Oracle Forms Not Showing Messages - oracle

I want to show messages in my form. I wrote them in an item's 'KEY-NEXT-ITEM' trigger.
MESSAGE ('You can not write this!');
MESSAGE ('You can not write this!');
But form is not showing this messages. Why?

Messages do work.
KEY-NEXT-ITEM trigger is probably not the best choice. It fires if you press TAB or ENTER keys on the keyboard to navigate out of the item. If you, for example, clicked with a mouse and left the item, then this trigger won't fire. A better choice is WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger so I'd suggest you try it. If it doesn't help, describe the problem again, providing some more details.

I got the reason! I did'nt choose console window of my form. When I chose a console window, messages appeared.


oracle form 6i closing window from cross button

When I close the window from cross button it popup for do you want to save the changes you have made as I know I can use button with this code
but if user close form from cross button it popups what I did
but it didn't work why I need I have some information which triggered on WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE.
So if user commit save some data must be saved which I don't want to save.
As far as I can tell, EXIT_FORM accepts none, one or two parameters, which are:
exit_form (commit_mode)
exit_form (commit_mode, rollback_mode)
You used the 3rd option with two parameters, but - both of them belong to the commit mode (which are ask_commit, do_commit, no_commit, no_validate).
Maybe Forms got confused by such values and prompted the user nonetheless. I suggest you try with just one of them, e.g. no_validate as it will
exit the current form without validating the changes, committing the changes, or prompting the operator
By the way, saying
if user commit save some data must be saved which I don't want to save.
doesn't make sense to me. It is user who should decide whether to save changes, not you. If you, as a developer, want to take control over it, create validation triggers (WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM, WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD) and - if there's something wrong, raise an error.
Thanks little foot i appreciate you every time respond to me I got answer
What i did in simple is that i did SDI Window -Closed allowed :No
and windows style change Document to Dialog
and i get what i need
again thanks for your kind response

How can I get the Send button event in Messages for my custom keyboard?

I am making a custom keyboard, and I'm working on auto-correct and auto-suggest features. One thing I'm looking for is how to tell when someone hit "Send" in Messages, for instance, so I can make a last correct before the text is submitted?
First case and the simplest answer - just use - (void)textDidChange:(id<UITextInput>)textInput from your UIInputViewController subclass. But you'll catch it after send text. Details in this SO answer
The second case - it just intercepts user tap on "Send" button on the extension view - it is just a button huh.

Is there an event that is fired when HoT puts a cell into edit mode?

I'd like to alter a cell's data, but only when it enters "edit" mode. There are a lot of events I can use, onSelectionByProp seems close but it's firing too often to be useful. Let's say, for instance, that I want to add '*' to a cell that has a value that is invalid in some way, but only when that cell is about to be edited. OK, it's a silly example but it's easier to explain that than what I'm actually doing.
My current approach (haven't done it yet) is to find TD.current when a cell is double-clicked and then alter the text directly. Ideally I'd like to find a "retrieve data" event and alter what's coming back from that.
You can map keyup, keydown, keypress or change event from jQuery for .handsontableInputHolder element in a page. Is a textarea in which user enter data, so this is your 'edit mode' for handsontable.
onEditBegin is a proposed event for future version.
See here for list of events

wxPython Enter Button Event

I've seen plenty of information about this topic, but not the answer to this question exactly. I have the opposite problem of most. I want to prevent the Enter button from clicking a button when the button has focus. And to do this, I don't want to simply disable the button from accepting an Enter button press, but rather I want to conditionally capture the Enter button press in a callback method. Right now, I have bound the following event to all widgets in my python program:
parent.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.CharInputCallback)
The EVT_CHAR event is actually thrown when the enter button is pressed and I'm able to get the callback in my callback method. My problem is that the enter button's functionality of virtually clicking a button still goes through, despite purposely not skipping the event (which would forward on the event). Since this is happening, and I'm sure my callback method is not forwarding the event along (I've tested this by capturing characters going to a text box) I suspect that the enter button throws an additional event that I'm not capturing. I've tried binding and capturing the additional following events to prevent the "virtual click" from the enter button:
parent.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.CharInputCallback)
parent.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.CharInputCallback)
parent.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.CharInputCallback)
Yet when I press enter, the button in focus is still clicked. To summarize, is there an additional event being thrown when I press the enter button? If so, which event in particular is "virtually clicking" the button? Most forums I've found have discussed how to recognize when the enter button is pressed, but I want to recognize it and disable it's default action when a button is in focus.
I tried binding all those events to different handlers and I also bound EVT_BUTTON. It appears that EVT_BUTTON always fires BEFORE the key and char events do. If you don't want your button to be clicked, then you'll probably have to either disable it, use a different widget (maybe one of the generic buttons) or create your own. I would also ask on the wxPython mailing list to see if they have any suggestions.
The only way to order the events in wxPython that I'm aware of is to use wx.CallAfter or wx.CallLater. I'm not sure how you'd use that in this context though.
The event that causes enter to click a button is the key up event. My code for my callback was messed up slightly. Capturing the key up event and not skipping it prevent the enter button from clicking a button in focus. On Windows 7 anyways.

Remove / Clear Error message tool tips on Cancel button click

I have referred this for creating error message tool tips, to be displayed continuously unless the error is resolved by the user. :: .....................
But, this is being applied to a pop-up window visualized as a pop-up form.
When the user clicks 'CANCEL' button, I want the error message tooltips if present to be cleared off from the screen. The message tool tips remains on the screen even if the CANCEL button is clicked.
The tooltips created are not linked to the dialog pop-up directly - i.e. they're not created as child widgets of the pop-up.
To work around this you hook into the cancel button with an on-click hander, and have the handler loop through all elements in the errorMessageToolTips dictionary, hiding each one.
Depending on your code structure, to avoid problems later on you may want to make the errorMessageToolTips dictionary specific to the pop-up and not a global array.
