How can I access the OpenDaylight Northbound REST API - opendaylight

I am trying to use OpenDaylight to communicate with network devices speaking NETCONF.
I have the newest release (NEON) with all NETCONF and RESTCONF features installed. I have tried several ways to access the northbound RESTCONF API. Unfortunately, neither dlux nor apiexplorer seem to work in the newest release.
When I try to access http://localhost:8181/apidoc/explorer or use restconf from APIs of former releases, I get 404 errors.
I am positive that ODL and restconf is running correctly, for I receive answers to my postman GET requests like
<errors xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-restconf">
<error-message>Mount point does not exist.</error-message>

correct, the GUI frontends like dlux are no longer maintained or released with
The GET response you show is working and telling you that the device you
are trying to retrieve does not exist. Is it mounted? What is the full
GET URL you are using?
here's one that works in a test environment I'm using:
curl -u admin:admin http://$ODL_SYSTEM_IP:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/$DEV_TYPE-netconf-scaling-device-10
but, note that $DEV_TYPE-netconf-scaling-device-10 is already mounted.

The link http://localhost:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html did the trick. I just had to add the "index.html" at the end. Now it works like a charm.


Can't enable direct line app service extension in azure bot service

I want to develop .net core desktop client application to connect bot service direct line. for that I am following this document. But I couldn't make it work. Here is way to confirm that it has been properly configured. the web page should show output like below in case everything went fine.
but in my case I am getting output like below:
where "ib" and "ob" values are false for some reason. I found this and this issue reported on github but there is no conclusion.
any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Troubleshooting guid has been added to the document. verified steps below and getting proper results now:
Double check the code for using named pipes has been added to the
Confirm the bot is able to start up and run at all. Useful
tools are Test in WebChat, connecting an additional channel, remote
debugging, or logging.
Restart the entire Azure App Service the bot
is hosted within, to ensure a clean start up of all processes.
I followed Microsoft Docs on how to setup the bot project:
I did a simple echo bot project and followed the sample code in Startup.cs Configure method.
Last thing I did is to resolve an issue HTTP 500.34 when I access the /.bot as described.
You need to add: <AspNetCoreHostingModel>OutOfProcess</AspNetCoreHostingModel> in .csproj after <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework>

Not able to view switches and host in Opendaylight Web Interface

I am using Oxygen for the Opendaylight and after installing the required features I am not able to view switches and host in Web Interface. I have created my topology in mininet.
I have followed the below link
That's not really enough info to help. have you checked that mininet switches are
connected to opendaylight from that persepective? I think you can use ovs commands
to see if it shows as is_connected:true (e.g. ovs-vsctl show)
also try doing a GET on the ODL NB REST API, like:
you can double check that dlux features are installed on the karaf console with
a command like "features:list -i | grep dlux"
btw, please note that because dlux no longer had any contributions to support it,
the project has been archived and it will no longer be a part of releases
after oxygen.

Need to setup ejabberd for API call

I need to get response on this URL:
https://[host IP]:8088/api/admin
I tried so many different configs so you might see extra stuff commented out.
I can easily access the web page, the only issue is, I cannot call admin api from application. No response in this regard.
Here are logs and config
This is an AWS instance with Ubunutu 16.04
I have tried following this stackoverflow Answer too and also followed the official DOC too.
How to call ejabberd Administrator API
If there is anything you need to get a better understanding, Let me know.
I think that your configuration file have some conflicts.
Plus the REST endpoints for admin is "/api" not "/api/admin".
If you have just installed ejaberred, I'll suggest you to do a clean installation using the official linux installer (not apt-get).
The installer is interactive and will generate most of the configurations for you.

Where is the link of Parse data browser in website?

Simply to say, i can not find the Parse Data Browser and really don't know what is it. is it a link of parse site or a software or ... ?
I've tried google for that and a couple of youtube videos about that but i think anybody knows what it is and how to find it except me. is down now, you can see this but you can have your own parse server because parse is open source
Install your parse-server and set-up your parse-dashboard
All documentation is available here
If you want to start quickly you can host your parse-server on Heroku or use back4app
If you are looking for an alternative solution you can use Firebase
If you're running your own parse-server, you just have to add the parse-dashboard module. It's pretty easy to set up.
You can mount it right on the same app your parse-server is hosted from, or keep it separate and just run it locally.

How to run a console command on a Heroku app through their REST API?

I need to programmatically execute a command on a Heroku app that I created used their REST API. From my console, I'd regularly do it like so:
$ heroku run [command]
I'm looking for a REST API request like this one:
POST /apps/{app_id}/run
But I was unable to find it in on the docs and I just resign to acknowledge that's not implemented. It's too much of a default behavior.
I know I could just install the Heroku Toolbelt on the requester box, but I don't like that. I could also set an authenticated URL to fire the thing but that's also too much of a thing for a feature that's already there!
This is what you're looking for:
Notice the example there -- you can specify a run type which will run the process as a one-off thing. This is exactly how the heroku run command works under the hood =)
