How can I suppress assembly files output by compilation proper? - gcc

I have some C++ library code that I want strictly compiled for a quick check, and I don't want any files produced to be used for later stages (assembly, linkage, etc.)
I can do
g++ -S main.cpp
but this will give me an assembly file that I'm just going to wind up deleting anyway.
Is there an option that will tell the compiler to just compile a source file but don't produce any files?
EDIT[0]: I'm using mingw on Windows.

gcc has the option -fsyntax-only:
Check the code for syntax errors, but don’t do anything beyond that.


Makefile from Cmake is not putting actual compilers rather it puts 'ftn' which is used as a variable for CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER

I have been trying to compile a large Fortran code with many files in it on a HPC with the use of CMake. CMake properly configures and generates a Makefile. While Making, I get an error saying '/bin/sh: ftn: command not found'. The Makefile tries to compile the code like this->
ftn -o CMakeFiles/s3d.x.dir/modules/param_m.f90.o
When I compile it on my personal system or another HPC, it goes like->
mpif90 -o CMakeFiles/s3d.x.dir/modules/param_m.f90.o
I don't know why CMake is not able to put actual compilers in place of 'ftn'.
I would really appreciate if any suggestions come up.

Arduino 1.0.6: How to change compiler flag?

I'm currently working on a project using Arduino 1.0.6 IDE and it does not seem to accept C++11 std::array. Is it possible to change the compiler flag to make this work?
Add custom compiler flags to platform.local.txt. Just create it in the same directory where platform.txt is. For example:
compiler.cpp.extra_flags=-mcall-prologues -fno-split-wide-types -finline-limit=3 -ffast-math
In this example C++ flags will make large sketch smaller. Of course, you can use your own flags instead. Since platform.local.txt does not overwrite standard files and is very short, it is very easy to experiment with compiler flags.
You can save platform.local.txt for each project in its directory. It will NOT have any effect in project's directory, but this way if you decide to work on your old project again you will be able to just copy it to the same directory where platform.txt is (typically ./hardware/arduino/avr/) and continue work on your project with project-specific compiler flags.
Obviously, using Makefile as ladislas suggests is more professional and more convenient if you have multiple projects and do not mind dealing with Makefile. But still, using platform.local.txt is better than messing with platform.txt directly and an easy way to play with compiler flags for people who are already familiar with Arduino IDE.
You can use #pragma inside the *.ino file so as not to have to create the local platforms file:
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-fpermissive"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
For other ones, see HERE.
Using the IDE is very difficult to do that.
I would advise you to go full command line by using Sudar's great Arduino Makefile.
This way you'll be able to customise the compiler flags to your liking.
I've also created the Bare Arduino Project to help you get started. The documentation covers a lot points, from installing the latest avr-gcc toolchain to how to use the repository, compile and upload your code.
If you find something missing, please, feel free to fill an issue on Github so that I can fix it :)
Hope this helps! :)
Yes, but not in 1.0.6, in 1.5.? the .\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\platform.txt specifies the command lines used for compiling.
One can either modify this file directly or copy it to your user .\arduino\hardware\... directory to create a custom platform. As not to alter the stock IDE. This will also then exist in other/updated IDEs that you can run. You can copy just the platform file and boards.txt. And have your boards.txt file link to the core: libraries as not to have a one-off. See
Reference: Change CPU speed, Mod New board
I wanted to add the -fpermissive flag.
Under Linux here what I have done with success
The idea is to replace the two compilers avr-gcc and avr-g++ by two bash scripts in which you add your flags (-fpermissive for me)
With root privilege:
rename the compiler avr-gcc (present in /usr/bin) avr-gcc-real
rename the compiler avr-g++ (present in /usr/bin) avr-gcc-g++-real
Now create to bash scripts avr-gcc and avr-g++ under /usr/bin/
script avr-gcc contains this line:
avr-gcc-real -fpermissive $#
script avr-g++ contains this line:
avr-g++-real -fpermissive $#
As you may know $# denotes the whole parameters passed to the script. Thus all the parameters transmitted by the IDE to compilers are transimitted to your bash scripts replacing them (which call the real compilers with your flags and the IDE one)
Don't forget to add executable property to your scripts:
chmod a+x avr-gcc
chmod a+x avr-g++
Under Windows I don't know if such a solution can be done.

