), though, so that you're directing users who hit /articles to the correct location, instead of just showing them a 404 page.
Routing there does not mean it will use a different controller, it just creates alias url segment to same controller. The way will be to create another controller if you are looking to use a different controller for those url segments.
If both /blog/ and /articles/ use the same controller, you can reroute one of them to a different one by just adding a new rule in your routes file.
