How to handle is_partial in response to RetrievePayment? - square-connect

If I receive a PAYMENT_UPDATED v1 webhook and then call RetrievePayment ( then I understand that I could receive a payment with is_partial set to true.
In this case, according to the documentation: "... this payment will have the tenders collected so far, but the itemizations will be empty until the payment is completed."
My questions are:
When I call RetrievePayment after the payment is completed, will the payment returned have all the tenders for the payment? Or must I collect the tenders from each RetrievePayment call in order to get all of them?
How can I make Square send me a PAYMENT_UPDATED webhook following which I can send RetrievePayment to receive a payment with is_partial set to true?

A webhook notification will only be sent from Square when a payment/transaction has been fully paid for and the transaction has been closed. This means that you will only receive the one final webhook notification regardless of how many tenders got split into paying for the transaction. Unfortunately, there's no way to receive extra webhooks for when the payment is_partial=true.


Get message event_id from reaction_added in slack api

Using the slack_sdk in python, I am attempting to store who reacts to a message sent by the bot, and what what specific message they reacted to. The payload I get from a reaction_added lets me know who sent the message someone reacted to, but not the specific message event_id. Is there some way where I can tell what message someone reacted to?
the Payload received does not seem to carry the data I need. I checked the api docs, but couldn't find how to get more information on the event_id of a message someone reacted to.
The Event IDs for each event are only so useful for correlating activities between events. You won't really find a way to link the actual event describing "what happened" with another event.
However, you can correlate what the events reference together. In reaction_added you receive a bundle of data in item describing what the item_user reacted to. When it's a message, type will be set to message, channel will indicate the ID of the channel where the message belongs and the ts value will point to a specific message ID in that channel.
If you previously received (& persisted) the message that has been reacted to, you'll need to correlate that with the ts and channel values you'll also find in each message.
If you don't have that message and need more data about it and have the appropriate permission scopes, you can use the Web API method conversations.history to fetch a single message as documented here.

Fire Message Event Only when These other Messages have been sent

I'm working on architecting a micro-service solution where most code will be C# and most likely Angular for any front end. My question is about message chaining. I am still figuring out what message broker to use; Azure Service Bus , RabbitMQ, etc.. There is a concept which I haven't found much about.
How do I handle cases when I want to fire a message when a specific set of messages have fired. An example but not part of my actual solution: I want to say Notify someone when pays a bill. We send a message "PAIDBILL"
which will fire off microservices which will be processed independently:
FinanceService to Debit the ledger and fire "PaymentPosted"
EmailService: email Customer Saying thank you for paying the bill
DiscountService: Check if they get a discount for paying on time then send
If all three messages have fired for the Same PAIDBILL: Message "PaymentPosted", "CustomerPaymentEmailSent", "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount"
then I want to email the customer that they will get a discount on their next bill. It Must be done AFTER all three have tiggered and the order doesn't matter. How do I Schedule a new message to be sent "EmailNextTimeDiscount" message, without having to poll for what messages have fired every minute, hour, day?
All I can think of is to have a SQL table which marks that each one is complete (by locking the table) and when the last one is filled then send off the message. Would this be a good solution? I find it an anti-pattern for the micro-service & message queue design.
If you're using messages (e.g. Service Bus / RabbitMQ), then I think the solution you have described is the best one. This type of design - where services have knowledge about the other domains in the system - is typically known as choreography.
You'll want to pick a service which will be responsible for this business logic. That service will need to receive all the preceding types of messages so that it can determine when (if) all have been met, which it probably wants to do by recording which of the gates have already passed in a database.
One alternative you could consider is chaining the business processes instead of doing them in parallel. So...
PAYBILL causes FinanceService to Debit the ledger and fire "PaymentPosted"
"PayentPosted" causes EmailService to email Customer Saying thank you for paying the bill and broadcasts "CustomerPaymentEmailSent"
"CustomerPaymentEmailSent" causes DicsountService to check if they get a discount for paying on Time then sends "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount"
The email you want to send is just triggered by "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount".
If I'm honest, I would switch around the dependency model you're using at this last stage. So, instead of some component listening for "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount" events from DiscountService and sending an email, I think I would instead have the DiscountService tell some other component to send an email. It seems natural to me for something that calculates discounts to know that an email should be sent. It seems less natural for something that sends emails to know about discounts (and everything else that needs emails sent). This is why I don't like architectures where the assumption is that every message should be an event and every action should be triggered by an event: it removes a lot of decisions about where domain logic can live, because the message receiver always has to know about the domain of the message sender, never vice versa.