gcc compiler lib file not found error

Please help me on the gcc compiler command
gcc -c -ID:\pjtName\lib -c -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage D:\pjtName\source\tmp.ada
I am trying to compile the tmp.ada with coverage. adb and ads files are located in D:\pjtName\source folder. and my lib files are located in D:\pjtName\lib folder.
The problem is gcc is not locates file and the library files in the D:\pjtName\lib folder. it show file not found error
after this command i need to run gcov command for the tmp.ada file
GNAT’s build process is complicated. gcc is really too low-level a tool to use easily; instead, use gnatmake and GNAT project files.
You’ve tagged gnat-gps, so I assume you actually have GPS. If that’s so, your best bet would be, when opening GPS, to select Create new project with wizard and go on from there. If you get stuck, use GPS’s included help or come back here.
To get coverage information with GPS, you go to Edit / Edit Project Properties and
in the Ada tab, select Code coverage and Instrument arcs, which includes -ftest-coverage and -fprofile-arcs;
in the Ada Linker tab, select Code coverage, which includes -fprofile-generate (you get link time errors otherwise).
By the way, you mention a file tmp.ada; it’s best to stick with .ads for specs and .adb for bodies. GNAT does its best, but if your other code includes with Tmp; GNAT will look for You can alter this behaviour, but why bother unless you have to for other reasons!
As was stated above, don't use gcc.
I usually use gnat compile filename.adb then use gnat bind filename.ali, then gnat link filename.ali -Lexternaldirectory -lexternallib

Compile preprocessor output using gcc

I've generated a preprocessor out using the -Ecommand.
Is it possible to compile exactly that generated file using gcc?
Yes, just save the output as a C or C++ file (or whatever the input was).
That's exactly what GCC does, schematically speaking: preprocess, then compile.

What is the difference between make and gcc?

