How to retrieve only certain data from Parse? - parse-platform

I am working with parse to save user data. I am saving every user that signs up in a parse table. I can run my app and see data from all the users who signed up; but I dont want that. What I want is to display information only from users in a friends list. Thats my problem. Should I create and query through a list of user ids or emails that I save internally in the device as JSON or raw data to upload in a new class in parse? Should I save these friend contacts directly in my current ALL USERS Parse table and get the data somehow without having the entire parse table provide all users data? I hope this makes sense to anyone. Any guidance would be really helpful. Thanks for your time.


In QuickBase, is there a way to make one field have unique user access?

I'm the QuickBase Admin for my QuickBase app. In the app, there's a dashboard report that's used by individuals with viewer access; that way, they can see their students' data, but can't edit the app, tables, structures, etc.
My app's users want to be able to edit one field with notes on that row's data (each row is a student's data, so they'd want to use that field to add notes on that individual), but viewers don't have editing/data entry access tn any column. Is there a way for users to have editing/data entry access to one field, but not the others?
I know with Tableau and other BI software, this isn't possible, but I wanted to ask since my users asked.
Thank you for reading.
Sure you can.
Actually there are more ways to implement this needs.
My opinion better if you create a new table and make a relationship between the student data and a (new) Notes table and you will be able to setup edit rights eg by record owner.
An other way, you can allow the edit right for your users and you can make a restriction on field level. In this case you have to go through on each field and at the Advanced section you will find Permission - Restrict access by role.
Hopefully you do not have a lot of fields :)

Store Google Places "place_id" and refresh them

I've just spent a long time reading documentation about the Google API Places, and there's some information I don't quite understand.
I need to build an application that can record a travel plan for a user, so a sequence of places.
For this, I need a very simple form, with a "destination" input, which will use "Autocomplete Places".
This endpoint return a place_id for the selected location, which is the only thing I'm allowed to store in a database, according to Google's terms and conditions.
So in my idea, I'll store this id, and a itinerary would be made of a sequence of place_id, without the need to store the place name or anything else. To display the user's itinerary, I'd just have to make Place Details queries, with the identifier.
But the documentation specifies that these ids can change over time, so they advise to redo queries "periodically" to refresh the place_id.
But how can I redo queries if I haven't stored any information about the place, other than the place_id ? Do I need to store the name of the place (and do I have the right to do that?) to be able to retrieve its ID, or am I missing something?
Another thing: I didn't find, or didn't understand, in the terms of use, if I was allowed to store data generated by my site beside Google IDs, for example, to store comments about places.
Sorry if I make language mistakes, im not fluent in english.
Thanks !

Use one quicksight dashboard (created from one analysis) for different data sets

I have a multi-user website and each user has own data which I can store on s3.
I want to integrate(embed) QuickSight to my website, in that way so each user able to see own data.
I want to have one analysis to be able to modify if for all users.
Are there some recommendations on how to achieve this?
Firstly, you will need to add the user's identifier (email, name, generated ID, whatever) to each row that belongs to them in the S3 data. I'm kind of assuming that you are storing the data in a tabular format (e.g. CSV) but let me know if I'm wrong. So let's assume you added this user identifier as a new column called userId.
Secondly, you will need to generate a manifest file that points to all of your users' S3 files.
Then, create a new data set, pointing to that manifest.
Then, you will need to create another new data set that ties a QuickSight UserName to the new userId column you have added. You will need to maintain this data set somehow, but fortunately the QuickSight UserName has a pattern to it (something like embed_role\user_name).
An example of this new data set might look like
Once you have this data set you can attach it to the S3 data set created earlier as row-level-security (RLS). You can think of QuickSight as performing an inner join on userId between the RLS data set and the actual visual data set, thus limiting the data to the given UserName.

Linking logged in user to object data on

I'm new to using and I'm trying to understand the general relationship between a logged in user and user-specific data.
I've figured out and understand how to create users and objects but I'm fuzzy on how to connect the two.
Is it as simple as creating a user and then once their logged in, storing an object with their username as the key?
Then when a user signs in successfully, you retrieve the object under their username key?
I just want to make sure I'm approaching this from the right angle, since I plan on having a lot of users and I also want the most secure approach.
I've read through the documentation but can't seem to find the connection between the two. Any help is appreciated!
Do you mean when the user submits any details it is recorded with their User ID? If so, then this code will work for you:
ParseUser user = ParseUser.getCurrentUser();
//yourObjectID.put("User", user);
There is no user-specific data (all data is global with respect to the app ID you registered, as Parse is a database), but you can store data inside a ParseUser object. You can also give it access controls (an ACL), so only that user can read/write it. When the user signs in successfully, I don't believe it will be part of the ParseUser object yet, you need to fetch the data. (This is definitely true for object fields, but I'm not sure about simple fields like strings and ints. It deserves testing.)
There is a caveat to this. Depending on which SDK you're using, some of that information may be cached. In Unity 3D, for instance, the ParseUser object will retain all its data between program invocations (and indeed, will remain logged in).

Creating report in Microsoft Access

I am working for a hospital and must create a form which MDs can use to submit accounts of child abuse. I must use Microsoft Access.
I have created the form itself, but I must now create a way which information can be harvested from the form. For example, if the doctor inputs the age, where can I store this?
I know access works through fields, but not how to create them. Is it useful here to use excel?
Thank you.
Condolences on having to use Access :-) Been there, done that.
Access stores the data in "tables". A "form" is just a front end for entering or displaying table data. When a doctor enters the age, that field in the form needs to be linked to a column in the underlying table.
When you want to create a "report", you will first need to create a "query" that selects and sorts the data from one or more "tables". You can see the query results in a spreadsheet format while you are designing the query. Then you can create a "report" which is a formatted layout for the query results.
I would recommend a book like Access 2010: The Missing Manual to help you get up to speed on Access quicker.
