Could not find artifact and could not resolve dependencies - maven

I'm working in a maven project which contains many dependencies, i have a dependency from a centralized remote NEXUS repository ,so i should have a specific configuration in my setting.xml..
so When i launch clean install from the maven tab in intellij it displays errors:
ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project calender: Could not resolve
dependencies for project Could
not find artifact com.francetelecom.clara.component:security:jar:3.0.0
in central ( -> [Help 1]
but when i switch to the Terminal tab in intellij the build succeed without errors and when i try to deploy the war within Tomcat it won't.
Tomcat log:
org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack: method (I)V not found
at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.( at

When running maven from maven tab in IntelliJ, you use the settings you find from Alt/Ctrl S -> Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven
When running from terminal in IntelliJ it will use first mvn you find on PATH and use configuration from what you get there. "mvn -version" from terminal will show you your Maven Home when running mvn from terminal


How to fix 'Missing requirement' error in Maven on Windows

I'm trying to build dbeaver and get the following error when running mvn package:
[ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:
[ERROR] Software being installed: org.jkiss.dbeaver.slf4j 1.0.0.qualifier
[ERROR] Missing requirement: org.jkiss.dbeaver.slf4j 1.0.0.qualifier requires 'bundle org.slf4j.api 0.0.0' but it could not be found
I'm running on Windows 10 and using apache-maven-3.6.1. The strange thing is that when I try the same steps on Linux it builds without problem.
Possible cause is maven 3.6.1
Original post
The problem here, I presume, is that p2 site is missing slf4j bundle and Tycho (?) cannot resolve the requirement. I still do not know how to make standalone maven build work, but here is an ugly workaround on how to build Windows binary with Eclipse (and embedded maven).
You can use p2-maven-plugin to build that missing bundle yourself. Instead of setting up a brand new project, you can temporarily modify product\localRepository\pom.xml to have a single artifact like
Now build that (product\localRepository\) project and start jetty
mvn p2:site
start mvn jetty:start
Now you can add this interim update site (http://localhost:8080/site/) to your Eclipse installation (Help -> Install New Software) and install slf4j. You should already be able to run DBeaver from within Eclipse.
To build a binary, add this interim repo into main pom.xml file, e.g. right after local-contrib one.
Then go to Run Configurations -> Maven Build -> dbeaver, enter package goal and tick Skip Tests, click Run and go have some coffee.
As you can see Eclipse uses some sort of embedded maven runtime, so I guess it resolves things differently.
Note that if you are updating your local git repo, you might need to update your Eclipse project big time. I was unable to do it with right clicking on the project -> Configure -> Configure and Detect Nested Projects :( But deleting Eclipse project and nested projects (without deleting underlying files) and re-importing Maven project did the trick for me.
There is also an open issue for this .

Maven default evaluation of the pom xml file

We do not have project design in parent and module way.We have project A and project B . Project A has dependency of project B . we passing the version of the dependency jar by command prompt in eclipse, Its compiling and install properly. but its pom shows always error.and error is like
Missing artifact
Passed the build parameter by command line like -Dbuild. Is there any way resolve this ?
pom.xml would need the dependencies present in your local .m2 repository. If you don't install the dependencies to your local repository, pom.xml can't find them. So, run a build on your dependency project with goals selected as clean install, which should insall the artifact to your local repository. Then in your eclipse, right click on the main project and execute Maven -> Update Project. This should resolve your issue.
Refer to this link for the details on the repositories

How to update the version of Maven used by IntellijIdea

I try to open the Maven project in IntellijIdea. This project uses spark and scala. When I run:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
then it gives the error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.scalastyle:scalastyle-maven-plugin:0.7.0:check (default) on
project spark-mllib_2.10: Failed during scalastyle execution: You have
50 Scalastyle violation(s)
I think that the problem is in the version of Maven. Indeed in IntellijIdea Settings I have the version Bundled (Maven 3) 3.0.5, while pom.xml defines <maven.version>3.3.3</maven.version>
If I run mvn -version in terminal, it points Maven 3.3.3
So, how can I update the version of Maven used by IntellijIdea?
Install the new version of maven (If not already installed)
Go to File -> Settings and use the search bar to find maven settings
Edit the Maven home directory setting so it points to the installation folder of the desired version
It may sometimes happen that after configuring maven in Intellij and changing as following it does not work by command build, so build it by Intellij maven tool.
Setting > Maven > Importer - select the JDK
Setting > Maven > Runner - select the JRE
After that, try to build by Intellij maven tool instead of Intellij console.

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy - Cannot deploy artifacts when Maven is in offline mode

I run project deploy in Maven project and get the problem as below:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project iris: Cannot deploy artifacts when Maven is in offline mode -> [Help 1]
Could you help me figure out this problem?
Maven is configured in offline mode, that means Maven will not try to connect to any remote repository. Therefore, the maven-deploy-plugin cannot upload your jar.
Offline mode can be configured in two different ways :
launching Maven with the -o flag. Maven is offline only for this execution.
setting the offline attribute to true in the settings.xml file. Maven is offline for all executions.
One of those two options must be enabled in your configuration and you must remove it for maven-deploy-plugin to work.

Configuring Maven, jenkins with Sonar

I have installed Jenkins and Sonar, both work fine. I am able to build a maven android project using Jenkins. No i want to run Sonar on the android project. I have installed the Sonar plugin in Jenkins. Configured the sonar module in the configure system module and added a post build task for sonar to run
[ERROR] Plugin org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:sonar or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:jar:sonar: Could not find artifact org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:pom:sonar in nbs-repo ( -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginResolutionException: Plugin org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:sonar or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:jar:sonar
at org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultPluginDependenciesResolver.resolve(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultMavenPluginManager.getPluginDescriptor(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultMavenPluginManager.getMojoDescriptor(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.getMojoDescriptor(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoDescriptorCreator.getMojoDescriptor(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.DefaultLifecycleTaskSegmentCalculator.calculateTaskSegments(
My nexus installation works fine ? What am i doing wrong. My maven pom.xml does not contain any sonar plugin. What am i doing wrong?
Kind Regards
From the error message its clear that mvn is trying to download the sonar-maven-plugin from your local Nexus repository which does not seem to have it.
Try mvn -U in the build in case you already have the plugin.This overrides the negative cache. Another thing is <updatepolicy> in your settings.xml
If you don't have the plugin and neither does your Nexus connect to the internet, you have to manually download and upload in Nexus of course. Please remember to match the version of the plugin with the SONAR installation. Also there would be a few (7-10) transitive dependencies with the plugin which you will need. I suggest using mvn -X or mvn -e to see a verbose output during your testing.