The last sentence in the article caught my eye
[F]or C/C++ developers and
students interested in learning to
program in C/C++ rather than users of
Linux. This is because the compiling
of source code is made simple in
GNU/Linux by the use of the 'make'
I have always used gcc to compile my C/C++ programs, whereas javac to compile my Java programs. I have only used make to install programs to my computer by configure/make/make install.
It seems that you can compile apparently all your programs with the command make.
What is the difference between make and gcc?
Well ... gcc is a compiler, make is a tool to help build programs. The difference is huge. You can never build a program purely using make; it's not a compiler. What make does it introduce a separate file of "rules", that describes how to go from source code to finished program. It then interprets this file, figures out what needs to be compiled, and calls gcc for you. This is very useful for larger projects, with hundreds or thousands of source code files, and to keep track of things like compiler options, include paths, and so on.
gcc compiles and/or links a single file. It supports multiple languages, but does not knows how to combine several source files into a non-trivial, running program - you will usually need at least two invocations of gcc (compile and link) to create even the simplest of programs.
Wikipedia page on GCC describes it as a "compiler system":
The GNU Compiler Collection (usually shortened to GCC) is a compiler system produced by the GNU Project supporting various programming languages.
make is a "build tool" that invokes the compiler (which could be gcc) in a particular sequence to compile multiple sources and link them together. It also tracks dependencies between various source files and object files that result from compilation of sources and does only the operations on components that have changed since last build.
GNUmake is one popular implementation of make. The description from GNUmake is as follows:
Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.
Make gets its knowledge of how to build your program from a file called the makefile, which lists each of the non-source files and how to compute it from other files.
gcc is a C compiler: it takes a C source file and creates machine code, either in the form of unlinked object files or as an actual executable program, which has been linked to all object modules and libraries.
make is useful for controlling the build process of a project. A typical C program consists of several modules (.c) and header files (.h). It would be time-consuming to always compile everything after you change anything, so make is designed to only compile the parts that need to be re-compiled after a change.
It does this by following rules created by the programmer. For example:
foo.o: foo.c foo.h
cc -c foo.c
This rule tells make that the file foo.o depends on the files foo.c and foo.h, and if either of them changes, it can be built by running the command on the second line. (The above is not actual syntax: make wants the commands indented by a TAB characters, which I can't do in this editing mode. Imagine it's there, though.)
make reads its rules from a file that is usually called a Makefile. Since these files are (traditionally) written by hand, make has a lot of magic to let you shorten the rules. For example, it knows that a foo.o can be built from a foo.c, and it knows what the command to do so is. Thus, the above rule could be shortened to this:
foo.o: foo.h
A small program consisting of three modules might have a Makefile like this:
mycmd: main.o foo.o bar.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o mycmd main.o foo.o bar.o
foo.o: foo.h bar.h
bar.o: bar.h
make can do more than just compile programs. A typical Makefile will have a rule to clean out unwanted files:
rm -f *.o core myapp
Another rule might run tests:
check: myapp
./myapp < test.input > test.output
diff -u test.correct test.output
A Makefile might "build" documentation: run a tool to convert documentation from some markup language to HTML and PDF, for example.
A Makefile might have an install rule to copy the binary program it builds to wherever the user or system administrator wants it installed.
And so on. Since make is generic and powerful, it is typically used to automate the whole process from unpacking a source tarball to the point where the software is ready to be used by the user.
There is a whole lot of to learn about make if you want to learn it fully. The GNU version of make has particularly good documentation: has it in various forms.
Make often uses gcc to compile a multitude of C or C++ files.
Make is a tool for building any complex system where there are dependancies between the various system components, by doing the minimal amount of work necessary.
If you want to find out all the things make can be used for, the GNU make manual is excellent.
make uses a Makefile in the current directory to apply a set of rules to its input arguments. Make also knows some default rules so that it executes even if it doesn't find a Makefile (or similar) file in the current directory. The rule to execute for cpp files so happens to call gcc on many systems.
Notice that you don't call make with the input file names but rather with rule names which reflect the output. So calling make xyz will strive to execute rule xyz which by default builds a file xyz (for example based on a source code file xyz.cpp.
gcc is a compiler like javac. You give it source files, it gives you a program.
make is a build tool. It takes a file that describes how to build the files in your project based on dependencies between files, so when you change one source file, you don't have to rebuild everything (like if you used a build script). make usually uses gcc to actually compile source files.
make is essentially an expert system for building code. You set up rules for how things are built, and what they depend on. Make can then look at the timestamps on all your files and figure out exactly what needs to be rebuilt at any time.
gcc is the "gnu compiler collection". There are many languages it supports (C, C++, Ada, etc depending on your setup), but still it is just one tool out of many that make may use to build your system.
You can use make to compile your C and C++ programs by calling gcc or g++ in your makefile to do all the compilation and linking steps, allowing you to do all these steps with one simple command. It is not a replacement for the compiler.
'gcc' is the compiler - the program that actually turns the source code into an executable. You have to tell it where the source code is, what to output, and various other things like libraries and options.
'make' is more like a scripting language for compiling programs. It's a way to hide all the details of compiling your source (all those arguments you have to pass the compiler). You script all of the above details once in the Makefile, so you don't have to type it every time for every file. It will also do nifty things like only recompile source files that have been updated, and handle dependancies (if I recompile this file, I will then need to recompile THAT file.)
The biggest difference is that make is turing complete (Are makefiles Turing complete?) while gcc is not.
Let's take the gcc compiler for example.
It only knows how to compile the given .cpp file into .o file given the files needed for compilation to succeed (i.e. dependencies such as .h files).
However, those dependencies create a graph. e.g., b.o might require a.o in the compilation process which means it needs to be compiled independently beforehand.
Do you, as a programer want to keep track of all those dependencies and run them in order for your target .o file to build?
Of course not. You want something to do that task for you.
Those are build tools - tools that help making the build process (i.e. building the artifacts like .o files) easier. One such tool is make.
I hope that clarifies the difference :)
