Adding new enum type to the existing enum column in Laravel migration - laravel

I am developing a Laravel application. What I am trying to do now is that I am trying to add a new enum type to the existing enum column.
This is how enum column is created/ migrated in the first place.
$table->enum('type', [BlogType::IMAGE, BlogType::TEXT]);
Now I am trying to add a new enum type to that column creating a new migration like this.
Schema::table('blogs', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->enum('type', [BlogType::IMAGE, BlogType::TEXT, BlogType::VIDEO])->change();
As you can see, I added a VIDEO blog type.
When I run the migration, I got the following error.
Unknown database type enum requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform may not support it.
Then I came across this link, Laravel 5.1 Unknown database type enum requested.
I tried adding the following in the constructor of the migration class.
\Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::getDoctrineSchemaManager()->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
Then I got the following error when I run the migration.
Unknown column type "enum" requested. Any Doctrine type that you use has to be registered with \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::addType(). You can get a list of all the known types with \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getTypesMap(). If this error occurs during database introspection then you might have forgotten to register all database types for a Doctrine Type. Use AbstractPlatform#registerDoctrineTypeMapping() or have your custom types implement Type#getMappedDatabaseTypes(). If the type name is empty you might have a problem with the cache or forgot some mapping information.
Now I am not renaming the column, I am just adding the new supported enum value. What would be the best solution and how can I do that, pelase?

For now, we have only one solution: RAW query
public function up()
ALTER TABLE `blogs` CHANGE COLUMN `type` `type`
ENUM("'.implode([BlogType::IMAGE, BlogType::TEXT, BlogType::VIDEO], '", "').'")
DEFAULT "'.BlogType::IMAGE.'"
Where blogs is table name and type column name.


Laravel 8 Migration - change enum values

I'm trying to change an enum value in database with Laravel migrations.
In first, i have tried this classic change :
Schema::table('questionnaires', function ($table) {
$table->enum('type', ['image', 'sound', 'video'])->nullable()->default('image')->change();
But I got the following error :
Unknown database type enum requested,
Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL57Platform may not support it
I solved my problem by doing SQL directly :
DB::statement("ALTER TABLE questionnaires MODIFY COLUMN type ENUM('image', 'sound', 'video') DEFAULT 'image'");
But it does not seem optimal to me...
Is there a solution more in "agreement" with Laravel 8,
without going through pure SQL?
To elaborate a little bit more on this subject.
As noted here ENUMs cannot be reverse engineered into a certain type. Each ENUM is a value of it's own. Hence, you must specifically say to Laravel which type the ENUMs are.
This seems to be an issue with all versions of Laravel
In documentation for each version, i.e., you can find that changing enum fields is not supported. As noted here the DB statement inside your migration is the best workaround for now.
DB::statement("ALTER TABLE questionnaires MODIFY COLUMN type ENUM('image', 'sound', 'video') DEFAULT 'image'");
Migration files fix
This option is the above commented GitHub link which advises you to put this line of code before the actual migration inside up() method of migration file.
DB::connection()->getDoctrineSchemaManager()->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
Models/enum types fix
I think this one is a lot less straightforward then the above mentioned, but still exists as a valid option, so I will put it here,
You can read an official doctrine-project website page here which shows you how to this thing from within models / enum types.

laravel migration for change column type that used in a view

I use laravel migartion to create some tables and then i create a migration for a view that use my tables.
now, i want to change type of column that used in this view (i create a new migration for it.).but, PostgreSQL does not let me to change column type because column is used in view. i want to know what is best way to manage this issue.
i tried to use migration that created view to drop then and recreate it after changing column type but there is problem because migrations doesn't have namespaces and i don't know is it good way for solving this problem.
First, my English is not good. What i understand is, you are creating a new migration with already existing table? If the table is already existed then you may try to change the column name using this
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('name', 50)->change();
Laravel Documentation
I fix my issue with following level:
add folder common-queries in project/database/migrations/
add CommonQueries namespace in composer.json with project/database/migrations/common-queries folder location.
add my view create and drop in a class MyCurrentView (for example).
use this class in old migration up and down function for creating and droping view
use this class in new migration and drop view before changing column type and create view after changing column type.

