Temporal locality in memory mountain - performance

In the csapp textbook, the description of memory mountain denotes that increasing working size worsens temporal locality, but I feel like both size and stride factors contribute to spatial locality only, as throughput decreases when more data is sparsely stored in lower level caches.
Where is temporal locality in play here? As far as I know, it means the same specific memory address is referenced again in the near future as seen in this answer: What is locality of reference?

This graph is produced by sequentially traversing fixed-size elements of an array. The stride parameter specifies the number of elements to be skipped between two sequentially accessed elements. The size parameter specifies the total size of the array (including the elements that may be skipped). The main loop of the test looks like this (you can get the code from here):
for (i = 0; i < size / sizeof(double); i += stride*4) {
acc0 = acc0 + data[i];
acc1 = acc1 + data[i+stride];
acc2 = acc2 + data[i+stride*2];
acc3 = acc3 + data[i+stride*3];
That loop is shown in the book in Figure 6.40. What is not shown or mentioned in the book is that this loop is executed once to warm up the cache hierarchy and then memory throughput is measured for a number of runs. The minimum memory throughput of all the runs (on the warmed up cache) is the one that is plotted.
Both the size and stride parameters together affect temporal locality (but only the stride affects spatial locality). For example, the 32k-s0 configuration has a similar temporal locality as the 64k-s1 configuration because the first access and last access to every line are interleaved by the same number of cache lines. If you hold the size at a particular value and go along the stride axis, some lines that are repeatedly accessed at a lower stride would not be accessed at higher strides, making their temporal locality essentially zero. It's possible to define temporal locality formally, but I'll not do that to answer the question. On the other hand, if you hold the stride at a particular value and go along the size axis, temporal locality for each accessed line becomes smaller with higher sizes. However, performance deteriorates not because of the uniformly lower temporal locality of each accessed line, but because of the larger working set size.
I think the size axis better illustrates the impact of the size of the working set (the amount of memory the loop is going to access during its execution) on execution time than temporal locality. To observe the impact of temporal locality on performance, the memory throughput of the first run of this loop should be compared against that of the second run of the same loop (same size and stride). Temporal locality increases by the same amount for each accessed cache line in the second run of the loop and, if the cache hierarchy is optimized for temporal locality, the throughput of the second run should be better than that of the first. In general, the throughput of each of N sequential invocations of the same loop should be plotted to see the full impact of temporal locality, where N >= 2.
By the way, memory mountains on other processors can be found here and here. You can create a 3D mountain plot using this or this script.


Desired Compute-To-Memory-Ratio (OP/B) on GPU

I am trying to undertand the architecture of the GPUs and how we assess the performance of our programs on the GPU. I know that the application can be:
Compute-bound: performance limited by the FLOPS rate. The processor’s cores are fully utilized (always have work to do)
Memory-bound: performance limited by the memory
bandwidth. The processor’s cores are frequently idle because memory cannot supply data fast enough
The image below shows the FLOPS rate, peak memory bandwidth, and the Desired Compute to memory ratio, labeled by (OP/B), for each microarchitecture.
I also have an example of how to compute this OP/B metric. Example: Below is part of a CUDA code for applying matrix-matrix multiplication
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
sum += A[row*N + i]*B[i*N + col];
and the way to calculate OP/B for this matrix-matrix multiplication is as follows:
Matrix multiplication performs 0.25 OP/B
1 FP add and 1 FP mul for every 2 FP values (8B) loaded
Ignoring stores
and if we want to utilize this:
But matrix multiplication has high potential for reuse. For NxN matrices:
Data loaded: (2 input matrices)×(N^2 values)×(4 B) = 8N^2 B
Operations: (N^2 dot products)(N adds + N muls each) = 2N^3 OP
Potential compute-to-memory ratio: 0.25N OP/B
So if I understand this clearly well, I have the following questions:
It is always the case that the greater OP/B, the better ?
how do we know how much FP operations we have ? Is it the adds and the multiplications
how do we know how many bytes are loaded per FP operation ?
It is always the case that the greater OP/B, the better ?
Not always. The target value balances the load on compute pipe throughput and memory pipe throughput (i.e. that level of op/byte means that both pipes will be fully loaded). As you increase op/byte beyond that or some level, your code will switch from balanced to compute-bound. Once your code is compute bound, the performance will be dictated by the compute pipe that is the limiting factor. Additional op/byte increase beyond this point may have no effect on code performance.
how do we know how much FP operations we have ? Is it the adds and the multiplications
Yes, for the simple code you have shown, it is the adds and multiplies. Other more complicated codes may have other factors (e.g. sin, cos, etc.) which may also contribute.
As an alternative to "manually counting" the FP operations, the GPU profilers can indicate the number of FP ops that a code has executed.
how do we know how many bytes are loaded per FP operation ?
Similar to the previous question, for simple codes you can "manually count". For complex codes you may wish to try to use profiler capabilities to estimate. For the code you have shown:
sum += A[row*N + i]*B[i*N + col];
The values from A and B have to be loaded. If they are float quantities then they are 4 bytes each. That is a total of 8 bytes. That line of code will require 1 floating point multiplication (A * B) and one floating point add operation (sum +=). The compiler will fuse these into a single instruction (fused multiply-add) but the net effect is you are performing two floating point operations per 8 bytes. op/byte is 2/8 = 1/4. The loop does not change the ratio in this case. To increase this number, you would want to explore various optimization methods, such as a tiled shared-memory matrix multiply, or just use CUBLAS.
(Operations like row*N + i are integer arithmetic and don't contribute to the floating-point load, although its possible they may be significant, performance-wise.)

