I have created an IAM user in my AWS account for someone to assist me in a project.
How do I grant full access for this user to one specified Lambda function?
By full access, I mean he has the same rights as me (root account) regarding this one function, and not do other things like creating new functions or viewing other functions.
First, be careful what you mean by "full access". This would include the ability to delete the function, which is probably not something you'd like to allow.
Take a look at: Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for AWS Lambda - AWS Identity and Access Management
It lists all Lambda-related actions. You'll notice that many of the entries have function listed in the Resource Types column. This means you can limit the permission being granted to only the stated function(s). So, you'll probably want to limit permission only to those actions that can be restricted by function.
The result would be a policy similar to:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:function:my-function"
How to prevent users who have access to kibana dev tools, from making any inadvertent changes , updates or deletes in a particular index.Basically what I am looking for is, some kind of authorisation for a particular index, so that only authorised users can be given R/W access and any other users should have only R permission.
You can define privileges like read, write, delete etc. in user roles. Privileges can be categorized into cluster- and index-privileges as documented on this page:
The index-privileges are what you're looking for.
After creating the roles (e.g. one for read-write and one for read-only), you simply need to add the particular users to these roles. Elasticsearch will then check the user's privileges on every action they try to execute and prevent them if needed. This is done via the has_privileges API Elasticsearch internally uses.
Here's a guide on how to define roles:
Here are some further resources related to that topic:
I hope I could help you.
Alternatively, using IP-based Access Policy, you can allow or deny Actions (es:ESHttpDelete, es:ESHttpGet, es:ESHttpHead, es:ESHttpPost, es:ESHttpPut, es:ESHttpPatch). Especially if you don't want to permanently turn on Fine-tuned Access Policies that utilize roles, for whatever reason. Although I do like the fine-tuned capability to limit access to fields.
An IP-based access policy example, altered from ES Identity and Access Management
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": [
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-west-1:987654321098:domain/test-domain/*"
I can select an event from event template when I trigger a lambda function. How can I create a customized event template in terraform. I want to make it easier for developers to trigger the lambda by selecting this customized event template from the list.
I'd like to add an event on this list:
Unfortunately, at the time of this answer (2020-02-21), there is no way to accomplish this via the APIs that AWS provides. Ergo, the terraform provider does not have the ability to accomplish this (it's limited to what's available in the APIs).
I also have wanted to be able to configure test events via terraform.
A couple of options
Propose to AWS that they expose some APIs for managing test events. This would give contributors to the AWS terraform provider the opportunity to add this resource.
Provide the developers with a PostMan collection, set of shell scripts (or other scripts) using the awscli, or some other mechanism to invoke the lambdas. This is essentially the same as pulling the templating functionality out of the console and into your own tooling.
I did try something and it worked. I must warn that this is reverse engineering and may break anytime in future, but works well for me so far.
As per Amazon doc for testing lambda functions, whenever a Shareable Test Event is created for any lambda, it is stored under a new schema under the lambda-testevent-schemas schema registry.
I made use of this information and figured out the conventions AWS follows to keep track of the events so that I can use those to manage resources using terraform
The name of the schema is _<name_of_lambda_function>-schema, hence, from terraform I manage a new schema named _<name_of_lambda_function>-schema
resource "aws_schemas_schema" "my_lambda_shared_events" {
name = "_${aws_lambda_function.my_lambda.function_name}-schema"
registry_name = "lambda-testevent-schemas"
type = "OpenApi3"
description = "The schema definition for shared test events"
content = local.my_lambda_shared_events_schema
I create a json doc (my_lambda_shared_events_schema) which follows the OpenAPI3 convention. For example =>
"components": {
"examples": {
"name_of_the_event_1": {
"value": {
... the value you need ...
"name_of_the_event_2": {
"value": {
... the value you need ...
"schemas": {
"Event": {
"properties": {
... structure of the event you need ...
"required": [... any required params ...],
"type": "object"
"info": {
"title": "Event",
"version": "1.0.0"
"openapi": "3.0.0",
"paths": {}
After terraform apply, you should be able to see the terraform managed shareable events in AWS console.
Some important gotchas when using this method:
If you add events using terraform using this method, any events added from the console would be lost.
The schema registry lambda-testevent-schemas is a special registry & must NOT be managed using terraform as it may disrupt other lambda functions' events created outside the scope of this terraform module.
It is required for the lambda-testevent-schemas to be available beforehand. You can either have a check to create this registry before the
module is applied or else create any random shareable event for any random lambda function. This needs to be done once per region per account.
If you face difficulties creating the json schema for your lambda, you can for once create the events from console and then copy the json from EventBridge schema registry.
I think I have a pretty common scenario but I couldn't find a condensed guide on how to achieve my goal. I am developing an Alexa Skill and have the following:
Lambda function: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:lambda1
Currently the Alexa Skill is working fine with the Lambda doing a simple task. The Lambda's Execution Role is:
I now want to add DynamoDB to my Lambda (Node.js). I created the following:
IAM user: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/user1
DynamoDB table: arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:123456789012:table/T1
How do I now hook up everything together, that is, to let the Lambda function perform read/write operations on T1? Is the IAM user even necessary?
You do not need the IAM User.
Instead, add DynamoDB permissions to the IAM Role being used by the Lambda function. For example:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "dynamodb:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:123456789012:table/T1"
The Lambda function will then be permitted to use the table.
I would like to create an monitoring instance with rights to terminate, create, destroy instances, autoscaling groups, tags etc. within the scope of cloudformation it was created in.
What resource should I give to the policy to make it work ?
"PolicyName": "ManageCloudformationInstances",
"PolicyDocument": {
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "?????"
So I guess there are two part to your question.
If you are creating instance in your cloudformation template then you can easily just use the GetAtt function to pull the Arn for those resources.
However if you are trying to dynamically allow it to delete instances inside of an autoscaling group then you need dynamically edit your policy to allow that. The easiest way that comes to mind is to trigger a lambda function every time that your ASG scales and edit the policy to include the ARNs from the recent scaling activity.
You probably want to start with something like this for the ASG - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/latest/userguide/cloud-watch-events.html
For the app I am building for elementary schools, teachers can access it by logging into their classroom account, but students cannot. How do I determine if a particular user is a teacher?
I noticed that the test teacher account has the permission CREATE_COURSE, but the student does not. Can I assume that is universally true... that if someone has a CREATE_COURSE permission, they are a teacher for some course.
As you mentioned above, if you send request to userProfiles, with userId, if in the response you get permissions as create_course, then its teacher. Other wise its student.
"id": string,
"name": {
"emailAddress": string,
"photoUrl": string,
"permissions": [
object(GlobalPermission)// Here it should be create_course for teacher
A slightly different approach here is list courses with the query parameter: 'teacherId' => 'me'. That way you get all the courses the current user is teaching. If you get 0 results, it means the user is not a teacher anywhere. Anyway, if you just need to know if the user is considered a teacher, it might be more efficient the other way around.
Distinguishing teachers from students via the CREATE_COURSE permission may be sufficient for your use case, but note that depending on how the domain's instance of Classroom has been configured, users may be able to self-identify as teachers; see https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/6071551.
Just recently, according to https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36760055, you may use https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/userProfiles to determine whether the user is teacher
"verifiedTeacher": boolean