Bamboo wallboard - continuous-integration

I am looking for a better bamboo wallboard.
The wallboard provided by bamboo itself is not sufficient as it does only permit four colums and we have a ton of builds to monitor. The font is also too small to read from a distance.
Are there any good tools to create a nice wallboard for CI/Bamboo that work?
Thanks in advance.

Look at Atlasboard project we use for our dashboards. It has tons of customizable components to present info from Atlassian products:

I ended up using Greasmonkey and tinkering with the CSS.


Automatic english spell-checking in a CI/CD pipeline

I am looking for a tool to spell-check English markdown documents in a pipeline.
Having seen and heard about the Hunspell project, I am not sure if that is the right tool to use - however looking online I might not use the right search terms or my approach is wrong as I do not find many results at all.
Anyone who has any advice of the direction to go?
Many thanks in beforehand.
Answering myself: this is a task for which the codespell CLI tool can be used.

Pydio Cells Plugins

I need to extend/customize a Pydio Cells v2 deployment and am looking for informations on how to write and deploy plugins for Pydio Cells. Sadly I cannot find any informations about that. All I can find is infos about the "old" Pydio. Could anyone give me some hints please?
There is a developer guide, but it seems to be only for the REST APIs. It's still unclear where you put the logic and all that. IIRC they also said the microservice architecture could be language agnostic.
So far I couldn't find any tutorial. That's too bad for such a promising project.

Maven site + search capabilities

Recently in our organisation we've decided to work with maven site plugin and maintain all the documentation about our project in the site generated by maven.
However I haven't found any way to add a search functionality, the only thing I've come across that some skins provide an integration with the google search engine, but I can't use it because we're running in our own network and there is no chance to make it 'indexable' from outside.
So, my question is whether someone can suggest a descent solution for this?
I thought about developing a kind of maven plugin that would run lucene and index everything by itself and then provide an API to use this search from within the site, but I hope I won't need to reinvent the wheel :) So any suggestion will be welcome here
Thanks in advance
Just an idea, you can try to use JavaScript based full-text search engine e.g.
We are using constellio to index the published site on a schedule. That works well so far.
I've raised to cover adding a generic search form to the fluido skin which we use to build our maven sites. Hopefully that'll be progressed and we can have the search form baked into the documentation.
I know this is an old question, but a very easy (and admittedly ugly) way to accomplish what you want is simply generating a PDF with the site contents and letting your users do the search on the PDF. The advantage over searching on the generated site is that any PDF reader will be able to search the whole document.
mvn pdf:pdf
If you cannot use Google Site Search you're dependent on local search implementations. Hence, you either need to build the index during the site build (and for it to be available as part of your site) or do both index and search in the browser.
Besides JSSindex which appears to be somewhat dated there's which is based on jQuery.
Maven site plugin approach is not widely used. So there is nothing specific for indexing yet.
You should look at non-maven tools.

Tracker for UI bugs

I need a tracker, but more specific a tracker for UI issues. An alternative to JIRA o PivotalTracker. I need to post some screenshots, and make annotations on them. I need basically a practical tool for report UI bugs. Anny suggestion?
Thanks in advance
You might also have a look at JIRA in combination with the screen-sniper plugin
Almost all tools allow you to attach files. Many show graphics files in-line. Choose any of those.

Is there any way to do JIRA-Dashboard style project management/overview with Bugzilla?

I need roadmap view, overall bug graphs, multiple pieces of information on one screen - can this work with Bugzilla? Eclipse-based plugins etc are usable... but solutions like yoxel that need access to the Bugzilla SQL DB itself are probably not workable.
That may be a little off-course, but have you looked at Deskzilla? You can build project breakdown or roadmap using nested queries and tabular distribution. It doesn't have graphs though.
Disclaimer: I work for ALM Works, the company behind Deskzilla.