How to get message_id of emails sent using transmission?

We're moving from Mandrill to SparkPost. We figured that SparkPost's transmission is the closest thing to Mandrill's send-template message call.
Mandrill responded to those calls with a list of ids and statuses for each email. On the other hand SparkPost returns a single id and summary statistics (number of emails that were sent and number of emails that failed). Is there some way to get those ids and statuses out of the transmission response or at all?
you can get the message IDs for messages sent using the tranmissions API two ways:
Query the message events API, which allows you to filter by recipients, template IDs, campaign IDs, and other values
Use webhooks - messages are sent to your endpoint in batches, and each object in the batch contains the message ID
Which method you choose really depends on your use case. It's essentially poll (message events) vs. push (webhooks). There is no way to get the IDs when you send the transmission because they are sent asynchronously.
Querying message events API, while a viable option, would needlessly complicate our simple solution. On the other hand we very much want to use Webhooks, but not knowing which message they relate to would be troublesome...
The missing link was putting our own id in rcpt_meta. Most of the webhooks we care about do contain rcpt_meta, so we can substitute message_id with that.
I'm stacked too in this problem..
using rcpt_meta solution would be perfect if substitution would work on rcpt_meta but it's not the case.
So, in case of sending a campaign, I cannot specify all recipients inline but have to make a single API call for every message, wich is bad for - say - 10/100k recipients!
But now, all transmission_id are unique for every SINGLE recipient, so I have the missing key and rcpt_meta is not needed anymore.
so the key to be used when receiving a webhook is composed:
transmission_id **AND** rcpt_to

What is the role of column "IS CLOSED" in magento's transactions area?

I can see that the capture has been processed successfully:
But then on the "transactions" screen, "Is Closed" column is saying "no" next to capture. I think I just don't understand the role of this column. Can someone help explain it to me?
A little background on the credit card payment transaction process flow helps make sense of this. These are the basic flow actions of the transaction lifecycle:
These flow actions are broken down into more specific operations that can be called against the payment gateway. Here are some basic ones that are relevant:
Authorize (AUTH_ONLY):
Run the card for a given amount and obtain a unique authorization code. The amount will be put on hold and you are guaranteed these funds as long as you use the authorization code in a Capture transaction within 30 days. (How long before an authorization code expires varies by company. Check with your payment gateway)
Customers don't see the authorization as a charge on their statement, but they will see their available funds decrease by the amount you ran the authorization for.
If you don't use the authorization code in a follow-up Capture transaction, the authorization is "dropped", funds returned to the customer's balance and you can no longer use it.
Use a previously obtained authorization code to complete the transaction.
The amount captured can be lower than the originally obtained authorization amount (this is useful in cases like our example where you don't know the total order amount ahead of time).
Settlement: This is the process merchants must complete ... to be paid for their transactions.
The product or service must be delivered or performed before settlement can take place. In the case of mail order/telephone order, this specifically means the goods must be shipped before the settlement process is performed.
In Magento, the is_closed flag signifies that a transaction is settled and no other operations may be performed against it. The reason a transaction would be left open until settlement is so that you can do partial shipments of goods (multiple captures), as well as void or refund the transaction.
To use Magento’s Mage_Authorizenet_Model_Directpost as an example, the capture() operation leaves the current transaction open, while void() and _refund() operations close it.