How can I force an L2 cache miss?

I want to study the effects of L2 cache misses on CPU power consumption. To measure this, I have to create a benchmarks that gradually increase the working set size such that core activity (micro-operations executed per cycle) and L2 activity (L2 request per cycle) remain constant, but the ratio of L2 misses to L2 requests increases.
Can anyone show me an example of C program which forces "N" numbers of L2 cache misses?
You can generally force cache misses at some cache level by randomly accessing a working set larger than that cache level1.
You would expect the probability of any given load to be a miss to be something like: p(hit) = min(100, C / W), and p(miss) = 1 - p(hit) where p(hit) and p(miss) are the probabilities of a hit and miss, C is the relevant cache size, and W is the working set size. So for a miss rate of 50%, use a working set of twice the cache size.
A quick look at the formula above shows that p(miss) will never be 100%, since C/W only goes to 0 as W goes to infinity (and you probably can't afford an infinite amount of RAM). So your options are:
Getting "close enough" by using a very large working set (e.g., 4 GB gives you a 99%+ miss chance for a 256 KB), and pretending you have a miss rate of 100%.
Applying the formula to determine the actual expected number of misses. E.g., if you are using a working size of 2560 KB against an L2 cache of 256 KB, you have a miss rate of 90%. So if you want to examine the effect of 1,000 misses, you should make 1000 / 0.9 = ~1111 memory access to get about 1,000 misses.
Use any approximate approach but then actually count the number of misses you incur using the performance counter units on your CPU. For example, on Linux you could use PAPI or on Linux and Windows you could use Intel's PCM (if you are using Intel hardware).
Use an "almost random" approach to force the number of misses you want. The formula above is valid for random accesses, but if you choose you access pattern so that it is random with the caveat that it doesn't repeat "recent" accesses, you can get a 100% miss ratio. Here "recent" means accesses to cache lines that are likely to still be in the cache. Calculating what that means exactly is tricky, and depends in detail on the associativity and replacement algorithm of the cache, but if you don't repeat any access that has occurred in the last cache_size * 10 accesses, you should be pretty safe.
As for the C code, you should at least show us what you've tried. A basic outline is to create a vector of bytes or ints or whatever with the required size, then to randomly access that vector. If you make each access dependent on the previous access (e.g., use the integer read to calculate the index of the next read) you will also get a rough measurement of the latency of that level of cache. If the accesses are independent, you'll probably have several outstanding misses to the cache at once, and get more misses per unit time. Which one you are interested in depend on what you are studying.
For an open source project that does this kind of memory testing across different stride and working set sizes, take a look at TinyMemBench.
1 This gets a bit trickier for levels of caches that are shared among cores (usually L3 for recent Intel chips, for example) - but it should work well if your machine is pretty quiet while testing.

Finding Average Penalty from AMAT

I can calculate penalty when I have a single cache. But I'm unsure what to do when I am presented with two L1 caches (one for data and one for instruction) that are accessed in parallel. I'm also unsure what to do when I'm presented with clock cycles instead of actual time such as ns.
How do I calculate the average miss penalty using these new parameters?
Do I just use the formula two times and then average the miss penalty or is there more to this?
AMAT = hit time + miss rate * miss penalty
For example I have the following values:
AMAT = 4 clock cycles
L1 data access = 2 clock cycle (also hit time)
L1 instruction access = 2 clock cycle (also hit time)
60% of instructions are loads and stores
L1 instruction miss rate = 1%
L1 data miss rate = 3%
How would these values fit into AMAT?
Short answer
The average memory access time (AMAT) is typically calculated by taking the total number of instructions and dividing it by the total number of cycles spent servicing the memory request.
On page B-17 of Computer Architecture a Quantiative Approach, 5th edition AMAT is defined as:
Average memory access time = % instructions x (Hit time + instruction miss rate x miss penalty) + % data x (Hit time + Data miss rate x miss penalty)`.
As you can see in this formula each instruction counts for a single memory access and the instructions that operate on data (load/store) constitute an additional memory access.
Note that there are many simplifying instructions that are made when using AMAT, and depending on the performance analysis that you want to perform. The same textbook I quotes earlier notes that:
In summary, although the state of the art in defining and measuring
memory stalls for out-of-order processors is complex, be aware of the
issues because they significantly affect performance. The complexity
arises because out-of-order processors tolerate some latency due to
cache misses without hurting performance. Consequently, designers
normally use simulators of the out-of-order processor and memory when
evaluating trade-offs in the memory hierarchy to be sure that an
improvement that helps the average memory latency actually helps
program performance.
My point of including this quote is that in practice AMAT is used for getting an approximate comparison between various different option. And as a result there are always simplifying assumptions used. But generally the memory accesses for instructions and data are added together to get a total number of accesses when calculating AMAT, rather than being calculated separately.
The way I see it, since the L1 Instruction Cache and the L1 Data Cache are accessed in parallel, you should compute AMAT for Instructions and AMAT for data, and then take the largest value as the final AMAT.
In your example since the Data Miss Rate is higher than Instruction Miss Rate you can consider that during the time the CPU waits for data, it solves all the misses on the instruction cache.
If the measure unit is cycles you do the same as if it were nanoseconds. If you know the frequency of your processor, you can convert back the AMAT in nanoseconds.

