Export locations marked in gogle mymaps with latitude and longitude in google mymaps - mymaps

I have a set of addresses imported to google mymaps. I want now to extract these locations with the coordinates in google mymaps.
I downloaded the KML file. But it doesn't show any coordinates
Excel file with latitude and longitude


Show directions on Kakao maps, start/destination encoded in url

I have manged to encode destination: https://map.kakao.com/link/to/37.402056,127.108212
But I have not succeeded to also add start location for directions on Kakao maps? I need both start and destination encoded in url so that directions are drown on page after click on url.
Like this?
we can get it after select a location.
?sX=500000 <-- startX[ Wcongnamul coordinates.]
&sY=1084098 <-- startY[ Wcongnamul coordinates.]
&sName=startName <-- depend on you
&eX=523953 <-- startX[ Wcongnamul coordinates.]
&eY=1084098 <-- startY[ Wcongnamul coordinates.]
&eName=destinationName <-- depend on you
Full URL
X and Y it mean... Wcongnamul coordinates.
Can be get it easily by Kakao Map API
How to get LatLng by Coords
Returns the coordinates of the object in WGS84 coordinates.
How to get Coord by LatLng
Returns the coordinates of the object in Wcongnamul coordinates.
Unfortunely because this
Get directions(web)
You can use the coordinates or place ID to create a directions URL that specifies that location as your destination.
URL Pattern Example
/ link / to / name, latitude, longitude
/ link / to / place ID
But i found it can do in Android/iOS with this
Get Directions (Android/iOs)

Displaying labels of polygons of a kml file in google earth

I want to have the names of the polygons of kml file, displayed in google earth.
I converted the kml file from a shapefile in qgis. The kml file is loaded normally, i can see the name and the description in the list on the google earth panel. I cannot see it on the map though. How can I visualize the names?
I know that i can create a second kml file with points and have those displayed but I need to have one single file for all.
How could I do that?
Thank you
If you don't want to use a 2nd KML file for the centroid points + labels, then you can take your original KML file, wrap each polygon in a MultiGeometry tag, and add the polygon's centroid Point feature into each MuiltiGeometry. Then you can have the labels on those points, and have them be part of the same file as the polygons. Unfortunately I don't know of any easy way to create such a thing in QGIS, so you're probably left with hand-editing or programatically generating the KML.

Passing coordinates values from google sheets columns in static map URL

I've been trying to fill a google spreadsheet column with static satellite maps giving the coords from latitude and longitude columns.
Something like this:
My problem is constructing the API call using Lat, long pairs stored in the Google Sheet cells.
I am getting a range of errors from both Google sheets and mapbox, so obviously my syntax within sheets is bad. When I type the url in a browser, with hard-coded lat,lng the correct map image is displayed.
A typical Google error is
Function ADD parameter 1 expects number values. But
'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v10/static/' is a
text and cannot be coerced to a number
Can someone please assist?
I think you had Lat, long wrong way around. Some mapping systems require Lat, Lng and others Lng, Lat (go figure!)
If you change as below, you will get an image, but you may need to play with other parameters to get it working as you need.
You can also use the form below which is another way to construct the API string from the component parts.
In both cases, the parameters after the Coordinates represent the desired zoom, orientation angles and image resolution. You can play around with image formats here https://www.mapbox.com/help/static-api-playground/.
Also note that you have options in Google sheets to adjust how the image is displayed (resize, stretch etc) in the cell, using the IMAGE parameters. This is explained here https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3093333?hl=en

how to create map from given coordinates in d3js

So I need to create the map of my country from the coordinates I have so that I can plot some xyz data on it.
I was able to plot the map with the help of Mike Bostock tut http://bost.ocks.org/mike/map/
But when I went through the .json file, the coordinates mentioned are totally different from the coordinates I have. Like Patna(India) has [5812,6567] as coordinates in the json file while actual coordinates are [25,85].
Could anybody guide me how can I use the coordinates with me to plot the map and then display some data on it??
With the help from #user1614080, I was able to understand how coordinates are converted into screen coordinates.
The issue I have is: I want the map of India in a certain way. For that purpose, I would like to use the list of latitude & longitude I have. But I dont know how to convert these lat-longs into topojson/geojson format.
For the time being I did a simple line plot with the lat-long I had. Some of the values from the coordinates.csv I used for the line plot are:
But I would like to use topojson/geojson for the same. how can I convert the data from "coordinates.csv" into json?

How store coordinates of boundaries of each zone region in a London tube map .GIF file?

I am trying to:
Generate a KML file that stores the coordinates of each boundary zone region of London tube map.
Store x,y coordinates as key-pair values to store points of each station on each line.
A KML eventually would look like this:
Is there a tool to trace the region coordinates of mouse movements (read) from the GIF file onto a KML file? Is there a way I can specifiy the element tags at the same time in the KML file?
The whole objective is to generate this KML file with minimal code.
I am going to use Processing after I have generated the KML file, to give visualization for data to be displayed on the London tube map.gif file.
You can use a tool such as Plot Digitizer to record the coordinates of mouse clicks, then process the final coordinate list with another tool to create a KML.
Alternatively you could create an image overlay in Google Earth using that GIF, align it, then use Google Earth to create the points.
