does phpadmin4 support postgresql 8.3? - greenplum

does phpadmin4 support postgresql 8.3?
currently in use greenplum 5.19
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry in subquery for table "typ"
LINE 62: typ.typrelid AS typoid,

postgresql 9.0 doesn't support.
postgresql 9.4 - work good.

phppgadmin isn't supported by gpdb ever and pgadmin isn't supported in greenplum after 5.2


Oracle | Unable to exlude database link while export of a schema

can you please advise how to exclude DB links when exporting DB schema by:
exp userid=USER/PASS#server File=/export/schema_20170605.dmp
I do not need them in the dump but need to keep them on the server 11g.
When trying to export it as is getting error:
. exporting database links EXP-00106: Invalid Database Link Passwords
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
I have tried also expdp which could works but it requires dedicated folder directly on the DB server.
Thanks, Reddy
I had the same problem using exp version against server version
Using newer exp version fixed it for me.

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 7

While getting JDBC connection I am getting above error.
I tried with ojdbc14 and ojdbc6 jar but same error.
my java version is 1.6 and oracle 11.2 and glassfish3
Note: I have created one sample java program to connect to DB using same DB details.Its working fine but with appication its giving me this error.
below is the line of code giving error
con = DriverManager.getConnection(
The fact that you see this "oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol" indicates that a very old driver is being used. You must have a hanging around in your app and added to your classpath. If you remove it and replace it with the or ojdbc6.jar then this error should go away.

SchemaCrawler couldn't connect to Oracle base

Schemacrawler couldn't connect to Oracle base. The cmd line is below:
java -classpath ../../_schemacrawler/lib/*;lib/* schemacrawler.Main -url=jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:port:sid -u=user_name -password=pw -infolevel=minimum -schemas=target_schema -c=count -loglevel=CONFIG
And error is
Could not find a suitable JDBC driver for databse connection URL, jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:port:sid
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
As Alex Poole says, you need to download the Oracle JDBC driver, and place it in the SchemaCrawler lib folder. Please read the documentation on the Database System Support page very carefully. Also, please make sure that you are using the latest version of Java 8, and the latest version of SchemaCrawler.
Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler

How to fix "Unable to instantiate JDBC driver" Flyway command line error?

I'm new to Flyway. I'm using Flyway 3.2.1 on windows 64bit and just tried the command line tool with my local Oracle database installation (11g). I'm getting the following error:
ERROR: Unable to instantiate JDBC driver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
What did I do wrong? In flyway.conf I configured my jdbc url and also username and password.
Thanks in advance
Problem solved. For Oracle you have to put the jdbc driver jar in the drivers sub directory.
This is documented here.
In summary: Go to and choose the required Oracle JDBC driver version. Then download the "ojdbc6.jar" file and move it into the drivers folder beneath where Flyway is installed. The next time you run Flyway this should be picked up automatically.

oracle to postgresql connectivity

I'm using postgresql 9.1 and oracle 11gR2 64 bit windows.
I'm trying Heterogeneous DB Connection Between Oracle 11gR2 And Postgresql 9.1.
here the info:
I configured by reading these links
When I tried this command
select * from "testtable"#PG_LINK;
I got an error like
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