Laravel Migration - Data type also changes when renaming column

I want to rename the column in database using migration, but when i tried it, the datatype also changes. How to rename column without changing the data type.
The current name of the column in the database is
payment_amount_cash and its type is double(10,2)
I tried
$table->renameColumn('payment_amount_cash', 'payment_amount_full')->comment('Advanced payment')->default("0.00");
to rename the column. Then after migration, the name was changed but the data type was also changed from double(10,2) to only double thus, making the default value change from 0.00 to 0.
I also tried to change the data type after the schema of renaming the column.
$table->renameColumn('payment_amount_cash', 'payment_amount_full')->comment('Advanced payment')->default("0.00");
$table->double('payment_amount_full', 10,2)->change();
but this one gives me error upon migration.
Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException : Unknown column type "double" requested.
Any Doctrine type that you use has to be registered with \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::addType().
You can get a list of all the known types with \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getTypesMap().
If this error occurs during database introspection then you might have forgotten to register all database types for a Doctrine Type.
Use AbstractPlatform#registerDoctrineTypeMapping() or have your custom types implement Type#getMappedDatabaseTypes().
If the type name is empty you might have a problem with the cache or forgot some mapping information.
With this, I just want to know how to rename the column without affecting the data type. After migration, I would like to retain the data type of the column I just changed the name.
I learned that there is an issue in Schema regarding the enum and still in discussion until now.
I just used the other way to update the datatype of the column.
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE reservations MODIFY COLUMN payment_amount_full double(10,2)');
and this works for me. If there are other ways on how to do this, please let me know. Thanks.

Laravel Database migrations Schema builder custom column type

I am trying to create migrations with Laravel but I am in a situation where I need custom column type since the one I want isn't included in schema builder , which is "POLYGON". So I want to know, how I can create my custom column type, other than those that are already in the Schema builder.
What I want would look like this in SQL statement:
alter table xxx add polygon POLYGON not null
Is it possible to do it by myself or I am forced to use some library like this?
I know that I can do like this:
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE country ADD COLUMN polygon POLYGON');
but it leads me to the error that the table doesn't exist.
There is no built in way to do this but you can achieve a good result with minimal code.
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\Grammar;
// Put this in a service provider's register function.
Grammar::macro('typePolygon', function (Fluent $column) {
return 'POLYGON';
// This belongs in a migration.
Schema::create('my_table', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->addColumn('polygon', 'my_foo');
The key is to add a function with the name typePolygon to the Grammar class because this function is what determines the actual type used by the particular DBMS. We achieve this by adding a macro to the Grammar.
I have written a blog post about how to extend this solution to any custom type:
I assume you require spatial fields in your DB... I would consider via and search for laravel-geo (or equivalent) - which supports spatial column tyes inc Polygon. You could then use standard Laravel migration files for your custom fields -e.g.
In your UP function in your migration file...

Adding new columns to an Existing Doctrine Model

First of all Hats of to StackOverflow for their great service and to you guys for taking your time to answer our questions.
I am using Doctrine ORM 1.2.4 with CodeIgniter 1.7.3. I created a Site with some required tables and pumped in with datas only to realize at a later point of time that a specific table needs to have one more column.
The way i created the tables was by writing the model as php classes which extend the Doctrine_Record.
Now i am wondering if i need to just add the column in the model that requires a new column in the setTableDefinition() method and recreate that table or is there any other way that easily does this. The former method i've mentioned requires me to drop the current table along with the datas and recreate the table which i do not wish. Since doctrine seems to be a very well architect-ed database framework, i believe it is lack of my knowledge but surely should exist a way to add new columns easily.
PS: I am not trying to alter a column with relations to other tables, but just add a new column which is not related to any other table. Also i create the tables in the database using Doctrine::createTablesFromModels(); When i alter a table with a new column and run this method it shows errors.
Since you don't want to drop & recreate, use a Doctrine Migration.
The official docs here show many examples:
Since you just want to add a field, look at their second code example as being the most relevant which is like this:
// migrations/2_add_column.php
class AddColumn extends Doctrine_Migration_Base
public function up()
$this->addColumn('migration_test', 'field2', 'string');
public function down()
$this->removeColumn('migration_test', 'field2');
