Language dependent DNN start page - internationalization

what is the best way to have langage specific start pages dependent on the browser settings of the user?
The way I found out was to specify a "DefaultPage" as my start page that only contains a "Redirector" Module. This module checks the browser's language settings and redirects to "Startseite" if the browser language is "de-DE", else to "Home".
Because in the mean time I get problems on this way I am looking for a better solution:
1.) How can I obtain the real URL the user enters before DNN maps it to the start page?
2.) or is there a DNN-specific way that does what I want?
I have DNN Version

I hope this will help you, what I understand is that you want site to display the page in language what browser is having.
There are language packages in DNN,install them these can help you.
the system checks preferred bowser language(s) of the user and tries to match with installed languages in your website. If there is a match, best match is used, otherwise site default language is presented.


Why do sites regularly place language "en", "fr", etc in the URL rather than leaving it in a session variable/cookie etc?

Surely language is an individual thing, and better set based on the user's browser settings or an explicit setting that they've selected and saved (via session/cookie).
If I'm sending a page I've just read to my french-speaking friend it would be better without any language code in the URL, so it opens in French for him based on his browser setting or on an earlier visit to the site.
This seems very obvious to me... but a LOT of major sites put the language in the URL. So I feel I must be missing something... What?
The only advantage I can see if for indexation purpose. If your web site needs to be indexed (e-commerce products for instance) then the language become very important for regional search engines.
For instance here is an extract from Google doc :
Google uses the content of the page to determine its language, but the
URL itself provides human users with useful clues about the page’s
content. For example, the following .ca URLs use fr as a subdomain or
subdirectory to clearly indicate French content:élo-de-montagne.html andélo-de-montagne.html.

Change browser language preference programmatically

How can I change the browser language preference setting programmatically?
In the scenario at hand, I want to start the webapp in different languages. The app delivers the language as requested in the browser's language preferences, so I want to reconfigure the browser to English, perform some steps, then reconfigure the browser to a different language, and repeat those steps.
For automation, I'd use VBScript (using some COM server?) or QTP (which basically is just a VBScript client in this context), but I don't think this should matter.
If Ansgar does not disagree, I post the final result of researching this topic:
It seems there is no better way than updating HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\AcceptLanguage, and (at least) broadcasting a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message via SendMessage so every process in the current session sees this change immediately.
See for good examples how to do that.
do what google does (rather used to do)....
add a language parameter to your query string from your app...
on the sessionstart event handler.... determine the ln parameter of the request and redirect the request to the appropriate web page versions, provide an English fallback if their system language is not supported by your site.
Add a translation widget to your website ( to allow visitors to use machine/human generated translations.

How to use bootstrap size option in joomla 3.0?

I m new to joomla world. pls can any1 tell how to use bootstrap size option in joomla 3.0?
and i have 1 more question, what is the use of index.html in every modules folder which has no content in it ?
Second question answer
Web servers list all its directory-content in the browser if there's not present an index.html, making it easy for attackers to click on any of the links and view the contents; worse, if it's a PHP file, which will invariably execute upon clicking. That brings three risks:
Direct access to a PHP file exposes sensitive information (e.g. the
server's path structure) to directly alter codes.
It makes easier uploading hacking scripts to a site through any of
its vulnerable component. This allows for direct web access which
compromises the site.
It reveals the names and size of the site's files and helps
identifying any vulnerable extension, making it an easy target
The index.html files prevent the file listings from such exposures.
The "bootstrap size" option in the module parameters has to be supported by the used module chrome. From the default system chromes, only the html5 one does support it. Depending on your template, there may be other chromes as well which do support it. But since it's a rather new parameter, most templates probably don't support it yet.

is it possible to run multiple websites from the same URL?

i'm in the process of adding a US site to my current UK site. I'd like to do this as transaprently as possible so that we don't lose any traffic to existing links. We're currently running this under version of Magento on a shared hosting setup.
The new website (US) will be essentially the same as the current (UK) site, but with US Dollar pricing instead of Pound Sterling.
We currently have a GeoIP setup whereby visitors are redirected to either UK or US site whilst utulising the same URL. This essentially means that we have switch statements in our index.php to indicate what run code to use.
Here's my question:
what's the best way of selecting/overriding the GeoIP selection via the standard store switcher selector dropbox? Both websites are being populated in the dropbox, however, since both are utilising the same URL ( the default one is the only one that's being selected.
I've also tried the &_store= as well as the &_website= arguments with no success.
Any ideas? are URL rewrites in .htaccess the answer? if so, any ideas as what to use?
P.S. this is the method that's pretty much being followed however my aim is to let users override their location-specific website (e.g. US) if necessary:
Have you tried using a getUrl() method to build the store arguments for you? It can help clear up those little misunderstandings, for example I'm pretty sure the store parameter is supposed to have three underscores but cannot really remember so I use the function instead.
The best way to over-ride is to have a little php program, e.g. 'countries.php' that sets a cookie depending on the country code that you choose or 'auto' to test regular geoip. Then in your index.php have an 'if cookie then use cookie code else use geoip code'. Naturally the cookie can only be set by your test program.
And yes, you only need set 'website' not 'store'. There is no benefit in your US customers being able to see your UK prices (and vice-versa) so don't even bother with setting up a frontend drop-down. Or, if you really want, you can have rest-of-the-world customers choose their currency/website and put your own cookie-setting code in the header for them, with a couple of nice flag icons.

How can a value be passed directly from a windows application into a field in an open web page?

I have a problem that I feel is best implimented in a stand alone windows application, but needs to pass data to a web page that is already open.
Is it possible to pass the data directly to the web page?
If so, what is the best way to go about it?
(Its my first question, so go easy on me!)
This is not going to be an easy problem to solve, but I think it's possible by hosting the web-page in a browser embedded in a .NET application. This Code-Project article might help
Also this article talks a bit about accessing the DOM through a C# application.
Have you got any requirements on language? And can you add a bit more detail about exactly what you're trying to achieve?
EDIT 1: Watij is a web-application testing framework for Java. You can use it to fill in text-boxes, click buttons etc. I think it might fit your needs and, if it doesn't, it's open-source, so you might be able to hack it to work. There is a whole family of Wati* products - Watin for .NET, Watir for Ruby, etc.
Getting access to external web pages are not permitted due to security credentials.
But you can open and write to a web page via winInet APIs.
Please go through the article
