How to work queue for sending verification mail on cpanel? - laravel

Successfully enable mail verification using redis in locally in my laravel project. But when this project upload in cpanel verification mail not send and didn't give any error.
I am using both shared and dedicated hosting.
I used smtp gmail in .env.
how to enable or work queue in cpanel.

On you AppServiceProvider.php
use Artisan;
and past this inside boot method


How do I configure the reset password in laravel

I recently hosted my website to the live server but i'm not sure how to change the credentials in my .env file for it to work on the live server.
you just need to create mail account on your server and go to mail setting of your server
you will found outgoing server url , username and password which you need to replace in .env file

Laravel mail on shared hosting

I've a form contact on my website and I want the form to be sent via email when submitted.
I've tried it in xampp and it's working fine.
On shared hosting, it does not work.
I'm using my own custom domain smtp.
Someone can explain me why it's not working ?
Your shared hosting probably blocks outgoing SMTP connections. Many hosting providers do that to prevent spam. You can try using a HTTP/WEB API instead of SMTP to send email.
Some email APIs like Flute Mail allow you to set up an HTTP API connection which can immediately forward the request through your "custom domain smtp" server. So you can keep using your custom domain email server, but get an API for it.
Otherwise you'll have to set up a Web API yourself with an open source tool like Postal.
In your laravel .env file if add following parameters mentioned below and create a e-mail on your shared hosting and add username, password and host of your hosting.
I suppose then it would work fine.

Joomla 1.7 PHP Mail on localhost not working

I'm new to joomla and i'm trying to send email using the standard contact form on J1.7. I set my mailer as default to PHP Mail and in from email field i put my gmail id. I'm running WAMP 2.0 and on my local host Windows 7 .
I couldn't get to configure the email on the localhost using PHP Mail.
If you want to use PHP mail you should check the settings on the php.ini . Just look for [mail function] section. However, if you didn't have a smtp server on your local machine you'll end setting up a external smtp server to execute the PHP mail function.
At this point, I think it's more easy to configure Joomla! email to an external smtp. Here you have a link to joomla doc which show how to send emails using Gmail :
Or you can set up a gmail account for SMTP.
Actually You can not test mails on a localhost server. You will have to upload it to a server. But there is a way to do it. Read this. This too.

How can I configure Meteor to use Amazon SES when running on Heroku?

I would like to use the built in email methods that Meteor provides, but I need my app to run on Heroku and use the smtp endpoint of Amazon SES to transport my message.
I'm using the Meteorite build pack and the accounts-password package.
Follow instructions below to get meteor emails sending correctly from heroku using amazon ses
1) set up smtp access via aws console, get your smtp credentials
2) using a javascript console (chrome dev tools / firebug) run
to encode the username/password for use in your smtp url
3) take resulting strings to build your smtp url like so
4) set the MAIL_URL variable to tell meteor to use this method for sending emails
heroku config:add MAIL_URL=YOUR_SMTP_URL
(do not surrond the url with qoutes)
5) set sender to be a SES verified sender within your meteor app via
Accounts.emailTemplates.from = "SENDER_NAME <SENDER_EMAIL>";
That will allow Meteor default email methods to function properly.
In addition to what you've suggested in your gist you could also use Meteor.http methods with SES API and send a POST/GET request.
Full API docs at
Of course this is a manual solution, and wont use the built in meteor mail method. It can however be corrected by redefining the mail function via Email.send = function(...
You can also use the email-ses package on atmosphere
mrt add email-ses
More info here:

my issue by sending email with smtp server in joomla1.5?

I have a Joomla 1.5 site, for registering user in site to enable the email sending system's, configured the smtp server in joomla configuration.
my config is:
mailer:'smtp server'
smtp host:''
smtp user:''
smtp psw:'mypass'
smtp port:'465'
smtp authentication:'yes'
smtp security:'ssl'
I don't know becuase does not Work and it is worth noting that php mail function dosen't work!
This is Answer Of Question:
I'm use the free-hosting and the hosting company block the many php functions.
One of the php functions is fsockopen that socket to smtp server to connect them.
I hope this experiment help my friends.
uncomment "extension=php_openssl.dll" in your php.ini file
add exception for port 465
is used for windows hosting only, and most probably you will be using linux hosting so you don't need to worry about it.
I had a similar issue like yours and it turned out that the php function that I wrote in a script was not using smtp set in Joomla configuration, to confirm try using password reset or some other function that uses email from Joomla framework, and if you get that email successfully that would mean that your php email function is not using smtp.