Magento Payment flow

I am working on implementing a new payment module for Magento and want to understand the core concept behind this logic. I know I have to extend from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract or any of its children classes, but my problem is when to use and how to use capture and authorize methods in my model.
For example if I split the whole process in steps like this:
User comes to the shopping cart and choses lets say some payment method which is gateway.
The system intercepts the request, collects all submitted data and sends the user to the gateway url.
User places his order (or cancels) at the gateway site which sends information about it to my store.
My store does some more modifications to the order with the received data and saves the order with status completed or canceled.
Where in these steps will I have to use authorize and capture methods ? I would appreciate if someone could explain to me what authorize and capture means?
Here's the way I've always understood the concepts, and what you'll need to know to implement a payment module in Magento. Answers to your specific "where does this happen" are bolded below, although it's not quite as simple as you're hoping for.
Pre-internet, brick and mortar credit card transactions were a two stage process.
At the time of a sale, when the merchant took a consumer's credit card for a purchase they'd slide it through a point of sale device which would call into the credit card's central office and ask "is this card authorized for this network, and is this particular consumer's line of available credit large enough to allow this purchase".
If the purchase was accepted (as opposed to declined), the charge was said to be authorized. The consumer would take their product, and the point of sale system/cash-register would note that the transaction was authorized. Then, at the end of a the day, or the end of the week, at some other predetermined regular schedule, or when the owner decided to stop drinking, the merchant would go though all their authorized receipts and send another request to the central office to capture the funds from the authorized transaction. Capturing the funds is what puts money in the merchant's account.
This is still the model in use by most gateways, and is the domain model that Magento Inc. chose to implement for their payment modules.
The way things are supposed to run is, when a consumer reaches the final checkout steps in a system like Magento, Magento issues an authorization request to the gateway's API. If the transaction is successful, the order is accepted into the system, and a unique ID from the authorization request is stored. Next, when the consumer's goods ship, a store owner uses the Magento admin to create an invoice. The creation of this invoice issues a capture request (using a store id returned from the authorization request). This is where these method calls are issued in Magento.
However, things get tricky because every payment gateway interprets these concepts a little differently, and every merchant interprets their "don't capture until we've shipped" responsibilities differently. In addition to the scenario described above, payment modules have a system configuration value known as a Payment Action. This can be set to Authorize Only, which will implement the flow described above. It can also be set to Authorize and Capture, which will both authorize and capture a payment when the order is placed. It gets even more confusing because although the method is called Authorize and Capture, current versions of Magento will only issue the capture request when set in this mode (at least for, and will, internally, leave capture requests in an authorized but not captured state for most of the day. How Magento handles orders and payments and invoices is one area of the codebase that changes a lot from version to version.
So, the idea behind the Magento payment module system is to shield you from the Cluster F--- that is programming payment Gateway logic. In your authorize method you implement a call to your payment gateway's authorize API (or perform whatever checks and logic you want to happen at this point). This method is passed a payment object and an amount. If you make you request/perform-your-logic and determine it's invalid for whatever reason, you throw an Exception with
This tells Magento the authorization failed, and it will act accordingly (show an error message, etc.). Otherwise, you set data members on the Payment object and issue a
return $this;
The data members are things you'll need later, when capturing the payment. Which brings us to the capture method of your Payment module. This method is also sent a payment object and an amount. In this method you issue your capture request. The payment object will have cc_trans_id data member
which will allow you to issue a capture against your gateway. This is one of the data members you're responsible for saving up in authorize. Again, if your code determines the capture has failed, you throw an exception. Otherwise, you return $this.
The payment module has good examples of how this is done.
For example, consider this part of the capture method
public function capture(Varien_Object $payment, $amount)
if ($payment->getCcTransId()) {
} else {
$request= $this->_buildRequest($payment);
$result = $this->_postRequest($request);
Here the capture method is checking if the payment has a cc_trans_id. Depending on the result, it sets anet_trans_type to either:
This value is then used by the API request object to send an API call for either
Capturing a pre-authorized transaction
Immediate capture