Does the hardware-prefetcher benefit in this memory access pattern?

I have two arrays: A with N_A random integers and B with N_B random integers between 0 and (N_A - 1). I use the numbers in B as indices into A in the following loop:
for(i = 0; i < N_B; i++) {
sum += A[B[i]];
Experimenting on an Intel i7-3770, N_A = 256 million, N_B = 64 million, this loop takes only .62 seconds, which corresponds to a memory access latency of about 9 nanoseconds.
As this latency is too small, I was wondering if the hardware prefetcher is playing a role. Can someone offer an explanation?
The HW prefetcher can see through your first level of indirection (B[i]) since these elements are sequential. It's capable of issuing multiple prefetches ahead, so you could assume that the average access into B would hit the caches (either L1 or L2). However, there's no way that the prefetcher can predict random addresses (the data stored in B) and prefetch the correct elements from A. You still have to perform a memory access in almost all accesses to A (disregarding occasional lucky cache hits due to reuse of lines)
The reason you see such low latency is that the accesses into A are non serialized, the CPU can access multiple elements of A simultaneously, so the time doesn't just accumulate. In fact, you measure memory BW here, checking how long it takes to access 64M elements overall, not memory latency (how long it takes to access a single element).
A reasonable "snapshot" of the CPU memory unit should show several outstanding requests - a few accesses into B[i], B[i+64], ... (the intermediate accesses should simply get merged as each request fetches a 64Byte line), all of which would probably be prefetches reflecting future values of i, intermixed with random accesses to A elements according to the previously fetched elements of B.
To measure latency, you need each access to depends on the result of the previous one, for e.g. by making the content of each element in A the index of the next access.
The CPU charges ahead in the instruction stream and will juggle multiple outstanding loads at once. The stream looks like this:
load b[0]
load a[b[0]]
loop code
load b[1]
load a[b[1]]
loop code
load b[1]
load a[b[1]]
loop code
The iterations are only serialized by the loop code, which runs quickly. All loads can run concurrently. Concurrency is just limited by how many loads the CPU can handle.
I suspect you wanted to benchmark random, unpredictable, serialized memory loads. This is actually pretty hard on a modern CPU. Try to introduce an unbreakable dependency chain:
int lastLoad = 0;
for(i = 0; i < N_B; i++) {
var load = A[B[i] + (lastLoad & 1)]; //be sure to make A one element bigger
sum += load;
lastLoad = load;
This requires the last load to be executed until the address of the next load can be computed.

Storing values in separate CPU cache banks

As part of a class project I am looking at ways to improve the performance of a path finding algorithm in a CPU architecture. The algorithm is implemented in C++. The basic operation is to read x,y coordinates and perform some operations on them.
The idea I have right now is to store x and y coordinates separately in two cache banks(set associative). Two coordinates entered for a location should be stored in different banks such that it should be able to read them both in parallel and do separate operations on x and y coordinates and store the combined result. By using vector operations this process can be further sped up to read up to 4 x coordinates and 4 y coordinates at the same time.
For example, for computing euclidean distance from the goal node, at each location the x and y coordinates has to be read and subtracted from goal coordinates to find out the distance.
I wish to know if there is an effective way(cache placement policy) to keep x and y coordinates in different cache lines/blocks for taking advantage of parallelism. Is there any operation/encoding of coordinates I can use to implement it?
P.S: I am not looking for software optimizations but for a modified cache design(theoretical) to speed up the algorithm.
Ref: This blog post mentions that "L1 cache can process two accesses in parallel if they access cache lines from different banks, and serially if they belong to the same bank."
A coordinate held in a structure like this:
struct {
int x;
int y;
} coordinate;
will fit into a single cache line. In fact, on typical MIPS processors with a 32 byte cache line, 8 instances of coordinate will fit into a cache line. The CPU will read the entire line at once from a single bank or way in the data cache, and all 32 bytes, or all 4 coordinates will thenceforth be available in a 32 byte fill/store buffer (FSB) at zero delay to the pipeline. MIPS processors with caches typically have more than one FSB.
MIPS processors with banked or set-associative caches typically use a LRU algorithm to select which bank/way new data is placed into on a cache miss. It is not generally possible to ensure that data from a certain location always gets placed into a particular way in the cache.
All this is to say that your scheme of storing x and y coordinates in separate cache banks will not improve performance over a naive scheme because of the positive effects of the FSBs on the naive scheme and because of the unpredictable effects of the way selection algorithm for the cache.
